《Come Back To Me, Kiwi.》Chapter 57 - Hide and Hurry


Weeks of non stop kisses have passed and I did not mind one bit. Vivi wasn't able to keep his lips off me, like a starved puppy. I was honestly the same, but to me it was strange how much affection he had for me.

I mean, he still hadn't told me he loved me and it was almost November. Which means that one month of kissing had passed and he still wouldn't tell me he loved me.

At least it only took him a day to ask me to be his girlfriend. He set up a cute little dinner table outside by the pool at the mansion and he asked me there.

Now I was on the beach and Vivi came over from behind me and silently took my hand, helping me up and then hoisting me into the air and running off with me in his arms.

"Where are we going?" I giggled.

"To hide." He told me.

"From what?" I asked with a smile.

"People... I just need you for a little while." He told me.

I giggled and let him take me to a little area that looked a lot like a cave.

"Kiss me, baby. Please." He said to me.

I pulled him down and I gave him exactly what he wanted. He had gotten much more touchy, but that was after weeks of taking things very slowly. He always touched my butt now while we kissed.

"Remind me how I let you come here knowing people would see you like this." He said, looking me up and down before diving into another kiss.

I giggled into the kiss and he growled because I wasn't kissing him back properly. I smiled and then I kissed him back, making him moan in contentment.

I always got really embarrassed and flustered when he did that in public. But he had no filter. Eventually his lips trailed down to my neck and he started sucking on my skin. I whimpered at the feeling of him biting and sucking and he pulled away, kissing me on my lips again.

"God, Kiwi! You have a way of making me lose my senses." He said to me, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Why'd you bring me here? So we can kiss?" I asked him.

"I think that making out is a better term for what we just did, but yes. I did have other intentions, however. Would you like to hear those?" He chuckled.

I turned red and nodded my head.

"I wanted to ask my beautiful, flawless girlfriend out on a date. Will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asked me.

"Yes! Where are we going?!" I asked him.

"I was thinking laser tag and then we can drop by the mansion and watch a movie in the theatre, then we can go out for food... sound good?" He asked me.

"Only if you make that delicious caramel popcorn." I said to him.

"Deal!" He smiled, taking my hand and pulling me towards Momma and Daddy.

We were out with them today and they were taking Vivi and I on a hike after our beach day. It was the last chance we had to come to the beach before it got too cold.

I watched Vivi follow Daddy down to the beach and I also watched the girls swarm him as usual. It was something I'd learned to live with since Vivi and I became an official couple.


But not for a single second did it ever make me feel uneasy. Because Vivi got rid of them in seconds now and he always made me feel like I was the best thing in his universe, so I didn't feel threatened by those silly girls.

"I wonder how things are going with Remi." Momma asked me.

"Trouble in paradise." I said, looking down at my arm which was starting to turn pink despite how much sunscreen I had on.

"How do you know? Has he said anything?" She asked me.

"No. But last time I heard, he got into a fight with Juliet. He told me he'd update me after that, but I haven't received updates." I explained.

"What did they fight over?" Momma asked me.

"I don't know... she just seemed scared of letting him in." I explained.

Momma hummed and nodded.

"How are you and Vidal?" She asked me.

"Good. Really good." I smiled, looking at him.

"I can see that." She laughed, pointing to my neck.

"Oh no.... again?" I asked her.

"Again." She nodded. "That boy is uncontrollable."

A few moments later, a guy came up to us and Momma didn't even bother looking in his direction.

"Hello, ladies." The man said.

"I'm old enough to be your mother and she's taken." Momma said to him, making me laugh.

"So no numbers?" He asked.

"Nope." I said, popping the p.

I had learned that trying to be nice didn't get anywhere. You had to be aggressive with guys like this most of the time. It's the only thing that seemed to work. And this guy immediately left when we shut him down before he could even say anything.

But the weird dudes kept coming. One after the other.

"Hey, pretty little thing." One of them said to me.

"I have a boyfriend." I said immediately, taking Momma's hand because this particular man was scary.

"Get lost." Momma said to him.

"I'd like a number first." He said.

I waved Vivi over and he came over in a hurry. He immediately leaned in, kissing me and then plopping down beside me and brushing some hair away from my face. Daddy followed him but much slower.

"Is there something you'd like?" Vivi asked the guy harshly.

"A number." The guy said.

"Yeah? My girlfriend and my mother are both taken though, sorry about that." Vivi said with a sarcastic smile.

The man laughed and looked at me.

"Come on, beautiful. You can do better than that." He said, gesturing at Vivi.

"I'm pretty happy with who I'm with, thank you." I laughed, shaking my head at how rude he was.

"Come on, Princess. Don't let him hold you back." He said.

"Listen to me, idiot! I've expressed countless times how uninterested I am in your existence! So do everyone a favour and get lost!" I said angrily.

Vivi held me more tightly, seeing how close I was to getting up and smacking this man.

"Oooh. The little princess has got some fire in her." The man laughed.

"Hey!" Daddy suddenly said from a few feet away, and the guy jumped up in alarm.

I smiled, knowing Daddy could get rid of him.

"Get away from my daughter." Daddy said, warming my heart.


"Right away, sorry about that, Sir." The guy said, clearly afraid of Daddy who was sporting a huge frown on his face.

