《Sweet Tooth》Chapter-35


Emma's POV

I am so done. I feel so restrained, it's like my body is torturing me. My head hurts all the time, my nose bleeds almost everyday, my eyes keep bruising, I'm always tired, and if all that wasn't enough, I don't have a control over myself while I'm asleep, which gives double work for Jon. I'm surprised he is still with me. If it were someone else, they would've left me long ago. I'm so lucky to be with Jon, he has made this so much easier for me. I can't even imagine what I'd do without him.

"Emmy there's someone here to see you." Jon shouts from the living room. I get out of my comfortable, well, Jon's comfortable bed and head towards the living room. As I soon as I enter, a pair of tiny arms hug my legs.

"Emma!" Liam squeals whilst hugging my legs tightly.

"Heyyy Li Li. How are you baby? It's been so long since I've seen you honey." I crouch down to his level and attack him with kisses which makes him giggle.

"I missed you Emma." He says giving me a toothy grin.

"He missed you, indeed. He has been dying to see you." Caitlyn says as she plops down on the couch with a sigh.

"Thank you so much for bringing him here, I missed this little handsome." I say whilst tickling Liam.

"Stop it Emma! It tickles." He says in his adorable voice while giggling. Jon comes to me and helps me stand straight from my crouched up position.

"Hey champ, isn't she Aunt Emma to you?" Jon says, smirking. He is pulling Liam's leg since he knows about Li Li's little crush on me.

"Leave the poor child alone, Jon." I say smacking his chest.

"Whatever." He says while giving Liam a mocking glare before heading to his room.

Who is the baby here?

"Liam honey, don't bother Aunt Emma." Caty says while pulling me by shoulders towards the couch. Liam huffs at the mention of me as his 'aunt' before he plays with Oreo and Tony.

"So, how are you dear? I'm so sorry I couldn't come to see you that often. It gets really busy in the bakery." She says giving me an apologetic smile.

"Ohh no Caty don't be sorry about that. I'm happy that you've come now." I say squeezing her arms. I shift slightly to sit in a more comfortable position while Caty does the same.

"So, tell me, how's it with you and Mr. grumpy?" She asks with a sly grin. I blush when I think about the time I proposed to him.

"Oh my God! Is your flustered face telling me that something has happened between the two of you?" She gasps.

"No no! Nothing happened exactly. I just....well......I might've proposed to him." I mumble while looking down at my hands.

"What?! Are you serious? Omg tell me everything now." Caty says getting all riled up. Just as I was about to tell her the entire story, Jon comes into the living room, all dressed up.


"Hey Caty I got some really important work at the repair shop. Can you spare a hours for Emmy till I come back?" Jon asks while shoving his wallet into his back pocket.

"Oh no problem Jon. You go ahead, I'll take good care of Emma." She says while patting my thigh.

"Thanks a lot Caty. Bye babe, I'll be back soon." He says while kissing me, really really hard.

"Ahem." Caty coughs to remind us that we're not the only ones in the living room.

"Bye cupcake." He says smirking, giving me a last peck on the cheek before leaving.

"Alright now he's gone! Tell me every single thing. Don't you dare miss out on the details." Caty squeals like a teenager. Before I could start, Caty interrupts me.

"No no! I gotta use the bathroom first. I don't need any interruptions once you start." She says. I giggle at her enthusiasm and show her the way to the bathroom. I join Liam, Oreo and Tony in their game till Caty comes from the washroom.

"Emma, could you come here for a minute?" She calls me from the room. I head towards the room and see Caty standing there, with a packet of adult diapers. I gasp and quickly snatch it from her and put it inside my cupboard. I didn't really think about hiding it since it was just Jon and I in the house, but if I knew Caty would come over, then I would have locked it safe in my cupboard.

"What's that about Emma?" Caty asks me, placing her hand on my shoulder. I let out a sigh and tell Caty about the whole situation, how my brain finds it difficult to transfer certain messages when I'm asleep and because of which I end up wetting the bed. She listens to me intently, giving me a soft smile.

"How did Jon react to this?" She asks.

"Well, Jon was the one who found out about this. In fact, he is the one who suggested me to wear adult diapers before going to bed." I say, blushing, slightly uncomfortable with this topic.

"Aww Emma there's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's totally natural for a TBI patient. I'm glad that Jon is so understanding and supportive. He really loves you Emma, it's very rare to get someone who truly loves you." She says giving me a sad smile.

"Well, I'm not the only one who has a true love, am I? I guess you're forgetting about Danny here." I say smirking. At the mention of Danny, Caty visibly stiffens. She shifts her weight from one leg to another, looking down at her feet. I pull her by her arm, towards the bed so that we can sit and talk comfortably.

"What's the matter Caty? Is everything okay with you and Danny?" I ask her, holding her hands in mine. She looks at me through her lashes and slightly shakes her head.

"What happened? Did you guys fight?"

