《Sealed Hearts》Nineteen

Slipping on my white pumps, I twirled, admiring my fifties floral print inspired dress in the full-length mirror. It cinched in at the waist and the sweetheart neckline made my breasts look like a whole heap of trouble.

Connor was always saying I looked like one of the bombshell film stars from that era, so I thought, why the hell not. I only hoped Adam would like it too as we'd arranged to spend the day together.

Grabbing my phone, my heart squeezed. Still no word from Maddy. I'd sent her countless messages, explaining what had happened out in the barn.

My stomach churned. I hated this rift between us. Never in our entire lives had we gone a day without speaking, either by phone or text.

But now it was only seventy-two hours until the dreaded big day and I wasn't sure we could stop the inevitable and believe me, it wasn't for the lack of trying. Along with the messages. On Sunday night I'd climbed up the old birch tree to her window and damn well nearly killed myself, when one branch gave way. I'd tapped on her window for fifteen minutes straight. Then I had to risk my life a second time climbing down when it was apparent she had no intention of letting me in.

And on Monday I'd waited outside the wedding dress boutique, but she arrived with her three bridesmaids and Cooper's younger sister and flat out refused to talk to me and Cooper's sister had the barefaced cheek to call me every ungodly name under the sun.

And now, I was at a loss at what else to try.

But I would not let it spoil today.

Giving my outfit one last inspection, I headed down to my nana's kitchen to hear a hearty laugh.

"About time you made an appearance, princess," smiled Connor as he sat with my Nana munching down on her fine butter biscuits.

Not expecting him today. I hoped I hadn't forgotten something. "Did we have somethin' planned today?"

"Nah, Max is helping his Mama out, and I had some free time, so I thought I'd drop in on my favourite girl... well two favourite girls." He winked at my nana.

"You could charm bees to make you honey, Connor Jackson." Nana loved Connor probably as much as me.

"Morning Nana." I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Mornin' to you, my sweet child."

"I hope they're not my butter biscuits you're scoffing down!" I pointed to half a biscuit Connor had in his hand.

My Nana swished her hand in the air. "Don't you be worrying none. Yours all wrapped and ready to go, in that there basket."

I smiled gratefully before walking over to the refrigerator to pull out the jug of fresh orange. "Why did you let me sleep so late, Nana?"

She huffed. "Because I heard you up late last night, pacing at that ungodly hour." She threw me a castigating look as I poured myself a juice and joined them at the kitchen table.

"You good princess?" asked Connor.

I shrugged and sighed.

"That bad, huh?"

"You had any luck?" I hoped Maddy might listen to him or Max.

He fished out another biscuit from the opened tin. "Na-ah, I think she's blocked my number... and Max's, too."


My nana patted my hand. "That girl's got a stubborn streak that runs deeper than any gold mine."

"I don't know what else to do, Nana."

"Bless your heart, child." She squeezed my hand. "But we may have to face some harsh truths. If she doesn't want to listen, then we can't force her. And as your granddaddy always said, there's none so blind as those who will not listen."

Urgh. "Is there nothing else we can do?" I hated to admit defeat.

"Short of kidnapping her, I don't think there is, princess." said Conner, who looked as defeated as I felt.

Nana shook her head. "Riley Jo, stubborn people get themselves into all kinds of trouble and Maddy, as much as it pains me, is gonna wake up to that fact." She sighed. "But they are her mistakes to make. We just have to be there when she wakes up to the truth."

But how long would that take? I seriously doubted Cooper would change his cheating ways once a ring sat on his finger.

"Anyway, where you headin' all glammed up?"

I stood up and twirled. "You like?"

Connor whistled. "Damn, you look beautiful." Winking. "I don't suppose a certain doctor has anything to do with why you're wearing that dress?"

My cheeks heated as a smile stretched a mile wide.

"Look at that Nana Em." Connor whistled again. "She's giddier than a clam at high tide."

He wasn't wrong. "You guessed right. We're spending the day together. Having a picnic up at Critter Creek."

"You two are spending a lot of time together. Can I get my hopes up and maybe think you'll plan on staying on longer?"

