《The Night I Was Saved》Chapter Five


During my search for Mercy, I walk into Dwight. He is standing at the front desk of the maternity unit, his jacket on which tells me he is on his way out. He is talking to the young woman behind the desk, and by their smiles, I can tell that it isn't a work-related conversation.

Horny bastard he is.

I walk up to him, making myself known by loudly coughing which pulls his attention away from the woman. When he sees it's me, his expression turns serious.

"Hi man. Christ, what the hell was all that?" His voice is loud, and I can tell he wants to talk about it just as much as I do.

"Fuck, man," I say, grabbing his outstretched hand and letting him pull me in a short, one arm hug. "And you thought it was a bloody cat."

Somehow we both chuckle, knowing that humor is needed to lighten the mood somewhat. I have to say the constant rush I felt is now fading, and I know it has everything to do with the fact that both Josephine and Daisy are safe now, and together.

"Let's get a coffee," Dwight tells me before turning to the woman behind the desk once more. He doesn't give me the chance to decline, even though I really can't have a coffee right now since I need to get Mercy first. "Is there a room where this guy and I can have a chat, privately?"

I frown in confusion, and while the woman behind the desk stands to ask her supervisor, Dwight elaborates. "I have some news regarding the investigation. It's quite shocking."

I nod my head. "Yeah, I know. I saw the place where we found her."

"Shit, serious? Fuck man. I only was in that kitchen, and the bloody water wouldn't run and I heard her screaming and shit and I panicked. I wanted to tell you, but at the same time, I knew she needed you. Christ, I'm sorry I wasn't there, man."

I slap his upper arm. "It's okay. She and her baby are doing fine and are safe now. That's what matters most. Listen, I need to find my sister before I have time to talk to you. If you arrange the room, I'll find you, yeah?"

Dwight nods his head, not asking any further questions which is something I'm thankful for. I'd hate for him to know how involved I feel in this case because I know he'd call me out on it. Even though I know he would be completely right to do so, I'd like to live in the illusion that this just me doing my job a little longer.

After Dwight reassured me that he would wait for me, I continue my search for Mercy. When I pass the door of Josephine's room, I hear Daisy crying even louder, and because of it, my feet move faster.

I first check the coffee corner which turns out to be empty. I then walk to one of the offices on the end of the unit's hallway, where I find a colleague of Mercy.

After I've asked her where Mercy is, I make my way to the other end of the hallway, where I find Mercy in the medicine room with her supervisor. The moment they see me, Mercy looks at me expectedly while her supervisor rolls her eyes in annoyance.

This time, it's actually amusing.

"He, Merc, I need your help for a sec," I tell her, ignoring her supervisor since I know that's best for both of us.


Mercy looks at the grey-haired woman questioningly, and after she's gotten a curt nod, Mercy places a few items back on the shelf before walking towards me.

I start walking to Jo's room right after, and Mercy follows me without a beat. "She does not like you," Mercy giggles softly while moving her head to the room she just came from.

"The feeling is mutual," I grumble. "Listen, can you help Josephine for a sec? Daisy is hungry, and I think she might want to try finger feeding. Everything you need is already there."

"Okay," Mercy responds. "Is she okay with that? I've heard how she doesn't want people coming close to her."

We take a left turn to the hallway where Josephine's room is located. "Yeah, I told her you're my sister and I think she liked that idea. I told her she could trust you."

Mercy nods, but otherwise stays silent. I know why; I'd recognize her expression from miles away. This is the look she always gives me when she knows something is going on.

Normally, that look would pull me over the line quickly, and it would make sure I'd spill everything right out. But not right now.

Right now, we walk to Josephine's room in silence, and when we arrive at her door, the silence is interrupted by loud cries that tell us Daisy isn't at all happy.

I open the door, and Josephine's desperate eyes immediately shoot up. She is still sitting on her bed, only now she is not leaning against her pillows anymore. Daisy lies in her arms, her fists moving in the air frantically while her face is red with what seems like pure rage.

