《Cry For Me》Chapter 14


It's been a week. A freaking week since Colton climbed into my bedroom begging for my help. He's been ignoring me since he tried to sneak out the next morning and I'm making no effort to get him to speak to me. He made it damn clear that I mean nothing to him, so that's exactly what I'm going to be. I just don't understand how he has the balls to treat me like shit after I took care of him. I TOOK OFF HIS DAMN PANTS FOR GOD'S SAKE!

All week at school he wouldn't even look in my direction. He sits as far as Mr. Miller will let him in anatomy and avoids going to his locker at all costs. I only ever see him while I'm walking to my car after school but he never goes straight home. He's in much better condition than he was last Friday. He looks almost completely healed but I have no way of knowing how the bruises on his chest and torso look.

Even though I shouldn't, I still care about this damn boy. How can I not, knowing that his home life is so terrible. I just want him to be happy and I know that's not with me, but I still want to see him smile. He could never know I still feel this way though. I'm done making myself look like a fool.

Thank god it's Friday so I don't have to see Colton for a few days. I have work right after school for a few hours so I made sure to leave my uniform in my car.

As I change in the backseat, a few customers walk by and give me weird looks. Oh well, enjoy the show I guess.

"Camryn!" Abel greets me as I walk in. She gives me a hug and I offer a small smile. "Get to work."

I do as she says and start serving the people at the counter coffee. I receive a few generous tips and that brightens my day a little. Saving money has been a struggle since my parents still need to borrow my checks so I'm basically living off of my tips. I secretly hope Colton will come in, but I know that'll never happen.

When my shift is up, I throw on my jacket and head for the door.

"Camryn wait up!" I turn around to see Ryder running from the kitchen.

"What's up Ryder?" I laugh. He stands up straight once he reaches me and fixes his hair.

"I thought I'd walk you to your car, I haven't done it in a while," he smiles.

"Hmmm, you have been slacking," I tease and he laughs. He opens the diner door for me and I thank him. It's pretty dark outside and I check the time on my phone. 7:30. It's gloomy, but I enjoy it.

"So Cam, umm, are you doing anything tomorrow night?" Ryder asks, rubbing the back of his neck. His question catches me off guard and I look up at him and he looks nervous.

"Uh, no actually I'm free," I smile and he seems to relax.


"Cool, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to the movies, or dinner, or both," he says shyly. I've never expected Ryder to ask me out on a date, I always thought saw me as a child. He's a freshman in college and I'm barely a junior in high school. I've also never seen him this nervous. It's actually quite nice to see someone be so shy because of me. Unlike Colton who was always a cocky jerk.

"You know what, that sounds great," I smile and he lets out a deep breath. We finally reach my car and I unlock the front door.

"That's great," he cheers and then coughs, trying to hide his excitement. He opens the door for me and says, "I'll pick you up at 8."

"It's a date," I smile and get into the car. I wave goodbye and he runs back into the diner. Who knew I could make someone so happy like that? It's nice to know that some people actually enjoy having me around. This should be a nice change.

I drive home in a great mood and sing the entire way. When I get home I smell food and walk straight to the kitchen. I spot my mom taking out a dish from the oven.

"Mmm, it smells good, what are you making?" I ask, sitting at the kitchen island. I can still feel the lingering smile on my face.

"Chicken Alfredo," she smiles. "Why are you so cheery today?" she asks raising her brow.

I laugh and question, "What, a girl can't just be happy?"

"Well good thing you're happy because we're having company over," she says, turning away from me.

"Really? Who's coming?" I ask.

"Well, I ran into Walt at the grocery store," she says and my heart stops, "and he said he hasn't had a home cooked meal in ages due to his job, so I invited him and Colton over for dinner."

I start choking on my own saliva at the sound of Colton's name. There's no way he's coming, he'd never. "Mom, why would you do that? They can't come!" Knowing what a terrible man Walt is, I don't want him in my house.

"Well that's too bad, he and Colton already confirmed an hour ago," she says, opening the cabinet to take out our 'fancy' dishes. Colton's really going to come over? No, I can't see him.

"Well you can call me when they leave, I'm not staying here," I say, standing up from my seat, grabbing my keys.

"Camryn you're staying here," she says, raising her voice.

"No I am not, you can't make me," I say heading for the door. I can hear her following me so I walk a little faster.

