《The Night I Was Saved》Chapter Thirty-Four



The 23-year-old, that received fame for portraying the young Tom Riddle at age 10 alongside his uncle Ralph Fiennes, has reportedly been involved in the discovery of a young woman that was held against her will.

On the night of twelve to thirteen December 2020, the son of director Martha Fiennes and cinematographer George Tiffin stumbled upon a young woman in labor during his working shift.

Sources confirm that Fiennes Tiffin, who has left his acting days behind and is now working as a police officer in central London, found the woman in an apartment after receiving a call from a neighbor.

The woman, whose identity is not known yet, gave birth to a healthy baby girl before they were brought to the hospital. After a ten-day stay, Fiennes Tiffin reportedly offered shelter to the pair, and by that living up to his name as he acted up as a real-life hero.

My nostrils flare and I feel how aggression and anger are slowly filling my veins as my eyes read over the sentences. A million questions run through my mind; the why? The who? The how? The when?

Harry Potter star, as if I was in all eight movies for Christ's sake. Alongside uncle Ralph Fiennes, because they fucking need the name to make this story click-worthy. At this point, I'm almost thankful that the fucking asshole who gave them this story had the decency to keep Jo's name and the name of her daughter out of it. Who the fuck talked?

I'm lying on my bed still, my phone held above my face, and I try with all my might to stay still even though inside I'm raging. All I want to do is jump up and trash the whole fucking room before hunting the bastard that thought it was necessary to sell this story, but for the sake of the two girls in my bed, I won't. I can't.

"Hero, what's wrong? Is it something bad? Did something happen?" Jo's worried, still sleepy voice fills the room. It barely outsounds the buzz in my ears, but I try to focus on her anyway. I need it. I need to approach this just as I do with cases at work, the way I've been taught; calm, collected, and definitely with my head present. I can't act on the rage that's blinding me at this very moment.

I let my phone fall beside me on the bed, and then take a deep breath while I roughly move my hands over my face to rub away the sleep that still lingered there even though I'm wide awake. I then turn so I'm facing Jo, and I find her looking at me with a frown cracked in her forehead.

My eyes flicker to Daisy, who is still drinking contentedly, completely oblivious to how I went from relaxed and utterly happy to furious and ready to kill just now. Her eyes are closed, and I hear how she swallows Jo's milk. I scoot a little closer once more, wanting to feel her small, warm body against me so I come somewhat closer to the feeling I had before I looked at my damn phone.

"Hero," Jo's voice pipes up again, this time a little more urgent. She also lifts her hand and places it on my jaw, her fingers sprawled out of my skin. "Is everyone okay?"

Her blue-grey orbs are filled with worry, and as she waits for an answer her teeth have found her lower lip. Her eyes are scanning my face intently, and I can tell she's nervous. I'm sure that -if Daisy wasn't drinking from her and she was a little more confident- she would've just leaned over to grab my phone and take matters in her own hand.


"Everyone is okay," I tell her while moving my arm around both of them, bringing them a little closer. "But I'll have to call my mum in a bit."

For the first time since they are living with me, I feel how much I'm changing. I reckon I already knew deep down, but right now it becomes crystal clear. Because of them and for them. If they weren't here right now, I would've let the anger take the upper hand. But here I am; trying to keep it all together because I know that's what they need. It's how I want Daisy to know me.

While growing up, I've never seen my parents angry. I think that's part of the reason why I didn't understand their divorce; they never fought while we were there. I know both my mum and my dad as very loving, understanding, and calm and collected people.

I've always felt comfortable around them. Never not said anything to them because I thought they would be angry. If I had a question or a problem, I always went to mum and dad, simply because I knew they were there. I knew that no matter what -how mad they were going to be at me considered- they would always love me and they would always help me. And that's because they never got angry when we were around. I don't know them angry.

I want to be that for Daisy. Ever since she is here, I seem to think over my actions so much more. I never want her to see me angry, and I always want her to know she can come to me. She needs to know that I will always love her, no matter how hard she fucks up.