Josephine tries to calm her down by swaying her from left to right, but even I can see that's at this point, Daisy is too upset to even notice it.

"I'm sorry it took a while," I tell her while walking over to the bed. "But I've found my sister. This is Mercy."

I step aside and give Mercy the chance to come closer as well. As a true professional that knows the story behind the patient, Mercy keeps a proper distance while she smiles at Josephine with a nod of her head.

Josephine returns the gesture, and then her panic-filled eyes turn to me again. "I really don't know what to do. I think she is in pain."

I recognize the desperate sound in her voice from how I felt before I fed Daisy. And therefore, I know what to say. "She just doesn't know the feeling of being hungry. It's uncomfortable and she is letting us know we need to do something about it."

Nailed it. Finally.

"He's right," Mercy pipes up from behind me, her voice a little louder to be heard and the sweet smile still present on her face. "Maybe it helps if you put your pinky finger in her mouth for a moment, she might calm down a little."

Josephine hesitates for a moment, her eyes finding mine. When I give her a reassuring nod, she does what Mercy advised. The moment Daisy feels Josephine's finger, she latches on and starts sucking contently. She sobs heavily, and her eyes are now wide open, staring at her mother.

"There you go," Josephine softly mumbles with a smile. On cue, Daisy's eyes seem to focus on her voice, her eyes now glued to Josephine's face.

"She probably recognizes your voice from when she was still in your belly," Mercy says, voicing what I was thinking. I'm overwhelmed by the sight that's happening in front of me, and therefore completely speechless once again.


"It helps when you talk to her," Mercy continues while she carefully comes closer to the bed. "It'll reassure her that you're there."

Josephine tears her eyes away from Daisy, and for the first time looks at Mercy for longer than a second. "Thank you."

Mercy smiles and then nods. "No problem. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, I guess. Uncomfortable, sore, and a little cold, but I'm happy she is healthy and in my arms." Josephine nods down to the little bundle in her arms, who is still completely focused on her. I can tell she is relaxing now, her fists have moved around her mother's hand, and apart from the sobs that still overtake her tiny body from time to time, she seems a lot more calm.

"Once I've helped you with feeding her, I'll look for some proper clothes for you to wear," Mercy says. "Hero told me you want to try finger feeding?"

Josephine's eyes once again find me while she nods her head. "I mean, I guess."

Mercy detects her hesitation and moves a little closer to the bed. "You don't sound very sure."

"I just..," Josephine stutters, her eyes now moving from me to my sister a few times before they settle on Mercy. "I always thought I was going to breastfeed her, but now that she is here I'm not sure if I can."

Mercy smiles knowingly and then sits in the bed, next to Josephine's legs. To my surprise, Josephine doesn't flinch or move away. "There is only one way to find out. If you want, we can try. And if you're not comfortable, we'll just switch to finger feeding."

"Will I be able to give her everything she needs?"

"Time will tell. We will monitor her weight. Usually, a baby loses some weight in the first few days before they gain. Also, your milk production needs to get going, and that only happens when you and Daisy work together. We will only know how it will go if you give it a try." Mercy lays her hand on Josephine's arm, no doubt because she still sees the hesitation. "But you know, you have nothing to lose. If it doesn't work, then the formula is just fine. And if it does work, you and your baby will have a beautiful moment every time she is hungry. It's a win-win."

Josephine looks at Daisy again, who still hasn't closed her eyes. I then see a switch in her expression, and when she looks up once again, she nods. "I think I want to try then."

Mercy smiles and then stands from the bed. "Great!" She then turns to me. "I think it's best if you step out for a bit."

I look at Josephine, somehow wanting to make sure she is okay with me leaving. When I catch her nod at me, I give her a reassuring smile. "You can do it."

"You can," Mercy agrees.

I walk to the door, looking back one more time when I'm standing in front of it, and I see that Mercy is just taking Daisy from Josephine so she can get in a more comfortable position.

It somehow gives me a huge boost, knowing that she trusts my sister with her baby while she is fighting everyone else. And I feel immensely proud of Mercy; she is just in her first year of medical school, yet she knows exactly how to approach the situation. It's something that even her supervisor couldn't do.

