《Sweet Tooth》Epilogue


Jon's POV

"Daddy Daddy wake up!" A cute little voice interrupts my sleep. I groan, still lost in my deep slumber, and stretch my hand out to trap the owner of the little voice, in my arms. I open my eyes and see Izzy, my adorable 3 year old babygirl giggling in my arms.

"What is it you cheeky monkey? Why do you really have to wake me up on a Sunday?" I ask her as I wiggle my fingers in the air, indicating her that the tickle monster is on his way.

"Mommy told me to wake your butt up." She says laughing loudly as I begin to tickle her.

"So you're a mommy's girl huh?" I squeeze her tightly and kiss her cheek. She squeals and wriggles in my arms, trying to escape. But I am not done with my cheeky monkey yet. I look at the wall clock in my room and see it's just 8:19 AM. Gosh why does this woman have to wake up so early? Emmy always made sure that Izzy was early to bed and early to rise. Whereas, I, could hardly open my eyes before 10 AM on a weekend. I carry Izzy in my arms and head towards the kitchen. I see my Emmy, standing in the kitchen with her back facing me, making pancakes. She is wearing my t shirt, with no pants on and her hair is in a messy bun. I put Izzy down and place my finger on the lips, telling her not to make any noise. I tiptoe my way towards Emmy and hug her from behind, wrapping my arms around her swollen, pregnant belly of 6 months.

"Good morning sexy." I whisper huskily into her ears.

"Oh my-" She yelps as she spills some of the batter on the pan.

"Jonny! You scared me to death!" She says placing her hand on her chest. I chuckle at her and gently rub her belly to calm her down.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." I say as I kiss her passionately, pouring all my love for her through this kiss. Emmy places her hands on my naked chest and pushes me away, nodding at Izzy, who is playing with Oreo and Tony.

"You can't do that in front of our babygirl." She tells me with a stern glare.

"Well, you didn't stop me from fucking you last night, when Izzy was right in the next room." I whisper into her ears. Emmy gasps at this and blushes deeply before slapping my arms. Fuck, I love when this woman flusters.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Izzy tells her, running towards us. Emmy lifts her up and balances Izzy on her hips while kissing her cheek lovingly.

"I'm sorry sugar, mommy will make breakfast for you right away." She says in a motherly tone which I have grown to love. What I haven't grown to love is Emmy lifting Izzy when she's pregnant. I gently snatch Izzy from her arms,

"Babe, how many times I gotta tell you? Quit carrying Izzy when you're this pregnant. Our babygirl is getting heavier day by day." I tell her. Emmy looks at me from sideways whilst fixing Izzy a plate.

"Hey you can't tell me not to carry my baby okay? She's never too heavy for me." She says. I let out a sigh knowing that I'm never gonna win this argument. I carry Izzy and put her on the high chair before placing the plate in front of her. I then take an other plate and put a couple of pancakes for Emmy and myself. I pull her to the table and sit on the chair, before pulling Emmy onto my lap.


"Is it really necessary that I should have my breakfast in your lap every single day?" She asks me while laughing.

"Of course babe, that's the only way I can feel you up in the morning." I say smirking whilst feeding her. She chuckles and smacks my cheek lightly. I pull her closer to me and place a loud kiss on her cheek. This catches Izzy's attention and she looks at us with a cute pout, chocolate sauce smeared all over her face. She puckers her lips and closes her eyes to kiss us. Emmy laughs at our daughter's possessiveness before giving her a peck on the lips. Izzy is the complete replica of her mother. She's got brown hair, cute button nose and plump pink lips. Oh and yes, I can't forget her obsession towards sweets, just like her mother. The only thing she has inherited from me is my hazel brown eyes, which I am very proud of by the way. I don't wanna brag about this, but I think Emmy and I did a fucking good job while making Izzy, she is the cutest baby I have ever seen. I'm sure that baby number 2 is gonna be equally cute. I could feel a tiny kick right beneath my palm, which is placed on Emmy's belly.

"Did you feel that?" Emmy asks while gasping.

"I sure did." I say as I kiss her tummy.

"Ehhhh." Izzy wriggles in her high chair, puckering her lips again, gosh this girl has gone on me when it comes to possessiveness. I shake my head with a soft smile on my lips before lifting my babygirl off the high chair. I hold her within the same level as Emmy's tummy so that she can kiss her unborn baby brother.

"Happy?" I ask her, to which she gives me a toothy smile.

"Okay now give Dada a kiss" I say. She gives me a quick peck on my lips before getting back to her breakfast.

"I wanna drop by Sweet Tooth today. I promised Caty that I'll tell her about the new recipe I'm working on." Emmy tells me, beaming.

"On a Sunday?" I ask while gulping down the food.

"Well, yeah. Sunday is the only time where we get to work on new items. Otherwise we're so busy with the customers, that we can hardly even talk to each other." Emmy had started going back to work after around 6 months of our wedding. We got married the very next week I proposed to her. It was a small ceremony, with just our close friends. It was a little stressful for Emmy with the regular nose bleeds and dizziness, but we somehow managed. Her health has improved over the past few years. Her first pregnancy was quite rough though, she had various complications since she had to cope up with TBI too, but I was with her the whole time which made things easier for her. Emma has finally got a good command over her body, so that she doesn't have to dread over those adult diapers anymore.