"That's what I'm hoping for," piped Nana.

I sat down, taking a sip of my orange. "Ewe." I wrinkled my nose.

"What Child?"

"I think this orange juice is bad, Nana."

She took the glass from my hand, tasting. "It's fine, Riley. Nothing wrong with it!"

The last few days milk had tasted funny and now orange juice? My tastebuds were on the fritz. I turned my attention to Connor. "You know why Mama hasn't run me out of town yet. The wedding has all her attention. No doubt the second it's over she will be hot on my tail escorting me to the boundary line."

My nana scoffed. "Don't you worry about your mama. Leave her to me."

I didn't doubt my nana would look out for me. But it was a losing battle, no way would mama have a change of heart.

A couple of hours later, I pulled up Adam's driveway. Before I could beep my horn, the front door opened and my breath hitched. He looked delicious in his white cotton shirt and slacks. True, his wardrobe varied little, but then again, why fix what wasn't broken!

"Wow, beautiful." He was talking about the car. My nana had let me borrow my granddaddy's 1959 red Cadillac convertible.

"Climb in, Nana let me use this today, it was my granddaddy's."

Adam opened the passenger door and climbed in, his eyes landing on me. "The car is beautiful, but Christ, Riley, you put it to shame. You look stunning."

His smile made my stomach flutter. "Thank you." I was about to start the car when he looked around and then turned back to me, cupping my cheeks and kissed me. The cheesiest smile erupted when he set my lips free.

This time, my heart fluttered.

"So, where are you taking me?"

Trying to calm my racing heart, I blinked and turned the ignition. "It's a surprise, but you'll like it."

We set off, and still the cheesy grin hadn't shifted from my face. "How was work covering Chris?"

"Long and boring," he groaned. "Looking forward to today, spending time with you."

This man was quickly becoming a danger to my heart.

Adam looked over his shoulder to the back seat, his face lighting up. "Is that a blanket and picnic basket?"

"See, you've gone and spoiled my surprise." Stupid idea putting them in the back seat! "Yes, I've made us a picnic, and I thought I'd take you to one of my favourite spots growing up and, even better, it's away from prying eyes so we can relax."

He turned back around, but I could feel his eyes on me the whole time.

On the forty-minute drive, we chatted about me growing up and the heap of trouble me, Maddy and Connor got ourselves into. I tried to divert the conversation to him, but still he shared nothing more about his life—or his stepson.

Finally, we arrived and parked the car. Adam told me to stay put whilst he came around to my side and opened the door, offering me his hand. As always, the perfect gentleman.

Looking around he hid his eyes from the sun with his hand. "You were right, Riley, it's beautiful here."

I sighed. "Connor and I named this place Critter Creek."

"Does that mean we're going to share our lunch with the local wildlife?" he grinned.

I loved all of god's creatures. "Don't worry, I'm good with snakes, doctor."

His eyebrows shot up. "Snakes?"

It was my turn to laugh. "Only grass snakes. They won't do you any harm." I stretched into the back seat and picked up the blanked as Adam grabbed the picnic basket. "Let's set up over there." I pointed to an old Cedar tree. It was the oldest tree I knew around these parts, and its huge overreaching branches would shield us from the sun. And thankfully there was also a light breeze today.

"Me and Maddy used to ride out here all the time." I said out loud as he took my free hand in his.

"Sounds fun," he said in an almost wistful tone.

Laying the blanket, I emptied the basket. "I brought a selection, as I wasn't sure what you liked."

"I'm pretty easy going when it comes to food." He knelt, joining me on the blanket. "I can't believe you went to this much trouble for me."

I blushed as I met his gaze, and something like affection sat right there in those dark eyes of his. Affection for me, I hoped. "It was no trouble at all."

"Still, thank you, Riley."

I glanced down, warmth spilling from my cheeks over my throat and chest. "Well, tuck in. There's plenty."

Eating and chatting, I lay down resting on my side with my head propped in my hand, popping in my mouth a juicy strawberry.

