《If only I knew you (UNEDITED)》Chapter 5: Friends


"How dare that piece of poop insult me like that. Thank god you came there Eyshu or else I don't know what would have happened. Such a shameless and disgusting guy he is. Seriously I would have beaten him up if he actually hit me....that...that dog...that pig...that disgusting cow " Riya hissed in anger as we entered in our class. "Cow?" I laughed causing her to glare at me. I chuckled until my tone became concerning. "Just stay away from him Riya....I don't want you getting hurt. Boys like him are dangerous" I said in concern. "Don't worry about me sis....I'm just worried about you. After you insulted him which he deserved...I'm scared that he might try and take revenge or something" Riya tensed as she started to bite her nails.

Fear rose in me as her words played in my mind again and again. "Let's just keep away from them" I muttered in worry. We both took our seats once the teacher entered the room. "Okay class...today we will-" before she could finish her sentence, the door sung open with a slam making me jump slightly. My eyes widened when I saw a handsome guy walk in like he owned the place with 2 boys behind him.

The teacher sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "What is your excuse this time Ezhir?" she said with defeat like this has happened many times. He smirked and shrugged his shoulders, ignoring her words as he scanned the room only to lock his eyes with me. I quickly looked away feeling my cheeks heat up. "Hey" I heard a deep voice in my ear making me startled. I turned to see Ezhir bending down, our noses nearly touching, his breath touching the top of my lips.


He pulled out the chair next to me and sat down, his arm wrapping around the back of my chair. I gulped as I hid my face under my long hair. "You don't mind me sitting here right?" he asked. I faced him and smiled, "No I don't mind" I said quietly. He didn't look away which made my body stiff. I turned my face towards the front and listened to the teacher's lecture. I could feel eyes burning on the side of my temple making me move on my seat.

Why wasn't he looking away?

I then felt a tap on my shoulder making me face my partner again. "Yes?" I asked. He moved closer to my ear, his breath tickling my neck. "I just wanted to ask you if you would like to join me and my friends for lunch?" he asked. My hands shook thinking about his friend who would also be there. "Umm...actually-"

"You can also bring your sister along with you....don't worry about Sunny...I will handle him" he said. Sunny?....the guy who harassed my sister?.

"No thank you....but thanks for the offer" I rejected politely. I noticed how his jaw clenched as he moved away, fear entering my body. Did I hurt his feelings?. He then ran his hand through his hair making it messy and smiled. "No problem but I hope you won't reject this offer" he said making me confused.

"What...what offer?" I whispered as the teacher was still talking. "Wanna be friends?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. My eyes grew wide and I looked at him with shock. Ezhir Mital....a boy known to rule the campus wants to be friends with a town girl like me?....am I dreaming?....is this some plan made by that Sunny.


"Come on....don't give me that look....you are hurting my feelings" he faked a pout. I cleared my throat and blinked twice. "Listen I know what Sunny did to you was not acceptable but on his behalf I want to apologise and I want to start afresh. We didn't really have a good meeting so let's start afresh....friends?" he asked with lit eyes. He then sighed and took his hand out for me to shake...."Friends?" he repeated. I gulped and nodded. It won't be bad to be his friend right?...I mean he hasn't been rude to me since I've met him.

"Okay...Friends" I said and shook his hand. "You two....want to share your conversation with the class?" the teacher scolded us causing me to break our handshake. I lowered my head in embarrassment while I heard Ezhir chuckle. "Yeah....I was just making a new friend Miss....any problem with that?" he said playfully. I raised my head only to see the teacher glaring at Ezhir. "You can do that out of class now shut up and get your book out and you Miss Roy....I expect you to focus on this lesson the most as you are a new comer, do not let me down" she stated with anger. I nodded and looked down in embarrassment, my cheeks heating up in humiliation.

"Sorry" I muttered

I then started to write down my notes while still feeling a stare on the side of my face. Finally the bell rang causing all students to run out. I also packed my stuff away and was about to stand up until a hand stopped me by holding my wrist. I looked at Ezhir in confusion to why he had stopped me. He leaned closer to my face with a blank look causing my body to lean back as he came even closer. He suddenly stopped when I was about to fall of my chair, his hand wrapping around my back causing me to freeze as sparks tingled under the fabric of my clothes.

"Welcome to my group Eyshana" he said with a smirk and moved away, leaving the room with the same two boys he had entered the room with. My heart would not stop pounding against my chest as I sat there in shock.

"What on earth was that about?" Riya suddenly asked with disbelief.

"No freaking idea" I muttered

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