《Sweet Tooth》Chapter-36


Jon's POV

"What?" She asks as she shifts in my arms to straddle me. Her palms are pressed against my chest in order to balance herself. Normally, I'd find this position sexy as fuck. But because of the 'Eliot kissing me' bomb I just dropped on her, this position is scaring me shitless. She has a better access to my neck which can make it easier for her to strangle me and choke me to death.

"She kissed you?" She asks. Her eyebrows furrowing and ears reddening out of anger. She fists my shirt, while looking at me with angst. I immediately remove her hands from my chest and sit straight so that we're now face to face. I wrap my arms around her and peck her lips.

"But I didn't do shit, Emmy. I pushed her away as soon as she made a move on me." I defend myself.

"I know that, baby. I know you are least interested in that idiot. But I'm furious with her for making a move on my man." Emmy says, looking like an angry kitten. I smirk at what she just said.

"Your man, huh? I like the sound of that." I say squeezing her gently in my arms. Emma lets out a frustrated sigh and gives me a light smack on the cheek.

"Focus Jonny! When did this happen?"

"The day when we fought and you left home..." I say lowly putting a strand of her hair behind her ear. She looks down at my chest and whispers.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"There was never the right time, baby. I had way more important things to think about. Now when you brought up the rating thing, it reminded me of what she did." Emmy abruptly looks at me with curious eyes.

"Did you have anything to do with the rating?" She asks narrowing her eyes. I shift uncomfortably in the couch before saying,

"Maybe, I might've." She gasps at this and looks at me, smiling softly.

"What did you do?" She asks, pretty impressed at me, as if I beat the shit out of Mr. Davis to change the rating.

"Well, I initially asked Eliot if she had anything to do with it, and guess what? She said yes. Then I asked her why would she do such a thing, to which, she told me that she didn't like you, and she thinks I deserve better. That's when she jumped on me and started kissing me. But I pushed her away the next second! I swear I was utterly disgusted by her." I say trying my best not to anger Emmy. The last thing I want is to have Emmy being upset with me because of that bitch. Emmy's eyes soften and she holds my face in her hands while kissing me gently.

"I trust you, dummy. I'm just furious at Eliot. How can she just jump on a person and start kissing them without permission. That is sexual abuse." Emmy gasps and her eyes widen.

"Oh my God Jonny! You've been sexually abused by that halfwit!" She exclaims. She immediately pulls my head to her chest and holds me tightly.

"Oh I'm so sorry that she kissed you, baby! She is a very very bad person. She's such a......"


"Bitch?" I complete for Emmy.

"Yes! That one." Emma says pulling away and kissing me once again. Well, now when I think about it, I was fucking sexually abused. God.

"So how did you get her to change the rating?" She asks.

"You think that bitch would cave in and change it? I called up Mr. Davis and told him that he had given Sweet Tooth a horrible rating, and to my surprise, he had no clue about. According to him, Eliot said that she'll 'take care' of it."

"Woah! And then?" Emmy asks giving me her full attention.

"Then, being the good man he is, he apologized to me and said that he'll fix it as soon as possible. It's a good thing that he likes you, I don't think so a busy man like him, would put so much effort in such an inconsequential thing otherwise."

"Thank you so much, honey. Ugh! I just don't like her at all." She says, still furious at what happened.

"Neither do I. She's an ugly stuck up bitch."


"No Emmy." I say as I scramble the eggs.

"Please Jon. Just for a few hours. I promise I won't move a muscle, I'll sit there quietly, watching people come and go." She says, sitting on the kitchen counter, watching me cook.

"I don't know babe, I'll think about it." I say as I fix her a plate.

"It's not that big of a deal. It's been so long since I've been to Sweet Tooth, I miss that place. I promise you I won't do any baking or waitressing there. Please just let me go." She tells me with puppy eyes. I sigh out of frustration. I do understand Emmy's point, she must be going insane here. But as much as I know her, she'll be hypnotized by that place. The woman's got no control over her, the next thing you know is that she'll be baking some or the other shit.

"Fine. But just for a few hours. And you'll have to do exactly what I tell you to."

"Yes! I promise." She says getting off the counter carefully and taking me into a bone crushing hug. I chuckle at her excitement and return the hug, kissing her temple.

"So, what did we agree on?" I ask as I pull over to Sweet Tooth.

" I should not do any work of the bakery.

I should not eat anything from the bakery, except, the food you packed for me.

I should not stand for more than 20 minutes.

I should call you every hour.

I should ring you up as soon as I feel unwell.

I should be by Caty's side at all times." She says monotonously.

"Excellent babe. You remember everything." I say as I peck her cheek.

"I'll pick you up after a few hours. Be careful."

"Okay daddy." She says teasingly, completely oblivious to the kinky scenarios in my head where she would call me daddy. I internally smirk at the very thought of it. Daddy.

