《The Night I Was Saved》Chapter Forty-One


The door cracks and then falls shut behind him, and it's as if I only then can breathe again. My cheeks are still hot, and my heart has never beaten as fast as it does now.

And while my body is feeling a million things at the moment, my mind seems to be occupied with only one thing; Hero.

I'm surprised that he can bring me to that feeling so effortlessly and shocked that he manages to keep my mind with him too. Not once my thoughts drifted back to before him. Not once he lost my attention. Instead, he made his way into my mind and healed me a little more than he already did.

With his mouth and tongue. "O Gosh," I giggle out loud, not able to hold it back in. And here I thought feeding Daisy was about the only purpose for my heavy breasts. I was so wrong.

And now, while my body seems to be in sensory overload still, my mind is still with Hero. Literally.

I know why he left, he has been open about it since yesterday when he first showed me how good my own touch can be. But I wish he didn't leave. I wish he stayed here so I could kiss him. So I could watch him like he did me.

I don't know if it's normal that I even want to. All I know is that now that he gave me a taste, I want more. And because he is so utterly relaxed about this, the guilt I'm sure I should be feeling, is not there. There is not even a small trace of it, and instead, I believe him when he says it's normal, even though I'm sure my normal is not near the average normal at all.

My feet kick the duvet from my form even before I've fully made up my mind, and I'm already standing next to Hero's old bed when I realize what I'm about to do completely.

With every step I take, the wooden floor cracks a little, just like the door when I open it carefully. It's a sound in sharp contrast to the silence in the hallway, although I do hear the shower running behind a door to my left.

As I tiptoe to the door that I assume is the bathroom, I try to pick up some sounds from downstairs. I don't hear Daisy's cries, so I think she's decided not to give Martha a hard time. Honestly, I think she is tired from keeping Hero and I awake most of the night and she is now finally giving in to the tiredness she must feel.

I love her to pieces, but I had no idea I could be this tired. Yet, here I am; tiptoeing my way to the naked man underneath the shower while we could sleep in for once. Priorities, Jo.

When I'm standing in front of the door, I lay my head against it, wanting to know for sure that this is the right door. With my ear pressed against the wood, I hear the shower running behind it, and right after the nerves seem to take over my body.

"This is madness," I whisper to myself, my forehead now pressed against the door while I take a deep breath.

It is madness. I don even know what he'll do if I barge in without any notice. Maybe he doesn't even want me with him. Maybe the reason why he left is because he wants to be alone in this moment.

But as likely that might be, I can't seem to stop myself. He is so close now -just a door away- and that tingle that rips through my body tells me that this is what we both need. The way he kissed me just now, and the way he trailed his tongue over me should prove that.


So, I place my hand on the door handle and open the door, making sure to make as little sound as possible because for some reason I don't want to get caught. Luckily, the door doesn't make a sound when I open it; unlike all the other doors in this house, it opens smoothly. And all the while, I try to control the nerves so they don't overtake my body completely.

When I've opened the door enough, I slip in, the steam greeting me immediately. I close the door behind me and then turn, pushing my back against it and letting my eyes adjust for just a second. And then, I see him.

He is standing with his back to me, his head bowed and the droplets of water trailing down his form. Down his back and his behind and legs until it falls on the tiles underneath him.

His right arm seems to flex; the muscles in his upper arm bulging underneath his wet skin. His left hand is sprawled out on the tiles on the wall, his knuckles a little white, tensed. Just like his whole body seems to be.

And while I expected to feel the nerves I felt moments ago, there aren't any as I look at him. My whole body is warm and my heart is hammering against my chest, sure, but I'm in awe.

He is tall, broad, and all I can think about is how this man, this incredibly kind, handsome, big-hearted man, is doing everything he can every single day, to make sure my daughter and I are safe and well. Without asking for anything in return.

A low grunt from him interrupts my eyes from scanning every inch of him, and my head snaps up to his hair. He has lifted his head now, but I don't think he knows I'm here. And while almost every fiber in me doesn't want to interrupt him, a small, tiny part in me is begging him to turn around so I can properly see him.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. One I try to keep as quiet as possible so he won't hear. But the moment all the air has left my lungs, I see how his whole body stills. His right upper arm stops flexing and his left arm slowly slides down the tiles until his arm is hanging next to his wet, naked form. And while I hold my breath and the water still pours down on him, he slowly turns around.

When he's turned a quarter, his head turns so his blazing, dark-green eyes connect with my own. He doesn't look surprised or shocked to see me here; he blinks once, and then he licks his full lips, all the while he keeps moving until his body is turned to me completely.

And then, he bops his head up once. I don't know if it's because he is asking me something, or if he is telling me something, but somehow it gives me the courage to trail my eyes down once more.

