《Sweet Tooth》Chapter-32


Jon's POV

"Well, there is good news and bad news, Mr. Williams." The doctor says as we are heading towards Emmy's room.

"I'll go with the good one first." I say rubbing my palms on my jeans. I've had enough of shit, I need to hear something good for once.

"The good news is, Emma is completely out of danger." He says patting my shoulder. I let out a breath of relief. I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I was afraid that if I fall asleep I might have that nightmare again, and my heart isn't strong enough to handle another nightmare in which Emmy dies.

"That's.....that's so good to hear doctor." I say as I rub my hands over my face.

"Well, the bad news is the side effects of the brain damage. She did fracture her skull, but that'll heal. What we're worried about is the damage that has been done to the brain." He says standing outside of Emmy's room.

"What exactly are the side effects?" I ask while narrowing my eyes. Yes, I am nervous about the side effects, but at least she'll be alive, at least she'll be with me.

"There can be many, Mr. Williams. Some of the common ones are lack of concentration, blurry vision, speech defects, forgetfulness, losing balance, lack of coordination. The problem is, you can't exactly predict when these side effects will fade away. May God forbid, but chances are there that this may be life long. I just have to say that, people might run out of patience while dealing with her since, it is human nature to get things done in a haste. Emmy might take some time to get certain tasks done, now that her brain cannot coordinate with her at all times. She's gonna need help in various things."

"You don't have to worry about that. I'll keep her with me all the time, she won't ever be alone." I say in one breath. I don't care if I'll have to glue myself to Emmy, I am never going to lose her, again. I'd been a complete ass to her and this is how I pay back.

"Well, it's better if she always has someone with her. Anyways, I'll get going if you excuse me. You may wait in Emma's room." He says, giving me a curt nod. I open the door and see Emma's body moved to the other side such that her back is facing me. I softly close the door and move to her side to see her face. She is sleeping peacefully. I can see the bruises formed under her eyes and behind her ear. I softly brush my knuckles against her cheek. I stop my movement when I see her eyebrows furrowing, I retreat my hand, stopping midway when I hear her moaning. I get up to call a doctor, but then I stop when I see her eyes slowly opening. Finally, those emerald green orbs look at me for a second before she holds her head with her hands. I gently pull her hand away from her head so that she doesn't loosen the bandages.


"Don't touch it. You might open it up." I say very softly. She tries to say something but as soon as she does, she starts coughing severely. Suddenly, her nose begins to bleed. Well, I should've called the doctor the second she woke up. Stupid me. I pressed the red button beside her bed which is used to call the nurse. Once the nurse and doctor had arrived, they gave her a quick check up to ensure that the nosebleed isn't indicating anything serious. It turns out that nosebleeds can be expected quite often if there is a brain damage.

"Hello dear. I am your doctor, Mr. Thompson. You have nothing to worry about, you are taken good care of. Now if you don't mind there are a few questions I'd like to ask you. Is it okay with you?" He asks her as politely as he could. Emma doesn't say anything, she just stares at her fidgety hands on her lap.

"Do you remember your name, dear?" He asks cautiously. Still no answer. He sighs and gestures me to go out of the room with him, which leaves the nurse and Emma by themselves.

"I think that she isn't answering anything because she is still in shock. Maybe after a few hours, when she has been familiarized with the place, she'll open up. Till then don't ask or say anything which can stress her out. Keep your conversations as light as possible. She may or may not remember the events prior to the incident, so choose wisely about what you say." He instructs me. I nod my head and enter the room.

"Try not to touch your head, dear. If you need anything please press that button on your bedside." The nurse tells Emmy. And Emmy, she just stares at her entwined hands on her lap. I give the nurse a small smile, thanking her before she leaves the room. I walk towards Emmy and sit beside her on the bed, not too far, but not too close to cause any discomfort either. I carefully take her small hands and entwine them with my large ones. And surprisingly, she entwines them back, interlocking our hands. She touches my bicep with her other hand and places her head on my shoulder. I guess she does remember me.

"Jon." She croaks out, her voice, sore. I take a glass from a nearby table and fill it up with water. I place it near her mouth so she can drink it easily. I pull the glass away from her occasionally so that she doesn't drink it in one gulp and choke herself. Once she's satisfied, I put the glass on the table, and cup her cheek, looking into those green orbs I've been dying to see for the past several hours, those orbs which I wasn't sure if I'll ever get to see again.

