《Sealed Hearts》Epilogue


Today would have been my late wife's, Emma's fiftieth birthday. And my very pregnant wife insisted we visit her grave today.

So here we were, with her on her knees setting down flowers, Emma's favourite, yellow and white roses. Riley sighed before pressing two fingers to her lips and then resting them over Emma's name on her gravestone. She whispered something, and I didn't need to hear to know what she said. She was thanking Emma.

Since I told Riley what I'd seen that night of the fire, it solidified in her head that seeing Emma was real and she had saved her and our unborn child.

I still wasn't sure what I believed, but I was damn grateful either way.

And Riley, well she was making sure Emma would never be forgotten and in our new home her picture sat proudly on top of our fireplace. I lost everything else, so this small gesture meant a lot to me.

Riley looked up at me, smiling brightly, her eyes a little glassy as she swiped her hand across them.

Damn, I loved that woman. I didn't think I'd be so lucky to find love twice. But I did, and I'd be forever thankful.

"Hey, c'mon, up." I offered out my hand and she grasped onto it as I helped her to her feet. Puffing out air, she cradled her enormous stomach. "Kneeling isn't good for you, Mrs Matthews."

Riley grumbled, waving away my concern, but then her eyes widened and mouth popped open. "Adam...I think its started."

I looked down to see a trickle of liquid pass the inside of her knee "Shit, you're right."

She playfully slapped my arm. "No cursing," she tutted, then winced. "Oooh, this hurts."

Several hours later, I proudly stood holding my 7lbs and 4oz daughter... Gracie Emma Matthews. My heart thrashed against my chest. My daughter was as beautiful as her mother and she owned my heart the second she took her first breath. It was a feeling I hadn't expected, almost humbling.

We'd picked out names, not knowing the sex. I'd got to choose the name if we'd had a boy and Riley had chosen for a girl. I didn't bat an eyelid when she wanted Emma as Gracie's middle name.

Unable to tear my eyes from my daughter, the hospital room was busy with chatter from our family and friends. Even my parents made it here in time and I'd never been happier looking down with a smile permanently etched on my face. Gracie's gurgles were music to my ears.

And my wife, well, she was amazing. She'd never complained once. All she kept saying was how excited she was to meet our child and how much she loved me. I was in no doubt she would be an amazing mother.


And it didn't matter I was in my forties, it felt like my life was just starting. I'd never felt younger, happier and I could say with all honesty... I wouldn't change it for the world.

I walked out of the stables with Calvin, our vet. He'd come over to look at one of the new arrivals to our growing family, Buck, a timid boy from two towns over.

As we walked to his car, I spotted my husband with a small bag in his hand coming toward us.

"Call me if you need anything else, Riley." Calvin smiled, and I shook his hand. "Other than that, I will see you both next week." He turned and opened the door to his truck, climbing inside.

I waved him off as Adam wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my head, shaking the bag in front of me. "What's that?"

"Lunch, you haven't eaten." His tone was slightly chastising.

"Damn, is it that time already?"

"Yeah," he grumbled.

"C'mon, let's eat in the stables." We walked inside, sitting on a hay-bale close to Buck's stall.

"You need to look after yourself, Riley."

"Time just got away from me." I opened the bag and I could feel his undivided attention on me. "What?" I asked, pulling out the sandwich, unwrapping it.

"I'm making sure you eat."

"Oh, you like to watch...doctor?" Giggling to cover up my perfectly timed double entendre.

He leaned in and when he spoke, that low sexy rumble was like a direct line to clit. "Better watch what you say, baby."

I took the first bit of my sandwich as my nipples tightened and my heartbeat sped up. He continued to watch me as I finished the sandwich in no time.

"There, happy now?" Standing, I'd barely brushed off the crumbs when Adam grabbed me around the waist, spinning me around, pulling me onto his lap with his hands cupping my ass.

"Very." He teased my bottom lip between his teeth. "What time is Connor fetching Gracie back?" Gracie spent nearly every Saturday with Connor and Max. They spoiled my little girl and their goddaughter something rotten.

"Four. Why? ...You have sumthin' in mind?" My tongue swiped over my lower lip.

A second passed before our mouths met in a kiss so intense my toes curled. I would never get enough of my husband.

"Yes, and it starts with me stripping and kissing you everywhere." His breaths came fast as he teased the strap of my vest and bra down over my shoulders, kissing where they'd just been. My head fell back.

