《Sealed Hearts》Twenty-Six


Hurt painfully ripped my heart into tattered shreds as I ran an unsteady hand down my face, feeling both hot and cold as I stood outside Riley's hospital room wanting someone to kick my ass.


Because I'd fucked up—again.

What was wrong with me?

I'd rushed here, violating every speeding law. My only thought to get here, desperate to see Riley to make sure she was okay.

When I'd arrived, nausea roiled inside my guts like churning winds in a storm. I hadn't a clue what was going to say. She'd lost something. Something I hadn't allowed myself to think about... yet.

But I knew what loss felt like. I understood that pain.

And walking into the room, every spinning thought evaporated as the weight of what faced me had my chest aching at the sight of her. She looked so small and fragile.

She didn't look up, but my eyes traced over her exposed arms stained with blue and purple marks. Anger flushed though my veins and my protective urges kicked in and I'd wanted to scoop her up and take her home and tell her I'd do anything to make it right—Kill the bastards that had done this and promise her anything to stop the pain and shield and keep her safe with me.

My heart wept in my chest when she began sobbing. I couldn't breathe and although I swiped away some tears and kissed away the warm trickles of wetness on her cheeks, there was this solid wall between us—one that I'd built.

I'd gently lifted her and slid onto the bed and was relieved she didn't fight me. I wanted more of her on me—closer. Touching me.

And the sense of peace from tucking her into my chest soothed me beyond words.

And as she lay there in my arms, trembling, gripping me tightly, nothing had felt righter. Riley Jo needed me in a way I'd never experienced.

Not even with Emma.

Emma had remained strong all the way through her fight for life, and even as death took her from me, her strength left me in awe.

But Riley was different. Riley held onto my strength. And holding her, I was determined to make her smile again, help her through this, be her strength.

And never was it truer than when I'd kissed her and she'd clung to me. It was like a damn broke inside my chest. Emotions fired through my body, and I'd begged to let me try to make this right.

But that changed the second she'd asked the question.

Are you willing to open up our heart to me, Adam?

And something dislodged in my chest at her words, rattling around, dissolving. And I'd stumbled. I tried to answer, but the words stuck as if someone was wrapping a chord around my throat.

She pulled away from me, both physically and emotionally, and the hope I'd witnessed moments ago shattered, leaving those beautiful green eyes dull... lifeless.

I'd hurt her. Again. But this time it wasn't what I'd said—it was what I didn't say.

Fucking coward.

I mentally chastised, pacing up and down the corridor, kneading my hands anxiously outside her room.

Man up.

I paused my steps, turning back toward Riley's room, and reached for the handle. Tomorrow might me too late to fix this. I had to talk to her now.

Something stopped me. My racing thoughts and emotions splintered in so many directions, I could barely keep up.

Nonetheless, the truth of the matter stared back at me, taunting me. Riley deserved someone better than me, someone who wasn't a mess, someone who could love her—and only her.


Terror pounded my chest as a knife twisted in my gut. Why did the idea of her being with that someone else tear strips from me?

Because I was an asshole, and Riley was the only person who made me feel alive.

My hand gripped the handle, and it hit me how fucking selfish I was being.

What the fuck was I doing? Shaking my head in frustration.

I couldn't keep using her to make myself feel better and if I walked back in there, what could I offer her?

Riley wanted it all. I could see that in her eyes, heard it when she'd told me her dreams.

What was I able to give her?

I could't answer because I wasn't sure I could go through sharing everything with another person. I'd had it all. The perfect life and I'd let myself get so wrapped up in Emma, thinking we had our whole lives ahead of us—together and look what good that did me? I wasn't even sure I knew who I was since I lost her.

Releasing the door handle, I took a step back. My head was too messed up to do this now. Going back inside would only make it worse.


I would come back tomorrow. I had twenty-four hours to get my head from my ass or have some sort of epiphany.

My eyes remained glued to her door before I forced myself to turn and walk away. My insides ached as I twisted my wedding band between my finger and thumb.

About to step into the elevator, a hand on my shoulder had me turning to see Connor.

"Hey, I caught you." The tension between us earlier had all but disappeared.

