《Alpha's Deaf Mate》Chapter 7: Troublesome


His body filled the frame of the door. His muscles brimming out of his skin tight shirt, his hair pulled up showing his eyes, which were a mixture of brown gold and hazel, his jawline that has a slight scar roaming across his chin. His tattoos covered most of his arm and up to his neck. His dark black hair curly and trimmed.

I snapped out of my trance and slowly backed away from him, cowering my head down and looking at the floor of the room I was in. He stepped closer to me, I kept walking back til my back had felt the wall pressed against it. I lower my head even more submitting I lost.From the gaze he held onto me burning through my skin as if he could see right through me.

He tried touching me, but I made no avail I had flinched my eyes. His foot moved out of my eye parallel vision and he grabbed a notepad and a pen and wrote

'I'm sorry if I am scaring you please don't submit to me, you don't need to do that. Do you mind telling me how you came across my territory?'

Something inside compelled me to tell him everything that happened, but I couldn't trust anyone so I only told him part of the truth

'I....escaped...my hell.'

He looked at me confused as I took the notepad away from him, elaborating more on what had happened.

'I was in a dungeon for 15 years chained with silver,tortured and beaten. I never once saw outside or ate much only one bite a day, no source of sunlight no friends ..' I started to tear up as I sat down next to him and forcing myself to tell him every detail as possible.

'He would come in at random times.. he would always torture me, drain me then beat me some more. No one had help me. He stabbed me and left alot of silver in my stomach,near my heart, a bunch in my back. The only way I was able to escape was to study the routine of the guards and used that time to escape. I stole his knife and keys while my hands were in cuffs, he was to busy feeding me but he didn't realize I had a weapon. I had head butted him and stabbed him. I escaped and ran til I couldn't I felt like I wanted to die.'


As I wrote down with tears falling down on my face onto the paper staining the paper as I handed it to him. Our hands brushed against each other and I felt electricity flow through me as he touched me. He was reading what took like ages to read, but it was only merely seconds that he read because I had written so slow and was shaking while I had written everything down.

His eyes gazed on to mine his eyes changed into a pure gold red color, showing his rage which I didn't understand why.

Based on impulse I just touched his shoulder and he instantly calmed down his eyes going back to the same color they once were.

We just sat there until he nudged me out of my thoughts, held out his hand insisting I should reach out for his hand to connect with mine. I reached for his hand and I fell onto the ground.

' still weak and useless.' I told myself.

He helped me walk into the gorgeous kitchen that had six stove tops,a platinum black refrigerator, with black and grey marble counters and an island with black chairs I stopped and took in the look of the kitchen in.

He sat me down on the chair and cooked me meals of food. As the scent of food entered the air as I protested to eat, my stomach disagreed with me. He had cooked up which seemed to be enough for eight people. But I managed to eat it all up then was drinking my water and he had insisted I should go to bed.He helped me into my room and I was breath-taken.

Black french door with gold handles, with red and black pillows contrasting the black blanket, with red carpet with the grey dark room floors; with black transparent curtains draping down against the red and black ombre window pane that led out to the balcony, with the chandler hanging down in the center of my room with a desk with black handles and a red chair. I noticed he really loved the color black and red but I couldn't complain those were my favorite colors too.


As I went to the bed I began drifting off to sleep.

She told me everything I couldn't hide my anger. I wanted to hurt the people who did this to my mate I wanted revenge and I knew I wasn't going to stop til every single person was dead.

I look to my right and my mate was sleeping, so I tucked her in bed trying to control raven. I mind linked my council to meet in the study. Once they had gotten to the study I made sure all the windows and the doors were locked before my arrival at the study.

'Alpha why have you summoned us at this time its 2 am.' One of the commanders had said.

'You do not speak to me like that you forget who I truly am.' I used my alpha voice making the room go silent as they all had questions, but were trembling with the radiating power I was giving off.

'I brought you all here to discus a very important matter. As you all know yes there is a scent of a rouge for you guys but that is not the issue that is my mate no harm should come to her. However the issue is who is she truly. I have summoned you guys to find out more about her past and where she truly comes from. Your future Luna has been harm, so rest assured those who were involved will not see another day. Now I know many of you guys have loads of questions. This is war when I find out who is held responsible and involved, no one will stop me so I need you guys to find out everything possible and why.'

'yes sir king alpha' they all spoke in a submissive state not wanting to get killed by me.

I don't want her finding out who i truly am because if she does then she wouldn't tell me everything. So I made sure everyone addressed me with Alpha Nickerson instead of King Nickerson, the king of all supernaturals.

I had looked back to me and Sara's notes and something stuck with me is her last name, which made me confused because there was a king and a queen with that exact last name. They had no kids what so ever but my mate looked so familiar with them. I mind linked my gamma and told him to come to my study.

'Come in' before gamma Deleon came in.

'You wanted to see me?'

'Yes I have a personal request that I only trust you with.'

'Yes sir anything I can do for you Alpha Nickerson?'

'Look up everything you know about the Damir palace. Starting from the beginning and give me all paper forms, documents, records, everything you can find even if its concealed.'

'Yes sir alpha, I will get with you in a week.'

I rubbed my temple and got up going to my room until I heard her whimpering wrestling around in her bed covered in sweat.

Authors note

please vote and comment on what you think of the book so far. I know i haven't posted up alot of chapters lately its so hard coming up with a great story for you guys.



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