《Sealed Hearts》Thirteen


~ ~ Adam ~ ~

Shit, I cursed under my breath, gritting my teeth as all eyes turned on me. "Riley, are you okay?"

Dumb fucking question.

I swallowed as Riley's green doe eyes lifted to meet mine. Tensing, I felt an almost physical blow at the poignant dejection pouring from them. She blinked back tears.

"Don't you worry Dr Matthews. I'm not feeling too good. Maybe some fresh air will see me right." She said on auto-pilot.

Okay... I seriously doubted that.

Those beautiful lips parted as if she wanted to say so much more but couldn't get the words out.

She took a deep breath offered a rehearsed smile and a polite goodbye, before twisting on heel and fleeing from the room faster than a nun mistaking a brothel for a church.

I stood, gripping the napkin tighter, wishing it was my hands wrapped around her mother's throat.

What in god's name was wrong with that woman? The audacity to imply that Riley was overweight was nothing short of cruel, demeaning and frankly, utterly ridiculous.

I slumped back down into my chair as Riley's fading footsteps faded from earshot. Shaking my head, anger coiling around my gut like a cornered rattle snake.

Cutting across the table, Riley's father growled at his wife.

Not that it had the slightest impact on the callous woman. If there was an award for cruellest mother of the year, then I couldn't think of no other person that would hold a candle to Mercy Jane Lockwood. The woman had her own brand of venom.

And it seemed nowadays women who had been blessed with ample curves were considered fat? And this from the mouth of another woman! Her own mother! It was unfathomable to me, crazy if I was honest.

Riley was perfect.

I replayed the scene from the stables. The moment she peeled apart that pretty dress to reveal her delicious body. Who was I kidding—it had been on a loop since we'd sat down to dinner. It's what got me through this soul sucking evening.

The second my eyes feasted on her, stood at gate, waiting, She looked beautiful, her hair loose, catching on the breeze, framing her face. She had me hard as stone. Her temptress smile widened when her eyes met mine. A smile so bright, she could put the sun to shame.

That smile could easily kill a man, she did me every damn time.

And, in the stables my hands had itched to trace every curve. I practically had to suck back drool.

She was breath-taking.

Riley Jo Lockwood wasn't some waif that might snap. Hell no, she was all women with lush curves that any man would drown in. And when she'd dropped to her knees, the first touch of her hot mouth on my cock, well, I damn near had heart failure.

And just as insane to me what the fact she wanted me for some messed up reason. She didn't see me as broken, or someone she needed to fix. There was only heat in her eyes as she worshipped my cock.

"Adam?" a voice cut into my thoughts.

"Sorry, did you say something, Helen?"

"I said, I didn't know what to say," she whispered.

I briefly turned. "Nothing —" I stopped my eyes fixing on the door, hoping that Riley might magically be stood there.

I should stand up. Right now, and excuse myself from the table and find Riley. Tell her, no—show her how she was the sexiest woman alive and maybe return the favour...

I heard Helen sigh, "I feel terrible,"


"Don't." There was no reason for her to feel bad. The blame lay firmly at the feet of her mother.

I looked around the room at the sorry bunch of people I'd had the unfortunate pleasure of sharing a table with. Her sister and perhaps her father and the older lady, Stella, their live-in housekeeper were the only ones who looked distraught over Riley's abrupt exit.

It tempted me to tell them all go fuck themselves.

How had the night started off brilliantly—end up going to hell?

My eyes caught the attention of the weasel who had somehow persuaded Riley's sister to marry him. Cooper Stanton. I'd heard the family name thrown around. The family had been here as long as the Lockwood's.

Another entitled bunch of phonies.

He tossed me a smile, raising his glass of scotch, flicking his chin up.


He wrapped himself around Riley's sister and yanked her toward him. She looked uncomfortable but forced a smile.

I couldn't for the life of me figure out what she saw in him. She was out of his league, that's for sure.

Her sister, Maddy, was much too beautiful for the likes of him. Not beautiful like Riley as regrettably for her, she was a younger version of her mother, but thankfully her face held none of the ugliness that her mother carried in spades full.