I stood straighter and pulled together a smile as his eyes drifted over his shoulder, looking preoccupied. I hoped he hadn't heard the conversation between me and Riley and the distraction in his eyes said he hadn't. "Did you need for me something Connor?"

He turned back to me, nodding slowly. "Yeah... I know I was hard on you when you showed up earlier."

"I deserved it."

"Urm, yeah, maybe." Was he apologising? I waited. "Look, I want Riley to be happy," he said. "She deserves that and if that's you—then you need to do something about it. Don't let her leave." He looked over his shoulder again. "Don't wait."

Guilt crushed me. I wanted her to be happy. But I didn't think what I offered would be enough. And why should Riley have to sacrifice any of her dreams for me?

I couldn't keep going around in circles. Instead, I focused on something else, or rather someone else.

"Dr Chambers told me about a rumour that the sheriff's son might be involved in what happened to Riley?"

Connor's eyes narrowed. "She didn't see no faces. Cowards put something over her head." He took a breath. "It's a gut feeling that Clay Henderson's involved and someone else."

My irritation at my lack of indecision where my emotions were concerned redirected into anger, rolling through me, firming up my next move. Hands clenched tightly I forced them to relax. "I'd like to talk to him—do you know where I can find him?"

His brows nudged together. "Right about now, he's celebrating his best friend getting hitched."

"His best friend?"

He nodded, his top lip curling. "Cooper Stanton and Maddy." He threw out a look of disdain. "Another of Lockwood's finest, to be sure," he muttered in a sarcastic southern drawl.


There was no hiding the hostility, and it was clear a story lay behind his words. But that would have to wait. I'd had an invitation to the wedding of the year and the reception was at their family estate.

"Y'all know she scratched the sick son-of-a-bitch," he spat out. "And if I find out, he did it..."_ he blew out a breath, cursing. "I'll be fixin' to string the bastard up by his balls."

"Did he have any reason to hurt Riley? Do they have a history? Did they date?"

Connor snorted. "Date? Nah." he shook his head. "The guy's a lying sack of shit and I reckon he's capable," adding, "him and Riley had words that night, but I didn't think he was smart enough to understand she insulted him." Connor rolled his eyes. "Dumb as a fence post and he would argue with one too."

It wasn't much to go on—but it was a start. And if she had scratched him, then surely it would be visible? It was worth a drive out there. I could do that for Riley.

I said my goodbyes to Connor, giving him my mobile number, asking him to contact me should anything happen.

Picking up the pace, I found Chris in the car where I'd left him—asleep. Slamming the door had him jumping in his seat.

"What the?" he yelled out, wiping drool from the corner of his mouth. Rubbing his eyes, he squinted, looking around. "Have you been in to see her—Riley?"

I didn't have time to sit and explain, and I didn't want to tell him I'd hurt her again. "Do you want me to drop you at home? I'm gonna go find the sheriff's son and have a little chat."

"Fuck," he mumbled.

"Is that a yes?"

He rubbed his forehead, sighing. "No. Someone needs to make sure you don't get into any trouble."

I bit back my reply.

We drove pretty much in silence until we reached the gates of Riley's home. I could see swarms of cars lining up to park.

"Are you sure you want to be doing this?" asked Chris. "I mean, shouldn't you have stayed at the hospital with Riley? She has just lost a baby... your baby, and—"

"—Stop." I couldn't even let myself think about that.

"I need to set eyes on him, Chris." My dad always said everything you needed to know about a person their eyes could tell you. Finally reaching the house, valet attendants greeted us as I brought the car to a stop.

Getting out of the car I handed the keys to the young man. "You don't have to follow me Chris, wait here or mingle."

He huffed. "I'm coming. And I need you to think before you do anything stupid, Adam. I don't want to add job hunting to my list of things to do this week."

Rolling my eyes. We followed other guests, and I could hear a band.

As we rounded the corner, I spotted a giant marquee. Other well-dressed guest looked us over with confusion. We weren't dressed for the occasion. My eyes scanned across the sea of faces passing up by. "Do you know what this sheriff's kid looks like?"

