《Corrupted, Damaged, And Beautiful》T E N


I was lucky to find Daisy. She might not of been there if I'd gone an hour later, or earlier. Maybe that was a sign? Or maybe it meant nothing because she still hadn't text, and it had been over an hour.

I know I gave her the option when she was ready, but I was so desperate for a response.

I'd been sitting on my king sized bed staring up at the ceiling, and imagining those lush lips, and beautiful curves I could devour. I'd never been so intrigued by a woman, and it made it worse knowing I couldn't have her.

My phone vibrating in my back pocket shot my body to standing position. I didn't want to look. What if it was her? What if she said no? What if she said yes? What if it's not her?

I shut my eyes, let out a much needed deep breath, and then looked.


As much as I love my dear mother, I'm still disappointed it isn't Daisy.

Now she was calling. Jesus.

"Hey mom, are you okay?" I put on my best happy voice so she knew I wanted to talk.

"Hello my dear, I was just calling because we have that dinner next month and you can bring a plus one."

Shit I forgot about that.

The dinner was more like a ball. It was for dad and moms anniversary, but they were hiring out a huge place for it. I don't see the point, their house would of been perfect enough, but they insisted on something big.

Now I've got to bring someone. I can't not now she's gave me the option.

"Of course mother thank you for letting me know"

The only woman I could think of was Daisy. There would be no other woman ideal.

My heart sank when I realised that was a long shot. I had no chance unless she agreed to this date, and that was looking unexpected.

"You don't sound yourself Nathanial what's wrong?"

God I hated my full name.

"Nothing mom I'm just tired, I think I need an early night"

I tried to sound normal, like I was telling the truth, but mom knows me.

"I don't want to push, I know you hate talking about things, but I'm here if you need me darling"

I felt like I was betraying her. She deserved the truth from me, and I couldn't even give her that. If I did she would only give me false hope.


"Thanks mom, I'm gonna go make some tea and go bed"

That wasn't a lie. The way I was feeling, I needed a long shower and to drop into bed.

"Okay I'll see you at the dinner"

"See you mom"

She hung up, and I suddenly felt more alone than before.

My modern furnished apartment never felt so empty, and lonely. It was decorated with top of the range furniture, things I didn't even need, and it still seemed as if I was the only thing in here.

I loved my own space, but I'd also love a woman to cuddle up to at night and share my life with. Daisy. Not any woman, Daisy.

"Fuck I need to get her out of my head"

I screamed and grabbed my hair as frustration bled through my bones. I was sick of feeling down over a woman that didn't want me.

I threw my phone on the bed, and went out to get some food.

When I got back two hours later I felt better. I'd managed to not think about Daisy, and the potential of her texting about that date. It lasted five minutes, but still.

I still hadn't had a text, and so I hopped straight into the shower.

I let the scorching hot water shoot down onto my bare skin, and shut my eyes to enjoy the peaceful, relaxing moment.

I wonder how beautiful Daisy would look in the shower, naked.

I rolled my eyes once the thought shot through my head. I was losing my control.

I slipped out the shower, wrapped a towel round my waist and walked into the bedroom. I checked my trousers for my phone, and I then realised I never took it out with me.

I whipped my head in the direction of the bed - where I threw it - and swallowed. Two hours I'd been gone, and she could of text me.

I know I needed to get a grip, and face that she might not, but I also had excitement pumping round my veins at the possibility that she had text, and she had said yes.

I hesitated at first, I took a step and turned back around gripping the desk. I hung my head, and sighed. There's a good seventy percent chance she hasn't text. Or higher. But a bigger chance she has and said no. The possibility of her saying yes is very slim.


Fuck it. I need to know.

I stalked over to the bed, picked it up and my breath hitched.

New text: unknown number

My throat had dried up, and tightened shut. The air in my lungs felt limited, and my heart was thumping erratically.

Despite all this, my excitement was rising and spreading further round my body.

I clicked open the message.

One word.

One painfully, simple word.

My hands were shaking, but my whole body turned to stone.

Unknown number:

- Yes.

She said yes.

I gulped down the excitement, trying to contain myself.

It's just a woman, it's just a date.

But it wasn't just any woman. Wasn't just any date. It was a date with Daisy. A beautiful mother who I desperately wanted to know.

Time stood still as I stood admiring the message. I was watching it with such incredibility; utterly mesmerised by that simple three letter word. I was imagining her sweet, angelic voice saying it as she text it; picturing those pretty lips moving.

I was besotted with a woman I didn't even know, and now I had the opportunity to take her on a date.

Realisation hit me when I remembered I hadn't had my phone for two hours. I checked the time of the message, and it said 6:40pm. That was just after I left the house.

I felt my insides droop. My heart dropped into my lower abdomen as I started to hit panic mode. What if she thought I wasn't interested anymore? What if I text her back and she isn't interested? What if she thinks I'm ignoring her?

Those questions, and more, were spinning round my head.

Text her before she does think that

I collapsed onto the bed, and began a text back.

Me: Sorry, I was out I didn't take my phone. How does seven this Friday sound?

Was that okay? Or would she think I was lying? But I don't want her to think I'm desperate that I held onto my phone waiting - even though I basically did because I forgot I left it here.

Just send it, idiot.

I took a deep breath, and sent the message. Hopefully she would respond soon.

Fuck, I was going to have to sit and wait for her to respond. I needed a drink.

I walked off to my in-house Bar, and poured myself a whiskey. I made sure I brought my phone this time too.

Before I could gulp the shot, my phone vibrated in my hand.

I almost dropped the shot trying to put it back down on the bar.

Daisy: it's okay, that sounds perfect. Where are we going?

Eager much. That little question sparked something inside me, this meant she was excited too, right?

I hope so.

I really, really hope so.

I wasn't going to tell her where I would take her, I'd make it a surprise.

Me: it's a surprise.

I waited impatiently for two minutes before she replied.

Daisy: but what do I wear?

Shit. Honestly she could wear anything for what I had planned.

Me: anything baby.

I got carried away and sent 'baby' on the end. Shit. I stood cursing to myself until she replied, and I was so thankful she hadn't acted out.

Daisy: okay, I'll see you Friday. Do I need your address, or somewhere to meet you?

She was cute. Did she not realise I would always pick her up. Always. That's a mans job in my eyes; always pick the woman up for your dates.

The thought then hit me that she might not of experienced that. That upset me to think that maybe she hadn't been treated the way she should have.

I was going to make our date so special. I needed to plan first.

Me: No, I'll pick you up. What's your address? Or do you live with your friend I remember hers from the other night

Truth was, I did. Because I thought if that's where she lives I'm going to take the chance and go there if she hadn't been at the park yesterday.

Daisy: 22 newton road.

I'd heard of that road. Didn't know where it was exactly though.

Me: see you Friday x

Can I put a kiss? Maybe I'm pushing it.

Daisy: see you Friday too xx

Two kisses

She replied with double what I put.

My heart was even more erratic now over a frigging kiss. I rolled my eyes at my stupidity over a woman. What had I turned into.

Now I had a date to plan, and a hell of a date it will be.

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