His wet chest I've seen many times before, yet now he looks ripped. All his muscles are tensing, and therefore they are more pronounced than ever before. His left hand is resting on his lower abdomen, just over his belly button. The fact that his hand was touching me just moments ago as it's now touching himself, raises the temperature a little more.

And while I hold my breath, my sight travels south until I see his right hand. I don't think he has moved it since I came in. His hand is wrapped around himself, and I can't help but stare. I've felt him a couple of times now, but I've never seen it like this. Hard and big. And it's overwhelming.


Impressive even. And unlike any of the six I've seen before his.

His doesn't disgust me, and it doesn't scare me. I know that's because it's attached to Hero, and that he would never hurt me.

It's bigger than I have seen before too; there is still a fair amount of it poking out of the hand he has wrapped around him. And while the sight of the others always made me gag, his I can't stop looking at.

It looks weirdly beautiful; taken care of and young, I guess. Fresh and manly, with just a shade of hair that covers his pubic bone.

After what feels like hours of staring at his groin, I force my eyes to trail up again. And I find Hero still looking at me, with the same kind, lust-filled gaze, his wet hair now plastered on his forehead, and his lips slightly parted.

And as his eyes seem to determinedly lock with mine, his right arm starts to flex once more. "Missed me?"

I dig my teeth in my lip and nod, unable to answer with words as my eyes drift down again. I can't help it, it's calling me.

I'm not sure if Hero says more to me. The moment I have his now working hand in my vision again, my body heats up even more. His hand is slowly moving up and down his erection, ever so often sliding his thumb over the pinkish-purple tip.

And I'm afraid to blink because I don't want to miss anything he does. This is what it looks like, what it feels like. What it feels like to lust someone. What it feels like to be turned on solely because of a sight. He looks amazing.

"You know you are killing me, right?" He asks, sounding as if he's running a marathon as we speak. His breath is almost taking over the words, and his tone is laced with so much lust, it makes me blush a little more.

I tear my eyes away and move them up north once more until I find his dark-green, intense orbs. "What?" I breathe, not fully registered his words from moments ago.

For just a second, he shakes his head while a one dimpled grin appears. "You," he then says, his eyes flickering over my form. "You drive me crazy, Jo. Fuck."

And it's his words, along with the way his eyes seem to shoot fire, that make me want to have more. More than just this amazing sight of him naked and hard. I want to give him what he gave me.

And he wants more too. From me. I know he does; his whole demeanor tells me so. But as always, he is leaving it up to me. He's not beckoning me over, and he isn't asking me if I want to join him. He just looks at me, his eyes oozing that question, but never saying it out loud because he knows me.

He knows what happened. He knows what formed me. He knows how desperate my need for a choice and a voice is, and so he gives it to me. Simply because this man is so good.

Without saying anything and with determination, I pull his shirt over my head. It goes surprisingly smooth; not even my hair gets stuck in the awkward feeling movement. I hear how Hero sucks in a breath as my shirt blocks my sight for a second, and when the fabric hits the tiled floor, I see that his arm has stopped flexing once more while his wide eyes are fixated on my chest.

Next are my underwear. I don't even think it over when I pull them down my legs as fast as I'm able to. It's as if my mind has already decided, and my brain is now working on auto-pilot. A small part of me realizes that this is the first time he sees me naked, but it isn't by far giving me the feeling I always suspected it would.

Right now, as his eyes hungrily yet with the surprise still clear in his dark-green orbs scan my form, I only feel one thing. His love. His love for me. It's oozing from him, and it's making me feel safe, even though I know that his thoughts right now are far from what I could ever imagine.

"Jo, I don't-"

Before he's uttered the complete sentence, I'm within reach, the hot droplets of water coating my skin as well. "I know, but I do."

He grunts, his eyes closing for a very short moment. And when he opens them again, he lifts his arm and pulls me to him, pressing me against his side while a deep sigh leaves his mouth.

The warm water wets my hair, the goosebumps on my skin only rising more because I feel his hot skin pressed against my own. My arms are still hanging beside my body, but as Hero pulls me against him even closer, I lift them and wrap them around his waist without thinking.

I feel him shiver, but I'm not sure if it's because of my arms around him or because his hand has resumed the movements on his erection. What I do know, is that I can't look anywhere but at his hand that is deftly stroking his hard penis.

The veins in his hand and arm throb underneath his skin, and with each movement of his hand, he seems to tighten his grip around me as well. He's panting, his chest rapidly and strongly moving up and down, his breath ever so often tickling my soaked hair.

"Jo, love?" he mumbles, his mouth pressing against my hair. His voice sounds sexy and low, and I don't think I've ever heard him speak like this.

I force myself to tear my eyes away from his erection and lift my head. It's difficult because of the water that's pouring down on us, but with a little squinting, I manage to find his dark eyes through the water.

His eyes flicker to my mouth for a split second, his full, red lips parted and his soaked hair still sticking to his forehead. "Kiss me, Jo," he whispers.