"How the hell would I know?" huffed Chris.

After ten minutes of walking around. Chris flapped his arms like a toddler. "Adam, this is hopeless and I'm starving," he whined like a toddler too.

"Go get something to eat. I'll come and find you."

"Fine," he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Do nothing dumb," he issued the caution.

Distracted. "You worry too much," I replied as I spotted someone.

The groom. Cooper.

He was walking with a bunch of suited up men in identical outfits. It was safe to assume these were his groomsmen and one of them stood out, his outfit a little different. That had to be him. His best man—Clay.

Chris dropped his hand and was already walkway off. About to call him back, I stopped. It was better to confront the man on my own. That way, Chris wouldn't get caught up in my shit-storm.

Following the group of men, they were laughing and smoking cigars. Approaching, I watched Cooper punch one in jest in the arm and froze when I heard him say the guy's name. Clay. My anger went north.

Cooper turned, spotting me. "Look who we have here, boys." Bastard smirked, blowing out a waft of cigar smoke. "If you're looking for Riley Jo Doc, then she ain't here."

I gritted my teeth. Asshole.

"Come to congratulate me, Doc?"

My attention shifted to Clay. "No, I'm here to ask your best man a few questions about the night Riley was assaulted and if he knows anything about it." I didn't see any point in hiding my reasons for being here.

Clay's head whipped in my direction. He was the only one not smoking a cigar as a cigarette hung loosely between his thin lips. His head tilted, sizing me up before reaching up and pulling it from his lips. "What's it to you?"

Cooper jumped in. "This here is Riley's Jo friend. Aren't you Doc?"

"Yes," I answered sharply.

Clay shrugged. "I had nuthin' to do with her being attacked and if the crazy bitch said so, then she's lyin'."

My anger shot through the roof. I'd never been a violent person, never wanted to hurt a fly even when my uncle, who'd been a boxer, taught me how to look after myself. I hadn't ever thought to use my fists... until today.

I barrelled toward him, fists at the ready. And although I couldn't see any scratches from where I stood, I wouldn't stand by and let anyone talk about Riley in that manner.

Cooper blocked me, his smug face in mine and the smell of his cigar stung my tongue. "Now Doc, you don't want to be doin' anythin' stupid."

"Get out of my way, Cooper." I growled, hardly recognising the sound of my voice.

He side-stepped as I moved to shift around him. "Is she worth it, Doc? Was she that good?"

I stopped, my head nudged back.

He tilted his chin up, eyes lit up like a kid who'd been given his first toy gun. "I saw you and her, up at the stables."

Panic trapped me in a whirlwind of shock, and my mouth completely dried.

Cooper upped the volume, amusing his audience. "I think I got the short end of the stick with her sister," mocking. "Riley Jo sure looks good on her knees, and I was so tempted when she offered to suck my cock to keep my mouth shut."

Unease beaded along my spine, horrified. Not because I'd been caught with my pants down. No, it was the repulsive realisation he'd seen Riley practically naked and I didn't believe for one second the shit that came out his mouth.

I wanted to kill him.

But he wasn't done. He'd seen the reaction on my face, turning toward his friends, barking out a laugh. "Didn't want you losing that fancy job of yours." He flicked his cigar to the ground and stubbed it out before lifting his eyes back to me. "Y'all old enough to be her daddy."

My body seized up, bottling the rage and then I lost it, my blood heated, and I saw nothing but a haze of red.

Cooper stood not two feet away, his expression smug, self-indulgent.

The bastard.

I punched forward and grabbed him by the scruff of his collar. He may have been wider and most likely carried a good thirty pounds of muscle over me, but I was raring to take him out. "Say that again, you dumb hick."

Cooper shrugged, smirking. "Which part Doc, the part about you being an old fucker or the bit where your girlfriend will suck anyone's cock—ain't that right, boys?"

Size didn't matter as I fisted his collar. I freed one hand and pulled back, letting it fly to land a solid punch across his jaw.

"The fuck," spluttered Cooper, stumbling back. "You come here and—"

Clay stepped between us. "Enough! These are our stomping grounds and y'all outnumbered Doc." He cast his chin toward the four goons behind him.

