《Sealed Hearts》Twenty-One


"You'll be okay." I spoke to my reflection whilst running my razor over my chin. Weird thing was I felt younger than I had in the last two years. Even before Emma's death, her deterioration had been a constant worry.

But just in a few short weeks, the difference was visible, and it was all thanks to the sexy, curvy, and dark-haired beauty. And like a hurricane, she'd swept in and breathed life into my empty world.

And when she left, I wasn't sure what sort of devastation it would leave behind.

An empty shell? Back to endless days of misery? Rinsing my face, I dried off, dressed, and headed downstairs.

Finishing tenderising the steaks, I was in an upbeat mood. Not Riley's imminent departure or the run in with Helen would ruin what little time we had left together. And today we would eat, relax and chat, because I knew something was bothering Riley and I didn't want her to think the only thing I was interested in was between her legs.

My cock nudged my pants. He hadn't got the message that my brain was staying upstairs today.

It was important to me that Riley was aware I enjoyed her company, without needing to strip her naked. Although the stripping part was one of my favoured activities–but they couldn't shoot me for that. They built the woman for pleasure. And any red-blooded male would agree.

Flicking my head up, I couldn't help but feel excited. It was nearly one. She would be here any minute.

And speak of the devil... no, not the devil. Angel. I smiled, my head turning toward the rap on the door. I'd told her to come straight around back. "C'mon in, Riley—its open."

Laying the steaks out ready on the rack, I covered them and dashed to the sink and washed up.

"Hey, I'm not too early am I?"

Her sweet voice never failed to infuse me with heat. Drying my hands. "No." I threw the towel to the side. "Perfect timing. Just finished all the prep for lunch."

I crossed the kitchen in five strides and swept her up into a hug, excitement flooding me when she squeezed me back just as tightly. "I've done nothing but think of you since my eyes opened." Christ, my mouth was dangerous when I didn't engage my brain.

Her head cocked to the side, digesting my words. "Has somebody missed me?" she teased.


Loosening my hold, edging back, I brushed a loose piece of hair that had strayed from her ponytail. Might as well spill the rest. "I have."

She gifted me with the biggest smile, and a blush tinged her cheeks as her eyes dipped down and widened. "I can tell, doctor."

No hiding my erection!

And this was hell. Devine hell. Just in radius, I had to tell myself again she wasn't here to be stripped down to her underwear and lifted on top of the kitchen counter... and devoured.

But try telling that to my expanding cock, now pushing insistently against my slacks.

I steeled my resolve against her... for now, as I untangled us and stepped away to put a little distance between us.

Down boy.

Think of something else.

"You look amazing, by the way." I said, trying to distract myself.

Bad idea.

The way her dress hugged every curve only added fuel to the already burning fire.

Riley stepped back and twirled. "I think you've just about seen my entire wardrobe, so it's a good thing that I'm leaving soon. Or else I will have nothing to impress you with." She winked. "Oh, I almost forgot. Hold on."


She dashed to the door, swinging it open, and I took the opportunity to adjust myself to give my straining erection room to breathe. Riley returned with two bottles of wine. Holding them up. "I didn't know which to choose, so I bought both." She smiled, shrugging a shoulder.

"You didn't need to do that, Riley."

"But it's only good manners," she insisted.

Her old-fashioned, quirky ways were adorable.

She continued. "I'll be honest, I'm not good at picking wine, so you'll have to forgive me if they're truly terrible choices."

I waved it away. "I'm sure they'll be great." Taking the bottles. "Do you want me to open one?"

"Not for me, if you don't mind. I'm gonna stick with water today. My stomach been crazier than a box of frogs."

"Everything okay?"

She shook off my concern. "Yeah, I think it's all this stress, the weddin' an all."

"You're probably right." I set the bottles to the side. "I thought you would know lots about wine. Haven't you worked in bars all across our great United States?"

She nodded, saddling up next to me whilst I made some room on the small wine rack.

