《Sealed Hearts》Thanks, and up next...


, I would like to thank all my awesome readers for choosing my book to read. You wouldn't believe the buzz I get every time I see my story added to someones reading list. And for those who took the time to comment and vote—an even bigger thank you! They kept me smiling and motivated like you wouldn't believe!

Now as I said in the Author Note right at the start. Lockwood Creek would be a three book series and next up is Maddy's story as we follow her and the twins Logan and Jackson Reilly. So excited with this book. Although I'm sure some of you hate Maddy's guts, but give the girl a chance! And lastly, book three, we have Chris's book (Adam's best friend) and I couldn't help myself with another age-gap relationship. Anyway below is the blurbs for both books.

Starting at beginning of July...

Till death do us part—the only question was who's death?

Maddy Lockwood was the Perfect Daughter and to save the Lockwood family she agreed to a marriage she did not want, but now she will learn the hard way that no matter how perfect you are, it wont be enough.

And when violence enters the picture, she turns to her parents, but finds that door well and truly shut, realising her mama will put the Lockwood name before all else—including her daughter's life.

It leaves Maddy with only one option. She would have to turn to the two men who'd told her she would need them one day. Their one condition, she would have to make a choice—she would have to decide who her heart belonged to.

Twins Logan and Jackson Reilly fell for Maddy Lockwood the day they found her stealing on their land—she was fourteen. For the brothers it would start a competition that would last until the woman they both wanted would choose between them.


Could she make that choice? Should she have to? But life has a funny way of making that choice for us.

And Book Three

Dr Chris Chambers had no intention of settling down, he loved the chase too damn much. And love 'em and leave 'em were words he swore by. And so what if names like player, man-whore or asshole were tossed his way.. It was water off a ducks back, because life's was too damn short to settle for just one woman.

He just didn't count on his brothers foster daughter, Bethany kissing him on her 19th Birthday and since then he's gone out of his way not to attend family events. Because wanting a woman that's twenty years younger than him was dangerous but wanting a woman that his brother considers a daughter was flat out crazy.

But Chris is about to find his heart being chased as Beth has a plan...and Dr Chris Chambers is part of that plan.


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