《If only I knew you (UNEDITED)》Chapter 2: First Meet


I slammed the alarm clock with my hand while my face was buried into my soft pillow. "EYSHU WAKE UP, WE ARE GETTING LATE!" my sister literally screamed causing me to block my ears with my pillow.

All of a sudden a heavy weight fell on me making me groan. "WAKE UPPPPP....IT'S 9AM.....CLASS STARTS AT 9.45AM" my sister yelled again making me jump out of bed. "OMG!!, why didn't you wake me up earlier" I said in panic. My sister rolled her eyes and lightly slapped my head making me glare at her.

I jumped out of bed and quickly got ready, grabbing my bag as I rushed downstairs. There my younger sister Riya was eating her toasts, while I ran towards the fridge and drank some juice out of the bottle itself. My sister gave me a disgusted look while I smirked at her. "I'm definitely not drinking from that now" she scrunched her nose. I laughed and grabbed an apple, pulling Riya along me out of the house as I locked the door. We both rushed towards my car and drove away to our new college.


We both stood there with astonishment and admiration staring at the huge building in front of us. "Wow" Riya gasped while I also nodded to her reaction. "I can't believe we are going to be graduating here" she said with lit eyes. She then pulled me towards the gates where students were all rushing in. My heart started to beat fast as I got closer to the gates. I was so nervous...so scared for this new starting.

Me and my sister Riya moved away from our hometown after our parents died in an accident. We didn't want to live there anymore with the horrifying and painful memories so we decided to move into the city. Riya is a year younger than me and is the only family I have, she is my best friend and my partner in crime.

"Calm down Eyshu....we will get used to the place soon...now come on...I am so excited" she squealed in excitement. I looked at her in disbelief at how excited she was. This was the difference between me and her. Riya was more of a jolly, confident and outspoken person whereas me....well I'm just an introvert and a nerd who likes to hide her face in books.

"Don't leave my side ok?...I think I'm going to get an anxiety attack" I fanned my face playfully. We both looked at each other and laughed as we walked inside the campus. "Don't worry sis...I won't leave you...ever" she said making me smile. I looked around and saw many students, friends walking in groups, couples walking hand in hand, then we have the young gangsters teasing girls while they walk past them. I sighed and placed my hand over my heart.


"Here we go" I whispered

We both walked towards the principal's office with the help of a few students who showed us the way. Riya knocked on the door and we entered the room when we heard someone say 'Come in'.

"Sir...we are the new students...I am Riya Roy and this is my sister Eyshana Roy" Riya introduced us with a smile. The principal who looked around in his early 50's smiled back at her. "Ah...yes...I was waiting for you two to arrive" he said. He then opened up a file and took out two sheets of paper. "Here are your time tables....I hope you enjoy your time here and make great friends....good luck girls and Mary, the head deputy will walk you to your new classes" he said kindly.

I looked at my time table and saw that I had the subjects of History, English, Psychology, and Photography. While the principal called for the head deputy, I nudged Riya and showed her my time table. She took the paper of me and compared it to hers. A wide smile stretched on her face as she turned her face towards me. "We have Photography, English and History together" she then frowned "but we don't have Psychology together" she pouted. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "It's okay....at least we have breaks together" I winked at her causing her to smile and nod at me.

The door then opened revealing an older woman who was wearing a professional suit making her stand out as she was looking very smart. I assumed she was Mary, the head deputy. "Good Morning girls, I am Mary the Head Deputy of this college, I will show you to your classes" she said with a small smile on her face as she held the door wide for us.

We both nodded at her and followed behind her to our first class which was History. Mary then opened the door to a room full of noise. I froze there, taking a gulp of my saliva as my heart started to pound against my heart. Once Mary entered the room, silence is what I heard, indicating that the students probably stopped what they were doing as Mary had a high position at the college.

"Good Morning students, I hope you are all studying well. Mrs Fennah, we have two new students for you today-" Mary turned around signalling us to come in. We both walked into the class, my eyes lowered down as I was so nervous. What if they didn't like us?. I scoffed at that thought. Of course they were going to like Riya but what if they didn't like me?. "I want you to welcome Riya and Eyshana Roy and treat them kindly and with respect like you would treat your friends" Mary spoke to the class.


"I will leave these two to you now Mrs Fennah....good luck girls" Mary said in a professional tone and left us alone with the teacher and the class. "Welcome Girls, I am Mrs Fennah, your History teacher, I hope you enjoy your time here, why don't you take a seat next to Adam there" she spoke to Riya while she pointed to a person. I slowly raised my head and looked at my class. The girls and boys just stared at us with boredom, one girl playing with her chewing gum while one boy was playing on his phone.

Riya nodded and squeezed my hand before letting it go as she next to a dark haired boy who was wearing some thick black glasses. Once Riya sat next to him, he turned towards her and gave her a wide smile, showing his blue braces. Riya nervously gave him a small smile back and turned back to me, giving me a weird look which made me want to laugh out loud.

Mrs Fennah then turned to me and smiled, placing her hand on my back. "And Eyshana you can sit next to Mia over there" she pointed towards the girl who was playing with the chewing gum in her mouth. I took a deep breath and made my way towards her. I was thankful that Riya was only 2 seats behind me, so that made me relax. I turned towards Mia to say hi but she just looked at my attire and scoffed while turning away towards the window. My smile died down at her reaction but I just shrugged my shoulders and got out my notebook and pen and started working on the task that was given to us.


"Urgggg....why the heck was I paired with that geek. Gosh he wouldn't even shut up and his smile....his smile was just so creepy....ewww" Riya shivered in disgust. I laughed at her as we walked towards the canteen. As we made our way towards the noise, I all of a sudden bumped into someone causing them to spill their drink onto my dress and onto their top.

I gasped as I moved back as fast as I could. Without looking at their face I started to apologise. "I'm so so sorry....I wasn't watching where I was going...I'm so sorry" I kept saying with panic as I tried wiping of the drink of their top which obviously wouldn't get off until it get's washed.

A hand then grabbed my wrist, instantly causing sparks to run down my spine. I winced as his grip became harder. "Look up" he demanded in a raspy voice. I slowly raised my head only to see a very handsome guy with light brown hair. His eyes...his eyes were so mystical. His grey eyes shone like a shining moon that glows down at all of us. He was tall, very tall about 6 ft 2, whereas I was 5 ft 6.

"I am really sorry for ruining your shirt....I didn't mean it I-", "It's okay" he cut me off. My eyes widened in shock. He didn't look away once, he kept staring at my face with intensity making me feel a bit uncomfortable. 'Was it because I was ugly?' I thought to myself.

"Ezhil" a girl called out making me look at her. She was glaring at me causing me to frown. 'why was she looking at me with so much hatred?, I thought to myself. "Come on...let's go" she said not once taking her glaring eyes off me as she grabbed his muscular arm, pulling him away from me. His eyes stayed on my face until he walked past me.

'Ezhil' I said mentally. What a unique name. "Damn.....he was hot" my sister suddenly said making me snap out of my thoughts. I playfully slapped her on the head making her pout but she then laughed nudging my shoulder. "Come on let's your dress cleaned" she said pulling me away from the canteen. As she pulled me away, I turned around to take a final look at Ezhil, only to see him also turning around to see me. I felt heat rush up to my cheeks as our eyes locked. I quickly turned around and placed my hand over my pounding heart.

"Who are you Ezhil?" I mentally asked

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