《Sweet Tooth》Chapter-3


Jon's POV

I don't remember when was the last time I felt a sense of warmth within me. Talking to Emma was like a breath of fresh air. She was a loving, free spirited girl. She could talk for hours about Sweet Tooth. She personally has a sweet tooth herself. I figured it out with the humongous amount of sugar, chocolates and cookie dough she bought. She's very passionate about her work. I dropped her off at her apartment but I felt a piece of my heart going with her. It's really astounding that a girl, who I met a few hours ago affects me so deeply. I'm pretty sure it's just the sexual tension that we shared and I'm probably gonna get over her in a few days. Moreover, we have basically nothing in common. Yet, I have a feeling that we do share something significant, I just cannot pinpoint what.


I wake up with a smile. The events of last night flash before my eyes and I couldn't be more excited. This is probably the first time in many years that I am waking up without an empty heart. I finally feel there is much more in life other than cars, alcohol and one night stands. I don't know what it is, but the light hearted conversation I had with Emma the previous night has made me feel different. A good kind of different. We didn't talk about our personal lives, so she's still a stranger to me since I know next to nothing about her.

I got ready for work and leave my apartment. I see Sweet Tooth on my way to the workshop. The thought of getting to see Emma's bright smile in the morning swells my heart. I decide to drop by for a quick coffee. Much to my dismay, I don't see her, instead a woman in her mid-thirties greet me.


"Welcome to Sweet Tooth. How may I help you?" She asks, as if those words were programmed in her.

"I would like a coffee, thank you " I say with a tight lipped smile.

"Sure, would you like anything else along with it? We have our special buckeye brownies. Fresh from the oven." She says.

"No thank you, I'll just stick to the coffee" I say filled with disappointment.

Suddenly I hear a loud cry of a child from the kitchen area.

"Oh lord what am I going to do with this child" the exclaims and leaves the counter.

"Emma could you please handle this while I check on Liam?" She says as she heads towards the kitchen.

At the mention of Emma my face lit up like a 1000Watt bulb. My heartbeat goes on full turbo, just like the first day I saw her. Within a few seconds, I see Emma come out of the kitchen wearing a red floral half-sleeved dress. She had an apron on with the Sweet Tooth logo. There was flour all over the apron and a little on her cheek and forehead. Her hair was put up into a messy bun. Here she comes, subconsciously swaying her thick hips, with a bright smile, so bright that I can see her gums peeking out.

Fucking adorable.

"Good morning Jon. It's so good to see you." She says while removing the apron.

"Good morning Emmy. I just thought of dropping by for a coffee. Turns out your coffee here is very addicting" And so are you.

I tried my luck with the new nickname I just coined.

"I'll be right up with it Jonny" she says with a wink.


That sounds terrible. It makes me look like a child. Hell, it reminds me of Johnny Sins.


"Jonny? No! Don't call me that" I whine.


"Well, it's unfair that I have a nickname and you don't, don't you think?" She asks with a teasing smile.

"You can call me anything but that."

"What else can I call you? There is nothing I can make out from Jon. Jonny seems to be the perfect one."

"It doesn't have to be pertained to Jon." I say with a smirk while leaning on the counter towards her.

"Well, what else can I call you then?"

"Many things, sweetie".

Her eyes widen and she gets all flustered. Her pale complexion does not do much in hiding the redness on her cheeks which is creeping it's way towards her neck. Mission accomplished.

"I-I will be right back with your order." She stutters and rushes towards the kitchen. I am glad to know that I affect her the same way she affects me.


"Alright! What's the fucking matter with you?" I snap at James. A 20year old lad who works for me. Though he gets on my nervous almost every time, I still have a brotherly affection for him. I've been bearing his annoying ass for three years now. I wonder why do I even keep up with him. But despite all this, I can bet on my life that whenever he needs me, I'll be there for him in a heartbeat. That's the thing about James, despite being troublous I wouldn't want him out of my life.

"What's the matter with me?! What's the fucking matter with YOU?" He asks me with amusement.

"What do you mean?"

"You have been beaming like an idiot since morning! I've never seen you so jolly at work. What is it? Did you win a lottery?"

"Well, even if I do it's none of your fucking business kid."

"Oh come on Jon. What is it? Did you save enough for a new car? Did you get a good fuck last night? Did you meet someone?"

The last one caught me off guard and I abruptly stopped what I was doing. This made James confirm his suspicion and he started giving me a sly smirk.

"So you met someone?"

"Again, None.Of.Your.Business."

"Hey! I tell you everything. It only fair if you do the same. So who is she? Where did you meet her? Do I know her?"

"James you better get back to work or else I won't hesitate in firing your sorry ass"

"Alright Geez! But don't think I'll let you go that easily. I gotta know the woman who has got you wrapped on her pinky." He says with a wink.

Although I ignore most of the shit that comes out of his mouth, I couldn't agree more to what he just said.

Emma indeed has me wrapped on her pinky.

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