《If only I knew you (UNEDITED)》Bonus Chapter


"Sunny...my child, come down for breakfast" my mother shouted out from downstairs. I sighed and went downstairs only to get my mood ruined when I saw my dad sitting at the dining table with a newspaper in his hands. I was about to turn and go back upstairs into my room until my mom stopped me.

"Sunny where are you going, come and have breakfast before you leave for college" she said with a motherly tone. I took a deep breath and walked towards the table taking my seat. I didn't wait for anyone to start eating as I filled up my plate. I ignored my dad's gaze on my face as I stuffed my mouth.

Me and my dad don't get along. He was never there for me when I needed him, he was married to his job, he only had time for his work, not for his wife and his kid. He never gave me time as a kid and would always blame me for being an attention seeker.

"Mom, I'm going to come late tonight, I'm going out with friends" I informed her. She smiled "Well why don't you invite them over, it's been a while since they have come over" she offered. I shook my head, knowing that this old man will be there I rather not take the risk. "No thanks mum, it will be better if we just eat out" I muttered.

"Nonsense, Sona has been telling me that two new girls have joined your group. I want to meet them. Invite them tonight and I'll make my special pie for them...I know they will love it" she said with excitement. "No mum-"

"Invite them over...even I want to meet them" my dad cut me off. I rolled my eyes, "I'm going mum, bye" I ignored my dad and stood up. "Son, wait" my dad called out but I ignored him. "Sunny" my mum called out making me sigh as I stopped. "Please bring them over" she spoke. "Okay" I huffed and walked out from my house ignoring my dad's sad face.


"Omg I'm so excited, it's been ages since we have had dinner at your place and now we have two new members in our group" Sona said with happiness. I glanced over at Ezhil who was playing with Eyshu's hair looking at her with so much love. I smiled at the two, they looked perfect together.

I then glanced at Riya who was looked nervous. I smirked and wrapped my arms around her, "Why so nervous?...it's not like I'm asking your hand in marriage" I teased her. She glared at me and punched my stomach making me laugh "Even if you were the only man in the world, I would never marry you then" she scoffed making me smirk. Riya oh Riya...this little minx has been on my mind since the day I have met her.

"Do I look okay?...maybe I should wear black....your dad like black but then your mum likes blue...ughh....someone help me" Sagar complained. "Oh Gosh Sagar, you are worse than a girl....just wear what ever you want" Sona stuck her tongue out at him.

"Eyshu" he pouted making her laugh. She stood up now making Ezhil pout making me laugh. Gosh I never knew he could even make a face like that. I never imagined him to fall for a girl so madly. Eyshana, what can I say about her. She is really different from all other girls and has become one of my closet friends. She is unique, kind and very loving unlike her snobby little sister who loves to do my heading.


After an hour of teasing, chatting and getting ready we all left for my house. Once our car parked outside the mansion the doors opened with my mum running out. "and here comes the queen" Vicky winked at her before giving her a big hug. "Oh Vicky, you will never change from your flirting ways" she teased him.

She hugged everyone in the group until she stopped at Eyshana and Riya. "You both must be the new girls" she said with a kind smile. They both looked nervous but smiled back greeting her with respect. I felt pride knowing that my mum liked them from first sight. "I must say, you both are very beautiful, welcome to my home" she said as she hugged the both of them.

We all walked in and walked into the dining room. "Oh I can't wait for what you have made today Mrs Edwards...I am a fan of your cooking" Farhan said as he licked his lips. "Oh you will definitely love what I have made" mum said and disappeared in the kitchen.

We all sat down at the table until someone non important interrupted us. I clenched my jaw in anger but controlled myself. "Good evening children" my dad said with a small smile, wrinkles shown on his face. They all stood up in respect except me and greeted him. He looked towards Eyshana and Riya and smiled, "Welcome girls" he said kindly making me scoff. I wonder what's making him act so nicely all of a sudden.

My mum shortly later came with the food and we all ate with silence. "So how did you meet this group?" dad asked the sisters. Eyshana stopped eating and looked at Ezhil while Riya glared at me. "we met them through your son Mr Edwards" Riya spoke.

"Oh, well that's nice" he said. After we ate, mum brought in some cake and tea. "Mmmm" Riya moaned as she took a bite out of her cake. Fuck, just one moan and it made my junior spring up. "This is amazing Mrs Edwards, you have magic in your hands" she praised my mum who blushed. "Thank you" she said shyly making me smile.

"So where are you girls from?" my dad asked them. "We are from a small town in London, not so far off from here" Eyshana replied. "Oh that's nice...so how are you liking it here...in the city?" he asked trying to make a conversation, "It's good....I still miss my home town but it's nice being here as well, we have much more opportunities here than our town" she replied again with a smile.

"I was also from a town but my dad got transferred into the city. I also miss my life back at home, it's more peace there than living in the city yet you are correct, we have a better opportunity in living a life here than in a small town" my dad laughed.

"I remember when Sunny was 8 years old and I took him to my home town. He loved it so much there that he cried through the whole journey when we came back to the city. Ah I loved those days when we used to play football at the park and eat Ice cream outside and-"

"That's enough" I slammed my hand onto the table causing everyone to go quiet. I shook in anger as I clenched my jaw. How dare he speak like that as if he actually spent anytime with me?.