"True, I have. But serving the stuff and knowing what I'm serving are two very different things." She smiled up at me. "And in truth, I hardly ever drink. That being the reason I got in way over my head at the bar the night we met."

I leaned sideways, twisting her face to mine, planting a kiss on her nose. "Well, I can't say I'm unhappy about that."

Her face cracked a grin. "Me neither." I spun around leaning up against the counter, spreading my legs. I pulled her fit in between them, setting my hands on her ass. Riley pressed against my cock. I groaned.

"I think it wants some attention."

We held eye contact before I cleared my throat. "No, I'm going to cook, and then we'll sit and eat and chat."

She gave me a cute, exaggerated pout. "Whatever you say, doctor." Heat flared in those pretty green eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, Riley."

Christ, she could be solely responsible for global warming, melting the icecaps. Change the subject before I threw her over my shoulder and carried her upstairs. "Is your job still waiting for you in New York?"

She nodded. "Yeah, they just got a temp in to cover." I pushed up from the counter and manoeuvred Riley so I could head toward the refrigerator. "Mac, my boss, the guy that owns the studio, we get on like a house on fire."

My stomach churned. "Oh, is he sweet on you?" Where the hell did that question come from?

"Someone a little jealous, doctor?"

Yes. "Do I need to be?" Where was my brain?

She shook her head. "No, Mac is happily married to Cynthia, who is just the sweetest woman you could ever meet." She smiled, her face a picture of sweetness. "I'll introduce you when you come up to visit."


"You ever been to New York, Adam?"

I had. "It's been a while."

Snatching the prepared salad bowl and slaw, I closed the door with my foot. Riley, from behind, slipped her hands around my waist, clasping them over my stomach.

"I'm really happy that you'll come visit me."

Oh, Jesus. I'd gotten her hopes up. And being the coward I was, I would not tell her it was a bad idea—not today.


Riley's stomach rumbled, and she giggled. "Someones hungry. Here, you take these outside and I'll grab the steaks and fire up the barbeque." She let me go and I turned, handing her the bowls, not making eye contact. Coward.

"I'm so hungry my belly organising a demonstration!"

I laughed. "Well, let's not keep your stomach waiting."

An hour later, we'd finished eating and even with my not so subtle hints, she hadn't mentioned what was on her mind.

"Now that my tummy is satisfied." She slipped off her pumps and one foot trailed up my leg.

My eyes followed. "You looking for something?" Eyebrow cocked, I bit back a laugh, which switched to a groan when her foot brushed over my crotch. "Jesus..."

"Why doctor, I think I found what I was looking for...right here."

That did it. I was done trying to resist her. A small yelp passed her lips as I pulled her from her seat, and she crashed down onto my lap and I kissed her hard and deep. Greedily sucking on her lips as my tongue plunged into her hot little mouth.

I wanted to ravage her, and I was helpless to stop myself.

Riley wriggled over my erection as our kiss kicked up a gear to one of need.

"Adam," she said, out of breath.

"I want you," I sucked on her throat as my hand palmed her breast, sadly with material between us still. I was drunk on this small woman. "I can't get enough of you," and I meant every word.

Her lips moved to my ear. "I forgot to wear panties today, doctor."


She was trying to kill as I made a sound that was more feral than civilised. "I want to fuck you here out in the open." Luckily, my garden was free from prying eyes. I would just make sure we weren't too noisy. "There, on that lounger."

"Ah-hu." Holding her against me, I stood with Riley still in my arms. She wrapped her legs around me as our mouths met for another heart pounding kiss. Hands under her ass. I squeezed through the thin material of her dress as I walked us the few steps.

As my leg nudged the lounger, behind me there was a clearing of someone's throat.

Bubble burst. I came crashing back down to earth. "Fuck," I muttered, freezing, as Riley gasped and unwrapped herself, slipping down my body to stand, quickly adjusting her dress.