"Eek." Hands under my ass, he lifted me with no effort and was walking us round and round the back of the stables where more hay bales lined up in a row. Setting me down, he tugged my bra and vest straps further down to free my breasts and my nipples, small and tight, begged for his attention.


Only I didn't have to beg none.

His head dipped and sucked one in, but only for a moment before his hands came around and cupped them both. "Have I said I love these?"

"Why, I think I recall you sayin' sumthin', doctor." I bit into my lip as he teased my tightened tips with his thumbs before dropping his head again to flick his tongue across my tiny pebbles.

"Every time I touch you, always leaves me wanting more." He licked again, circling, teasing as I pushed my fingers through his hair.

"Me too," I said, a little breathless. He took me into his mouth and suckled with deep, rhythmic pulls until I squirmed, wanting more.

Two could play this game. He groaned as my hand brushed against his erection. So hard and hot. I could feel the heat through his jeans.

"Slow or quick?" he asked.

I was ready with my own demands. "Hard and fast." Panting, I flipped the button on his pants and tugged the zipper down. "I need you inside me, like right now!"

"Hard and fast it is." He put his hands over mine to stop me from slipping my hand inside. "Need you too, baby."

I tried to push down his jeans. "Less talk. Get naked." but his grip on my hand tightened.

His voice was thick with need. "I want to watch you get naked first."

Wiggling my eyebrows. "I was right 'bout you wantin' to watch."

Grinning. "You know me too well, Mrs Matthews."

My breasts were already out and proud with Adam already having yanked my bra down. I reached around and unclipped the darn thing. Pulling my arms free of my bra straps and my vest straps, I tossed my bra dramatically aside before dragging my vest off over my hips and then shimmied out of my shorts.

"Leave the panties." His tongue swept out to dampen his lips. "And turn around."

I spun around and heard him curse. "On the bale, hands and knees."

Smiling, I slowly and deliberately got on my hands and knees on top of the hay bale. "Like this, doctor?" Giving my ass a little shake. I'd always been a little worried he might not find me sexy once I'd had Gracie, but he proved me wrong, making me feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet.

"Fuck. Exactly like that." I watched over my shoulder as he moved behind me, his hands roaming over my ass. "Damn, I love these panties," he said, running his hand over the lace until he rubbed ever so gently against my clit. "Did you put these on thinking of me, baby?"

I was always thinking about him. "Ah-huh," I shivered. "Aren't you getting undressed?"

Adam yanked his t-shirt over his head before ripping his jeans open and disposing of them and his briefs in roughly ten seconds flat. His beautiful hard cock saluted me and then he climbed on the bale with me and his hands were on my ass again, heating me up a treat.

"Move further up," his voice was tight. "Beautiful," he muttered and a second later his tongue was licking and biting across my ass cheeks, spreading them wide. "Rest on your elbows. Stick this ass up higher for me."

I did as he asked and then that magic tongue of his hit the spot, spearing through my heat, reaching under my body to tease my clit, lapping as if I was his last meal. I didn't even try to bite back my cries.

His finger came next as he slid it inside, and I moaned. "More, doctor... please."

"Someones a little greedy today," he hummed.

Boy was I. "Less talk, more action," My back arched as he gave me more and I had to listen to him chuckle in that sexy deep way that never failed to ramp up my arousal.

He then stopped. "Shit, I don't have a condom." We'd been using condoms, so I didn't get pregnant until I was ready.

I was ready. "Don't need one."

"What, you want another baby? You're Ready?"

My head twisted around. "Yeah, I do."

"Are you sure?"

"Are you okay with it?" I asked.

He smiled stretched from ear to ear. "Ready when you are, baby."

His hand went to my hips and with one smooth slide, he was inside me.

"Love you, Riley," he hissed out, holding himself still.

"Love you back, Adam."

"I'm so fucking lucky." He slammed home.

He thought he was the lucky one? I thanked my lucky stars every day for this man and my beautiful daughter. It was I who was the lucky one, and I would never forget it.

A/N: Eek, the end...I loved writing this book! Now I know some of you will most likely be screaming what about her Mama and Cooper Stanton? Well, that part of the story will sort itself out in book 2 - Maddy's book. So please don't feel like I've left then to wander free, happy. Oh, no, they will get what's coming! See next page for a little more info... Chrissy xx

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