It also didn't skip my attention that more than once the asshole had unashamedly stared down Riley's dress. I'd wanted to wrap my hands around his throat and string the bastard up by the balls for looking at her that way.

He had no right; she didn't belong to him.

But she didn't belong to me either.

"You havin' yourself a good night doctor?" The weasel asked.

Men like him made me sick. Entitled. Rich. And no doubt had a dick the size of his pea-brain.

I didn't reply.

He smirked. Cocky bastard needed knocking down a peg or two.

My head flicked toward the door again as conversations between the remaining guests picked up and Stella, finished serving dessert. Dropping a plate in front of me, I thanked her.

It looked delicious, but it soured my appetite, not knowing if Riley was okay. It also didn't help being sat next to one of Mercy Jane's friends. And if the woman touched my leg one last time...

"Everything okay, Adam?" Helen leaned in and whispered.

"I'm fine." She gently squeezed my arm.

It had been a pleasant surprise to see Helen after all these years. We had been close in college but lost touch when she moved North. And it was great to hear she was joining Mercy Heights, and no didn't doubt she would be a welcome and valued member of staff.

I winced when the high pitch squeal which could be mistaken for a piglet, leaned in, pressing her fake breasts up against my arm

God give me strength. I edged back.

"That child always had a flair for the dramatics," said Mrs Winkleman.

That was it. I was done. Mercy Jane's friends were as fake as the hairpiece that sat on top of Stanton senior's head. I couldn't stomach them a moment longer...sharing the same oxygen.

My chair scraped across the wooden floor, "I really must get home." I pushed to my feet, dropping the napkin. "I've got an early start in the morning." That may have been stretching the truth, I wasn't on shift till twelve.

I had an idea, a shot of adrenaline backed it up. Yes, I could park the car further up the drive and go in search of Riley. Wipe away from existence those utterly ridiculous words her mother had spouted.


My idea was cut from underneath me.

"Adam, could you possibly give me a ride home?" asked Helen. She had reluctantly accepted two glasses of wine from Mrs Lockwood. I didn't blame her for wanting to get out of this crazy house, but her time couldn't have been worse. "I can call by tomorrow and pick up my car," she said.


I peered down forcing a smile. "Sure, no problem, Helen."

Turning my attention to our hosts, Mercy Jane and her husband were in a stare off, eyes fired up, glaring at one another.

Helen rose from her seat. "Thank you for the lovely welcome Mrs Lockwood and your amazing hospitality."

Mercy shifted her attention to us. "No, no, please sit yourselves down. Y'alls haven't touched dessert and Stella is about to serve up coffee." She looked around the room. "Stella... Stella," she called out.

"Let them leave, Mercy," insisted Mr Lockwood.

I raised my hands. "Honestly, don't trouble Stella. It's fine. Thank you."

Stella plodded into the dining room. Mercy waved her away as Stella schooled her expression.

"Let's go Helen." Offering our goodbyes, we made a hasty getaway.

Buckled up in my car, Helen gave me directions to her home. Thankfully, it wasn't far from mine. She chatted away, but I was barely listening, my mind on Riley.

"Do you agree, Adam?"

What? "Sorry, I didn't catch that?"

"The family... The Lockwoods are something else?"


She continued. "I was excited to get a position here at Mercy Heights, but my god I wasn't expecting the family to be so crazy." Helen laughed. "And that poor girl."

"Huh?" Was she talking about Riley? "Do you mean Riley?"

"Hmm, yes. I mean, what sort of mother does that to their own child, fat shames them like that?"

Fat shames!? My jaw clenched tight. "Riley is in no way fat, Helen."

"Oh, no I wasn't implying...no, no, she's not." She fumbled. "Both daughters are stunning."

I wanted to add more.

"Having said that, you only have to look at her daughter... Maddy." She sighed. "Barely out of her teens and getting married. And you can bet your bottom dollar her mother arranged that little union. I know these kinds of people."

Helen reached over and adjusted the central air.

It irritated me. Who does that without asking? I blinked the thought away. "These kinds of people?"

