《If only I knew you (UNEDITED)》Chapter 1: Help



A woman was stumbling over her feet as she tried to scream for help. "HELP...S-SOME P-PLEASE H-HELP ME!" she cried. She reached her arms out like a zombie trying to feel the walls. She looked around but could only see darkness. "H-help...p-please...s-someone" she hiccuped and sobbed.

"THERE SHE IS.....GET THAT BITCH" a male voice shouted out not far behind her. The girl's heart froze in fear. She kept feeling the area with her hands not knowing which way to go. She heard fast footsteps behind her causing her to run, only for her to trip and fall onto the ground.

The heavy rain made it even harder for her to get up. She was shivering with the cold as her tears mixed in with the rain drops. She slid back in fear as the footsteps came closer. "AHHHHH" she screamed when she felt a sting on her scalp.

Someone had fisted her hair dragging her across the rock, hard path. "P-please....p-please let go....p-please" she begged with tears. "Shut the fuck up you blind woman" a man hissed. She cried and begged, cursing her blindness.

"Found her" a man said with an evil tone.

"Ahhh....just look at that body" a man said lustfully. The girl shivered as she hugged her body when another man pushed her onto the ground. Her body shook as she felt several hands on her. "NO...NO...NO...P-PLEASE" she screamed only to be slapped on the face.

She was then pushed flat to the ground, two hands locking her arms over her head. The poor girl screamed and begged for the men to leave her. Her body was shaking like a leaf as someone ripped the blouse of her sari. "ARHHHHH" she screamed and shouted, trashing around only to receive another slap in return.


"Shut the fuck up bitch and lay still, you will enjoy this...trust me" he chuckled evilly at the end. Ignoring the girl's pleads and screams the man ripped of her blouse fully, leaving her there with her bare chest. He licked his lips and his eyes shone with lust. The man holding her hands had the same reaction.

"Bro....what amazing breasts" the man holding her hand said with lust. The man who was sitting on her hips groped her breasts, fondling with it. She cried and cried but no one came to her help. 'She was going to get raped', she thought to herself. Her life was now going to end.

She wanted to scream for her younger brother, her protector but he was far away from her. "P-please....l-let m-m-me g-go" her voice shook in pain and fear. She hiccupped as her voice broke and became weak. "Fuck.... this blind bitch is hot....we should take her home....they will enjoy her a lot" the man laughed causing the girl to cry even more as they made her feel dirty.

She then felt someone tying her hands with a belt. She was slapped on the face again for trashing around too much. She felt disgusted when she felt something hard near her lips. "Hahaha, that's a good way to shut her up" a man snickered.

"Suck it...you whore" the man demanded. The girl felt like vomiting when his groin touched her face. Tears wouldn't stop rolling down her cheeks. Not once she stopped crying, pleading or even screaming. Just when the man was about to fuck her mouth, a hard stick was slammed against his head making him shout out in pain, his head bleeding due to the force of the hit.

The man sitting on the girl's hips became alert as he pushed the girl away and rushed towards his friend. He looked around only for someone to hit him on the head with the same stick. The guy fell to the ground as the stick consciously kept bashing their heads until they lost conscious.


The unknown figure then rushed towards the crying girl, untying her hands. "You are fine now" a sweet, soft voice spoke making the girl cry out in happiness. The unknown female wrapped her shawl around the girl helping her to stand up as she was so weak. "T-thank...t-thank y-you s-so m-much" her voice shook as she cried into the girl's arms.

"Don't worry....you are safe now...I will take you home" the sweet voice offered. The blind girl clinged onto the unknown figure for protection, she felt safe with the figure. Once the unknown figure dropped the blind girl at her house after asking her address, the blind girl quickly turned around trying to feel the unknown figure's body as she flung herself onto them, hugging them tight saying thank you repeatdly.

A maid who was worried sick for her owner was scared shitless. Her boss would kill her if anything happened to his sister. She quickly looked out of the window only to see her lady in a car with someone. A sigh of relief left the maid's lips as she rushed outside to take her lady in.

The maid ran towards the car in the heavy rain. The blind girl came out with tears running down her face, wrapping the shawl tightly around her body. The maid gasped and hugged the lady. "My lady are-"

"Please don't ask any questions" the girl whispered cutting her maid off. The maid furiously nodded and was about to help her lady walk back into the house until the blind lady stopped. Her hands reached out to touch the car so that she could face her saviour.

"What.....what is your name?.....I am forever in debt to you" the woman whispered with tears.

She heard a small angelic laugh, a hand placed onto her shoulder. "Please don't say that. If it was another woman...I would have done the same thing as I am a woman myself" the voice spoke.

The girl slowly smiled, placing her hand onto the unknown woman who had saved her life, feeling warmth and protection from her.

"Y-your name?" she asked quietly.

The mysterious woman slowly looked up at the blind lady she just helped and smiled.

"Eyshana....Eyshana Roy"

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