《Corrupted, Damaged, And Beautiful》T W E L V E


Wow. Fucking wow.

I've not stopped admiring how beautiful Daisy looks in this white, off-the shoulder dress. It's sitting perfectly below her shoulders, and - not that it's important - her breasts look divine. As soon as I saw her in it, I swallowed a needy growl.

I couldn't help let my eyes wander up and down, lingering on her stunning face. The face I hadn't been able to forget these past few weeks, and now I definitely wasn't going to lose sight of it. She'd applied a generous amount of makeup, which wasn't needed, but it still enhanced all her features. Her eyes were popping, sparkling even, through her jet black eyelashes which were fanned out on her rosy cheeks.

The strawberry red lipstick stood out even more; her lips were as luscious and juicy as a strawberry. I wanted to sink my lips onto them, and redden them even more.

I was determined to kiss the hell out of those lips later. I wanted to see them swollen, and smudged; stained with my taste instead of her lipstick.

She wasn't tall, but her legs were still amazing. They were literally glowing, soft, and well toned.

I couldn't believe how lucky I'd become meeting someone as gorgeous as Daisy.

In the car she didn't initiate conversation. The nerves were radiating off her, but this felt more like ordinary date nerves. Not the type I sensed when I first met her. She didn't look terrified, and that made me relax a little.

I still hadn't got a clue what made her so scared that day, and at the bar, but I was determined to find out tonight. I was going to wait till the right moment to ask without scaring her away. Fingers crossed anyway.

"You look really beautiful" my chest was rising as I watched for her reaction, as we pulled up. I couldn't keep my eyes off her, it was hard enough knowing I had to keep my eyes on the road for ten minutes, now I didn't have to.

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself" a small, nervous smile grew on her face, she was cute.

"Wait there" I jumped out my SUV, and rounded to her side.

"I'm taking care of you tonight" I held my hand out for her to grab, and gently helped her out.

She looked around before shyly thanking me, and I examined her reaction to our surroundings.

I'd brought her to a private lake. It was owned by my grandmother, when she died she left it to me. This way I haven't got to explain my billions too. I feel bad lying, but I can't help feel protective of myself. I need to get to know her, and understand her first.

"Where are we?" She asked warily while looking down at her outfit. We might be by a lake, but she looked beautiful and she wore the perfect outfit.

"My grandmother left it to me, it's a private lake. I set something up for us"

I pointed towards the teepee I'd crafted together myself.

I used a simple white cloth for the exterior, and made sure it was quite wide inside. I placed lots of fluffy blankets, pillows, and a picnic blanket on top of the ground protector, so it was comfy to sit on. There were fairy lights hanging from the entrance, and all through the inside. I don't know how I came up with the idea, but it looked phenomenal. Hopefully she'd think it was cute too.

"Wow. You did this?" Her voice was the epitome of admiration. Her eyes were wide with astonishment, and she looked down again to hide her anxiousness.


"I wanted it to be perfect" I stepped toward her, and lifted her gaze to mine.

We silently stared back at one another. My breathing has become erratic, as I wasn't sure if to kiss her or not, and her chest was rising in what I could only hope was anticipation for me to do it.

Not reading the signs perfectly, I decided to pull back taking her hand to lead the way.

"I even brought my laptop so we could watch a movie. I might not have WiFi, but I can connect it to my hotspot on my phone" truth was, I had unlimited data so I could do it and not worry about losing it. Hopefully it would work.

"Thank you" her voice was thick of emotion, and I turned to look at her expression. It was scrunched up in a strange expression I couldn't decipher.

"Anything for you" now I was thick of emotion, and it was our first date. Despite that, I wanted to treat her like the only girl in the world. I feared she'd never had that, or someone had tainted the memories and the times when she had been treated right.

For a while no one spoke. We just looked at each other again, she was clearly studying my face for something. Maybe to see if I was telling the truth? Again, I feared for the reason she had to do that over such a simple statement.

"Come. I need to get some stuff out the car, and I want to make sure you're comfy first" breaking the silence, I ushered her towards the tent.

I let her ease in, and get comfy while I trotted back to the car. When I looked back she had taken her shoes off, but still looked a little uneasy. Hopefully She would relax a little later on.

"Comfy huh?" I added a hint of amusement to my voice as I nodded at her bare feet. She giggled back, and that sound was heaven to ears. I wanted to make that sound my ringtone. Of course it sent a wave of happiness through my body, causing a huge smile to spread across my face. I didn't even recognise myself. I was never this way with a woman, Daisy had sprung a new kind of life out of me. One where I was creating tents for dates and uncontrollably smiling at everything she did. I was a soppy mess for a man. Nevertheless, I liked it and I think she did too.

"This is so pretty, Nate." Her eyes looked up at the lights, and she sighed in content? She looked at peace, and finally she seemed to relax a little. I could already feel the knots in her muscles calming down.

"What's in the basket?" She tried to peek inside, and smirked back at me.

"You'll see. I actually wanted to cook tonight and bring that, but then I realised I didn't know what you ate. So instead I made lots of meals"

I tried not to sound awkward, but I was worried she'd think I was off my head. I had slaved away in the kitchen all day, and never cooked. Ever. I could, but I chose not to.

"How many meals are we talking here?" She eyed me suspiciously, and nervous laughed while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Erm quite a few. So I did; lasagne - and garlic bread; chicken tikka curry with rice and all the other things you would have with it; chilli with rice; and some chips in case you didn't like any of that."


