《The Night I Was Saved》Chapter Forty-Two


"Come on, one more." I'm just in time to grab her by her slippery waist before she exits the shower, her hushed giggle making me grin as I pull her back against my chest. "Just one."

It's almost difficult to pull her back against me and by that, blocking the view of her naked body. Her body that, before she so boldly walked into the shower, I hadn't seen completely bare. I almost had a fucking heart attack when she dropped her panties to the floor, especially because I'd never thought that that moment would come this soon.

She's fucking gorgeous. From the little oval birthmark right between her perk, full breasts, to the curve of her hips and the light brown hair in between her legs, she is perfection.

And she is here, with me -against me- as close as she possibly could.

"Hero," she protests, although weakly. Her hands fold on top of mine a second later, and I can't help but feel proud at how easily she lets me touch her while we're both naked. She's come such a fucking long way.

"Josephine," I counter, my voice just above a hoarse whisper as my mouth presses against her wet hair, aiming for her ear.

I feel her shiver against me, and then she slowly turns around. When her front is pressed against my chest, her eyes flutter up so I can look at her face, and I'm ecstatic to see that the comfort I feel, is clear in her expression as well.

"Hi," she mumbles shyly, her cheeks pink from the hot water and maybe also because she is starting to realize exactly how naked we are with each passing second.

"Ello." I smile, my eyes still scanning her. Compared to the first time I met her, she looks completely different right now.

Her hollow eyes and fallen cheeks are gone; she's gained weight, which is why she looks much healthier. Her cheeks have a healthy glow, and although I'm aware that that's partly because of the warm water, it also must be because she is feeling at ease and happy.

Her eyes seem more open too. As if she's finally allowing me to see her, really see her. She's not giving me everything yet, but she isn't as closed off either. In every little detail of her expression and actions, I see how much she's grown and how fucking strong she is, and it's amazing. There is a confidence that wasn't there before, and it makes sure she fucking shines. She is amazing.

"What?" Her soft voice interrupts my thoughts, and when I focus on her eyes, I see that she's looking up at me, a frown in between her eyebrows because of confusion and also because of the droplets of water that hit her face.

Lifting my hand to her warm cheek, I shake my head. "Nothing. Just you."

"You keep saying that," she chuckles softly, her eyes slowly casting down as her cheeks color a little darker.

It's been you since I met you, is my very first thought, how could it be anyone else, my second. But for some reason, I don't voice that sentence out loud. Instead, I give her a small smile while I let my hand glide over her wet cheek.

"You've changed so much. I mean grown too. It's fucking beautiful to witness."

Her fingers trace light patterns across my wet chest, her eyes following them in earnest. "I feel a completely different person too. But deep down I'm still the same, although I'm not entirely sure who I was before I got out of there."


"You've got time now. To figure out who you truly are." A shiver runs through my body as one of her nails un purposely grazes over my nipple, but Jo seems oblivious to what it does to me. She just looks up at me with those blue-grey orbs, a hint of a smile coating her pink, wet lips.

For a moment we look at each other, the temperature rising once more with each glance. Eventually, it's Jo who tears her gaze away while letting out a puffy breath, almost as if she is forcing herself to calm down. And all the while, she's still pressed against me, naked and wet. All delicious.

"Around you, I seem to be reckless and bold." She giggles and shakes her head, clearly still surprised by her unexpected decision to join me in the shower.

"I'm not complaining." I chuckle along. "You okay with that though?"

She seems to think about my question for a moment, her hands now sliding up and down my upper arms. "I like who I am around you. Around you, I don't feel like the girl who went through all those things. I don't feel like a victim, I guess," she eventually answers. "But I'm still confused. The things I want and do when I'm with you, don't match with what I think I should do. Or maybe even shouldn't do." She then sheepishly looks up at me. "Do you understand what I mean?"

I nod my head, even though I know I won't ever completely understand what she means since I still don't know what happened to her in great detail. But the confusion is something that I do understand. We've known each other for such a short period, and we're moving fast.

