《The Night I Was Saved》Chapter Thirty-Nine


"These are the shifts I like," Dwight says while shutting down the engine of the car. "Not a lot of fuzz, done on time. Hell, if I get home fast I can catch Jamilla before she heads to bed."

I hum in agreement while my eyes are glued to my phone.

I love you.

The last three words of her text to me and all I want to do is jump on my bike and go to her so I can say it back in person. Fuck, I knew it was a good idea to give her a phone.

"I can report, man. If you want to head out?" Dwight pulls my attention away from my phone. When I have my focus on him completely, I don't miss how he scans me for a moment. "How's Josephine doing? And her baby?"

This is the first time since I'm back at work that he asked me about them. Yesterday we had a shift together too, and I honestly expected him to ask about them then, but he didn't. He seems hesitant now still, and I think it's because he, too, was there when we crashed that door. Out of everyone, he and I are the only ones that found her in the worst possible situation, and he was the first one that noticed her surroundings and how suspicious they were. I never thought about anyone else than her, Dais, and me, but Dwight must've felt just like me the moment he figured it all out.

"They are good," I answer, a smile forming my lips on its own accord. "Healthy. You wouldn't recognize her if you saw her now. And Dais is the perfect baby, she grows, she drinks, and she sleeps."

Dwight nods, but the smile that broke through my face moments ago hasn't rubbed off on him. "I'm glad to hear that. I can't believe it's been almost three weeks since we found them."

"I know," I agree, nodding my head.

For a moment we are both silent. Dwight nods his head once more, and just when I think he is going to head out of the car he pipes up again. "Do you know if she wants to press charges against him?"

His question takes me by surprise completely, and I do not doubt that he sees that on my face as well. "Um, we've talked about it," I answer. Dwight and I usually don't have the deep talks that he is beginning now, and it suddenly feels awkward.

"Good," he mumbles. "I'm sorry for asking. It's just that I spoke to Hanson the other day. He wants me to testify about what happened when we found her. They want to start a case, even though the suspect isn't talking still. They think they have enough based on evidence and witness statements. Didn't he ask you to testify?"

Although I'm not surprised that Hanson is moving this to court, I am surprised that Dwight knows about this sooner than I do. You would think that I'd been notified by Hanson about shit like this, especially because the victim is living under my roof.

"Not yet," I settle on, knowing that I shouldn't jump to conclusions right away. "Are you gonna do it?"

Dwight shrugs and cracks his fingers. It's his nervous tick; he always does it in tricky situations. "I want to. I feel like I must do so. But on the other hand, it feels weird to do so when the victim doesn't. I don't know, as if I'm overstepping a line, you know? The whole team feels that way according to Hanson. They don't understand why she doesn't talk."


And suddenly, it becomes crystal clear why he wants to talk about this with me. It's what Hanson tried all those days ago, and it does not sit well with me, at all. "What are you on about, Dwight?" I counter, my voice suddenly sounding less like my own.

"What do you mean?" He asks immediately, his tone oozing defense.

"You bloody well know what I mean. Did Hanson convince you to talk to me about this?"

"Christ, man, chill," Dwight mumbles, taken aback by my tone. "I was just wondering. You can't blame me for having questions about this. I found her in the same state as you did."

"Take it to bloody HR," I mumble, roughly yanking my hands through the strands on top of my head.

"Oi, you think I'm the only one that wonders about this? Whole fucking London is talking about this, FT. Everyone read that article, and you bloody well can count on a lot of media attention when this hits court. You don't think there will be more questions when the victim isn't testifying against him? You're gonna have to answer a lot of these questions man, and they will be asked by people you don't know. And your answer will be all over the newspapers." Dwight sighs and then moves his hand over his face. "Look man, I'm just trying to help."

"I know," I sigh. I know Dwight is right, about everything. These are the thoughts that haunt me ever since that article got out yesterday. "Jo's taking therapy. She's fucking traumatized man, she is scared to talk."

I don't say more because it's none of Dwight's business what really happened to her, but he nods his head in understanding. "I just wanted to let you know that I will testify. I wanted to you hear it from me."

