《The Night I Was Saved》Chapter Fifty-Three


"Based on the delivered evidence from the crime scene, the testimonies of the victim, and testimonies of witnesses, I find the suspect, Mr. Leonard Charles Blissford, guilty on charges of kidnapping and human trafficking. I hereby sentence you to life imprisonment without parole."

On each side of me, Gigi and Florence immediately throw their arms around me, engulfing me in their embraces. I, on the other hand, can't move. I'm frozen in my seat as I repeat the words of the judge in my head.

Guilty. Life imprisonment. Without parole.

And although I have so many questions still, the one thing that's coming through as we speak is that I won. He lost. Finally and after everything he did, he lost.

"You did amazing Jo," Gigi whispers while she squeezes my arm, successfully pulling me back to what's happening around me. I see how Leonard is taken away by two policemen, and for the first time, I dare to look at him, searching for that eye contact that made me tremble every other time before.

And as if he feels my gaze, he looks up. Our eyes connect, and I immediately feel how the tables have turned. I don't look away, and I try to tell him everything I want to say with just one look.

I won.

I've survived.

I will live.

You don't own me anymore.

And then, he's the first one that looks away. He bows his head, his gaze straight to the floor while he follows the men that will take him to his residence for the rest of his life; prison.

When he's out of sight, I blow out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I feel light-headed, the urge to scream and yell overwhelming. I want to climb on the table and throw my arms in the air, singing in euphoric tones that I've won.

Gigi and Florence are now congratulating each other and behind me, I hear whispers along the same lines. And when I turn around, I see him. Hero, looking at me with an expression that oozes relief and mostly; pride.

Next to him, Titan and George are hugging each other in victory, but he isn't giving them any attention. He's only looking at me, waiting for me to come to him. And it's all I want to do.

I ignore Gigi and Florence, frankly ignoring everyone around me as I make my way toward him. And when I'm close enough, his arms catch me, holding me against him while I bury my face in the crook of his neck. His head is bowed, his lips touching my ear as he whispers words that are only meant for me to hear.

"I'm so proud of you, love. So fucking proud. You did it. You're so strong. You won. I love you." His words are a chaotic mess, but I understand them perfectly. He's saying everything I'm thinking, and by that, he's once again proving how deep he's into this, with me.

Around us, I hear how the press is taking pictures of us. Even though Hero's pressed my head against him, I still see the flashes that the cameras inflict. This morning, the idea of the press made me nervous, but right now I couldn't care less that they are here. The only thing I care about is that Leonard is gone.

"Without parole means..?" I whisper against Hero's neck.

At this, Hero lifts his head as he pulls mine away from him so he can look at me. He shakes his head, his hands finding my cheeks. "Don't worry, love. He's not going anywhere other than behind bars for the rest of his life. You'll never see him again. He'll never come near you or Dais. You're safe. You're free."


His words are a huge relief, and the only thing I can think of is kissing him. And although there are people around us and we have zero privacy, I don't care. I just do what feels right; I wrap my arms around his neck and slam my lips against his, taking him by complete surprise.

But soon the surprise has winded down and he kisses me back just as enthusiastically. The cameras immediately start to click and flash more, and I think it's what forces Hero to pull back way too soon.

He smirks shyly, his cheeks a little red. "Come on. Let's get you home, to Dais."

"Still can't believe he got the balls to actually show up," Titan spits while shaking his head. Next to me, I feel Hero tense too.

"It helped the case," Hero growls. "But he's got sacked."

"And rightly so." George lifts his glass of wine, obviously just as mad at Hero's colleague Dwight as Hero and Titan. Dwight gave his statement about how he found me and where, and I think it helped my case, but Hero won't thank him for it.

I honestly was quite relieved when Hero found out it was Dwight who had spoken to the press. He hasn't leaked any more information after Hanson confronted him, and as Titan said; he's lost his job because of it.

"Speaking of witnesses and their testimonies," Mercy pipes up, her expression surprised. "I'd never expected Patty to testify in your favor, Jo. That was something."