I turned with my heart now sitting in my throat. Standing not twelve feet away was Danny, Emma's son.


All three of us stood waiting for the other to speak.

It was Danny who broke the standoff. "Damn, sorry, Adam." He hitched his thumb over his shoulder. "I shouted when I came in—but you being out here..." his voice trailed off.

Yeah, me being out here, playing tonsil hockey with a woman who was nearer his age.


Without thinking, I put some distance between me and Riley.

Danny looked between me and Riley before smiling and walking toward us, lifting his hand. "Hi. Sorry for interrupting. I'm Danny."

Riley glanced at me and took his hand. "Hi, I'm—"

"—Riley Jo," he finished, cracking a grin. "I know." His eyes shifted to mine for a brief second.

He knew? Shit. I was going to kill Chris.

"You know me?" Their hands remained linked.

"I do," he affirmed.

My tongue was numb as I pushed out the first thought that came to mind. "I thought you couldn't get up here this month."

He dropped Riley's hand. "I cleared some stuff, and I thought I'd spend a few days here with you."

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Not that I wasn't happy to see him—quite the opposite. I liked having Danny around.

"Shall we sit down?" asked Riley.

I nodded, awkwardly making my way back to the table. At least it solved my erection problem. Doubtful I'd be seeing it any time soon.

Riley smiled nervously, looking to me for guidance on how to handle this. But my head was up my ass worrying about what Chris might have told Danny.

"You're even prettier than Chris said."

What the hell?

Riley blushed. "I don't know about that, but thank you. You and Chris are too kind."

Danny continued on talking, as if there was nothing uncomfortable between the three of us. He was handling this far better than I was.

"Well, seeing as Adam here—" He flicked his head in my direction, grinning. "Has told me nothing about you. You tell me about yourself, Riley."

Riley swallowed. "Nothing to tell really."

"I doubt that very much." He relaxed back in his chair. "Chris told me you're here for your sister's wedding?"

Riley nodded. "Yeah, Maddy. It's this Saturday."

"Chris tells me you don't live here—New York?"

Christ! How much had my soon to be ex friend told him? I would murder him, strangle him with my bare hands. A quick death.

"So when you are heading back—back to the City?'

What was with all the questions?

"Next week."

"And is there no chance you might stick around?"


Chris had called in the big guns. It was clear he'd drafted in Danny to get me to change my mind about Riley.

I'd lied when I said a quick death. No, this required a slow, torturous death.

Riley shook her head. "I have nothing to stay here for." Her eyes lingered on me as I picked up my bottled beer.

"Perhaps we can find you a reason to stay." He winked at Riley.

My heart was beating out of my chest. "Are you hungry? I could fire up the barbeque. There's steak." This questioning and not so subtle hinting had to quit.

"Nah, I'm good. Grabbed some food on the way up." He pointed to my bottle. "Wouldn't mind a drink if your offering."

I shot up from my seat. "You stay. I'll get it."

I headed inside, taking a breather. Pacing up and down my kitchen, hands ploughed through my hair. What in god's name had Chris been thinking? I grabbed my phone and fired off a message. It was short, but to the point.

I will kill you!

I pulled a beer from the fridge and headed back outside. I stopped my steps. Where'd they gone?

Placing the bottled beer on the table. I heard voices. They were up at the far end of the garden. The place where Emma planted all her favourite exotic plants.

Heading that way, I found them. My eyes zeroed in on Riley's hand. "No, stop!" My tone was sharp. "What the hell are you doing?" Riley had in her hand the corpse flower.

Emma had chosen this plant for its name, finding some amusement in its name. I'd hated the thing worrying she would never get to see it bloom, as it only flowered every five to seven years.

Emma never saw it bloom.

Riley jumped back. Panic set in. "I'm so sorry, Adam—" she held out the flower to Danny.

I stomped forward, snatching it from her.

