《The Night I Was Saved》Chapter Eleven


I'm staring into the pitch-black room, eyes wide open for what feels like hours which is probably closer to the truth than I think. It's not like I'm not tired, not at all. It feels as if I could sleep for days. Yet it's impossible because a certain little lady has decided not to sleep. And when she decided not to sleep, she decided that she isn't gonna let anyone else sleep either.

Daisy woke me around half-past twelve by crying which is not something new. I heard her a few times the previous night as well, but then she stopped crying quite fast.

I turn and take my phone from my nightstand, noting that it's almost four now. It means she has been going at it for three and a half hours, and I'm starting to get worried.

For the past two hours, I've been fighting the urge to follow the cries and ask Josephine if there is anything I can do. Hell, I want to know what's wrong with Daisy because her crying this long and hard can't be normal.

I know I shouldn't go to them. Josephine is her mother, and she probably knows what's wrong and how to fix it. I shouldn't interfere in this kind of stuff. If Josephine needs help, I'm sure she will ask for it.

But what if she doesn't because she doesn't want to wake me? I've been going back and forth like this, and it's annoying as hell. Especially because I think I know deep down that I will end up going to them anyway. It's just taking too long now, and Josephine doesn't seem to get her quiet on her own.

Not that I have any idea how to make her stop, but still. It's better than lying on my bed and doing nothing.

So, after my brain has finally stopped battling, I throw my comforter on the floor and step out of my bed. I then throw on trackies and a shirt, reminding myself that walking around in just my boxers is the past now. When I open the door, Daisy's cries become louder, and they are not coming from their bedroom as I expected they would, but from the living room.

I walk towards the sound, seeing soft light coming through the glass of the doors that lead to the living. When I'm standing in front of the closed doors, I see that Josephine is slowly walking around with Daisy in her arms. She is swaying her, yet Daisy doesn't seem to appreciate the effort. Her fists are clenched and thrown in the air, her face red because of the crying. There is such a force behind the cries, she has to be exhausted by now.

The only light that's illuminating the room comes from the Christmas tree, and although it isn't big, it lights enough. The ornaments are all shining because the light reflects in them, but Daisy's bauble is standing out above all others. It's because it's the biggest one in there, and because it's hanging in the center.

I open the door, making sure not to scare Josephine. Her head shoots up when she sees the movement in the corner of her eyes, and the moment her eyes meet mine, an apologetic expression covers her face while her eyes look at me in guilt.

"I'm so sorry," she says, her arms still swaying Daisy from left to right while she stands next to the couch. "I tried not to disturb you."

I shake my head and hold up my hands, letting her know that it's not a big deal. "It's okay. Why is she like this?"


Josephine shrugs while she shakes her head, her eyes casting down to look at Daisy. "I think she is having cramps. She is squirming and kicking with her legs. I've tried to feed her and I've given her a clean diaper, but nothing works."

I frown, not entirely sure that it's just cramps. It can't be; Daisy is crying as if she has pain. How can that just be caused by cramps? "Are you sure it's just cramps?"

Jo looks up from Daisy once again, her eyes now showing light desperation. She scans me for a moment but then nods her head with determination. "I'm pretty sure. In the hospital, they explained that what I eat, Daisy gets through breastfeeding as well. And I think that burrito I had is maybe giving her bad cramps because of the spices. I shouldn't have eaten it."

"Hey, you didn't know she was going to react like this," I tell her while stepping a little closer so I can put my hand on her upper arm. I can tell a lot is going on in her mind right now, but the most predominant thing I see written across her face is guilt.

"Yeah, but still," she mumbles, which is hardly audible over Daisy's cries.

"Here," I say while holding out my hands. "I can take her for a bit." She needs a little break, that much is clear. She's been walking around for three hours; she must be tired.

Relief washes over her face as she hands Daisy to me. I immediately cradle her against my chest since that seems to be our go-to position when I'm holding her. I also move my hand over her back, hoping that calms her down a little because she recognizes it.

Daisy isn't having any of it, although her cries come out a little softer than before because she is exhausted. She is overstretching her whole body, her fists clenched, and her head -that is laying on my shoulder- occasionally moves up. It's something that I haven't seen her do before, and I'm pretty sure it's because her tummy hurts that bad.

"The hospital said that warm water could help. Maybe I should fill the sink," Josephine says, no doubt thinking of every possible solution that will make the cramping stop.

She has been bathing Daisy in the sink since we haven't got one of those special tubs. It's going fine because she is still small, but if they will stay here long, I should probably buy one of those things.

"Can't you use the shower?" I suggest. I doubt Daisy wants to be in the sink, alone. It seems like now that I'm holding her close, she is calming down somewhat.

"I mean, I've never showered her before. How would I do that? Like lay her on the tiles? That can't be comfortable." She frowns, and I can't help but chuckle. I don't think she heard it though, Daisy saved me with her cries on that one.