And then Jo. In front of Jo, I can't bear to lose myself right now. She's dealt with angry men all of her life. Anger that turned against her in such a terrible way, she suffered greatly and still does. And I know I've become her safe place. I know she trusts me with everything she has, and I will never -fucking never- betray that trust and give her a reason to be scared of me.

But, all things considered, I know I shouldn't lie. This is something that involves her just as much as it does me. I'm fucking torn in where to go from here, and it's making me just as restless as it's making me angry.

I can't bear to look at those blue, worry-filled eyes and tell her everything is okay while I know that from now on, things will change. I can't continue to act as if there is nothing but progress out there, while now there is a problem lurking around every corner. Because they'll search for who she is. And knowing the British press, they will find out. The smooth or the hard way.

I swore to protect them the moment I found them, and if there is one thing I still don't doubt, it's that I will always keep that promise. I will protect them against anything and everything because I love them and they have been through enough.

I pull them even closer to me so I can run my nose against hers. She lets me, but I can tell she's confused and even a little guarded. "What's wrong, Hero? Is your mom okay?"

I nod and bow my head, pressing my nose in Daisy's hair. In the mornings, she always smells like herself the most, and it smells so good it hurts my heart. "Do you trust me?" I don't immediately lift my head to look at her. I wait for her answer with my eyes closed and my nose still pressed against Dais' head. I do tighten my arm around her, and then I wait.


"I do," she whispers, her hand on my jaw still there, her thumb now stroking my chin. "I've never trusted anyone the way I do you."

I inhale Daisy's scent, blowing out a breath in relief right after. "Do you know that I will always protect the two of you? Always, no matter what?"

She pulls her hand back from my jaw, and when I lift my head, her worried and even scared gaze capturing mine. "I know," she answers, her voice trembling a bit.

I nod and lean forward, pressing my nose against hers. "I need to show you something, but before I do, you need to know that I'll fix it. I'll fix it because I would never betray your trust and I will always protect you and Daisy. You just have to promise me you'll give me that chance to do that."

"Hero, what's wrong?" I can tell she's freaking out. Of course she is, I'm being fucking vague.

I pull back slightly and kiss her forehead before turning so I can grab my phone. After sliding my hand over the mattress next to me a couple of times, I find it, and then I hand it to her. "My code is 0719."

She awkwardly unlocks my phone. It's almost comical, and it once again tells me how locked up she actually was. She's probably never held a smartphone in her life. I should buy her one.

"What's this?" She frowns, her eyes flickering to me over the brim of my phone. I know she's looking at the article; I didn't close it before I threw my phone away.

"Just read it," I mumble, my hand -which is on her back still- working in circles on her shirt-covered skin.

Her right eyebrow lifts slightly, but she does what I tell her. Her eyes skim over the sentences, her free hand wrapped around Daisy who is still drinking. At first, the confusion doesn't leave her face; the frown on her forehead is still there, and she is also biting her lip again.

But after a few seconds, her expression shifts. I see how her rosy cheeks disappear as her face turns pale, and her eyes widen. Her arm around Daisy tightens and by that, she pulls the warm little bundle away from me slightly.

"How... How do they..? I don't understand... Who told them?" She stutters, her hand with my phone in it slowly lowering onto the mattress so she can look at me. I can see the tears well in the corner of her eyes, and it only fuels the anger.

"I don't know. But I'll figure it out and I'll fix it. Don't worry."

"Can everyone see this?" She tentatively asks, her expression turning a little more scared with every passing second.

I nod my head, letting my hand slide up and down her back steadily. "It's on their website, so yeah. But I'll fix it."

"But Hero, everybody can see this," she presses while looking at me knowingly, the fear now oozing from her. "And when everybody can see this, it means that they can see it too."

"Let's go over the people that know about this first, Hero," my mum reasons for the second time, and I roll my eyes even though I know she means well. I just need that article off-line first.

