《Sealed Hearts》Twelve

Mama instructed everyone where to sit. She sat me at the far end of the table...away from Adam and next to Cooper of all people. He leant toward me. Once again, his eyes spilled to my breasts. "I was hoping I would sit next to you."

What? I threw him a look, which only made him smirk.


Unfortunately for me, the look I gave him did not deter him from staring down my dress at every god given opportunity. Apparently, my breasts were more interesting than my face. It also didn't skip my attention that his legs brushed up against mine more than once. I would even go so far as to say it was intentional.

I did my best to ignore him.

Throughout dinner, I listened to my mama go on and on. Clearly loving the sound of her own voice. My daddy rolled his eyes as he whispered to Stella. I knew that was the sign to make sure she had no more cocktails. One too many and the night would turn into a complete disaster, usually for me.

I glanced at Adam as often as I could without being too obvious. He was sandwiched between Mrs Winkleman, And Dr whatever her name was... Helen.

I already didn't like her, which was crazy, because I had no good reason not to like the woman.

Staring down at my food, I pushed it around with my fork, feeling somewhat irritated that I'd barely gotten to talk to Adam, his time occupied by his beautiful friend and crazy Mrs Winkleman.

If it had been my mama's intent to ruin my appetite, then she'd done a fine job inviting Helen and her friends.

At least I had the memory of earlier still fresh in my mind. My pulse quick-stepped as I stole a glance at Adam, our eyes met across the table, and I was sure he was thinking the same thing as he winked.

I looked down at my uneaten food, grinning like a fool.

Not a minute later, I doubled blinked as Stella removed my plate and replaced it with something that lit up my eyes.

"I made your favourite," whispered Stella.

Her famous double chocolate mud pie stared back at me. My mouth watered.

There was a God! Thank you, Stella.

I looked up, giving her my most genuine smile since we'd all sat down to dinner. I was going to enjoy every mouthful of this wicked delight. I would need to restrain myself from licking the plate. Lifting my spoon, it sank into the rich chocolaty goodness. Scooping up as much as my spoon would allow. Oh boy, I had to stop myself from groaning.

Just about to touch my lips, my mama's voice exploded shattering everyone's conversation.

"Riley Jo Lockwood!" she screeched. "Don't you dare let one mouthful of that cake pass those lips of yours."

I froze. My breath stalled as all eyes turned toward me. I wished a hole would open beneath my feet and suck me inside as I readied myself against the gales of laughter sure to come. It was my mama's friends and Cooper that snickered first, hiding their laughter behind their hands and napkins.

Humiliation wasn't something new, but here in front of Adam, I'd never felt so embarrassed. My stomach clenched tight.

"Mercy!" My daddy's voice thundered. I'd never heard him so angry as he slammed his hand on the table.

My mama didn't even flinch. "Don't interfere Frank. Our daughter is clearly punching above a healthy weight for a girl of her age." She turned toward Adam's friend, Helen. "Wouldn't you say Dr Wiseman, in your professional opinion?"

Everyone turned to the doctor, who's eyes darted to Adam for help.

My heart was beating out my chest as my daddy dropped his spoon clattering onto the plate. "Enough of this, Mercy."

Maddy elbowed Cooper for a second time, whispering to him.

Adam's friend stumbled over her words, unsure what to say.

Tears welled in my eyes, but there was no way I would give my mama the satisfaction of crying here, in front of all these people. "Stella." Swallowing the sudden dryness. I forced a smile and lifted my plate. "Thank you for going to so much trouble for me." I wanted her to know I appreciated her baking my favourite dessert. "But I'm sorry I won't be able to eat this tonight."

She nodded taking my plate, her eyes clouded with sadness.

My practiced fake smile travelled around the table, as I pushed up from my chair, hoping my legs wouldn't give way beneath me. "If y'all excuse me, I'm gonna retire for the night."

Adam shot up from his chair. "Riley—are you okay?" he asked, a mixture of hurt and anger spilled from his eyes.

Drawing in a breath. "Don't you worry Dr Matthews. I'm just not feeling too good. Maybe some fresh air will see me right." He gripped in his hand a napkin, his fingers whitening. "Y'all have a good night."

I hastily exited. One more second and I would have surely cracked and given my mama exactly what she wanted.

Once outside, I started walking away from the house, letting the darkness suck me in. Only my humiliation and the sound of crickets chirping kept me company.

Before I realised where I was, I was back where my night had started... at the stables.

Shutting the stable barn doors, it was even warmer inside, but I cared little. The tension from my shoulders eased as I breathed a little easier.