"Anyway, my talk with Alice helped me a bit. I feel less guilty and confused about wanting to be this close to you, I believe. Alice encouraged me to do what feels good. It's just overwhelming that I have the choice now. That I can take that control."

"And you will always have that control, Jo," I tell her while moving both my hands to her cheeks, wanting -needing- her to look at me. "You're safe with me. In every way."

"I know," she replies, and I hear that she means it. She knows she is safe. She feels safe.

I smile and then carefully lean down, feeling her lift on her toes to meet my intentions and pressing her lips on mine. The kiss we share is simple and sweet, a sharp contrast to how we are both naked and wet, and I'm still buzzing from what I think was the most intense orgasm I've ever had.

But then again, it's always like that with us; a whirlwind of emotions, chaos, and feelings. It has been from the moment I met her, and I doubt it will ever change.

And the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that this is how love is supposed to be. Those feelings that make sure things are never boring, those challenges that are fucking hard but without doubt will make us stronger at the end of the road, that little girl that is with us from day one which makes all the dating and easing-into-things-crap much harder, it's what I need.

And Jo though might not have a single clue about what she needs -she probably never even thought about it- I'm that bloody bastard that will convince her it's what she needs too.

With every step down the stairs, the soft sounds of my mum singing become more persistent, and I can't fight the grin that fights its way across my face.


"Your mom is really the sweetest woman I've ever met," Jo says at the same time while she turns her head towards me. She's walking in front of me, and her endeared smile covers how I feel completely.

I knew my mum liked babies. She's told us many times how she couldn't wait for us -well, naturally Titan and Mais first since they are in a grown-up, committed relationship- to have a baby so she can babysit once a week.

But I have to say it's leaving me speechless how she is with Daisy. She's never asked questions, not about me taking Jo and Dais into my home, and not about how it will go from here, nothing. She's just been her warm, sweet self, welcoming Jo and Daisy into the family as if it's what they truly are.

"She's pretty amazing," I agree, following Jo to the living room.

When mum comes into view, I take a second to take her and Daisy in while standing in the door opening. Jo must've had the same thought, because she is watching them too, standing next to me. Mum stands in front of the window, now softly talking to Daisy who is laying in her arms. Daisy's blue eyes are wide open and looking up at my mum, her two fingers in her mouth although she isn't sucking on them.

Somehow, those two fingers in her mouth tell me she is completely at ease and it swells my heart a little more.

As if mum feels Jo and my eyes on her, she turns, a bright smile covering her face. "Ah, there you two are. This little lass and I were wondering when the two of you'd get hungry."

"Sorry it took a while," Jo instantly apologizes, mistaking my mum's comment for upbraid. "I lost track of time and-"

"Oh, nonsense love. Dais and I had the most fun. Trust me, you could've taken the whole day. She's a doll," mum interrupts while walking toward us and handing Daisy to Jo. "Now, as you know I'm not a great cook, but the one thing I'm good at is a good ol' English brekkie. Can I make you some?"

Jo eagerly nods her head which doesn't surprise me, and I can't help but smirk. She must be famished after the intense morning we had. I know I am.

"Oi, me too," I pipe up since mum's gaze is still on Daisy and her question seemed solely for Jo.

To that, mum chuckles while shaking her head. "As if I don't know that, boy." She then turns to Jo once more. "Eats like a giraffe, that one, not only looks like one."

Jo giggles and then kisses Daisy's head to hide it, and somehow the familiarity between the two of them is more obvious than before. Yesterday must've did Jo and my mum good.

With a kiss on my cheek and a cheeky smile, mum leaves the room to makes us breakfast. When she's gone, I sneak up behind Jo, lacing my arms around her and pressing my mouth against her ear. "Teaming up with mum, I see. And here you told me I didn't have to worry about losing the favorite position."

Jo must remember I'm referring to New Year's Eve because she snickers and shakes her head while kissing Dais once more.

"I'm sure Daisy's still very fond of you," she answers, leaning back against me just a little bit which allows me to wrap my arms around her a little tighter.