Adam followed suit but lay flat with his hands resting behind his head. He had the same look on his face when I woke up with him on Sunday morning. Relaxed. Happy.

"I'm full," he announced.

I patted my stomach. "Me too."

He turned his head toward me, looking thoughtful. "I can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed or happy." His words took us both by surprise, quickly adding, "I mean, I don't get out often."

My insides quaked asI tried not to read too much into what he said. In a few days I would leave Lockwood and I would miss him more than I would ever say out loud. I swallowed and tried not to let my dangerous thoughts run wild. "Over yonder is Logan Reilly's land—you remember him from the diner?"

A strange look flitted across his face, then vanished. "Yes, I remember Logan."

"I was sure Maddy used to climb up this tree and pretend she was stuck so him or his brother Jackson would climb up and rescue her." I laughed. "Not that she needed them to rescue her, but there wasn't a boy in Lockwood that didn't like Maddy."

"I'm sure you had just as many admirers, Riley."

I honestly couldn't remember any boys showing an interest in me. Then again, I was practically glued to Connor's side and crushed on him for the whole of my teenage years. Even when he told me he was gay, it never stopped me from loving him.

"You were lucky to grow up in Lockwood. Cities aren't great places for kids to grow their imagination."

I could easily picture Adam as a cute kid running around with his dark hair flopping over his eyes and a cheeky grin. "Well, if you're fixin' to raise kids, then I won't deny Lockwood Creek is a fine place to do that."

He shook his head. "I won't be having any children."

"Why not?"

"I can't imagine being with anyone else and if, by some miracle, that should happen, then I'll be too old for children."

And there went my heart and any foolish hope.

He looked a little sad but I snagged the opportunity to ask. "Chris mentioned you have a stepson?"

He took his time answering my question. "Yeah, Danny is Emma's son. I've known him since he was ten years old. He was a good kid and grown into a fine young man." His eyes dulled and I'd worried I'd brought his mood down. "He and Emma were really close."

"Do you see him often?"

His eyes returned to mine, but now with a hint of sadness. I wanted to kick myself. "He gets home when he can; his schedule is quite busy at the moment."

I was dying to know more, but he didn't seem forthcoming and I didn't want the day to slip into misery, not when he'd said he felt happy.

"What about you Riley? Tell me your dreams, your aspirations. Do you see kids in your future?" He perked up with his question which returned the smile to my face.

And I did see children. I could easily picture myself with two or three little ones running around. I'd never been like those city girls wanting a career, not that wanting a career was a bad thing. But each to their own.

I peered down at him. "Yes, I'd love children." I smiled as tingles of happiness bubbled in my tummy. "You'll probably think I'm very old-fashioned, but getting married and having children sounds wonderful to me."

His brow rose along with the corner of this mouth. "What—you don't want a career first?" He seemed surprised.

"No," I shook my head. What could be more rewarding than meeting the man of my dreams, getting married, raising our children and getting old together.

"You're a very rare breed Riley Jo Lockwood and the man who gets to marry you will be very lucky indeed." His smile widened. "And I hope happiness finds you, you deserve to be happy."

I'd stupidly been pining after the idea that maybe I had but his words both warmed and chilled me. Any man would be lucky—but he couldn't see himself as that man.

I guess I wasn't lucky.

"Is your sister looking forward to getting married?" He spun the conversation onto the subject I wanted to avoid. "I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yeah, we kinda had a falling out, and she's not too happy with me." And that was as close as I was gonna get to telling him the truth.

"I'm sure you'll make up before the wedding."

I wouldn't hold my breath. "Here's hoping." I tried to fake a smile, but my stomach churned at the idea of her marrying that two-timin' weasel.

Adam's eyes softened as he looked at me thoughtfully. "Are you okay, Riley?" I wanted to confide in him. "You can talk to me. You let me talk about Emma enough times. I hope you think of us as friends."


It never failed to surprise me how many men thought of me as their friend. "I'm fine, just rather not spend our time together thinking about the wedding." I danced my finger across his chest, lowering my voice, "not when I have you all to myself...doctor."

