《Mafia's Chef (COMPLETED)》2.


Excuse me" I said to that girl.

"Yes sir?" She asked politely.

"Who is the chef?"

"I am the chef. Any problem with food?" She asked nervously.

"Are you kidding us? This is the best food we ever ate!" Xander beat me to it.

"Its my pleasure. Thank you very much." She said.

"I want you to be my personal chef." I blurted out.

The girl obviously was baffled. She didn't speak for a minute.

"Can you speak?" I ask annoyed.

"I am sorry sir. But I have this diner to work for. I cant work for you."

"Do you know whom are you refusing to?"

"I am afraid, I dont know."

"You...." I was about to yell at her but Xander stopped me.

"Xavier lets go. I have payed the check."

"But this girl......."

"Xav lets leave."

"Fine. You will accept my offer. Wait and watch." I said pointing my finger towards her.

I reached my home obviously pretty late. I lived alone except the house maids. Yes I have a twin sister but she is in Paris. She has a legal job there. She didnt want to be a part of mafia. And just for her security I have legal businessess too.

I reached my room, I undressed myself and went in to take a cold shower. That chef girl was still on my mind. Who does she thinks of herself? The queen of New York or what?

She doesnt know with whom she has herself included.

After I get in my pajamas. I call my secretary Monica. She picks up in second ring.

"Hello sir." She says in seductive voice.

The only reason I havent fired her is that she is good in her work. But a pure slut I must say.


"Monica each and every information about Scarlet Rivera chef of Foodie's diner by tomorrow morning on my desk."

"Okay sir. Anything else you want from me?" She said hinting a hook up.

"There is nothing other than this you can give me Monica."

I hung up.

Tomorrow morning I will have everything about Scarlet Rivera.

Oh my lord! I slump down on my bed. Such a tiring day. And on the top of it that rude arrogant customer. He asked me to be his personal chef! For gods sake he can't order anyone like that. I have a diner to run. I can't work for him. And even if I could, I wouldn't work for him. He was such a arrogant jerk.

But scarlet he looked very rich. What if he ruins your diner, your career? Oh god please save my diner.

Tomorrow Mr. Solano is coming to my diner. He is a bank official. I haven't paid last four months installment. I am afraid he is going to take my diner.

Lets see what tomorrow holds for me and my diner.

And with that thought I drifted of to La-la land.




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