"I'm sure of that too, yeah. But I wasn't talking about Dais." I move my head next to hers, my chin resting on her shoulder. It forces me to bow my back, but it gives me the perfect view of the little girl in her arms. "I want to be your favorite too."

She sucks in a breath and then shivers, a reaction that I haven't noticed before, or maybe I didn't allow myself to see it. Now though, it's a clear reaction to my touch, my voice, and it's waking something in me that I didn't know I could even feel.

"Yes," she whispers, pulling me out of my thoughts. "You are much more than that."

And just like that, I feel fucking ten feet tall.

But before some very heavy words -you're everything to me- slip from my mouth, the little girl in Jo's arms begins to squirm. Her hands -folded in tiny fists- raise in the air, and her mouth opens as wide as possible while her eyes squeeze shut for a moment. Even while dramatically yawning she is cute as fuck.

"That's what you get from partying all night and keeping us awake, little one," I chuckle, lifting one hand to tickle her belly.

"Oh hush, you slept a few hours more just now, didn't you?" Mum says from behind us, two full plates of the most delicious brekkie in the world in her hands.

I nod and squeeze Jo's waist with the one hand that's still wrapped around her. "One hell of a nap," I murmur, making sure mum doesn't hear that bit before letting go of her.

I don't miss how Jo bites her lip and how her face flushes, and once again my heart fucking flutters like a little schoolboy that is in love with his teacher.

I love how her cheeks color because of the things I say but fuck, I'm so whipped.

I'm home a bit earlier than Jo given that I rode my bike and my mum brought Jo and Dais with the car. It's a little over one, and I have a few hours left before I'm going on my last evening shift. Tomorrow I'm free and the day after that too, and I can't wait to spent them with Jo and Dais.

Those days off with the two of them made me realize how much of a blessing it is to be around them. Before them, I never felt the need to be home. Sure, I liked to have a day off so I could sleep longer and take my time, but never on the level that I feel it now. I can't wait to spend a whole day with them again.

After about ten minutes, the doorbell lets me know that Jo and Dais are here, and it's only when I walk to the monitor to buzz them up that I realize I never gave her a key. How fucking stupid is that?

After opening the door downstairs, I open the front door of my apartment, and just a few moments later, Jo and mum step out of the elevator. Jo is carrying the car seat with Dais, mum the bag with essentials for Dais that Jo took with her yesterday.

"In what world does Jo not have a key to your house, Hero?" Mum scoffs when she is close enough, and I can't help but chuckle as our thoughts match to a T.

Jo's cheeks are red as she passes me, mumbling a soft 'sorry' which I don't really understand. She should know by now that this won't piss me off in the slightest. She can have the key to everything I own for all I care, along with my credit cards and pin codes.

"I know, I was just thinking the same. I hadn't even thought about it," I honestly tell mum, but also Jo who is taking Dais out of the car seat behind me. "I'm giving her one right away."

Mum nods and hands me the bag, not entering the apartment. "You should. If she's alone here when you're at work, she should be able to lock up."

I nod once again, but I don't have time to reply as mum once again starts talking. "Anyway, I'm off. I'm supposed to meet Angela for a bit and then I'm picking Mercy up from work. Jo, it was lovely having you and Daisy over."

Cheers mum, what am I? Chopped liver?

Jo appears next to me with Dais laying against her chest. "Thanks for everything, Martha. I had a great time."

After they've given hugs and mum has kissed Dais' head, she leans to me to kiss my cheek. "Call your dad, Hero. He misses you."

"I will," I promise her.

With one final smile, nod, and wave, mum turns, and once the elevator opens, she disappears out of sight. When I've closed the door and turn to Jo, I see that Daisy is fighting against sleep, her eyes falling shut ever so often but then open just as fast because she doesn't want to miss anything.

"I'm going to lay her down," Jo says, nodding her head to the sleepy bundle in her arms.

"Sure. I'll call my dad in the meantime." I lean forward and nuzzle my nose on top of Daisy's head, leaving a kiss after. "Have a good sleep, love."