I nod my head while I take a sip of my wine. I've come to like a glass of wine once in a while. Ever since I stopped breastfeeding Daisy, Hero and I sometimes drink a glass during dinner. I've never drank more than one though. I don't want to get lost in alcohol.

"She was nicer than I remembered," I honestly say. "She was so curt and mean at the hospital."

"You were a different person back then too," Martha points out. "You've grown so much, Jo. Maybe that's why you see things differently now."

Martha is right; I did grow. And although I still don't like Patty, I do believe that what she did at the hospital, was to help me and Daisy. But I would be lying if I said I'm not very happy that Mercy was there to help me too.

"I think you're right," I agree, kissing Daisy's head. She's been sitting with me ever since we came home three hours ago, and I know she's missed me just as much as I missed her.

In the past weeks, she's spent a lot of time at Martha's because both Hero and I were busy with the trial. Daisy did amazing; she's proven to be a very easy and social baby. Martha never has trouble with her. But I've missed her immensely, and I can't wait to focus on her for a while now.

It's just the normality that I've been missing most. Giving her the last bottle before bringing her to bed, showering her, and taking her for a walk. And knowing that nothing will stand in my way now, makes me excited for the future even more.

"You are right," Hero agrees too, lifting his glass. "To Jo. And Daisy."

And while my cheeks heat up, his family follows suit. "To Jo and Daisy."

Unknown serenity washes over me as I watch how my daughter nestles herself underneath her sheets. Her fingers have found her mouth, her lashes are resting on her chubby cheeks, and the rabbit that Hero got for her is tightly clutched in the hand she isn't sucking on.


She's out like a light, safe in her own bed, and for the first time while tucking her in, I feel just as she looks. Content, utterly relaxed, and completely safe.

I'm about to close the door of her room when two arms lace around me from behind. His hands fold together just underneath my chest, his front flush against my back as his lips find my ear. "She's knackered."

"She is," I agree. "And no wonder. She's had about a hundred cuddle sessions with your mom, Mercy, and Maisie, and Titan wore her out playing peek-a-boo."

Hero chuckles, swaying us from left to right slowly. "Everybody loves her. They're fighting for her attention."

"I know who's winning it though." I giggle softly. Now that Daisy is having more contact with the world around her, it's clear she has a thing for the Fiennes-Tiffin males. Hero is still her absolute favorite, but Titan is second for sure. "You should see her face when Titan talks to her."

"I saw," Hero mumbles. "Can't wait for Maisie to give birth so he'll stop flirting with my baby and flirt with his own."

I giggle and plant my elbow in his ribs softly. I know he doesn't mean it; he's dead happy that his family loves Daisy so much, and he can't wait for his brother to become a father. I just know he'll be the best uncle for his unborn niece or nephew.

"I think they'll have a boy," I mumble while leaning back so my head rests against his chest. I keep watching Daisy. She looks so peaceful, if I knew she'd stay asleep I'd take her on my arm to cuddle her some more.

"Whatever they'll have, I'm sure he or she and Dais will be best of friends." His arms tighten around me, his lips ghosting over my cheek. "Come on, let her have some rest."

His hands slide to my hips and pull me with him, pushing me through the hallway and towards the double doors that lead to the living room. There is not a trace to be seen of the little party we had; Hero's family helped us clean up before they left, and Mercy bathed Daisy in the meantime.

"Sit down," Hero urges while nodding to the corner of the couch that has become my favorite place to sit. It's just next to the large windows, and it's somehow also in the center of the room. "You want another glass?" He asks while holding up the bottle of red wine.

I've only had one glass, and usually, that's all I'm having for one night, but tonight we have something to celebrate, so I nod my head. "A half one."

Hero smirks and takes two new glasses from the cabinet before making his way to me. He sits down next to me, places the two glasses on the coffee table, and then fills them. After he's handed one to me, he holds up his. "To you. To you and to your future, safe and sound."

"To us," I correct him, once again wanting to make clear that everything that happened, wouldn't have happened without him. "I couldn't have done any of this without you. Without you, Daisy and I would still be there, in that apartment while-"

"Let's not talk about that now, okay?" Hero interrupts gently, lacing his arm around me and pulling me against him. In reflex, I lift my legs and cuddle against him more, until I'm leaning against him comfortably.

