《Sweet Tooth》Chapter-13


Jon's POV

It's pretty obvious that Emmy is be an amazing baker, but a cook? I never thought she could cook so well. I've met people who are amazing cooks but suck at baking and the other way around too. But this woman can bake and definitely cook. Is there anything she cannot do?

Yeah. Have feelings for you.


We were done with dinner which was fucking amazing, and why wouldn't it be? Emmy had prepared it after all. My poor cupcake had been working her cute little ass off the whole evening. I almost forgot how it felt to have a warm, home cooked meal. Everything in my life was cold, bland and monotonous until Emmy came in. She has engulfed me in her warmth. She takes the protective aura with her wherever she goes and I was fortunate enough to be around her and experience that. I never thought a simple dinner with Emmy would satisfy the craving I had for something close to having a family. I guess I can say that I was finally.......happy. I was satisfied. I wouldn't trade this for the world.

Right now the three of us are cuddled up in Emmy's couch watching The Amazing Spider-Man. Apparently, Liam is a huge fan of the Spider-Man franchise, he kept ranting about the Spider-Man toys, coloring books, pencils and erasers that he owned. The kid has got two extreme modes. Either he is very shy or he is just super active. Emmy says that he drifts to the 'active' mode once he is familiar with the people around him. He is an adorable kid. He's really fortunate to have a wonderful family and an aunt like Emmy who considers him as her own child.

"I think he's asleep." Emmy whispers by my side.


Liam is apparently in her lap with his head resting on her chest. His hand are on either sides of his head, slightly above her breasts. Emmy looks at him adoringly, with a soft smile, brushing against his chubby cheeks with her knuckles. She looks peaceful, content, beautiful. Oh lord she's so beautiful. She showers Liam with her motherly love through such inconsequential gestures. I can already tell that she's going to be an amazing mother. She's gonna be the mamma bear of the house.


I wish I could be the papa bear. I can visualize Emmy, with a swollen belly, pregnant with my child, our child, standing in the kitchen barefoot, wearing my shirt which is enormous on her despite her thick pregnant frame. Her left hand adorned with the ring I gave her, claiming her as mine. Claiming every single thing of hers as mine. Her body, mind, sorrows, happiness, mood swings, everything.

Oh God I wish I could call her mine. I bet my ass that even if Emmy ends up marrying an other loser, my love and care for her wouldn't reduce an ounce. I love her.

"Let me put him to bed. I'll be right back." She tells me standing up whilst adjusting Liam on her hip.

"Do you want my help?"

"It's alright Jonny. I got this." She says with a small smile.

I look at my watch and what the fuck?

11:09 PM.

How the hell did time fly so fast? I barely had a minute with Emmy alone. I love the kid, but I was looking forward to spending some alone time with Emmy. It's probably her bedtime too. She did look exhausted, I guess I should take a leave. Wouldn't wanna keep her up all night.

"You're leaving already?" Emmy asks as she enters back into the living room.


"Uhm yeah, it's getting pretty late."

"Oh dear that was quick. Time just flew." She says chuckling, looking at her clock.

"Thank you so much for the dinner Emmy. I'm so glad you had me come over. It felt good to have some real food after a long time." I say chucking.

"You mean you don't like the food you cook?" She asks with a teasing smile.

" I can barely cook. I adjust with take outs most of the nights."

"What? Why didn't you tell me that before?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you can't cook. I don't want you to eat those nasty take outs every night."

"What's your point?" I ask slowly narrowing my eyes.

"Well, from now on you're gonna have lunch and dinner with me! I can't let you live off that garbage."

I was astounded. I've never had anyone care for me to this extent. She's genuinely concerned about my health. Oh God I hope I don't break down into tears at this point.

"No no Emmy that won't be nec-" she stops me from speaking further by placing her finger on my lips.

"I told you, you're gonna have dinner with me everyday from now. I won't take no for an answer." She whispers. Holy fuck this woman is hot. I can barely compose myself, So I simply nod and try not to break into a smile. But I fail miserably since I am beaming like a fucking idiot now.

"I'll see you tomorrow Emmy" I say as I head towards the door.

"See you Jonny." She says. What she did next had me on cloud nine. She slowly comes to me and wraps her arms around my waist giving me a tight hug. I was taken aback, but I returned the hug and inhaled her sweet scent. Then she unwraps her hands from my waist and puts them on my shoulder, balancing herself while standing on her tippy toes to give a small peck on my cheek.

"Thank you for coming over Jon. It means a lot." She says with a genuine smile.

"Anytime." I whisper.


"Excuse me? May I know where can I find Mr. Williams?"

A tall, well built guy asks me as I fix the tires of an Acura. He's probably the same age as me, or maybe a little older.

"Yes it's me. What can I do for you?" I ask standing up and brushing the grease off of my hands.

"I am looking for a job actually and I've come to know that you're hiring?"

"Ohh yes we are. We'll discuss this in my office" I say as I gesture him to follow me.

I check his CV and damn he's impressive. He's got 20 years of experience working in this field and knows a lot about cars. As I guessed, he's 35, close to my age.

"You have been working since you were 15?"

"Yes sir. Actually my dad owns a repair shop too. So I would help him out often."

"Call me Jon. Well, your CV is pretty impressive. I'll let you know soon."

"Thank you Jon. I'm looking forward to it." He says with a nod.

There are around ten employees working in here, but the demand for the repairs is increasing day by day which requires more workers.

Hopefully, Bob will be a resourceful one.

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