It's the first time he so specifically asks something from me, and I find myself eager like I've never been before. My left-hand flies to his neck, pulling his head down not a second later while I stand on my toes so my mouth can touch his.

The movement causes my body to re-position, and while I roughly push my tongue through his parted lips which earns a surprising groan from Hero, my front presses against his.

The arm that isn't flexing, wraps around my waist and he pulls me even closer, the movement of his hand around his erection still going steady, only now sliding against my belly as well.

And just when I think I've found a proper rhythm in the way I'm kissing him, he abruptly pulls his mouth from mine. His head bows a little further until his forehead touches mine, and then his eyes flutter open, his long lashes sticking together because they are wet. And it's as if everything around me stands still. His gaze is so intense, I don't think I've ever seen him look at me like this. I feel his heart hammering against his chest, and that, along with his hand that is still moving up and down his erection in between us are the only things that seem to move.

"You are my fucking fantasy, Jo," he grunts, his fingertips digging in my back, an action I don't think he realizes, but giving his words even more power. "You have no idea. Fuck."

"Tell me what to do," I whimper, hardly recognizing my own voice or the vigor with which I utter the words. It's precisely what he does to me; he is making me feel strong and confident, even now, when I'm naked and vulnerable.

He shakes his head briefly, the droplets of water that fall from his face tickling my cheeks and forehead. "Just this, Jo. What you're doing is enough."

His voice sounds tensed, just like his body feels. I can feel all his muscles against me, tight and hard. It feels amazing, and even though I had my release moments ago, I feel the now a little more familiar heat spread through me once more.

"Just you, pressed against me like this, it's enough," he continues, his hand in between us moving faster, and all I can think about is that I want to watch what he is doing properly instead of only feeling it against my belly.

"You have no idea how many times I did this, wishing you were with me. How many times I did this while I thought of you. And now you are here, it's unreal." He sounds pained now, but his expression oozes anything but what I hear.

He looks beautiful. His cheeks pink and his tongue trailing over his lips ever so often. His piercing dark-green eyes that seem to hold me hostage, and his neck thick and tensed. He is big, impressive, and it makes me weak.

And I don't want him to stop talking to me. "What did you think about?" I whisper, my cheeks heating up at my forward question. I can't help it, I've lost my filter and he broke down that wall. It's his fault.

He chuckles and shakes his head, one dimple in his cheek appearing once more as he slides his arm up my back until it's wrapped around my neck again. "I can't tell you that. Not yet."

"Why not?" I breathe, my lips now slightly touching his as he has pulled me towards him more.

He shakes his head again and right after, his eyes tightly shut as his body seems to still completely. He moans a soft, tempting, and low breath of my name, and after his hand between us jerked a few times, I feel something hot against my belly.

It's hotter than the water that's pouring down on us, and it's way warmer than both our skins. Hero doesn't allow me to look down; he has pulled my head against him so my nose is pressed against his chest, his heart drumming against it too.

But I know what happened. And this time, it didn't scare or repulse me. It didn't make me flinch and it didn't make me want to throw up. This time, I hope that this moment -of his body shaking and his heavy panting against my wet head as he has buried his nose in my hair- will last.

I slowly feel Hero's heartbeat go slower, and he seems to return from his high as well as I feel how he nuzzles his nose in my hair a little more, inhaling deeply before kissing the top of my head. He then pulls back a little, allowing me to look up at him again.

He wraps both of his arms around me now, one still around my neck and the other tightly around my waist. "That was unexpected." He softly chuckles, his cheeks still pink and his eyes scanning every inch of my face, almost as if he searches for answers.

"I couldn't wait in bed while I knew that you..," I trail, suddenly feeling nervous as I realize what I did. How did I get so bold?

Hero chuckles again and leans down to give me a soft kiss. "You can always come to me, Jo. Always. I love having you with me, wherever I am, whatever I do." His nose bumps against mine once, a smirk appearing on his face that makes my heart beat even faster. "Especially when I do this."

He pushes his groin against my lower belly, his erection not as hard as I usually feel it but still there. "I didn't really do anything," I lamely respond, my eyes drifting down in hopes I get a little peek of what is happening in between us.

Sensing my intentions, he gives me one final kiss, this time on my forehead, and then takes a small step back. Because my shield is now gone, the water stream is fully hitting me again, forcing me to cast my head down so I'm able to open my eyes.

And while it washes away quickly, I can see his release across my stomach, as well as on his and his penis. To help the water clean me, I wipe my hand over the substance, which causes Hero to suck in a breath.

"You're too much," he mumbles, but I don't lookup. I can't. I'm mesmerized by the water that erases the evidence of what just happened and takes it down the drain.

And while Hero lifts his hand and lays it over mine to help me clean up, my mind already speculates on what will happen the next time when we are alone.

Who knew that taking control could be this addictive?


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