As I walk out the door, I can't help but let a small smile take over, knowing that I can leave the three of them in that room alone without making Josephine feel unsafe. It's progress, and it gives me hope.

Knowing that Josephine and Mercy will need some time, I decide to search for Dwight. After I've made a stop at the coffee corner and got myself an espresso, I walk to the reception where I find him, still standing with his arm on the desk while talking to the same girl from before.

"I thought you were going to get us a place to talk," I say while slamming him on his back, making him jump as if I caught him doing something that he shouldn't.

After he recovered, he nods his head before he waves at the girl behind the desk. "Let's go." He nudges his head, silently asking me to follow him.

The room he arranged for us is right next to the reception, and when we both have settled onto a chair, Dwight's expression turns serious, and it's only then that I remember why he wanted to talk to me in the first place. It's a bucket of ice water that completely ruins the positive vibe I got from seeing Josephine and Mercy together.

"So, I have news." He folds his hands in front of him, the frown on his forehead pronounced. I've known Dwight long enough to know that what he is about to tell me might be even worse than what I already know.

"There is still an investigation going on in and around the apartment, but the team is almost sure that the woman was held there against her will, just like you probably figured out already."

I nod and take a sip from my espresso, willing myself to stay focussed on what Dwight tells me and not let the anger get the upper hand.

"The apartment is owned by a sixty-one-year-old man, named Leonard Charles Blitsford. According to the purchase contract, he bought the apartment in 1982. In 2001 he rented the place out for six months while he left the UK. They are searching for more information on that part still. In 2002, he returned, and ever since then, he has lived there."

My blood is boiling and I swear nausea is burning in my stomach by just hearing this tiny bit of information. All I can think about is how a fucking old, disgusting man kept Josephine against her will to do God knows what. It's sick. It's fucking sick.

"They've searched every archive, but up until now, there is no mention of him living with anyone else. He is registered on that address alone, and just like his neighbor said, nobody in the building has ever seen anyone besides him except for some friends. They are asking people in the apartment-complex still since some people aren't opening their doors for now, but up until now, they've been unanimous."

I put the carton coffee mug against my lips and take the last gulp of my caffeine shot, willing myself to calm down even though I know the coffee will make my anger even worse. "What about Josephine? Do they know anything more about her?"

Dwight shakes his head and sighs. "That's where it gets messy. They have no idea who she is. There is no one missing in the UK with an appearance like hers in combination with the name Josephine. They have no idea who that woman is." He then leans forward. "Has she said anything to you?"

I shake my head and squeeze the now empty carton cup in my right hand until it's not recognizable anymore. "No, just her name and the name of her daughter, and some small talk. She hasn't been talking to anyone, so I'm just glad she doesn't push me away. I didn't dare to ask her things that could've shut her down."

"Right, that's good." He nods in agreement. "Well, that's all I got for now." He looks at his wrist, checking the time. "Our shift is almost done. You coming?"

I shake my head. "No, I want to stay here for a bit and make sure Josephine and her baby are doing okay. Chef knows about it, and he has permitted me. You can go."

"You sure man? You good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just feel like I need to be here for a bit longer, you know?" I tell him, even though I doubt that he has the slightest idea. I don't even know why I feel the need to stay here.

Dwight nods, but his eyes tell me that he is indeed a bit confused. He doesn't address it though, he just stands and then offers his hand which is folded as a fist. "See you soon, yeah?"

I stand and nod, bumping my fist against his. "Yeah."

I watch him leave, and when I'm alone in the room, I try to collect my thoughts. I feel so much anger right now, it's hard to think about anything else. It's raging. Literally raging.

I try to stop it, but before I know what's happening, I've punched my fist against the wall to my right. I've never lost control over my rage. Never, while I've seen some fucked-up, anger consuming shit during work.

This just hits different. Somehow, the image of an old, bald on top of his head, nasty, sweaty, fat man that's hurting, touching, Josephine, doesn't leave my mind. It's all I see, and I'm seconds away from fucking searching the whole country to make sure he'll never see daylight again.