"Okay," I mumble, enjoying the way his hand slides over my arm slowly. His embrace engulfs me and relaxes me to the bone, and his breathing is forcing mine to slow as well.

For minutes, we sit in silence. We cuddle and drink some of the wine he poured us, and I just enjoy it. After months, I can finally sit like this and not think about everything that lies ahead. Although I know there is still enough for me to face -the other men and my psychical health among others- for now, I'm done. For now, I can sit here and not worry about court or him or the what if.

He got what he deserved, and that's all that matters for now.

"Are you sleepy, love?" Hero asks, breaking the silence and mistaking my relaxation for tiredness.

I shake my head, turning around slightly so I can look at him. "Not at all. Just content."

He smiles, one dimple poking in his cheek. His eyes flicker to my mouth for just a second, and I sense his doubt. I'm not sure why there still is any doubt for him; he must know I'd love for him to kiss me, but maybe it's because of what happened today. He's testing the waters and giving me the reigns like he always does.

I give him a small smile and then lift slightly so our lips touch. Instantly, the hand that isn't holding his glass curves around my chin, holding me in place as he follows my lead. I open my mouth and slide my tongue along his lips, asking for entrance which he gives me right away.

Kissing him like this feels so comfortable and trusted, I don't even think anymore. It all goes on auto-pilot. It's been a while since I was able to kiss him this carefree and thoughtless. For the past weeks, kissing as if we've got all the time in the world wasn't part of the routine. We kissed, but we both felt there were other things on our minds. Right now, we are both here, in the moment, and I didn't know how much I needed it until now.

Wanting to be closer, I break the kiss for a moment so I can place my glass on the coffee table. Hero watches me with hooded eyes and parted lips, his breathing heavy as he waits for what I will do.

I steady myself by grabbing his shoulders and then lift my leg, straddling him. He doesn't seem surprised; his free hand immediately goes to my hip while he takes a sip of his wine, his eyes solely on my face.

"You're so beautiful," he mumbles, his eyes oozing love. Unconditional, pure love.

My cheeks blush, his compliment warming me. "You are too."

It's not something I say just because. He is beautiful. His brown hair is gelled back, a few strands hanging over his forehead now that the gel has lost its strength. His green eyes are clear, his pupils slightly dilated. His lips are puffy and a little red, his tongue moving over the arch ever so often to collect the wine that still lingers there. His expression is serene, and it oozes patience, just like it's always done.

And as I look at him, the air between us shifts. From loving to something heavier, and from the playful smile to something sultry. His eyes darken a shade, and it rushes my blood through my veins faster as goosebumps rise upon seeing how he looks at me.

With suddenly shaking hands, I take the still half-full glass of wine from his hand, and the words that come from my mouth surprise me as much as they surprise him. "I don't think you need this anymore."

"I don't?" He counters with curious eyes. His tongue flicks over his lips again, only this time I doubt it has something to do with the wine. When I nod, he chuckles low. "You sure? Your eyes tell me I'm definitely gonna need some more wine."

"My eyes?" I ask before I have time to overthink it. I don't think I look at him differently, do I?

A soft smile falls over his features. He seems endeared. "Never stop talking to me, okay? I never want you to filter your words. Just give them to me straight." When I nod in promise, he kisses me shortly, both hands now on my cheeks. "You're looking at me in a way I haven't seen you do before."

"I do?" I ask, surprised. It amazes me how he can read me, even at moments where I haven't completely realized what he sees myself.

He hums in a low, suddenly heavy way. "Yeah, you do." His voice is low too, sexy even, I think.

For some reason, his voice and words make me blush, and not just my cheeks. It's suddenly warm, and all I want to do is jump on him. It's overwhelming how much I want to be close to him right now.

"Go ahead," he whispers, nodding in encouragement as if he knows what I'm thinking. His hands slide down over my body, until they nestle on my hips. "Do whatever you want."