I nod. It's his right, and I know that when Hanson asks me to testify, I'll say the same. I hadn't thought about it until now, but I'll tell them what I found on that Saturday night. I'd do fucking anything to get at least one of them behind bars. "Thanks for telling me, man. I understand."

Dwight nods again, slapping my shoulder with his hand. "I'll report," he then says again while nodding towards the station. "You go to them."

"You sure?" I ask him, even though I know he is.

"Yeah, man. I don't mind. You can owe me one when I need it."

"You got it," I tell him before opening the door of the car. Dwight steps out too, and when he is standing in front of me, he offers me his fist which I bump with my own. "Thanks, man," I tell him again.

"No problem. See you tomorrow." He nods again before he makes his way to the entrance of the station.

I watch until he disappears out of sight when my phone notifies me about an incoming message. I take it from my pocket and the moment I see the incoming text, my legs start to move on their own accord, desperate to get the fuck out of here and to my two girls.

And this little one loves you too, the text reads, and a picture of Daisy comes in next. Her blue eyes are staring into the camera, and I can easily tell Jo has just fed her because she looks full and content.

The moment I open the front door of mum's house, Daisy's cries fill my ears, and even though the sound immediately takes me back to last night when I couldn't appreciate the sound, a smile spreads across my face now.


It sounds like home. My home.

I kick off my boots, dump my helmet in the corner, and shrug off my heavy coat. In the meantime, I also hear Jo's attempts to soothe Daisy; her soft voice is singing, and although Dais' cries overrule the sound with ease, it's as if my ears are trained to hear it anyway.

With big steps, I walk to the living room, the closer I come, the more I hear. The tv is playing in the background, and I can also hear my mum who is talking to either Jo or Mercy. When I reach the door, the sounds I hear become more clear as I take in the sight in front of me.

Jo is slowly walking through the living with Daisy in her arms. In one second I know why Dais is crying; she is stretching her tiny body, her belly pressed against Jo's chest, and her head leaning against Jo's lips. She's got cramps.

Jo is slowly bumping Dais up and down, her hands supporting her head and bum. I'm guessing she isn't crying for long; Jo still seems determined to make her stop crying, no trace of desperation on her face.

Mum is sitting on the edge sofa, her eyes following Jo and Daisy. She's talking to Jo, saying something about heating a pad for her tummy. Jo smiles in return while she nods her head and mumbles a quiet, "thank you."

Merc is nowhere to be seen, and I wouldn't be surprised if she fled upstairs. I know Mercy likes my back pocket, and although she loves babies, she also is nowhere near the stage of having one of her own. She can only handle a few minutes of crying before she dips.

The moment mum stands from the sofa, she catches me in the doorway. "Hi, love. You're done early." She smiles and kisses my cheek in greeting. "I'll be right back, I'm just going to heat a pad for Daisy."

I nod my head and make room for her to pass me, my eyes already searching for Jo's. I find her grey-blue orbs just a moment later, and without overthinking it, I march towards them.

The moment I reach them, I move my hand to Jo's face and lift her head so her lips stop touching Daisy's head. And then I lean forward so I can press my mouth against hers.

She gasps in surprise, but after a short moment, I feel one hand lace around my neck. I keep my mouth closed; just giving her a strong, determined peck, and only when Daisy's cries get a little louder, I pull back.

"I love you too," I tell her, bumping my nose to hers. Her cheeks turn a little red and she takes a breath before she nods. She wants to say something too, but the words don't seem to tumble from her lips. Therefore, I break the tension between us by asking, "what's wrong with Dais? Cramps?"

Jo nods, her eyes a little clearer now as I mention Daisy, her hand falling from my neck and wrapping around Daisy's back again. "Yes. Out of nowhere too. I just fed her thirty minutes ago and she was at the brink of falling asleep."

I nod and then nuzzle against the soft brown hairs while lifting my hands, hoping that Jo is willing to take the hint and give Dais to me. The moment Jo notices my waiting hands, she smiles and hands me the crying bundle, relief and endearment clear in her expression.

