《If only I knew you (UNEDITED)》Chapter 14: Saved


"This will look amazing on you....you have to wear this" Riya squealed in excitement. I huffed and fell on the bed. "I can't wear that....I'm going to look like a whore" I whined. Riya faked a gasp and slapped my arm. "Ouch" I rubbed my arm with a pout on my lips. "You will look hot and gorgeous....not like a whore plus Ezhil's eyes won't leave you once you wear this" she smirked.

I looked at the short black dress. It was too revealing and wasn't my type. I shook my head. "No I'm not wearing that" I said. Riya rolled her eyes and ignored me. "You are wearing it....end of story" she said and started to get out her makeup set. "Now sit here and let me you do your hair and makeup" She scolded me, acting like she was elder than me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, getting up from the bed as I sat in front of the mirror.

The group had decided to hang around together at the club tonight, I first refused but Riya forced me. I also accepted as I didn't want any girl to flirt with Ezhil. I mentally chuckled....I was acting like a possessive girlfriend.

Once my hair and makeup was done, I stood up and stared at the short black dress with a frown. "Do I not have any other better dresses that's are bit longer?" I whined. "Oh shush and get ready" she teased and pushed me inside the bathroom. I sighed and wore the dress.

Once I opened the door, I heard a gasp. "I look bad, don't I?" I huffed. "What on earth are you talking about girl?...you look so hot....just look at you" she pulled me in front of my big mirror. I sighed...I indeed look good but I still felt uncomfortable with such a short dress on, I'm not used to wearing clothes like this. The dress hugged all my curves and stopped at my thighs.

I turned and looked at Riya who was now applying her lipstick. She looked gorgeous. She was wearing a short red sleeveless dress with her high heels on. I wonder how she will walk in those. We both then jumped when we heard a car beep outside.

"They are here....come one let's go" she said excitedly and grabbed her purse rushing outside the door. I glanced back at the mirror not liking this idea, so I grabbed a shawl just in case and left the room.

"Wow Riya you are looking hot" Sona said as she hugged Riya. Sona was looking like a goddess. She was wearing a dark royal blue dress to her knees, the fabric hugging every curve of her body. Her makeup was heavy as she had her hair in a high pony tail.

I felt an intense gaze on the side of my face which made my heart beat accelerate. I turned my face towards the person who was staring at me. I felt goose bumps all over my body as his eyes scanned all over me. He was looking very handsome. He had his jeans on, with a tight top showing off his muscles along with wearing a black leather jacket. You could tell he looked like a bad boy.

He walked towards me, his eyes not moving away from my face. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into his chest. "You are looking so beautiful, so sexy but...." he leaned his face towards my ear. "I don't want others to look at what's mine" he whispered in my ear making my cheeks heat up. He grabbed the shawl from my hands and wrapped it around my arms.


"Hey love birds....continue your PDA later...we need to leave and by the way you are looking gorgeous Eyshana" Vicky winked making Ezhil chuckle and me blush. "Let's go" he kissed my temple. We both walked out, hand in hand as he smiled down at me. He then opened the car door for me and I sat down whispering a thanks to him.

Throughout the entire ride he held my hand. Sometimes he would draw circles on my thigh, or he would grab my hand and kiss it repeatedly, his hands were always on me. I blushed through the journey always trying to look away from his intense eyes.

Once we reached, Ezhil made sure I was with him all the time. He did not remove his hand from my waist when he entered the club. The music boomed all over the place, sweaty bodies dancing together while other were just making out. We all made our way to the bar so we could order some drinks. I found a seat to sit on and was about to sit on my seat until I was pulled back into a lap. "You don't need a seat my beauty when I'm here" he nuzzled his face into my cheek. I blushed and chuckled, stroking his cheek. He nuzzled his face into my hand, warming my heart.

He kept playing with my hair as I took a few sips of my orange juice he had ordered for me. "Ezhi....do you want to dance?" a voice suddenly said. We both turned towards the voice and my smile suddenly died down at who I saw. "No thanks Aliya...I don't want to leave my girl....you go and enjoy" he politely said as he continued playing with my hair while I sat on his lap. I looked at her sad face which made me feel bad for her.

"It's okay Ezhil...you can go and dance-", "No I don't want to dance...I'm not leaving you on your own" he said. I sighed and glanced back at Aliya. "I-It's okay" she said with a weak voice and walked away.