Doing what he says is a little scary, but because I want to so badly, I do it anyway. I slowly lean forward, placing my lips on his and then do what he usually does to me. My hands move to his cheeks, my thumbs sliding underneath his chin, and I kiss him, deeply and in a way that suggests so much more than I ever wanted to do before.

But it's different now because I feel free and stronger than ever.

The moment his lips part, he sucks in a breath that suggest he didn't expect me to do this. His fingers set into my hips harder, and I can feel him tense too. But when I want to pull away to ask if what I'm doing is okay, he hums into the kiss while his hands pull me against him by my hips even more.

"Don't you dare," he grunts against my mouth, and right after his tongue tangles with mine again. Slowly, but with such an urgancy, it heats every part of me.

I don't know if it's the wine, or because I feel different because of what happened today. Maybe it's a combination of the two that is giving me this courage. But what I know for sure, is that I'm in love with this man. I'm so in love with him, it hurts sometimes, and I doubt if I've ever told him this properly.

"I love you," I tell him, my lips not losing contact with his. "I love you so much. I really do."

He pulls my hips against him, letting me feel how much he enjoys this without any hesitation. His nose rubs along mine as he blows out a heavy breath. "And I love you, baby. Unconditionally."

Before I properly register it, my body has taken over and we're kissing again. Our tongues tangled, sloppy sounds echoing through the silent room. And when his hands slowly start to guide me, I realize that I'm moving my hips against him carefully, searching for something that will soothe the burn.

It feels like months since Hero and I did something like this. We hardly ever properly kissed during the heavy days, so let alone this. I wasn't even thinking about it, to be honest, but now, I seem obsessed with being close to him. So much, that thinking just shuts out and my body just does, like instinct.

Rubbing against him feels amazing. He's strong, and he fits against me as if it's meant to be like this. My limbs tingle and my scalp tickles, a rush of something I haven't felt this heavy before rushing through me. I'm not warm anymore, I'm on fire, and my heart rate suggests that I've run a marathon.

With shaky hands, I slide my palms over his chest and abdomen, finding the hem of his shirt eventually. I want to know if his skin is just as warm as mine. When I drag the fabric up, Hero stops kissing me, his eyes -now almost dark green- reading every inch of my face. And after a short moment, he lifts his arms as if he's found the answer to his unspoken question, allowing me to pull his shirt off of him.

After I've thrown the clothing behind me on the floor, I place my palms on his chest, immediately feeling how his heart beats just as fast -if not faster- as mine. And suddenly, a giggle escapes, just because of how new and exciting this all is. I know this is new; it feels so much more intense than all the other stuff we did, and we did a lot already.

Unlike me, Hero is serious. His eyes are almost boring holes in my face, and after a deep breath, he's found his voice. "Where's this going, love?"

He feels it too. He feels that this is different than when he touches me or I him. It's even more than when he used his mouth on me. And the most amazing thing about everything is; it doesn't feel heavy or scary at all. I'm completely at ease, hardly thinking over my actions, and I feel free and cherished.

Slowly and without saying anything, I move from his lap and take his hand, pulling him up to stand too. When he's on his feet, I walk backward, keeping eye contact with him as I make my way to the double door that leads to the hallway.

Hero's eyes are even darker than moments ago, his eyes flickering from my face to the direction I'm moving in while licking his lips once more. "Jo?" He then urges, still waiting for an answer.

With a small smile and some courage, I answer, "To the bedroom."

I don't miss how he raises his eyebrow in surprise, and I have to admit I'm enjoying it. I have no idea where my boldness is coming from, but I do know that this is the first time I'm leading him, and I kind of like it although it's also nerve-racking since I've never done this before.

But he lets me lead. He follows me, making sure I don't bump into things as I still walk backward. His eyes shine curiously, but he's nervous too, just like me.

When we reach the bedroom, I push him to the bed where he sits down. Letting go of his hand, I close the door. When I turn, a memory suddenly floats into my mind, and because the nerves are rising as well, I can't help but giggle.

"What's funny?" Hero asks, smirking. He's still on the bed, carefully following my every movement.

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