"Yes, the town where I grew up wasn't much different to this." She looked out the window. "No doubt they will both be bred like cattle."

Thinking about what Helen said, maybe she was right. Perhaps the union between the asshole and Maddy was more of an arrangement. That would make sense because they didn't come across as a young couple infatuated with one another.

And the way he leered at Riley clearly told a story. And being married would not change him. Men like him never changed.

My fingers whitened around the steering wheel. Riley would never entertain her mother arranging any sort of marriage for her. "Not Riley. Her mother won't be deciding who she marries." I slowed as we approached a junction. "And she's only visiting Lockwood for her sister's wedding. She lives in New York."

"Oh, I thought Mrs Lockwood said she was your housekeeper?"

Me and my stupid mouth. "No, Riley's not my housekeeper. She kindly agreed to help me while she's here until after the wedding."

"Oh, right? Well, that's a good thing."

A good thing—why? I glanced her way for a brief second before retuning my attention to the road. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's probably nothing."

"What's probably nothing?"

"You must have seen the way she looked at you?"


"I think someone had a crush on you." She turned to look at me, the weight of her eyes tunnelling into the side of my head. "I would be very careful if I were you, Adam"

My foot pulled back on the accelerator as I turned to face her. "I think you're mistaken Helen. What would a young woman like Riley see in someone like me? I'm old enough to be her dad?"

She scoffed. "Young women love older, attractive, successful men. And the way her face lit up every time you so much as glanced her way." She laughed. "Trust me, I'm a woman Adam, I know these things." She shook her head. "Men are oblivious."

Christ, was it that obvious? Had her mother noticed?

And why was it so funny to her?

I cleared my throat. "Riley and I are just friends. She's a sweet young woman." And beautiful...with curves that flared a heat in my guts and made my dick harder than he'd ever been.

"Yes. Of course, and I'm not implying you would have any feelings for her. It's apparent she's much too young for you and clearly not your type."

"What?" How the hell would she know my type? "Not my type?"

"Yes, I hardly think a girl like her would be stimulating in the conversation department." She huffed. "I doubt she even went to college."

I did a double take. "Are you implying Riley's stupid?" My voice rose sharply with anger not far behind.

"No, no I didn't mean to cause offence." She shifted in her seat.

"Riley is a very bright and articulate woman." I was aware of how protective I came across and I was furious on her behalf.

"I'm sure she is," she backtracked. "I just meant you two would have nothing in common—nothing to talk about."

She knew fuck-all about Riley. And she didn't know me either. I differed from the man she knew in college. I held my tongue and focused on the road ahead, thankful we were nearly at her home.

I hoped she would keep quiet for the rest of the journey, but I wasn't that lucky.

"I was sorry to hear about your wife, Emma." She placed her hand on my arm, and I flinched. "If you ever want to talk—"

My chest tightened. She was the last person I wanted to talk to about Emma.

"Emma's reputation preceded her, brilliant in her field. You must miss her."

"Yes, I do." My tone was sharper than intended.

Her hand dropped from my arm. "I was married," she announced. "For two years, Phil. He's a plastic surgeon," pausing.

Was she expecting me to ask what happened?

"Divorce came through six weeks ago, but we'd been separated for eighteen months before that."

Okay, still not interested. I internally sighed, but thankfully Helen's street was just up ahead. "What number—house?"

"Oh, eight. It's on the corner." She pointed.

I pulled the car alongside her drive. "Nice house." I peered through the windscreen at the new build.

"Thanks." She unclipped the seatbelt, reaching for the door, but hesitated, turning to face me. "I don't suppose you could come in for a second?"

Going inside her home was the last thing I wanted.

"It's just—" she paused, looking up at her house. "I'm struggling to open a door...it's the hatch to the loft."

Could I say no? "Sure, lead the way." I unbuckled following her into the house.

A few minutes later I was propped on top of some stepladders attempting to dislodge the hatch, Helen was downstairs. Cursing the damn thing, I forced one final push. "Yes!" It gave way.