"You ok, Bunny?" Daddy asked me.

"Yeah." I nodded when he sat down beside me.

I leaned over so that I could hug him and he pulled me closer, stroking my head gently and kissing my forehead.

"Those idiots seriously don't know when to quit. Like does she really have to repeat how revolting she finds you several times for you to understand that my bunny is off limits?" Daddy said in annoyance.

"It's ok, Daddy. That's why I have you." I smiled, kissing him on the cheek and cheering him up.

He smiled at me and then he noticed the hickey on my neck and he gently grabbed my chin, moving my head to the side.

"Vidal.... How many times do I have to tell you, to stop giving her hickeys?" He asked his son.

"Shut up, hypocrite." Momma said to him, pointing to her neck.

"You're my wife, Hazelnut. I can do that. But I don't see a ring on my bunny's finger yet." Daddy said, pulling Momma into his lap.

"Dodo, we're in public, Momma said when he started kissing her neck.

"Dad. No." Vivi said.

"If I have to watch you two do it, you shouldn't object when I kiss my wife." Daddy said.

"Kiara. It's time to escape." Momma said, holding out a hand for me to take.

Momma and I ran off and we saw the boys chasing after us.

"Hide!" Momma said, pulling me into the cave that Vivi and I had been in earlier.

"Oooh, this is a pretty cave." Momma smiled, looking around.

"It is." I smiled and then my phone started ringing.

It was Remi.

I answered immediately, finding it weird that he'd call me. I knew he had a meeting.

"Hello?" I asked as soon as I answered.

"Kiara... hey." Remi said, sounding strained.

"What happened, Remi?!" I asked, not liking the way he sounded.

"Just, stay calm, Cupcake. Everything is fine." He said to me.

"Tell me what happened, Remi!" I said urgently.

"I got into an accident. But I'm fine, I'm perfectly fine, Cupcake." He said to me.

"Where are you?" I asked him.

"In the hospital." He said.

"Oh my God! Momma, we have to go!" I said. "Remi, we're coming!"

"What happened?" Momma asked me.

"I'll see you in a few minutes, Remi!" I said to him.

"Ok. Just relax, alright. I'm perfectly fine." He told me.

"Ok, ok. Just rest, ok?" I said, rushing out to see Vivi as I hung up on him.

"He got in an accident, but he's ok." I told Momma.

"Oh my God!" Momma said, sprinting towards the car and grabbing Daddy.

"Remi is in the hospital. But he's ok." I said to Vivi and he froze.

"What?! What happened?!" Vivi said, the look on his face changing into horror.

"H-he was in an accident, but he's ok. He's alright." I said, seeing Vivi turn red and get really scared.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!" Daddy said.

We all rushed to the hospital and Vivi almost murdered the receptionist when she wouldn't tell us where he was.

He got us to the room eventually though. When we got to the room, Remi was sitting in bed with one of his arms in a sling and one of his feet wrapped up with some gauze. His head had a bandage on it too.

"You're alright?! This is alright?!" I asked him.

"Sh... Please, Kiara. Keep it down." Romeo said gently, wincing at my loud volume.

"Sorry." I said, feeling guilty but still furious.

"I'm sorry for scaring you all." He said.

I looked down at myself, still in the short shorts and the hoodie that I'd thrown on once we left the beach.

"Were you guys at the beach?" He asked as Momma went over to him to examine his state. She looked about ready to cry.

"We were." Daddy said, looking very pale.

"It's October, what were you doing at the beach?" He asked us with a chuckle before he winced again.

"That's irrelevant." Momma said, kissing him gently on his cheek.

"I'm alright, Momma." He promised her.

Vivi shook his head and plopped down on one of the chairs in the room, rubbing his forehead after the distress that we'd all just been through.

"I swear to you all, I'm alright." He said.

"Did you see a woman with a little girl anywhere?" He asked, eying the door expectantly.

"Is she coming?" I asked him.

"If she cares." He shrugged.

"She does care, Remi." I said softly, moving towards the bed.

He just shrugged again and then we heard a kid crying.

His eyes instantly shot towards the doorway. And in came a beautiful Asian woman with a little girl in her arms.

She put the kid down and looked at Romeo like he was her entire life. The little girl ran towards Romeo as she wiped her tears away.

She desperately tugged at his uninjured arm and he smiled and shushed her. He leaned towards her and winced before scooping her up with one arm and placing her in his lap.

"Hey, how's my cutie?" He asked her.

"Daddy. You're hurt?" She sobbed, her little fingers running over his face.

"No... no, daddy is ok." Remi said, kissing her little hand.

I looked at Juliet, expecting her to get a little annoyed about her daughter referring to Romeo as her daddy. But I saw no irritation on her face, only relief. She was about to break down completely.

"Hey. Don't cry, baby. Come here." He told Juliet.

Everyone was shocked by what they were seeing, except for me. We all left the room and gave them their privacy.

I knew one thing for sure. That was a perfect little family and now that things seemed to have fallen into place, nothing was going to separate them.

I was happy for my brother, but also furious about how reckless he was. He liked to ride his motorbike around, but I think this was proof that he shouldn't be on one of those. Especially with his girls. They needed him and he needed to protect himself for them.

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