《Alpha's Deaf Mate》Chapter 9


The sun bleaming through the black transparant curtains, as I gradually started waking up. I felt electricity flowing through me only waking up to Silas arms around me like a teddy bear. I tried wiggling my way out of his arms and moving his arms away from me, as I went into my bathroom.

I was amazed by my bathroom, it had black door trimmed with white edges and a golden handle with a lock, which I was thankful for I locked the bathroom door. The mirror was huge,the glass shower was with black tiles and silver shower head, the bathtub was pure white contrasting against the black painted walls. My closet was huge even though it was empty because I only had a dirty white tank top with the holes he had made into my skin and very very short shorts with no shoes.

I went to the restroom and I walked out of my bathroom and he was sitting up on my bed wide awake, as I walked closer to my curtains only to open them up to allow sunlight into my room.

I went out in my balcony and looked back he was writing on a notepad which I didn't mind, but I was getting tired of the constant writing back and forth. What if we were in danger we can't just stop and write. I was looking at the beautiful view of my balcony throughout the forest, in front of me was a big lake ahead glistening with the sunlight on top made me lose my surrounding landing me into my thoughts.

'Why do I get electricty flown into me when ever me and him touch, but yet when he is away from me it gets colder and I don't feel as safe without him there. What am I thinking I barley know the guy but I also can't help, but to relax around him. Thats not even the worst part of it all he asked me if I was a human, wolf, or some other supernatural. I was born into a wolf pack but yet I can't feel my wolf nor transform into my wolf because I don't have one. Moon goddess why me? Why me a useless deaf god knows what?'


I felt arms wrapping around me keeping me away from the edge of the balcony. I turn around and he handed me the notepad and it had said.

'So I don't know about you but I have a gut feeling we both don't like this whole writing thing back and forth. I was wondering if you would be willing to learn with me other ways for us to communicate with each other, so that way whenever danger comes across we are both safe. I also have been meaning to ask you a few questions if you so please answer. 1. Do you want to go shopping with me to go get you some newer clothes? 2. Will you be willing to join my pack? Its okay if you don't want to I understand. 3. Since you managed to escape from wherever you came from and still didn't tell me whos pack it is. Would you want to train and fight more? and lastly don't you feel that electricity everytime we touch? If you do feel that that's because you are my mate and my wolf is very protective of you.'

I was breath taken and shocked I never thought my potential mate would be my hero I always wanted a mate,but now he's potentially here and I couldn't ask the moon goddess for anyone better.

I took the note pad from him and responded to his loads of questions, as me and him were on our way to go eat breakfast in the kitchen together.

'To answer all of your questions I will try my best honestly. You are correct I do not like this writing back and forth and I have the same reason why. I would be willing to learn other ways to communicate or be able to do anything. To answer your questions. 1. Yes I would love to go shopping, I hate these clothes i'm in brings back terrible memories. 2. I would be willing to join your pack, if they will not harm me what so ever. 3. I would love to train and fight to be stronger, and lastly yes I feel those electricity but I have no idea why I don't have/feel a wolf or even transformed. I'm only 17 afterall maybe I missed my chance to.'


He read the note and shook his head his eyes were in shock and he scrambled trying to get the pen, which I let out a giggle. He frantically wrote down something with a smile on his face handing it to me.

' When is your 18th birthday??'

' March 7th why?'

'Everyone transform on their 18th birthday, which means yours is in a week and we gotta get you stronger for that transformation.'

'Transformation? Why do I have to be stronger? Will it be painful?'

'The first time is always painful. If your strong enough you will live, but you are already strong I can feel it radiating off of you even if you don't notice. Now lets go on with our day, you will have a ceromony in two days and you have to tell me what pack did this to you.'

'The Silver Back Moon pack '

He got mad but then calmed down and we had went on about our day.

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