"Camryn get back here!" she yells from the front door, but I ignore her. I quickly get into my car and start down the driveway. I quickly drive out of the neighborhood and make a few random turns along the way. I reach a red light about a mile from my house and I realize I have no idea where I'm going. I have no friends to run to, and I can't go back to work. Gosh why does Colton have to be such a pain in the ass, he's even running me out of my own house.


I don't understand why he has to be so difficult. The way he made me feel like shit last week, there's no way I could face him tonight. Even when I'm alone he still clouds my mind! I can't even concentrate.

The car behind me honks their horn and startles me. "Alright, alright," I say, looking in my rear view mirror, stepping on the gas. Then there was more honking.

It all happened so fast.

There were bright lights.

Then everything went dark.


Colton's POV

Hell no! There is no way I'm going over to Camryn's tonight. After the way I treated her last week, I can't face her. It would just be too hard. I already feel bad enough as it is but she needs to know it's for the best.

I knew that night that I really fell for this girl. The way she took care of me, the way she made me feel like things could actually be good for me. I looked in to this emancipation shit and it looks like things really could work out in my favor. All I need to do is hope that the judge grants me freedom instead of putting me in foster care. This entire week I've been trying to make my case as convincing as possible before actually going in front of a judge, but that's not why I'm ignoring Camryn.

I like Camryn, a lot, and that's exactly why I need to push her away. I'm too much like my father. I get angry way too easily and I don't know what I'd do if I ever hurt Camryn. I understand that pushing her away is hurting her, but she'll be able to recover from this. As long as I keep my distance, I think she'll be okay.

"Are you ready son?"

But unfortunately, I can't keep my distance tonight.

I turn away from my window slowly to face my father. I consider telling him to go fuck himself and to go alone, but my face is barely getting back to normal, and truthfully, I'd like to see her.

I don't say a word as I walk out my bedroom door, past my father. We both make our way downstairs in silence and as I reach for the door, he places his hand firmly on my shoulder. I tense up.

"As long as you behave tonight, we won't have a problem," he whispers coldly in my ear. I stay quiet and pull the front door open. As much as I hate to even think it, this man scares me to death. I'm not the religious type, but I pray that I will soon get away from him.

I step outside and before I can cross onto the other lawn, Camryn's front door swings open and her parents come running out. They look panicked.

"What's going on?" I ask, confused and a little worried that I don't see Camryn.

"There's been an accident, we have to go," her dad says, shakily. Her mom is struggling to open the car door and there are tears rolling down her face.

I swallow hard and walk over to their car. "Is it Camryn?" I ask and her dad just nods, taking the keys from his crying wife and putting her in the car.

I feel like the weight of the world has fallen on top of me as I watch them drive off. Camryn's been in an accident and it's my fault. I heard her yelling just a few minutes ago about not wanting to stay. It was because of me. Because I was such a jerk to her. She wanted to get away and now she's hurt.

I reach in my pocket and thankfully I still have my keys with me. I turn around and rush towards my bike.

"And where do you think you're going?" my father asks in his stupid intimidating voice.

"Where do you think?" Jackass.

"I don't think you're going anywhere, get inside. Now," he says, stepping in front of my bike. It must be adrenaline because I'm not afraid of him at this moment, he's just pissing me off.

I try to step around him, but he pushes me right in the chest, hitting the bruises from last week. I wince but recover. I don't know how, but in that moment I grew a pair of balls and I pull my right arm back and ball my fist. I strike my father as hard as I can and he goes falling to the ground, clearly not expecting me to hit him.

I quickly jump on my bike and ride off. My moment of victory is then clouded by the reason behind it. Camryn.

I don't even know where her parents went. I have no idea where the closest hospital is and I obviously can't pull out my phone to look it up. Instead I ride around randomly to try and clear my head. And then I see it.

Camryn's car. Crushed just to the right of an intersection. Completely totaled. Then I see the other car, badly dented in the front, but nothing compared to Cam's car.

The sight makes me sick to my stomach and I pull up my motorcycle to the curb. There's police surrounding the entire perimeter and people taking pictures with their stupid phones.

I lean over expecting to throw up, but nothing comes out. Only tears and a frustrated groan. I did this. I caused it. I said I didn't want to hurt her, but I did. By pushing her away, I could've killed her. She could be dying right now and I'm not there next to her. I need to be with her. I need her.

I pull myself together and look up the closest hospital on my phone. It's only a mile away. "I'm coming, Camryn."

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