He opened his mouth to speak, but I leaned in and stole his words, pressing my breasts into his arm, sealing my lips over his. I felt him shift as his hand rested on my hip.

I pressed further onto him as arousal flooded my blood and his other hand snaked under me and he lifted me on top of him.

This was much more fun than thinking about the wedding, or the truth that I'd have to leave him and most likely my heart in a few days.

Adam pressed his tongue in my mouth on a groan and his sweet taste flooded my senses. I wanted to imprint every second of my time with this amazing man and it wasn't long before his erection grew beneath me as we broke apart, each taking a breath. "I think someone is feeling left out and needs my attention."

A yelp escaped me as he rolled us over together, propping himself up. "I think you're right, but let me decide on what kind of attention he needs... he can be quite demanding."

"You're in charge, doctor."

A smouldering look darkened his eyes.

Adam was now running the show, and I was a more than willing participant. "Jesus, Riley, you make me want—?'' he stopped.

"—I make you want what?" I knew he had something important to say.

He bit back his words and then his mouth slammed into mine, wiping away any clear headed thoughts.

His kisses were lethal.

I whimpered when his lips left mine to trail across my jaw, down my throat as he hummed his way down.

My entire body heated with the electricity between us, my breaths heavy and needy. And even with the heat of the day, I shivered.

"I want you, Riley." His mouth sucked lightly on my sensitive throat as his hand ran over my fully clothed breast, the nipples hard beneath my dress. "I swear I dream about this every time I close my eyes... I can almost taste you."

His words took my breath. The hormonal turmoil fluttering inside me was rapidly building. "Yes." Exhale. "Need you, Adam."

"You make me feel everything Riley, you have no idea what you do to me." His hand pulled up my dress as his fingers gripped my upper thigh.

I wanted to tell him I felt exactly the same and I couldn't see myself ever feeling this way about someone else. And suddenly my heart was fit for bursting from my chest. It was time I faced the truth I'd been trying to deny.

I was falling in love with Dr Adam Matthews... hard and fast. So hard I could feel the bruise forming.

The thought both exhilarated and broke me. Dr Matthews would no doubt break my heart.

I clenched my eyes tightly shut. I didn't want to think about the hurt that was days away. Focus on the here and now. And more than anything, I needed him to be inside me, making me feel whole for a short time.

He read my mind as pushed himself up, rising to stand. "Take your dress off, Riley." His instruction was more of a growl and I didn't need to be asked twice. Sitting up, I lifted it up and over my head to leave it in a crumpled pile next to me.

"That pretty bra too, but leave your panties." I reached around my back and unfastened it, sliding the straps down my arms to drop it next to my dress.

This drew his hungry stare as he groaned, shaking his head slowly. "Fuck, no man would ever tire of looking at your Riley Jo. You're perfect."

He made me feel desired like no other.

He kicked off his shoes as his fingers worked the buttons on his shirt. Open, his eyes never left mine as he pushed it from his shoulders, dropping to the ground. "Now remove your panties... slowly," he ordered as his hand flipped the button on his slacks. His other hand dipped inside pocket and came back out with a silver packet.

Yes! He came prepared. "Quite the boy scout, doctor." Raising an eyebrow, I sucked in my bottom lip.

Adam's top lip lifted as his hand eased his zipper down, shoving his pants down along with his boxer briefs. They were off, freeing his beautiful cock. The plump head wept a single sticky tear.

The lord had sure made this man perfect.

Lying down, my chest rose and fell as I heard him tear the wrapper. Lifting my head, I watched him roll the condom down.

He dropped to his knees, running his hands up the outside of my thighs. "Open your legs Riley, let me see you."

His command took away any shyness I might have felt with another man. Adam always made me feel more than I was. "You don't know how many times I thought of this... about you." It's the honest to gods' truth. The man occupied my brain more that eighty percent of the time.

He crawled over me, now directly above me, confining me beneath him. "It won't even come close to how many thoughts I've had of you, Riley."

I squirmed, wanting to feel all of his delicious hardness between my legs. I urged my legs up, to draw him closer. Feel him. "Please Adam." He would have me begging any second.

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