"Thanks," she mouths, and I nod my head as I turn Daisy so she's lying with her front against my chest.

"You're that mad huh, Dais.'' I chuckle as her cries become harder, and then kiss her head. "What's wrong, love? Does your stomach hurt again?"

I continue to talk to her while slowly bouncing her up and down in my arms. Jo's handing me a small towel in the meantime, urging me to put it on my shoulder in case Daisy throws up. Eventually, Dais her cries become less resistant, and I recognize it from miles away; she is tired from all the crying.

"Here we go," mum then pipes up as she walks into the living once more, a heated Bordeaux red pad that I recognize from when I was little in her hands. "It's not too hot, so you can use it right away."

I shift Dais so she is in my arms, and a moment later mum places the warm pad on her tummy. Almost instantly, Daisy stops crying, her two fingers flying to her mouth in relief and her eyes finally closing while some lost tears fall on her chubby cheeks.

"That's nice huh, love," I whisper, leaning down and kissing her forehead again, unable not to. She is just fucking cute and I've missed her.

"Works every time," mum proudly states as she sits on the sofa once more. "Remember when I gave that pad to you when you had a stomach bug? You loved it and you would even ask me for it when you didn't feel well."

I nod my head, confirming that I do know. It's the exact memory that floated through my mind just now. "I can't believe you kept it."

Mum shrugs as she makes herself comfortable. "Well, I learned that from my mum. Never throw something out that might come in handy in the future. I figured a grandchild might need it someday."

My head shoots up in her direction the moment the words have left her lips, and on cue, her whole face turns bright red. Josephine is looking at her in shock too, her hand finding its way to her hair to move some none existent strands behind her ear.

"I mean... You know, or another baby that might be here," mum lamely adds, but she knows it's no use. The words she just spoke are clear as day.

And fucking surprisingly out of nowhere.

"Well, I'm very happy that you kept it. Look how it helps relax her." Josephine is the one that recovers first, her pink cheeks and a sweet smile only adding to how deftly she changed the subject just now.

Mum nods, clearly still feeling slightly awkward about what just transpired. I'm also still standing at the same spot, not sure what to do or what to say.

It's because I know my mum, and I know that she would never say something like that if she didn't feel it. My mum is usually very careful with expressing things. It's why this hits me, especially because I've been thinking more and more about Dais and what she is to me.

Ever since Jo and I had lunch two days ago, it's been a constant thought. I keep thinking about how Jo didn't correct that guy when he referred to Dais as our daughter. And how she allowed me to introduce Dais to my friends as our girl. These are small gestures, but I can't help but see a big meaning behind them.

I want her to be mine. I can't imagine I would love her more if she was really mine. I think both Jo and I are already acting as if she is mine, the fact that my mum just slipped this out only confirming how much ease the three of us ooze.

But I have no idea if we should talk about it. I think I know how Jo thinks about it, but I could be completely wrong too. I do know that I can't just ask her. Fuck, she knows me for three weeks for shit sakes. I can't bloody well ask her if we agree that Dais is mine in every way but DNA.

"I think we should go soon," Jo interrupts my thoughts, and when I look at her I see that her eyes are glued on Dais. "She'll fall asleep any moment now, and I would hate to wake her up because I need to put her in the car seat."

I nod, but at the same time, mum says, "Or you can stay here? You can easily sleep in Hero's room, and I even have a crib for Daisy."

"What?" I ask her, surprise oozing from the uttered word. "You have a crib? For Dais?"

Mum's cheeks heat up a little more, but this time she doesn't try to avoid my gaze. "Yes. I borrowed one from Mary this morning after you told me, Jo and Daisy would come over. I figured it might come in handy if Daisy needed a nap. But she slept with us the entire time, so I hadn't had the chance to tell you, Jo."

My gaze drifts to Jo, expecting a similar reaction to mine written across her face. But instead, I'm just in time to see her touched expression and watery eyes before she walks to mum and throws her slim arms around my mother's neck, muttering a soft, "Thank you for everything."