"No, I mean like you shower with her. While you hold her close." I nod my head, showing her the pose I'm currently holding Daisy in.

"Oh, I've never done that before," Josephine replies, her cheeks getting a little colored. "But how will I do that? I mean, she's so tiny and slippery when she's wet, and then I have to get out with her, and then she will be cold, and- "

"I can help," I rush out without thinking, and only after the words have left my mouth, I realize how straightforward that must come across.


Josephine's eyes widen in surprise, and she seems taken aback as well. It's clear that I'm already feeling way too comfortable around her, and it's a reminder that I need to filter what I say to her more carefully.

"I'm sorry."

"I suppose if I keep on leggings and a top," Josephine says at the same time, knocking me off my feet. It seems a returning element; her leaving me speechless when I think I royally fuck up. This time though, she isn't looking sure at all. Her shoulders hang, her arms folded in front of her as if she is shielding herself from me. I hate it.

As if Daisy is just as shocked by her mother's suggestion, she has stopped crying rather abruptly, and if I wouldn't be as floored, I would've laughed. She is heavily sobbing with soft whimpers and she is still overstretching, but it seems like she doesn't have enough strength to keep up the loud volume.

"Fuck, Jo. I'm so sorry for even suggesting that. I didn't think. It's very inappropriate of me," I tell her because I can't let her feel like this for a second longer. I don't want her to do this either, because I know she can't feel comfortable, no matter what.

"It's okay," she softly mumbles, her eyes cast down. She looks ashamed and uncomfortable, and I hate that I put her in this position. An awkward silence follows, and no doubt because she feels the tension, Daisy's loud cries start again.

Josephine's eyes suddenly meet mine, her expression hopeful while she looks from Daisy to me. "You can do it."

"Wh... What?" I stutter, not sure if I heart her correctly and definitely not expecting her to say that. "Me?"

She furiously nods her head. "Yeah. You can hold her underneath the shower just like this." She nods her head to give her words more power, no doubt to convince me. "And I can give her to you and later take her out."

And right in this moment, I realize that I would do anything for her and the little bundle in my arms. Not just protect them, but everything else as well. The way she is looking at me right now; her tired eyes hopeful and her teeth in her lip in anticipation of my answer, they are my weakness. She is my weakness. And what makes this even more meaningful, is that she trusts me with her daughter. She trusts me so much, she allows me to shower with her because she can't. It's amazing, and I once again feel honored. I feel fucking honored to have met them.

"I think it will really help with her cramps," Josephine pipes up again, no doubt taking my lack of response as a sign to convince me even more. She has no idea.

Daisy starts wiggling in my arms even more, and it's what snaps me out of my thoughts. "Okay," I simply say as if it doesn't mean anything. As if it's just a random thing that normally isn't only reserved for the mum or dad to do.

Josephine claps her hands together, the relief once again evident on her face. Fuck, if she only knew that that look on her face is her ticket to getting me to do anything.

I'm standing underneath the rain shower while fidgeting with the temperature to occupy myself until Josephine is ready with Daisy. She's chancing her in their room, and I decided to go ahead and turn on the shower so it's nice and warm in the bathroom when they come in.

I'm wearing my dark-grey swim trunks. It seemed the best option since wearing just boxers would've made us both feel uncomfortable. I debated on wearing a tank top as well, but for some reason, I decided against it.

When I think I've got the perfect temperature, I move my head underneath the pouring water. It's nice; I'm deadly tired, and the warm water relaxes my tired muscles. I close my eyes and for a moment I enjoy. The sounds of splashing water block out Daisy's cries, and it's a relief, to be honest. I obviously know that Daisy's only way to let us know something is wrong by crying and she can't help that she has cramps, but fuck, the cries are persistent en certainly not nice on my ears.

I move my hands over my wet hair and face, and just as I'm starting to get used to the relief of no cries, I hear them again in the hallway. Just a few seconds later, the door opens and Josephine steps in with a crying Daisy wrapped in a towel. Josephine's cheeks are red and her hair -which was in a simple ponytail- is one big mess that tells me that she's had a struggle in their room.

She closes the door behind her and then lifts her head. Her eyes widen upon seeing me, her cheeks coloring even more. Her gaze moves over my from, not even subtly. She isn't trying to hide it, but it's also not the lust-filled gaze I usually receive when I'm shirtless and in the company of a woman while taking a shower.

Her mouth hangs open slightly, and she frowns, but not like she normally does. It's an expression I don't recognize, and therefore I can't place what she must be thinking. When her eyes have found my face, she visibly swallows, and on autopilot, she sways Daisy once again since her cries seem ten times louder now that we're in this small bathroom.

"Is this okay?" I ask her when she doesn't move and doesn't say anything. I should've worn a fucking shirt.

After a second, Josephine hesitantly nods her head. "Yeah," she mumbles, her tone slightly surprised.

Daisy starts squirming, and it's Josephine's cue to ask me, "can I give her to you?"