"Aunt Emma!" Liam comes running towards Emma, hugging her, as soon as we enter the bakery. Yes, Emmy has become his 'aunt' now because that boy has got his eyes over my babygirl. I swear to God this child is always behind my girls. First it was Emmy and now it is my Izzy.


"Hey Li Li! How are you baby?" Emmy asks while bending over to kiss his cheeks. But Liam has his complete attention on the little girl in my arms, who is apparently playing with my right ear.

"You have big ears daddy. Is bigger than mine." She says, holding her own ear for comparison.

"Hey Belle." Liam says, blushing profusely. He calls her Belle, which is short for Issabelle. Izzy abruptly turns towards Liam, abandoning my ear in the process. Ouch.

"Li Li!" She screams, right next to my ear, while wriggling off my arms. I reluctantly put her down and she runs towards Liam to hug him. I ball my fists trying to control my paternal instincts which arises whenever a boy touches my babygirl. Suddenly, I feel Emmy hugging my waist from the side, her swollen belly becoming a hinderance.

"This is just platonic love, you have nothing to worry about." Emmy says kissing my cheek. I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer.

"It better be platonic, otherwise that kid is gonna have some serious damage." I say whilst glaring at Liam who is flaunting his toy car collection to Izzy.

"Hey Emma." Caty says hugging Emma. She bends and kisses Emmy's belly before stroking it.

"How's the baby doing?" She asks.

"Ohh he is doing really well, in fact he is very active, specially in the night. He just loves kicking his mommy's ribs late at night." Emmy says rubbing her stomach adoringly. The two women go into the kitchen to work on whatever new recipe they invented while I take a seat in one of the tables, from which I can keep a good eye on the kids. My thoughts drift back to the events that took place in the 4 years of my married life with Emmy. Many things have changed........but at the same time, it feels like nothing has changed at all. Nearly after two weeks of the whole 'Eliot kissing me incident' she was imprisoned in the California jail for drug abuse. Bitch is gonna rot in hell for 6 amazing years. Since Mr. Davis is a man of ethics, he offered no help to his daughter who broke the law. James and Stacy broke up, because she had moved to an other state for university, and James wasn't the type of guy who would be committed to long distance. Anyways, his ADHD has somewhat seemed to be under control with proper medications and treatment, because of which he has become an efficient worker in the shop. If things go well, I am planning to write the shop down in his name after my retirement.

Fuck, I'm just 34 and I already feel old.

Now, coming to Caitlyn, she has divorced Danny, who by the way is now happily married to the girl with whom he had an affair. Well, it's really sad that jerks like him get a happy ending. Caitlyn, however isn't really looking forward to a relationship, she just wants to give all of her attention to Liam. My thoughts are interrupted when I feel a soft hand brushing across my face. I look up and see Emmy smiling gently at me.

"Shall we go?" She asks, placing her hand on my shoulder while the other one is gently lying above her bump. I nod my head and go towards Izzy, who is having the time of her life with Liam.

"Baby, let's get going. Mommy and daddy are leaving." I tell her. She looks up at me and gives me her adorable smile.

"Bye Bye Li Li. I'll see you next time." She says whilst hugging Liam and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Caitlyn and Emmy coo at them lovingly, while I try my best not to curse the boy in my head. Izzy comes to me with soft steps and raises her hands towards me, which indirectly means 'carry me daddy'. I place my hands under her armpits and carry her in one swift motion. She leans her head against my shoulder and lets out a sigh.


"I feel you're way too rough on Li Li. He is just a kid." Emmy says, lying by my side on the couch watching Frozen for the 50th time, I believe. Izzy just loves that movie, and since she is the current boss of the house, Emmy and I do not dare to go against the boss' orders.

"That guy has got the hots for my babygirl." I say defensively, stroking Izzy's hair, who is lying on my chest.

"No he doesn't. He's just a child, Jonny. You gotta stop being mean to him."

"Fine I'll try. But if he makes any move on my-"

"Jonny." Emmy groans.

"Alright alright. I'll stop." I say. What I've learnt in Emmy's first pregnancy is that, I should always let her win an argument, no matter how valid my points are.

"Thank you." She says kissing me gently. Well, that gentle kiss turns into a heated make out session, before we could take things any further Emmy asks me,

"Is she asleep?" Nodding at Izzy. I tilt my head and take a peek at my babygirl, to find her out like a light. I nod my head and carry Izzy to her room, to tuck her to bed. Once I leave Izzy's room I head towards Emmy who is lying lazily in the couch. She has gotten way bigger with the pregnancies, I will be lying if I said that I didn't like it one bit. To me, she is sexy just the way she is. I go towards Emmy to carry her but, she pushes me away, shaking her head.

"I'll walk, I'm too heavy to be carried now." She says nodding at her protruding belly. I shake my head while smiling, and ask her.

"What is that I keep telling you, babe?" Emmy blushes and gives me a shy smile.

"That you'd carry me even if I weighed a 1000 pounds."

"You bet your sweet donuts I would, cupcake."

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