"YO GUYS....STOP BEING SO BROING AND LET'S DANCE!!" Sunny shouted as he took a full shot of his drink. I laughed at him...he was definitely drunk. "Wanna dance with me my beauty?" Ezhil whispered into my ear. I shook my head, "I don't know how to dance" I said with shyness. He chuckled as he muttered 'Cute'. "It's ok my beauty...even I don't know how to dance...let's just move along with the beat" he said as I got off his lap. He held my hand as we both pushed our way through the crowd. Ezhil was behind me as he caged me with his arms from the back, walking us to a small space to dance.

I felt so protected and happy with him protecting me from other guys. Oh gosh, I don't even know what this feeling was but whatever this feeling is...I am loving it a lot. Once we found a spot he pulled me into his chest, his arms wrapping around my body as we both moved side to side with the music. "So beautiful" he said as he placed his hand on my cheek, instantly adding heat to it.

"Eyshana...no girl has ever made me feel this way" he suddenly said. "I..." he breathed out as he leaned closer to my face. I stopped moving and froze when his nose touched mine. "I..." he moved even close, his breath tickling my upper lip. "I love you" he whispered and smashed his lips onto mine.


My eyes widened in shock as he madly kissed me. His hands went lower and lower until he touched my ass making me gulp. "I love you" his words echoed in my ears. The only thing I could hear was my heart beat drumming against my chest. He loved me?....he....he loves me?.

He suddenly plunged his tongue into my mouth making me instantly kiss him back. He placed one hand under my ear and ravished my lips throwing all his feelings into it. We both broke the kiss with me breathing heavily. "Fuck" he muttered as he landed his lips onto mine again. I kissed him back with the same energy taking in his taste.

I felt sparks all over my body, my lips now on fire as he squeezed my ass. "I love you my beauty and I'm never going to let you go" he spoke in between the kisses. I blushed and hid my face into his chest while he chuckled and hugged me, rocking us both side to side.

"I....I love you too" I whispered into his chest. He stopped rocking and cupped my cheeks making me look at him. "Say it again" he said with so much emotions. I smiled shyly, my cheeks red as I looked into his eyes. Yes...Yes I love him...this feeling...it's love...it has to be love. "I love you" I repeated and once again his lips met mine as he pushed me to a a wall, kissing me like a hungry man. "Gosh I can't get enough of you" he whispered as he pecked my neck. "I love you so much my beauty....thank you...thank you for coming into my life" he leaned his forehead against mine as I smiled while closing my eyes.

"Ezhi" a voice suddenly interrupted our moment making me snap my eyes open. Ezhil's head was still leaning against mine as I saw him clenching his jaw in anger. I gave him a concerned look. He opened his eyes and moved away looking at the person who interrupted us. "Um...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to distract you...I....I came because Sagar is going crazy...I mean he has had too much to drink and he has literally ruined the whole floor due to his vomiting" Aliya said, her eyes not leaving Ezhil as she ignored me. Ezhil stood up straight and ran his hand through his hair.

"Sagar never drinks a lot...gosh this boy. I bet you this is all Sunny's doing" Ezhil rolled his eyes. "Let's go" he said to me and Aliya as he held my hand but I stopped him. "Um...you go with Aliya...I need to go to the bathroom. I will be back quickly" I said as I took my hand out of his, instantly feeling cold. Ezhil looked at me with an unknown emotion. "Then I'll come with you" he offered but I shook my head. "Don't worry, I'll be fine, Sagar needs you...I will be there quickly" I smiled at him. He sighed and nodded, "Okay be quick, If I don't see you in 5 minutes then I'll come looking for you" he kissed my forehead. I smiled and nodded at him as he walked away with Aliya.

I sighed and turned towards the restrooms. I went in and leaned against the sink staring at my reflection. I turned the tap on and splashed water over my face, feeling refreshed. I then used a few tissue papers and patted my face dry. I left the restroom and scanned the place to find where my group was but couldn't see any of them. My heart started to pound in fear. I've lost them.

I started to walk through the crowd trying to find them until I saw a familiar person.I smiled in relief. I followed that person as I tried to push through the drunken girls and boys. "Sorry...excuse me" I kept saying as I pushed my way through.

"SONA" I shouted out for her but she kept stumbling as she walked out of the club. I started to walk faster in fear for her. She was stumbling meaning that she was drunk. "SONA" I kept calling her but she kept walking ahead until I lost her.


I quickly took out my phone and tried to call Ezhil but the call wasn't going through. I kept calling and calling but the call wasn't connecting. I then tried to call Riya but her phone was switched off. I ran my hand through my hair and decided to find Sona before something happens to her.