Like that scared me. But as he twisted his head around to the other side to look at Cooper. That's when I saw it.

Nail marks.

Red, raw, peeking out from the collar of his shirt.

"You bastard!" I turned all my anger toward him, and I lunged. For the size of the man, he was quick, but I was quicker, catching him in the side of his head. He tried to sweep my feet from under me, but I gripped his shirt, yanking with one hand and with the other a fist full of hair. Clay growled out something, but letting go of his shirt I pulled back and let my fist fly.

This time I made contact with his face and the sound of crunching bone sent warm blood splaying across his face.

A heavy masculine pained grunt as I pulled back to let another fly, but my hand hit nothing as I was grabbed by two men, wrenching me away.

"Fucking hell," I heard Chris's voice. "Drop him asshole," he said as I shook myself free of one man and the other let me go.

Chris nodded in my direction as I wiped my hand across my mouth. I'd been spitting fire at that point. Fists clenched, I looked at Clay. He was bent over, hands on his knees, spitting out blood. He finally looked up.

"You'll fucking pay for that," he said.

"How about we call the cops and you explain those scratches on your neck?"

He rose to stand, one hand holding his nose. He was about to say something when I heard the screech of the devil herself.

Mercy Jane Lockwood.

"What in gods is going on out here!?" she screamed. "I'll have you know it's my daughter's wedding day."

Chris stepped closer to me, stiffening. "We're just leaving Mrs Lockwood,"

Like fuck we were. "Call the cops.!" I took a step forward but Chris's hand wrapped around my arm. "This man assaulted your daughter."

"Y'all a crazy old bastard," snarled Clay. "I went nowhere near her," he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Doctor Matthews." The devil herself was shaking her fists in my direction, her face her mass of red blotches. "How dare you come into my home on my daughter's wedding day and throw your fists and accusations around!" She huffed, steam practically fizzing from her skin. "And I'll have you know; my daughter does nothing but lie and whatever line she's been feeding you will be far from the truth."

How had Riley lived with this woman all those years, growing up around such a cold, hateful woman? "Christ, woman, you call yourself a mother?"

Nostrils flaring, her voice lowered. "Choose your next words carefully, doctor."

I. Didn't. Fucking. Care.

I threw my hands up. "Or what? You'll have me fired?" She glared and if looks alone could kill, I would be dead where I stood.

But it was that moment as I listened to the words tumble out, realisation dawned like the sun coming out after a storm.

"Frankly Mrs Lockwood, I honestly don't give a damn what you do to me. You are ugly on the inside and the outside and how you've raised such a kind-hearted, amazing, beautiful and loving woman like your daughter, Riley is beyond fathomable."

I swore I heard a crack in my chest as something reached inside and squeezed, making my heart beat a whole lot faster. Riley was all those things and more, and was I just willing to let her walk away from me?

No, I wasn't.

I returned my hardened glare toward the Devil.

Glacial blue eyes narrowed sharply as her jaw dropped and shrieked out the words. "You will hear from the hospital board on Monday, Dr Matthews." She threw her hand out, finger pointing but shaking. "Leave my property. Now! Before I call the Sheriff's department and have them remove you."

Chris breathed out noisily beside me. "Let's go, Adam." he tugged on my arm as I snatched it back.

"You haven't heard the last of this?" I aimed a finger at Clay.

The devil woman interrupted. "Clay, go to the house and Stella will fix you up."

"Adam, c'mon," Chris repeated.

I reluctantly followed, although my anger was barely curbed, baying for blood.

Chris slammed the car door. I didn't look at him, but I could sense his eyes on me. "What the fuck, Adam?" he breathed heavily through his nose. "Let me see?"

What? "See what?"

"Your hand, dumbass."

Pain that wasn't there a second ago ricocheted up my arm.

"You could have broken it."

I clenched and unclenched my hand. "It's fine."

"Your ass is toast on Monday." He scrubbed a hand down his face, leaning back in the seat. "Or at the very least suspended until she can convince them all to vote in her favour."

I didn't give a shit. "It was him. He was the one. You saw those scratches."

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