"Emma" I say softly. She looks at me with emotions I can't decipher. I don't know what is going on in her head, I don't know to what extent she remembers things.


"How are you feeling baby?" I ask whilst stroking her cheek.

"I was so scared." She says hiding her face in my chest.

"So you remember how you ended up here?" I can feel her shaking her head. Then what was she scared of?

"Then what is scaring you cupcake?" She looks up at me, her eyes beginning to water and her lower lip trembling.

"I don't know. I just wanted you, close to me." I gently wrap my arms around her, trying not to disturb the tubes attached to her.

"I'm always here baby. I'm so sorry for what I did."

"What did you do?" She asks me innocently.

"I did a very bad thing to you. But I promise I will never do that again. I love you so so much honey." I just couldn't hold myself from apologizing. I did apologize to her a countless number of times, but she wasn't conscious then. I see her squinting her eyes at me.

"What happened baby?" I ask.

"You're a little blurry." She says raising her hand towards her eyes to rub them. I catch hold of her wrists to prevent her from doing it.

"Don't touch your eyes baby, they're quite bruised. Why don't you take some rest? You really need it." I say whilst getting up. I help her lie down and bring the sheet up till her chest.

"Will you lie with me?" She asks me with doe eyes.

"I can't baby. They're many tubes on you, I'm afraid I'll mess them up. I'll stay here, I promise, sweetheart." I kiss her forehead. And I did just like I promised to her. I held hand for almost 3 hours, sitting in the same position, I cannot feel my ass. I can hear the door creaking and when I look up, I see Caty peeping in. I give her a smile and gesture her to come in. I didn't really have the time or patience to go and inform people about Emmy's state. So I did that now, when I was sitting here on my numb ass.

"When did this happen?" She asks quietly, her voice breaking and tears sliding down her face.

"I guess a day......or two days ago. I really don't remember when this happened Caty. It feels like years to be honest. I had no track of time."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I was delirious myself. Did you tell anyone else?" She shakes her head, covering her mouth as she breaks into an other sob.

"I wanted to see her first, I'll let them know soon. They might want to come and see her, but I guess it's better if that happens when Emmy is feeling better." She says, wiping her face. I nod at her answer and divert my attention to Emmy. A transparent fluid is sliding down her nose, just like how the blood was, a couple of hours ago. I carefully wipe her nose and toss the dirty tissue on the dustbin.

"I guess I'll get going." Caty says entwining her hands and holding them on her chest. She comes closer and kisses Emmy on her arms.

"Please keep updating me every hour, and call me if you need anything. I can stay the nights in the hospital if you want, you can even call me when you go home for showers and all. I'll come tonight with some dinner, I'll make for you at least, I don't know what Emma is supposed to have." She says looking at Emma sympathetically.

"Thank you Caty." I say with a grateful smile.

"May God bless her." She says squeezing Emma's thighs gently.

"I'll cook and pack the food for you daily. I don't want you to eat from outside, Emma won't like it." She says giving me a soft smile.

"No that-"

"I won't hear a 'no'" she says sternly. I nod my head, giving up to Caty.


"I can't eat anymore." Emma says slightly pushing my hand away. Emma had been asleep for over 5 hours. Yes, I was sitting on my numb ass for 5 hours holding her hand. I am still holding her hand, whilst feeding her with my other hand. Emma has developed some sort of separation anxiety, she starts panicking when she doesn't see me around. This happened when I had gone to use the bathroom, she was hysteric when I returned, she was crying and violently shivering. I guess the events at the grocery store is taking a toll on her subconscious mind. Maybe she never thought that she could make it through the burglary, maybe she might've thought it was her last day in this world, maybe she thought that........she'll never see me.

"Just a little more cupcake." I say trying to feed her the plain, scrambled egg. Emmy has been put into a strict diet for speedy recovery which involves, fatty fish, eggs, avocados and many more crap which I don't remember. They've given me a chart for easy reference.

"Ohh I want cupcake." She says cutely.

"Baby you can't have sugary items now, I'll give it to you when you're back to being healthy. Now please eat this honey." I say. She eventually agrees and finishes her plate. It's pretty difficult to manage things with one hand, since the other one has got the permanent duty of holding Emma's hand.

"I want to pee." She says looking at me innocently. I look at our entwined hands, and then at her.

This should be interesting.




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