"Oh no, dear. Don't thank me," my mum whispers as she stands from the sofa, and her arms finding their way around Jo as well. "You and Daisy will always be welcome here."

Jo nods, and after another short moment in which they hug, she pulls back before wiping her cheeks with her sleeve and turning to me. "I don't mind staying here. It's up to you."

I look down at the bundle in my arms and find her completely knocked out. Her fingers are still in her mouth, but her lips are parted as she isn't sucking on them anymore. Jo is right; we can't put her in the car seat right now. She looks way too comfy.

Besides, I like the idea of spending the night here with Jo and Dais. We can sleep in my old room and I know there are some of my spare clothes here that Jo can wear to sleep in.

"You sure?" I ask her once, but the determined nod and sweet smile she gives me tell me the answer to my question without as much as a single word. "Okay, then we'll stay."

"Dais seems comfortable." I smile as I look into the crib where Dais is sleeping. Unlike other times when I looked at her sleeping form, she has her arms spread above her head, her hands clenched into tiny fists.

"It's so sweet of your mom to borrow a bed just for Daisy. She is truly amazing."

With one last glance at Daisy, I nod my head and then step into my old bed. Jo is lying at the side of the wall, the duvet already pulled over her legs. She's wearing one of my old West Ham shirts, and somehow the colors suit her even better than I thought they would. Fuck, if only I could show her off in the pub.

"She is," I agree while pulling the duvet over both of us completely. Jo is already on her side, her face towards me, so I lay on my side as well. "I'm glad you two get along."

Jo hums in agreement, her eyes closing for just a moment as she wiggles to find that perfect position. When she is comfortable, her eyes flutter open again. Her bright blue-grey orbs look at me again, her pupils scanning my face. "How was work?" She eventually asks, her voice just above a whisper.

"Calm," I reply. "It's why I got here that early. Dwight did the reports and told me to go to you." I shuffle a little closer to her so our noses are just inches apart. "You remember him? He was there to the night we found you."

She pulls up her nose while she thinks over my question, but eventually, she shakes her head. "I can't recall what he looks like. I know there were more people there, but it's all a bit of a blur. The only clear thing about that night is you, to be honest."

I smile and nod in understanding. It might not be entirely healthy, but I'm glad she only remembers me clearly from that night. "That's okay," I mumble, moving forward a little so I can bump my nose against hers. "He asked about you and Dais. Wanted to know how you were."

"That's sweet of him," Jo replies. I can tell she is still trying to get a clear image of him; she is digging through her memories of that night.

It's cute, and for a moment I forget why I brought Dwight up in the first place. But when she shakes her head again, it crashes back in and I decide to inform her just like he did me at the end of our shift.

"He is going to testify against Leonard. In court." I watch her reaction carefully, making sure I am within reach if she might need it, but to my surprise, her expression stays steady and her breathing doesn't change.

"Why?" She just asks, her eyes steady on me. "Does he know Leonard?"

I don't miss the way she spits out his name, and I can't deny it pleases me. It makes me proud even. I remember how she didn't say his name at first. She always referred to him as he. I think she only said his name once or twice, but the way she says it now is different. She sounds so much stronger.

"No. He is just going to talk about what he witnessed when we found you. I don't know if you remember, but he was the first one that saw the apartment. He suspected things were horrible from that moment on," I explain, placing my hand on her side underneath the covers. "Our boss, Hanson, asked him to talk in court. He first wasn't sure, but he will do it because he feels like it's his duty."

At first, she seems to give my explanation a place. She doesn't react right away; she just stares at something none existent on the mattress. Eventually, her eyes find mine again. "I understand. I think it's very brave of him."

I swallow the need to tell her it isn't. To tell her that it's pretty much protocol for us to appear in court if the case is serious enough. But because I know her fear about this matter, I just nod my head.

"Will you testify too?" She then asks, her eyes curiously boring into mine.

"If Hanson asks me, I will," I tell her honestly. "I can't let him get away with this, Jo. He deserves all the shit he is facing. For me, it's another way of protecting you and Dais, you know?"

She nods again. "Okay."

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