I'm pacing through the living room, my stomach empty and in just my boxers still. The fear in Jo's eyes when she mentioned the bastards that hurt her forced me to actions right away. And although I'm aware that the story is already out there, that article must be taken off that site. It violates privacy on so many levels, I don't doubt I can put up a case against them.

"Dwight and Hanson, as well as every colleague that's on the case," I start, my voice slightly hushed. I left Jo in my bed with Daisy, but she has to be almost done with feeding her. I hope she will come find me when she's done, but I have this nagging feeling that she'll keep distance. I don't like it one bit. "But they didn't talk. They aren't allowed."

"That doesn't mean they didn't," mum counters immediately. "But let's keep that in the middle for now. Who else?"

I go back to that moment I found her, walking through the memories that tell me who knows all the details that the article reads. "Paramedics and doctors at the hospital," I start, thinking back to how that guy examined Daisy in the hallway of that filthy apartment. I told him Jo was possibly held against her will. "Mercy," I chuckle, knowing that she would never say anything. "Titan, Maisie, you. I'm not even sure if dad knows." Guilt suddenly rises as I think about how much has changed in my life, and how I didn't even talk to dad about it. My bond with him is good. Not as good as it is with mum, but still, I would normally tell him if my life took a drastic turn. Yet here I am, so fucking consumed, I didn't even tell him.

"Your father knows. I've told him," mum pipes up. "I've told him you will call him when you have time."

"Thanks," I mumble, mentally promising myself I will call him right after this shitstorm winds down.

Mum hums in answer and then continues, "Could it be that someone saw the two of you? Out and about somewhere?"

I shake my head. "No. The article is too detailed for that. Nobody hardly ever recognizes me from Harry Potter, mum. The last time someone did is ages ago. And even if they saw me with them, they wouldn't know what Jo and Dais have been through. The person who leaked this knows me. They know Jo and Dais."

On the other end of the phone, mum sighs. I can tell she is affected by this too; I hear it in the tone she uses. "What about your friends? Or your football team?"

"Why would they? They have so much shit on me, if they wanted money, they would've shared a story sooner. I haven't seen half of the team since the morning before I found them." I roll my eyes once more at the realization that it's been fucking long since I kicked the ball. I've been seriously lacking. "And I trust them. I've known them all of my life, for fuck sake. They would never do this."

Mum mumbles something that sounds like an agreement before adding, "You're the one that said it has to come from someone who knows details. Who else knows that much?"

"I don't know," I admit, rubbing my eyes. My head feels heavy, not in the last place because of the few glasses of wine I drank last night. Along with little sleep and this fucked up news, I know I'm gonna need some painkillers to get through the day. "The people that know the most besides me are the professionals. Police, doctors, Jo's psychiatrist. After that, it's you, Merc, and Titan and Mais."

Of course, I know that they would never go to the press. It's so fucking confusing because nobody that knows that much would go to the press unless they want serious harm. And I just can't imagine anyone that close to me would want that.

"Maybe we should focus on where to go from here," mum changes the subject, and I once again agree by nodding my head.

"I want that article down," I immediately say, my fist clenching as I walk to the Christmas tree once more. I've been walking the same round over and over again on autopilot, it's how fucking restless I am.

"And we can try, but the chances are very slim, you know that as well as I do, Hero. Besides, the word is already out there, so the harm is done." Mum's realistic look at things has always helped me tremendously, but right now I hate it. I hate it even though I know she is right.

"What do you suggest then?" I grit through my teeth, my hand moving through my hair roughly, pulling the too-long strands of hair. I need to see Rambo.

For a short moment, the line goes silent. I know she's still there, but she's probably going over the options. When she's figured it out, her voice pipes up once more. "The way I see it, you have two options; either you ignore the story and don't say anything at all, or you let out a statement in which you confirm the necessary parts and ask for privacy."