"Hey, it was my fault. I picked it." Danny stepped in to defend Riley. I'd clearly pissed him off. "I was telling Riley how mom loved these flowers, but never got to see this one."

Riley's eyes were wide, her cheeks flushed the brightest pink. I held the flower in my hand, a little ashamed of my reaction. "Riley—"

She blinked rapidly. "May I use the bathroom?" She didn't hang around for a reply, stepping around me.

Christ, what was I doing?

"I don't think you need me to tell you that was a major overreaction."

"I know. I shouldn't—" my words died on my tongue. Standing awkwardly, I rubbed my forehead, staring down at the flower in my hand. "She never saw it flower."

Danny placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know."

Stupidly and shame railed through me. "I'll apologise when she comes down. It's just— "

"It's okay, Adam."

"No, it's not. And I'm sorry you had to see me and Riley—"

"Hey," he stopped me. "I like her."

He waited for me to say something. "It's not what it looks like."

"Adam, it's what Mom—"

"Don't say it. Just don't." I warned.

"It needs to be said—Chris."

I held up my hand to stop him. "Don't mention his name." I scowled. "Chris is gonna feel my boot up his ass!"

Danny cracked a smile. "Don't blame him. I ask him all the time how you're doing."

"Yeah but—"

He interrupted, "and seeing you here today with Riley."

"I told you—its nothing." Why couldn't everyone quit trying to set me up with Riley? "She means nothing." I shrugged, the words stung. "She's just a distraction, a bit of fun."

Danny's eyes disappeared over my shoulder. Fuck. I knew Riley was standing there.

Turning slowly.

Shit. The hurt in her eyes told me she'd heard every word.

"I need to be going. Thank you for lunch." She didn't make eye contact, but I watched her chin tremble. She took a deep breath. "It was lovely to meet you, Danny."

Danny stepped up, so we were shoulder to shoulder. "It was lovely to meet you, Riley, and are you sure you need to leave?" He nudged me.

Riley nodded her head a little too quickly. "I have somewhere I need to be." She looked down and then back up, swallowing. "I promised my Nana I'd help her with something."


She held up her hand to stop me. "I know my way out. Don't need to bother yourself."

She spun, making a hasty getaway.

Danny grumbled. "You should go after her and tell her you're a dick and you're sorry and you didn't mean any of that shit you just said."

My head snapped in his direction. "When do you get to talk to me like that?"

He gave me a pointed glare. Our roles reversed and now I was standing here like a petulant child. He wasn't wrong. "You're better than that, Adam."

I stared at where she'd just been standing. "I will call her later."

"Listen, I'm not one for trying to tell you how to run your love life."

Here we go again. "Danny, I already told you—"

"Stop." He held up his hand. "Have you seen the way she looks at you?"

What? I shook my head. "Riley knows this thing between us can't go anywhere."

Danny shrugged. "Why can't it?"

Apparently, Chris had only told him half a story, and I wasn't in the mood to have this discussion with my stepson. "I don't—"

"Adam, let's cut the crap here. You eat, breathe and go through the motions." He inserted a breath. "That's not living."

"I—" he cut me off

"Share your life with someone, open up." He plucked the flower from my hand, twirling in his fingers. "You and I know better than anyone that life is temporary. Don't waste yours." He handed the flower back to me.

I looked at the man I'd raised from being a boy. I knew he meant well. Danny's always been a sweet-hearted kid. "It's complicated."


I was done talking. My mouth had got me into enough trouble for one day. "Listen, it's great to see you and you know you're always welcome here. It's still your home." I shook my head. "But whilst you're here, this isn't a conversation I want to have."

I turned to walk away.

"Fine, but don't throw second chances away, Adam." I carried on walking. "Mom always said her second chance was with you, after dad."

My steps halted, half twisting my head. "Me and Riley want different things." I was still holding the flower in my hand.

Riley deserved more than half a heart.

And after what she'd heard me say, I doubted she'd want the half of mine that was still beating.

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