《If only I knew you (UNEDITED)》Chapter 18: Accussed


I slammed the door open as I stormed into my house. "It has to be a misunderstanding....it couldn't be Eyshana....Eyshana doesn't even know Preeti, heck she hasn't even seen her....so why would she do that?" Sagar defended her.

Aliya scoffed, "you saw the footage, that hit was planned. She was literally sitting there watching Preeti and then ran her over, speeding off" Aliya sneered. "It looked like her, I mean same hair, same dress she was wearing on that day....it can't be her twin now, she looked just like her and her car....it was the same but then again there are thousands of cars that look like that" Farhan said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Guys...I think we are just overthinking....I'm sure it's not her. Eyshana has been such a sweetheart to us....that girl couldn't even kill a fly.....I think we shouldn't jump to conclusions without knowing the actual truth" Sona said.

"That was the truth Sona...what else do you think that was?....She was wearing the same dress that she was wearing on that day of the accident. She is also drives that same car, can't you see that everything is matching....it's her....I knew she barged into our life's for a reason"

"ENOUGH" I shouted making everyone jump.

"Vicky I want you to get me the number plate of Eyshana's car and take a screen shot of the number plate of the car in the footage and send it me" I spoke. "I'm on it" Vicky said as he quickly called someone.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back onto the couch. I know it's not you...I hope it's not you...please....I don't want it to be you....it can't be you. I can't accuse her....I have to trust her....I trust her, for god sake she is my beauty, the fucking love of my life....she can't even hurt a fly, so why would she hurt a person?.

I took out my phone and rang her number but her phone was switched off. I frowned and decided to call Riya. "Hello" she said. "Hi Riya...where is Eyshana and why is her phone switched off?" I asked in concern.


"Eyshana has gone out and her phone battery died so it's at home" she told me. I froze at the information.

Don't think about it Ezhil....don't think about it, it isn't her, she wasn't there when it happened.

"Okay thanks" I said and disconnected the call.

"What happened?...she wasn't there right?...I knew it....I know it's her" Aliya scoffed. I glared at her in anger. "Just shut your fucking mouth" I snapped at her making her silent. She looked at me with utter shock while the others had the same reaction.

"E-ezhi" she said weakly with tears welling in her eyes. "I don't know what your fucking problem is with my girl but just shut that mouth of yours. We don't even know anything yet and here you are giving not only me but all of us a fucking headache so just SHUT UP!" I shouted at the end making her flinch.


I closed my eyes tightly as I ran my hand through my hair. "You didn't need to go crazy on her" Farhan said. "What else could I have done Farhan?...she kept accusing her, I can't just stand here and listen to the false accusations on the girl I love" I sighed and sat down.

"My sister is in coma and here she is screaming her head off" I pinched the bridge of my nose. Farhan patted my back. "have faith....everything will be okay".


"Ezhil" Vicky entered the room. I placed my sister's hand back onto the bed, giving her forehead a kiss. "Did you find anything?" I asked him as I moved away from my sister so I didn't disturb her. Vicky looked tense, his body was stiff and he was sweating. "I think we should go home to the others" he said after he gulped. I frowned, "Everything okay?" I asked.


"Just...just come home" he breathed heavily. I looked at him with suspense but nodded and drove back home with him. I parked the car outside my house and walked inside only to find the others there as well. "Now tell me, what happened?" I asked.


"I...I what?....speak up" I said with frustration. He took out a file and handed it over to me. I looked at him with a frown and looked back at the file. I opened the file only to see some photos of the car that nearly killed my sister. "You see the first picture, that is Eyshana's car, now look at the number plate, the second image looks similar to Eyshana's right?, now look at it's number plate. I-it's....it's the same Ezhil" Vicky said with disbelief, disappointment and sadness.

I stood there frozen in shock, no, no, it couldn't be. This isn't true. I kept looking at the photos and indeed it was exactly the same. "and I also sent a private investigator after her and it was shown that she was out at that time, the car she was driving was parked near the hospital and after a few minutes Preeti was hit by that car Ezhil" Vicky spoke shattering my heart into pieces.

I fell onto the floor with the file in my hands. "If you flip to the send page, there's an image with Eyshana standing near her car and in the footage, it's the same person, same dress, same hair, it's all the same Ezhil"

I shook my head, "This has to be wrong......there must be something wrong. She couldn't do this Vick...I know she wouldn't"

"That isn't all Ezhil" Farhan spoke, "Remember the night of your mother's accident?" he asked causing me to nod. "That night Eyshana's parents died as well and you know who her parents were?, Mr and Mrs Roy.....Mr Abhimanyu Roy and Mrs Sonya Roy" he said throwing a bomb over my head.

The file fell from my hands as I sat there broken. "Roys...why....why didn't I realize this sooner....those fucking Roys" I gritted out. "Wait...so Eyshana and Riya are the daughters of the Roy family?" Sona asked in shock.

The Roys....I hated the Roys....the Roys and my family had big enmity. I lost my dad because of the Roys and then I lost my mother because of these Roys. I wanted to destroy them but when I heard of their death I backed out but I didn't know they had two daughters. What if?....what if she planned to take revenge from me?....what if this was all a plan?...No...no it can't be....I saw love in her eyes.

"That's not all as well.....remember the night where Preeti was about to get raped?" Sunny asked making my head snap up at him in anger. "She was there....Eyshana was there. This was all a plan Ezhil....this was all a plan. Eyshana did this to avenge her parents....it was all fake from her side" Sunny said with pity and sadness yet anger burnt into his eyes.

I wiped my eyes as I picked up the file with Eyshana's photo in. I glanced at the candle near me and ripped out the pages inside the file. I placed the papers over the candle and watched the fire eat the paper until it turned into ashes.

"So this was all plan...a game for you Eyshana Roy?....now you will see how a player plays his game" I seethed in anger as I wiped my last tear that will ever drop for her.

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