I left the club, the cold air instantly hitting me causing my hairs on my body to stand up. I started looking around the eerie empty road but there were no signs of her. I tried to call her while I continued looking around but she wasn't accepting any of my calls.

I walked further and further until I heard a scream making me snap my head in fear towards the sound. "Sona" I said as I rushed towards the scream. "SONA" I shouted. "HELP!!" a female voice cried out. I breathed heavily as I stood there in shock. The sound was coming from behind some trees. "HAHAHAH shout as loud as you can....no one will be able to hear you" a male voice spoke. My heart froze in worry and fear. I slowly and steadily walked towards those trees but not before picking up a wooden thick stick that was laying near a tree trunk. I raised the stick up as I walked slowly and quietly towards the voices.

"P-Please leave me..." a voice begged. I wrapped my fingers tightly around the stick as I peeked out from behind a tree. There stood 4 men surrounding Sona who was crying on the ground with a man grabbing onto her hair. Her dress was ripped while her eyeliner was all smudged. I felt anger towards these men, it reminded me of an incident that happened a few weeks ago.

I slowly walked behind them and raised the stick smashing it on the guy's head who was grabbing Sona's hair. Sona looked at me with shock while I glared at the guy who was now groaning in pain. I quickly held Sona's hand before the other guys could attack and started to run while the men ran behind us. "CATCH THAT BITCH" a man shouted.

"Sona...you need to run faster" I told her and she nodded with tears running down her cheeks. We ran and ran until I spotted the club. I smiled in relief when I saw our cars and our group standing there with phones in their hands, maybe trying to call us. I slowed down as we nearly reached them. Sona continued to run and left my hand as she caught up with them.

I was feeling tired as I leaned my hands onto my knees. After a few breaths I stood up again and started making my way towards them until someone grabbed me from behind making me scream. "Where do you think you're going you little slut" a man with an ugly scar on his face spat at me. I looked at him with disgust and tried to push him away but he fisted my hair tightly making me cry out.

"L-let go off me" I cried but he grabbed my arm and slapped me across my face making me fall to the ground. I held my cheek, my hair all over my face as I sobbed. "Ah there she is....this little devil thought she could get away. You made me lose my night snack...but you will work for now.....now let's have fun shall we?" another man said with an ugly smirk as his other ugly friends caught up with him.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me up on my feet making me shake in fear. I looked at him with disgust and spat right on his face making him shocked. He then froze and glared right into my eyes, anger burning in his eyes as he touched his face. "You fucking bitch" he snapped and raised his hand causing me to instantly close my eyes waiting for the hit but nothing came.

I opened my eyes to see what happened but to my utter shock the man's hand was caught by another. Ezhil stood there, his jacket now on the floor, his hair messed up as he looked at the man with an emotionless look. His jaw was clenched as fisted his other palm which was free.

All of a sudden Ezhil snapped the man's wrist making him scream out in pain as he raised his fist and smashed it into the man's eye making him fall to the ground. "stand back" he spoke with no emotions while he eyed each and every guy who were now standing in a fight position.

I slowly moved back in fear as he cracked his knuckles urging the men to go first. One man ran towards Ezhil and punched him but Ezhil dodged his punch and punched him in his face and then his stomach, kicking him to the ground.

By that time Vicky and Farhan ran towards us and glared at the men in anger. "You didn't do right by trying to hurt my girl....." Ezhil muttered but I heard him. The boys then fought the men, punching, kicking and snapping their arms.

Ezhil grabbed the last man who had slapped me in a headlock and continued punching his face until his nose bled. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands, tears rolling down my face. "E-ezhil..p-please stop" I spoke but he didn't listen. He continued punching like he was a devil. I ran towards him and tried pulling him back, "EZHIL PLEASE" I cried out but he pushed my hand away and grabbed that man's hair and continued attacking his face. "How dare he touch you....how dare he try and hit you....how fucking dare he" Ezhil kept muttering to himself.

"Ez bro....calm down..." Farhan tried pulling him back. "FOR GOD SAKE HE HAS LOST HIS CONSIOUS....SO STOP" Vicky shouted at last and pulled Ezhil away who was now breathing heavily glaring at the lifeless man.

Ezhil ran his hand through his hair and snapped his head at me making me flinch. He then ran towards me making me move back a little until he came and wrapped his arms around my body so tightly that I felt I could lose my breath. He nuzzled his nose into my neck as he took in my scent.

"Next time....you are not leaving my sight.....and also no more clubs for you" he whispered in my neck and then grabbed my face and smashed his lips to mine.

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