"You were never there for me.....never....so stop trying to act like you were" I snapped at him and left the dining room in anger causing my chair to fall to the ground. "Sunny" my mum sobbed but I ignored her.


I entered my room and slammed the door as I tugged onto my hair. "Why?...why is he trying to get closer to me now and not when I really needed him" I whispered. I heard a knock on my door causing me to groan. "Go away" I spat. The knock happened again making me angry. "JUST GET LOST MAN!" I shouted.

Suddenly the door opened and I was about to give them a piece of my mind until I stopped when I saw Eyshana standing there. I sighed and turned around, "Go away Eyshu" I muttered. "That's not how you speak to an elder Sunny" she scolded me. I scoffed and snapped my head at her, "You don't know anything so don't you dare tell me what to do" I said with a rude tone but it didn't faze her. She sighed and walked towards me.

"You know Sunny, you are really lucky to have a father" she said with a sad tone. I turned my head at her. "Not many people are gifted with father, mother or even families and you are one of the fortunate ones who has a mother and a father" she said making me look down in guilt knowing she has lost her parents.

"Sunny, sometimes before making judgments or getting angry you need to find out what your father went through. Haven't you ever thought why your dad never gave you time when you were a kid. Why he wasn't there when you needed him, such as your school plays, your parent meetings etc?, have you ever asked him?, have you ever tried to find out why he did all of this?" she asked me.

I gave her a confused look. "Look Sunny, sometimes there is more to what we just see. Your father loves you a lot and I can tell instantly just by looking into his eyes. I saw the way he looked at you at dinner. He was craving for your love. Have you ever looked into your dad's eyes?, maybe if you did then you would be able to see the love that you always wanted to see but what you didn't know is that love was always there for you...from the start" she spoke as she patted my back.

Unknowingly tears started to built up in my eyes as I bit my lip. "I know I have no right to tell you what to do but as a girl who has lost her parents, I would advice you to speak to your father and ask him why?....why he wasn't there when you needed him....maybe....maybe then you will find out the scarifies your dad had made for you" she said before leaving the room leaving me with my thoughts.

Tear after tear left my eyes as I saw flashes of my dad playing football with me or when he used to chase me around the house with chocolate all over his fingers. I wiped my tears and left my room. I walked towards my dad's room and raised my fist to knock on his door until the door opened itself.

"Son" my dad looked at me with surprise as he opened the door only to find me there with a raised hand. "Um" I placed my hand beside me, "can....can I talk to you.....please?" I asked politely not meeting his eyes. He looked at me with shock and nodded. "Of course...come...come inside" he opened there door widely for me.

"So..." he said awkwardly.

I turned around and faced him. "Why?" I asked.

He gave me a painful look "I'm sorry my son" he said as he looked down. "I didn't mean to ignore you....I really didn't but I needed to feed my family....I needed to work hard so that I could give you and your mother a better life. I didn't get this wealth just like this, I worked very hard for it. You know Sunny we were very poor, we used to live in a very bad neighbourhood, with broken beds and windows.

I couldn't see my family living like this forever so I did my best to get a job. I did jobs from washing dishes to being a waiter to being a delivery guy until I started to show interest in business and that's when my journey started" he confessed making me shocked.

"I have always loved you my son....always" he closed his eyes. My tears started to leak out of my eyes as I looked down.

"Your father-" my mum suddenly said as she stood near the door. "used to give up his food so that you could eat. One day it was raining really badly and we only had two small pieces of bread with very little rice in our house. You had already ate so that food was enough for the both of us but suddenly you got hungry again, you were a child so it was understandable. Your father came home from work, very tired and exhausted. He hadn't eaten all day and was very hungry but when he saw you crying for food, he gave up his food for himself and gave it to you so that you could stay happy" my mother cried.

"He always loved you my son....he always did" she cried. I was shocked. My dad really did that?. I looked at my dad who was looking down with his eyes closed.

"I would advice you to speak to your father and ask him why?....why he wasn't there when you needed him....maybe....maybe then you will find out the scarifies your dad had made for you" Eyshana's voice echoed in my ears.. "I'm so sorry dad" I cried as I hugged him. He hugged me back tightly as we both cried in each other's arms. "I'm sorry for ignoring you...for hating you...for being rude to you....I'm sorry....I love you dad" I cried. He also cried and patted my back, "I love you too my child".

My mum hugged us and I instantly hugged her back. We were interrupted by a click from a camera. "What a beautiful family hug" Sona said as she took another photo. I quickly wiped my tears and smiled at my family. I looked back at my friends and my eyes stopped at Eyshana who was stood at the back with Ezhil. She smiled at me and held her thumb up. I smiled and walked towards her, engulfing her in my arms.

She seemed to be shocked just like everyone else but hugged me back. "Thank you....thank you so much, if it wasn't for you then I would have never got my dad back" I broke the hug. I could feel a glare at the side of my face and smirked knowing it was Ezhil. "Thank you 'sister'" I smirked at Ezhil who chuckled at me.

but little did I know that my sister who gave my dad back to me was going to be ruined by her own brother.....Sunny Edwards!!!

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