Dais doesn't even squirm; she's knocked out in her mother's arms. Jo smiles at my gesture and then nods her head before she turns and walks to Daisy's room. When she disappears behind the door, I make my way to the living while dialing dad's number.

It takes two tones before he picks up, a cheerful "Hero, my boy," thrown my way in greeting, and I instantly feel guilty for not calling him sooner. I haven't talked to him in ages.

"Hi, Dad," I respond, the sorrow clear in my tone. "Sorry I haven't called. It wasn't intentional."

"I know," he answers instantly, his tone still cheerful and without trace of blame. "Your mother told me you've got quite some things going on."

I'm glad he is putting it like this; he is giving me the chance to tell him, in my own words, what happened. And it's exactly what I do.

I tell him about the night I met Josephine. I tell him about how I helped her deliver the most precious girl in the whole world. I tell him things that I haven't told anyone else, like how I couldn't get them out of my head, and how I felt this need to protect them from the moment I laid eyes on them.

I tell him that offering them my house felt right and that I wanted them here, even though back then I made it look like a temporary option. I tell him about how Daisy makes me feel. How I suddenly feel a need to protect that scares me to the bone.

And I tell him about Jo. I tell him how she's more than just that girl I saved from hell. How she is more than just a case. I tell him that the more time I spend with her, the less I want to be away from her. I tell him that I love both of them, and while it's fucking weird to say it out loud to someone that isn't Jo, it feels fucking good to tell him this.

And it's only when I'm done, I realize that I must've rattled on for at least ten minutes. And my dad has not interrupted me once. Only now, when I fall silent, I hear him let out a breath that tells me he's impressed and maybe even a little boggled.

"That's one hell of a story, champ," he then says, and I can't help but chuckle in agreement.

"I know. It's insane. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster, but I have no idea when or where it ends."

"I can imagine," dad chuckles which tells me he is amused as well. "But these two girls seem real gems. They got your head in the clouds."

"They have. It's weird to say it out loud though. I've known them for such a short time. I want to give them a chance to figure out who they are without me, but at the same time that exact thought makes me sick."

"Given what the two of you have experienced together, I'm not surprised by how you feel, Hero," Dad answers, his tone a bit more serious. "Having a child is the most intense moment in someone's life. For women, obviously, but for men as well. And even though you didn't know Jo when you helped her, it makes one hell of an impression to witness something like that. Trust me, I've seen your mum do it three times, and every time it got to me. It blew my mind every time, and after each time, I loved her more than before. It's fucking impressive what women do when they have a child."

I chuckle at his choice of words. When dad curses, I know he really means what he says. And he is right. Jo was phenomenal the night she gave birth, and she did blew me away.

"I want you to meet them," I mumble, my mind still full of images of the night that Dais was born. How it felt to hold her while she was just seconds old. How she smelled. How she wrapped her tiny fist around my finger and how she snuggled against me when she lay in my arms, wrapped in my bulky coat.

"I'd love to." I can hear the excitement in his voice, but he tries to hide it by asking, "If she's okay with that too."

And right at that moment, Jo walks in. I wasn't directly looking at the doors, but the moment she appeared, it's as if I felt her. She smiles at me and then walks to the Christmas tree, lighting the lights. It's always the first thing she does when she walks into the living, and it somehow makes my heart jump. This is her home.

"She is," I tell my dad, who was waiting for an answer. "I'm sorry it took so long."

"No need. You're an adult, Hero. And you're amazingly dealing with this. I'm proud of you."

His compliment means a lot to me, and for a short moment, I don't know what to say. I can go all emotional and tell him I got it from him, but nothing leaves my lips. And as if he senses it on the other end, he twists the conversation. "So, how about I check my schedule, and then we'll see when we're both free?"

"That's great, Dad. You come here, yeah? We have everything for Dais here, so it's easiest." I follow Jo with my eyes as she grabs a glass from the cabinet and then pours herself an ice tea. She holds up the drink, silently asking me if I want some too, and I nod in confirmation.

"Your place it is," Dad agrees. "I'll text you."

I nod, even though he can't see me. "Okay, Dad. Again, sorry it took me a while."

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