Damn. Coughing. Dust, and warm sticky air were sucked into my lungs.

Helen must have heard me as she came rushing up the stairs. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine." I retraced my steps down the ladder.

Helen looked at me and smothered her mouth with her hand, giggling. "Something funny?" I asked.

She licked her thumb and swiped it across my cheek. "There, some dust. All gone."

"Ah, right. Can I wash up, someplace?"

"Oh, yes. Second door on the left." She pointed down the hallway. "I'll wait downstairs."

Washing up and taking a leak whilst I was in the bathroom, I headed downstairs. The front door was in reach. "Helen?" calling out.

A door swung open behind me. "Ah, you're there. Can I get you a coffee or something else... Beer? Or something stronger?" Helen had somehow found time to change. She'd taken her hair down. A vest top replaced her formal pale-yellow blouse. Faded cotton shorts decorated her long shapely legs and her feet were bare.

She must have noticed me staring. "Oh, excuse the clothes, changed into something more comfortable."

I shook my head. "I'm good thanks, ready to head home, it's been a long day." I drew her attention to the top of her stairs with a flick of my chin. "You shouldn't have any problems with the hatch now, it's propped open. Just pull the lever and the ladder will come down."

She smiled, hooking her thumbs into the back pocket of her shorts, which stretched her vest top tighter across her breasts. It was apparent she'd removed her bra too.

Was this a come on—was she flirting with me? I'd been out the game for so long I wasn't sure. I diverted my eyes. "I'll be going. See you at work—its tomorrow, right?"

"No, day after."

I turned toward her door as she popped up next to me. "Hey, how about I cook you dinner sometime soon? I can't promise any entertainment like tonight." She pushed her hair behind her ear. "But I can promise a mean chilli." She waited a second. "You still like chilli, right?"

I did love chilli, but if she was flirting or had any ideas, we could be more than friends then she was barking up the wrong tree.

She continued. "And It will be nice to catch up some more. You're practically the only person I know in this little town."

I took a breath and turned to face her. Helen was an attractive woman, and back in college I'd had a crush on her. But here, today, I felt nothing. I remembered Chris had also had designs on her. But Helen put her studies before anything else.

"You know Chris Chambers works at Mercy, right?"

She groaned, reaching for the door handle, opening it. "I was never interested in Chris, Adam. And I doubt he's changed any."

She was right. Chris would never change. "I'm sure you'll be friends with half the staff by the end of the week."

"It's not Chris or any of the staff I want to spend time with." She took a step closer, and I could smell her floral perfume, it irritated my nose. My mind blinked back to Riley...she smelled of sweet peaches.

"I'm hoping we can be friends," she said, her eyes wide and hopeful.

Friends I could handle, anything more—I wasn't interested. "We are friends, Helen."

She stepped close, raising to her tiptoes, she kissed my cheek, cathing the corner of my mouth.

I jerked back. It was a little too close for my liking.

"We'll arrange that dinner soon," she said.

I swallowed; my throat dry. Not saying a word, I nodded once and made my getaway.

"Drive carefully," she called out from the porch.

I didn't look back. "Always."

Getting home ten minutes later, I reached for my phone, hoping for a message from Riley.


My hand hesitated over her contact. Should I try call her?

Don't be stupid. Its late, she's mostly likely asleep.

I dropped my phone on the counter. I would call her tomorrow.

Shutting off all the lights, I headed up to bed. I rested outside our master bedroom. Hand on the handle. I hadn't been in since the morning I'd woken up with Riley. I'd felt I'd betrayed her. My heart banged against my chest, the crushing weight of loss. The pain of being without her was a living thing and only one thing had helped the agonising pain go away, or least let me breathe.

Not a thing... a person. Riley. The memory of being inside her, touching her. The feel of her soft lips on mine.

Those thoughts...right or wrong were me all the time whether I wanted them there or not.

Riley Jo Lockwood helped me breathe... feel.

"Night, Emma." I whispered and walked toward my bedroom.

I didn't know if I was doing the right thing with Riley. But I was a selfish bastard and would take what she would allow—right up to the moment she left me too.

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