"And you think that would do what? You know as well as I do that they won't let this go. It's too juicy. Besides, if that source talks again, then what? What if they tell them their names? And fuck mum, Jo is scared." I swallow the next sentence about the men that are still out there. As far as I know, I'm the only one that knows that, and it stays that way until Jo decides otherwise.

Mum lets out a breath, no doubt because I mentioned Jo. She cares about them too, I know she does. I've seen it last night. She is amazing with both of them, and I can tell they have already captured a piece of her heart. "I'll talk to Ben and Lizzy for advice."

A very small sprinkle of relief and hope fills my chest. Ben is mum's manager, and Lizzy is her lawyer. She's known them since the start of her career, and they've always been loyal. I know they would do everything they can to help us.

"Thanks, mum. I appreciate it."

"No problem, love," mum counters. "Just try to reassure Josephine. And keep your anger in check. And don't go searching for the source on your own, we need to think this through properly." She sounds dead serious now, and I can't help but grin as I realize how well she knows me. "And Hero, call your dad. He misses you."

"I will, mum," I tell her, not only promising her but also myself. "Thanks again."

After saying goodbye, I hang up the phone and march to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water and some painkillers. I'm just swallowing the pills when I see something move in the corner of my eye, and when I turn, I'm met with Jo and Daisy.

They're in pajamas still, only Jo has put on some socks. They are pink, and they stand out against her pale legs. And while the whole situation is fucked up, I'm happy that she still feels comfortable enough to wear just her shorts and shirt. Hell, I'm happy that she came here instead of keeping distance. That means she isn't mad at me, I think.

"Hi," I greet her, testing the waters. I don't think she's heard anything of my conversation with mum, so I mentally determine where to start.

"Hi," she softly says. Daisy is pressed against her chest, her eyes wide open. It doesn't surprise me; she's slept all through the night and she just had breakfast. She is content and ready to start the day. I'm fucking obsessed with the image of the two of them like this; in pajamas, in my house.

"Can I get you anything? Tea? Milk? Eggs?" I sum, feeling a little awkward all of the sudden while scratching my eyebrow.

Without saying anything, she strolls to me, her eyes never leaving me. She looks determined but shy, and when she's standing right in front of me, she surprises me by moving one hand to the back of my neck, lifting to her tiptoes, and pressing her lips firmly against mine.

For a moment I'm frozen but after a second I snap out of it and lace my arms around her waist. As I pull her against me, I feel how Dais is pressed between us, and even though the anger is still there, right now the relief of them being safe and in my arms is a little stronger.

The kiss she gives me doesn't deepen; it's just her mouth and mine, firmly pressed against each other. What's making it intenser, is the death grip she has on my neck. She's pulling me down, and I feel her nails in my skin too. While it might look like a simple peck, it feels desperate and raw.

I don't know how long we stand like this; eventually, it's Daisy who tears us apart because she suddenly hiccups. It's fucking cute; her body bounces with each hiccup but it doesn't seem to bother her. She just squirms ever so often but other than that she lays against Jo as if nothing happens.

As Jo lowers slightly, her cheeks pink and lips fucking inviting still, she doesn't avert her gaze. "This is not your fault," she whispers, effortlessly fighting away all the worries about what this will do to Jo and me. To Jo, Dais, and I.

"But I'll fix it anyway. Mum is talking to her manager and lawyer as we speak. I'm sure they'll have a few ideas on where to go from here." At least, I fucking hope they do.

Jo nods and kisses Dais's head once before she walks to the couch. There, she lays Dais in the corner and puts two pillows next to her so she can't roll off. Daisy seems fine with this; she doesn't cry of protest. When Jo is happy with the position of her daughter, she joins me once again, my eyes following her every move.

When she's within reach, I grab her waist and pull her against me once more, not able to not touch her while she's that close. Her arms wrap around my neck in return, and once again she lifts to her toes to even out the height difference somewhat. I press my lips against her forehead, smiling slightly when I feel her lean into my kiss.

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