"Well.......Dan left me for another woman." She says in one breath. I look at her with astonishment.


"He has filed for a divorce." She says, quickly wiping off the tears as they roll down her face. I bring her into a hug and rub her back up and down.

"I'm so sorry Caty. I didn't know Dan could be such an......." I try to find a suitable word which could describe him.

"Asshole?" Caty asks chuckling while pulling away.

"Yes. That one." I say looking at her sympathetically.

"So do you know anything about her?" I ask Caty.

"Well, I do know that she's 10 years younger to him."

"When did all this happen? Weren't you ever suspicious about him?"

"No! I trusted him more than anything. The excuses he made, like having a night shift, or traveling to an other state for work, was all just to meet her. But I, like an idiot, believed whatever crap he would tell me." She says sobbing.

"What about Liam?" I ask apprehensively. Liam is a wonderful child, he needs a father figure in his life. Every child needs a father figure in their life.

"He said he wants nothing to do with Liam. He is even ready to give up his parental rights on Liam. How can someone be so cruel?" Caty says covering her face with her hands. I remove her hands from her face and hug her once again.

"Everything is going to be okay, Caty. Don't worry. I am there for you, we don't need that loser." I whisper to her. She pulls away, wiping her tears.

"You're right Emma. I don't need him. I'm just really mad at myself for believing an asshole like him. I can't wait to divorce his ass." She says letting out a loud sigh.

"Anyways enough about me, let's brighten up the atmosphere. Tell me about you? What happened after you proposed him?" She asks me, back to being excited, though her excitement does not reach till her eyes.

"We don't have to talk about that Caty."

"Nonsense! I need to hear everything about it. Come on tell me now, will you?" I give her a soft smile before telling her the entire story.

"So are you planning to get married anytime soon?" She asks.

"I did talk about this to Jon. He said that since I'm not in the best of my health, let's not focus on a wedding, he wants me to be hale and healthy before I indulge myself in any sort of programs."

"Well, that's a wise decision. Even I feel that your health should be given the first priority here."

"Yeah I know. But I proposed to him, to let him know that I am dead serious about our relationship. I am going to marry him no matter what." I say proudly.

"Oh my Gosh, I have never seen the wild side of you, Emma!" Caty says, smirking. I blush at her words and look down, trying not to break into a smile. I divert the topic and we begin talking about Sweet Tooth.

"Oh by the way, do you remember how we got a one star rating for Mr. Davis' daughter's wedding cake?" Caty asks.

"Yeah." I say feeling dejected.

"Well, that has been changed to a five star!" She says clapping her hands excitedly.

"What?!" I ask her, flabbergasted. How is that possible? Why would they go straight from one star to five stars?

"Well, Mr. Davis has personally called us and apologized for the misunderstanding. He said that all the guests loved your cake, and gave an excellent feedback about it. In fact, they are looking forward to placing orders from Sweet Tooth for their events too!"

"Are you serious, Caty? How did this happen? I mean, I can't believe this! Oh Gosh I'm so happy!" I squeal.

"Happy for what?" A deep voice interrupts us, which startled the both of us.

"Oh my God Jonny! You gotta quit sneaking around like that. You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I say placing my hand over my chest. Jon comes to me with a sheepish smile and kisses my forehead whilst apologizing.

"Well, I'll leave you two love birds alone, and head back home." Caty says waving at us.

"Are you sure? You can stay over for dinner." I ask politely.

"Some other time Emma. It's pretty late now, Liam's got school tomorrow too." She says giving me a soft smile.


"Did you know that Caty is getting a divorce?" I mumble as I am lying on Jon whilst watching a movie. After a tasteless dinner, we decided to cuddle up in the couch and watch a movie.

"The fuck? Why?"

"He is leaving her for an other woman, and he said he has nothing to do with Liam too."

"That's just sad."

"I know. I hope she gets over this, soon. Ohh do you know what else happened?" I ask, my mood slightly brightening.

"What?" He asks chuckling at my excitement. I tell him the story where we got five stars for Mr. Davis' cake, and how he called us to apologize for the misunderstanding. Jon had a very cool reaction, as if he already knew about this.

"That's amazing baby." He says before taking my lips into his. We kiss each other for a while, until we're both out of breath.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I whisper back. I have a feeling that there is something bothering Jon, his eyes tell away everything. Ever since I bought up the wedding cake's rating, Jon has been very uneasy. It's as if it reminds him of something he is really uncomfortable with. I place my hand on his cheek before giving him a peck on the lips.

"What happened, love? Why do you look so bothered?" I ask Jon.

"Emmy will you promise me that you won't get mad?" He asks looking at me apprehensively. I can sense something unpleasant happening within the next 30 seconds. In order to hide the wavering in my voice because of the nervousness, I simply nod my head. Jon holds me closer to his chest and leaves a quiet sigh before saying.

"Eliot kissed me."

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