"Fuck," I curse under my breath, my hand moving over my face. I need to get my shit together and approach this with distance. This is not normal.

"Fuking shit," I curse again, not even bothering to say it silently this time.

"That sounds like you." I hear a chuckle and look at the door, and see Mercy standing there with crossed arms and an amused expression on her face. "For a moment I questioned who that sappy sissy was back in Josephine's room, but now I'm happy to see you didn't change after all."

"Fuck off." I roll my eyes and give her the finger, which only makes her giggle more. "What do you want anyway?"

"Josephine is done with feeding Daisy. She asked for you."

My heart leaps in my chest and my anger seems to disappear in whole at the mention of her name in combination with that she wants to see me. Therefore, I can't hide my excitement as I grab the trashy carton cup from the table and toss it in the bin next to the door before passing Mercy.

"You're welcome," Mercy calls after me, by the sound of her voice the smile still plastered on her face. "I'll go find her some proper clothes.

I move my hand and wave, not bothering to look back. "Thanks, Merc."

In no time, I'm in front of her door again, and after knocking, she calls me in. Unlike when I left, the silence has returned, and Daisy is sleeping soundly in Josephine's arms.

"How did it go?" I ask her, curiously scanning her. It looks like she has a bit more color in her face; the ashen complexion is somewhat replaced by her normal skin color. She is still pale and looks tired, but there is definitely a bit of progress.

"Good," Josephine softly whispers, her eyes a little more vibrant. "I tried to breastfeed her, and I think it went well."

I smile and lean over a little to look at Daisy, who is out completely. "She looks full and content."

Josephine nods in agreement, and for the first time, I hear a soft chuckle from her.

And I swear my heart just jumped. What the fucking hell is going on?!

"I'm so relieved that she is okay. I was so scared she wouldn't be. During my pregnancy, I never had a check-up so I had no idea if what I felt was normal." Her eyes stay on Daisy, almost as if she doesn't dare to look at me.

And I look at her, sitting as still as I possibly can. I'm afraid that if I move an inch, or even breathe too loud, she'll stop talking.

"And now I have her in my arms, safe and well. It's unreal. And it's because of you." Her eyes now find my face, and I see that tears are fighting at the corners of her grey-blue orbs. "If you weren't there, I don't know if we-"

I cut her off by placing my hand on her arm while shaking my head. "Don't. Don't go there. I was there, and you did amazing. Honestly, you were strong and just..." I move my hand to cover all the words that are stuck in my throat.

She smiles, tears streaming down her cheeks while she nods her head hesitantly. "Thanks."

I nod and squeeze her arm reassuringly. "No problem. And you've got to stop thanking me."

We look at each other for a moment, and for some reason, it's not awkward at all. It's as if we know each other longer than we actually do, which I'm sure is because we experienced something insane together.

Our eye contact is broken by her stomach that rumbles loudly, and I can't help but chuckle as I see her eyes widen.

"Daisy wasn't the only one who's hungry," I say while standing from the chair and walking to the tray with food. When I take off the lid, I see two slices of bread, along with a sealed cup of marmalade and a sealed slice of cheese. It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. "Should I make you something?"

Josephine eyes me for a second before shaking her head. "I can do it. Can you... Do you want to hold her while I eat?" Her cheeks turn a little pink while she asks me this, and again my heart seems to explode.

Eagerly, I nod my head. "Sure."

A few minutes later, Josephine is enjoying her first meal in God knows how long while I'm sitting on the chair next to her bed. Daisy is laying on my chest, her arms and legs stretched and her cheek resting just over my heart.

My hand moves over her back, and ever so often, I can't resist letting my nose touch her head so I can smell the distinct scent that comes from her.

But this time, I don't feel guilty. I don't even let myself think about how fucked up this is.

For now, I just enjoy the fact that Daisy is content, and that her mother is finally putting up some strength by eating. And whatever happens in a few minutes, we'll see then.

For now, I'll just enjoy the fact that I can keep both of them safe.


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