《Mr Possessive ✅》Chapter 5


"Are you out of your mind?" I asked as we exit the canteen.

"You said you don't like it. You were uncomfortable. What can I do?" He replied angrily.

"But you can't destroy school's property like that. Now we are in trouble and I'm in it because of you. My aunt will kill me if they called her for this." I'm so scared right now. Don't know what is going to happen.

"Don't exaggerate it. She is your aunt, she will know that you are not capable of this." he scoffed.

"You don't understand." I can't fight him over this. What's done is done.

Today's day is over, but now I have to bear the second hell. My home.

I didn't talk to Xavier for the rest of the day. He didn't try to talk to me too. I don't know why he was angry. I should be angry about what he has done because of him I'm going to get punished, from school and home too.

It's good that he is not talking now. At least now my life can go back to invisible.

I entered the house and I was called into the kitchen. My aunt was near the stove. I stood in front of her with my head down and the next thing happened so quickly. I was on the floor. I hit my head from the corner of the table. My aunt slapped me.

"I told Sam that we should not take this bitch in our house because she'll surely create troubles for us," she shouted. I touched the area where I can feel the pain and blood. I stayed there quietly. It's not the first time.

"Mom you know, she was with a boy who just transferred today in our school. She was glued to him for the whole day. I even heard that she did nasty things with him. Ask her, she was nowhere at lunchtime." Rita, one of my cousins said.


"What? This is too much. I had enough of her. Are you trying to ruin our reputation, you nasty thing?" She shouted.

"Mom, can't we kick her out of our house?" Rosy, my other cousin said.

"No love, we have to feed her until she is 18. There is still some time left. You, what are you doing there, go and clean yourself and this wound is your mistake. Did you get it?" I understood what she meant.

I went up to my bedroom. Which is a storeroom in reality? I took a medicine box and went to the bathroom. I looked at the mirror. I blood was coming down to my eye.

I washed it and looked up again. Now I see my face clearly. I can see the resemblance to my parents. I got my mother's hair and nose but my eyes, my eyes are the same color as my father. My hairs are neutrally scarlet. So many people think I dyed them. My eyes are greenish-gray. My parents were very good-looking. I got their resemblance but I'm nowhere near there good-looks. I smiled thinking of them.

"I'm fine, mum-dad. I'll pass through this. Just some more time and I will go to a good college. I'm topping in all my subjects. I will be out of here."

I bandage the wound. It's not very deep but it will take at least a week to heal it.

I prepared myself and exit the bathroom. I went straight to my bedroom, I had no appetite.

The last thought in my mind was of Xavier. Don't know why? but thinking of him being angry with me is making me feel uneasy.

I hope tomorrow will be nothing like today.

With that, I closed my eyes.

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