I was quite a good cook, so whatever she chose I'd hope she liked.

Her face was the epitome of shock, and delight. She looked really impressed.

"Nate, you didn't have to do all that. I'd eat anything" a tender kiss on the cheek was my prize. I was tempted to ask what I needed to do get her lips on mine, but refrained from trying to scare her away or make her uncomfortable.

"I wanted to baby, you deserve this."

Naturally, my hand raised up to touch her face, and she didn't budge. She tensed a little, but relaxed into my hand a second later. I also cringed when I realised the pet name I'd gave her.

"You don't know me"

"I don't have to, I've seen enough to know you deserve this Daisy"

The tears were brewing behind her eyes, as her sapphires turned glassy from moisture. Gradually, a lone teardrop cut through her makeup; luckily I was quick enough to catch it.

"Why the tears gorgeous?"

Knowing I'd upset her worried me. What did I say that was so bad? I thought I was being sweet?

"Sorry I'm just being silly. Carry on with the food" she tried to pretend like she hadn't been crying, but I didn't want to let it go.

"Did I say something bad? Please tell me, I already made you run away from me last week" I winced as I didn't mean for it to sound so bad. I just needed to know if I was doing something wrong.

"No you said everything perfect. So perfect, I forgot how nice it was to have someone speak to me so lovely" she didn't look at me as she said it. But the way she explained it tells me she hadn't been treated right, and that made my blood boil.

"I ran away because there's things you don't know, I was just scared that's all. I'm fine now"

"You can tell me" I still had my hand on her cheek as I locked on her eyes. Something flashed across them from my words. Fear. I saw it the other day at the coffee shop. I didn't push her, because whatever it was, made her scared. I didn't want to encourage that.

"I can't. Not yet. I'm sorry" she pleaded with her eyes for me to let it go, and I did. I went on to removing the food, and plating it up.

"This smells so good." She inhaled, forming a peaceful expression.

So beautiful.

"What would you like?"

"Is it bad to say a bit of everything?" She struggled to comprehend the sentence, obviously worrying I'd judge her. I was ecstatic that she wanted to try it all.

"No, it's perfect because I am too"

I passed her a plate, and started setting up a film on the laptop. The screen was small in comparison to a TV, nevertheless she was content with the idea.

"Mmm this is so delicious" entranced by her sexy moans, I froze mid air with my fork as she licked the sauce from her lips with her eyes shut.

"You like it?" My voice was husky, and full of guilt from having dirty thoughts at her eating.

"I'm sorry despite how amazing it is I'm stuffed" she exhaled while leaning back on her arms.

"Babe you've eaten most of it, you don't need to be sorry" she had. She had only left a few chips.

"I have chocolate covered strawberries, but they can wait"

"Oh my god don't" she moaned at the thought of them, and my cock stirred in my trousers.

"We can have them later I'm full too"

"Okay, Erm can I have a blanket please I'm a little chilly"

Now was my moment to get closer. I had to be clever, but direct.

"How about we put a film on, and lay under this quilt together"

"Yes I'd love that" she looked genuine, like she meant it.

I shifted further up the tent, so we would be in perfect view of the Mac on the small table, and gestured for her to join me.

All my worries of trying to ease her into a cuddle dissipated, as she lay her head on my chest, rested her hand on my torso, then locked her leg with mine.

"Am I okay like this? I'm just really cold" she whispered it, but made it clear she wanted this more than because she was cold.

"Absolutely perfect. Just where I want you actually"

Her smile lit my face up, and I slowly leaned in closer. I wanted to kiss her. Her lips were slightly parted, and ready for me. I gazed at her to be sure, searched her eyes to check, and when I was sure pressed our lips together.

It was a gentle, tender kiss; starting slow, but sensual. Until her tongue licked my lower lip, causing me to open up for her. I was now cradling her head with one hand, while brushing my fingertips up and down her back. She had her hands gripping my hair, while pressing her breasts into my chest.

Her kisses were full of need, showing me she was desperate for me. Desperate to be loved, wanted, and taken care of. I kissed her back with the same force, and need, while trying to reduce the thoughts of her dress splayed out on the floor as I engulfed in her gorgeous body.

Coming up for air, she nibbled on my lower lip sending a wave of tingles down my spine. She fisted my shirt, as she tried to catch her breath. I didn't even know what to say. I was in a trance, hypnotised by the softness of her lips. The vanilla aroma from her perfume seeping through my nostrils the closer I got, and how sexy her kisses are. I wanted more. More kisses, and more of her.

"That's for making this date so perfect, making me feel so special"

Her words were the cherry on top of the cake. All I wanted was to make her feel special, and I succeeded. I've never felt so proud of myself.

"I'm excited for what I get after our second date" I showed amusement, clearly joking and she nipped her bottom lip.

Now I was really excited. She obviously wanted me the same way I wanted her.

"Come lay back here, and get comfy again. You're freezing, and I want you in my arms baby"

I pushed her head back onto my chest, and hugged her tight while pulling the quilt over us.

Halfway through the film she toyed with my fingers, interlocking them with hers. She had tiny hands compared to me, so they looked cute in mine.

By the end of the film she had dropped off, and as much as I would love to spend the night out here, it wasn't safe. I needed to get her home to her daughter.

I gently cradled her to my chest, and stood up to walk back to the car. She stirred a little, luckily not waking up.

I ran back for my laptop, and the food but left the tent there till the morning. I had to get her mom safely, and tucked into bed.

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