I nod my head and then watch as Josephine takes the towel off Daisy. To help her, I step forward and take her out of Josephine's arms. Since my hands are wet, I'm concentrating on holding her extra secure.

When I have a good grip on her, I turn her around and place her against my chest while I take a step backward so the water pours down on us. And finally -fucking finally- she stops crying.

Her tiny body relaxes against me, her legs hanging without clenching. Her eyes are wide open as she takes in the new sensation of the warm water that's raining on her, and the two fingers of her right hand find her mouth and she starts sucking contently.

"That's my girl," I mumble, unable to filter once again but frankly, this time I don't give a fuck. It's her signature move -sucking on her two fingers- and the familiarity of the action gives me weak knees every time.

My hands cover her almost entirely; one hand is supporting her under her bum, the other is covering her back. Now that she isn't wearing clothes, I feel how tiny and fragile she is, and although she is laying against my chest completely still, I'm still a bit afraid she will fall, also because she is slippery now.

"Look at her," Josephine's soft voice forces me to pull my gaze away from Daisy. "She's completely zen." Her eyes seem to tear up as she watches us.

"Are you okay? Is this okay?" I ask her again, not able to place her emotion.

Thankfully, she nods her head immediately after my question is out, convincing me that she is indeed okay. "Yeah. I'm just happy this helps her. I hate seeing her in pain."

I nod in agreement, my hand on Daisy's back feeling how she still sobs. I look down again and find her with her eyes open still. Her cheek rests against my chest, and she seems utterly satisfied and happy.

I kiss the top of her head, her hairs now wet and her skin warm. It's again an action that comes naturally and without thought, and when I slowly look at Josephine in almost an apologetic way, I see that she smiling slightly.

Her head leans against the edge of the shower wall, her arms crossed with the towel Daisy lay in moments ago grasped in between them. Her eyes are still teared up a little, but I can tell she isn't bothered by that.

"She's asleep," she mumbles while nodding her head to the little bundle in my arms. I look down once again, and indeed see how Daisy's eyes are closed. She's still sucking on her two fingers, but not as enthusiastic as moments ago. Her whole body is limb, completely depending and trusting on me to keep her safe and warm.

"She's exhausted," I softly chuckle, making sure that she won't wake up because of my voice.

"Thank you for this, Hero," Josephine's soft voice says. "Thank you for giving her this." She sounds a little sad, and I catch on to the reason immediately.

"Once you're ready, you can do this too, Jo. And I'll help you. And if you don't want me to help you, we can always ask Mercy," I reassure her, to which she nods her head hesitantly.

"I just hope I will be able to do this with her while she's still this small," she sighs, and if I wasn't holding her daughter, I would've pulled her in my arms right now.

I decide to change the subject because I can't promise her she will be able to do this with Daisy while she is still this small. That's something that's entirely up to her and how she'll deal with her demons. I know that her first therapy session is on the twenty-seventh, and I just hope she'll feel comfortable enough to open up. I fucking hope it will help her.

"You think she's ready to head out?"

Josephine takes a deep breath and then nods her head. "I think so."

It's six in the morning, and even though I haven't slept the whole night, I feel completely relaxed at this moment.

After Josephine took Daisy from me, she changed her into a fresh romper. Surprisingly enough, Daisy kept quiet, even though she did wake up from her slumber. The warm water had helped her, and I could tell both Josephine and Daisy were relieved about that.

I changed into trackies and a hoodie as well, and although the best plan would've been to get some sleep now that everything was quiet, Josephine and I somehow ended up on the couch, with Daisy laying across my chest once again.

It's now about an hour later, and we're still in almost the same position. My legs are stretched onto the lounge part of the couch and Daisy is still sleeping on my chest. Josephine is laying on her side next to me, her legs tucked in front of her and a blanket thrown over her just like I have a blanket covering daisy and part of me.

The only light is still coming from the tree, and because it's still dark outside, the lights flicker and serve as a silent lullaby.

Josephine and I have talked a bit, but it's been quiet for about ten minutes now. It's not an awkward silence though, not at all. I'm fucking comfortable, and I know she is too. I feel it.

And in confirmation, I feel her head slowly fall against my shoulder. I look at her and see that she has finally fallen asleep. Her hair is pinned on top of her head, her long lashes resting on her cheeks, and her breathing steady.

I move slightly, so her neck and head are laying in a more comfortable position, and I end up moving my arm around her as her head falls onto my chest.

I sit very still for a moment, not even breathing to see if she wakes up, but all she does is let out a heavy sigh before she nestles against me a little more.

I move the blanket over her properly, making sure she is tucked in nicely before I lean down and place a featherlight kiss on top of her head. I can't help it; it comes naturally.

And then, with a huge grin spread across my face, I let my head fall back as well. Finally.

I have one hand on Daisy's back, and one arm wrapped around Jo, and knowing that they are both safe, warm, comfortable, and most importantly, not in pain, is the reassurance that eventually pulls me into sleep as well.


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