"What's popping, J?" James asks, coming to my office with pliers in his hand.

"The fuck you want, kid?" I ask as I do some of the paper work. It's just been an hour and I already miss Emmy. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I don't wanna spend my time with these losers when I could be with her, at home, in my bed. I'm pretty sure she's having a really good time there. She's so fine without me, she can go days without seeing me, but I can't even fucking survive for a few hours without her. Ugh fuck my life.


"I see, Emmy isn't there in the house?" He asks leaning against the doorframe.

"You call her Emmy one more time, and I'll chop your balls off." I say through gritted teeth. James chuckles and raises his hands in surrender.

"Alright lover boy. Is Emma not home?"

"No. She's gone to the bakery, she was losing her mind sitting at home."

"Oh I see, and you're losing your mind sitting here." He says laughing.

"Well, what do you expect?" I say under my breath.

"So when's the big day?" James asks me as he takes seat on the other side of the table.

"What day?"

"You know, the wedding day?" He asks nonchalantly. I abruptly stop what I am doing, and give James a stern glare.

"Who told- you know what? Never mind. I don't even wanna know how you got to know that." Definitely, there would've been a huge loop behind this. Emmy must've told Caitlyn, Caitlyn must've told Stacy, Stacy must've told James.

"So have you decided a date yet?" He asks.

"No, not anytime soon." I say getting back to work.

"Why not?"

"Well, Emmy isn't in the right health to attend a wedding, especially her wedding. We're planning to do this once she's in good health." I say as a matter of fact.

"Jon, out of everyone I never thought you'd think of something like this." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask, intrigued by his guts.

"What I mean is, why are you even keeping this for another day?"

"Well, I just told you Emmy isn't in the right-"

"What if she isn't alive by then? What if you aren't alive by then?" He asks.

"What are you trying to say?" I ask, at the verge of losing my shit.

"What I'm saying is, did you ever imagine that Emmy would get hit with an iron rod by a bunch of burglars? No right? You never know what the future holds for you. Anything can happen anytime, Jon. Instead of keeping this for 'another day' or 'another time', do it now! This is what the both of you want, so just do it. Claim her as your own woman as soon as you can, instead of using her health as an excuse. She isn't gonna climb mountains in your wedding that she has to be hale and healthy. Just a small ceremony, with a couple of close friends and relatives is all you need to have Emma as your wife, as your family. Why keep it for an other day, which may or may not come?Seize what you have now, and go for it." He says. I am utterly shocked by what James just said. I always saw him as a halfwitted, irresponsible kid. But today, he actually said something which makes complete sense to me. I still remember the time when I thought that I might lose Emma forever, I couldn't believe my life without her, I carried the guilt of not making her as my woman. But now, when she's finally with me, I am taking this opportunity for granted and procrastinating the one thing I wanted to do for a very long time, marry Emma.

"You're.........right." I say looking at James, astounded.

"Leave all that you're doing now and go get her." He says giving me a soft smile. I immediately drop everything that I was doing, grab my coat and rush towards my Jeep. I drive to a jewelry shop which is half an hour away from my place. I thank my luck when I find a ring exactly like how I had imagined it to be. It has a pearl cut, emerald green stone embedded on a beautiful golden ring, adorned with many tiny diamond crystals over it. I purchase it and immediately head towards Sweet Tooth. I know it's all in a hurry but what James said makes so much of sense. There is no such thing as a perfect time or a perfect place, you do it when you're ready, and right now, I'm more than ready. I pull over to the front side of Sweet Tooth and get out of my car. I close my eyes, and take a deep breath in before entering the bakery. The bell attached to the door rings, indicating my arrival. As usual, the place is completely packed with customers, but I don't give a fuck. I have waited all this time, I can't wait anymore. What if I never get an other chance again? What if a time comes where there actually is no hope left. I can never modify the future, but I can always control my present, and that's exactly what I'm doing now.

"Jon? I thought you won't come for another two hours. What happened?" Emmy asks me coming out of the kitchen, Caitlyn tagging along with her.

"Hey Jon, is everything alright?" Caitlyn asks apprehensively. But I don't answer her since my complete attention is on Emmy. My legs automatically take me to her, and before I know what is happening, I hold Emmy's hands and start blabbering.

"Emmy, you are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Staying away from you is the most extreme form of torture for me. One way or another, you saved my life, you saved me from my biggest enemy..........solitary. And I need this savior by my side for the rest of my life. I wanna wake up next to you everyday, I wanna cook for you everyday, I wanna kiss you, make love to you every fucking day. And I can't put this off for an other time because...........neither you, nor I, know if that day will ever come, so I wanna seize what I have now, and go for it." I kneel down on one knee and take out the red velvet box from my pocket. I extend it towards her whilst opening,

"Emma Daniels, Will you marry me?"

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