Heading toward Jasper's stall, I grabbed his dandy brush and got to work on removing any dried mud and dirt from his coat. "Just me and you, boy." I ran my hand down along his muscular body. "You don't care that I'm fat, do you boy?" The damn broke and the tears came.

Half an hour later, having no more tears left I was feeling the heat, wishing I had something to clip up my hair as dampness ran across the back of my neck and down between my breasts.

My pretty pink dress wasn't the best outfit to be grooming my boy in, I normally wore shorts and a vest. Perhaps I should have changed first. Thinking of clothes, I cursed myself. "It's your own stupid fault Riley Jo."

I should have known my mama would do her best to make me look small in front of everyone. It was her way of punishing me for not wearing the dress she'd chosen.

Jasper swished his tail. "You think I'm stupid, Jasper?" He huffed through his nose.

Finishing up, I walked to the tap and ran the cold water, splashing some on my face and down my throat. My arms ached from all the grooming. Turning off the tap, shaking out my hands, I sat myself down on the very same hay bale Adam's sexy ass had graced only hours before. I wouldn't deny myself a smile at the memory. If I left this town with nothing but that memory, I would be happy.

My head shot up as I heard the stable door open.

I couldn't see who had come in as I rose, tilting my head. My stomach dropped as around the corner came Cooper Stanton.

He was smoking a cigarette. "This is where you got to." He looked around the stables.

I slumped back down. "Why—you lookin' for me?" He held his cigarette between his finger and thumb. I wouldn't deny Cooper was a handsome man. Tall, dark and built like a Texas Linebacker. I was sure he was many a girl's dream, but his eyes held no warmth for anything, and that included my sister.

"Bored out my fucking mind. Nothing but talk of this damn wedding. Needed some air myself."

What? He should be damn grateful someone like Maddy wanted to marry his sorry ass. "I would have thought you would have liked discussing your upcoming nuptials to my sister."

He strutted like a goddamn peacock toward me. "You know you're not supposed to be smoking in here, right?"

He curled a questioning brow before taking a long drag and throwing it to the ground, subbing it out with his foot. "Happy now, Princess?"

I tensed at him calling me princess. "Just peachy."

He sat next to me; his leg brushed up against mine. "There are plenty of other hales bales to sit your ass on."

He chuckled and had the audacity to shift closer. "I like this one just fine."

I refused to shift but shuffled away to make sure we weren't touching. Goosebumps ran down my arms. "Do you have nowhere else you need to be?"

He ignored me. "I can see why you come here. It's peaceful."

Talking was the last thing I wanted, especially with him. "It was." Surely that was a big enough hint.

He placed his hand on my knee and pushed the hem of my dress up a little way. I jumped up. "Cooper Stanton – are you drunk or just plain stupid?"

"Neither." He smirked. Asshole.

"Forget it." I pointed my finger. "You want to be here. Fine! You can stay here all by yourself." I turned on my heel and hurried away.

Cursing under my breath, I made it to the stable door before two large hands pinned on either side, stopping me from opening it. "Cooper, what in god's name are you doing?" He must have been drunk. "Please remove your hands so I can leave."

Shifting one hand, he pushed my hair over one shoulder. The air swept across the dampness of my skin, forcing me to shiver. "I think I got the wrong sister." He planted a wet kiss on the back of my neck.

Ewe. "What the fuck!" I spun around, straightening my shoulders. "

"Ladies, don't use that kinda language Riley Jo."

"Tell me you did not just kiss me?" I reached around the back of my neck and touched where his mouth had just been, shocked.

He smirked again. "Relax. It's not like I kissed you on the mouth... or anywhere else." His finger traced the side of my breast, and I quickly swatted his hand away.

"Listen up, Cooper Stanton. You have no damn rights to touch me!"

Arrogant bastard.

I tried to duck under his arm. He stopped me, his hands came up on either side of my arms, holding me there. I struggled. "Get your hands offa me! Before your groin becomes familiar with my knee and you can kiss away the idea of any future children!"

Frantically squirming, his hands tightened their grip, as his knee forced itself between my thighs and his enormous body pushed against mine, pressing me unforgivingly into the door and something sharp scraped my shoulder.

"Get—" Trying to speak, my words got swallowed as his head dipped, stealing my lips. I kept mine tightly sealed, but he forced his tongue into my mouth as I tried to lash out, pushing at his chest. Unable to raise my knee, I slammed my foot down on his and he finally stopped attacking my mouth. "Get the hell away from me before I scream!"

Cooper stepped back, licking across his lips.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I swiped my hand across my mouth. "Have you lost your goddamn mind?" I couldn't believe he'd kissed me. "Just wait till your fiancée—my sister finds out about this."

He barked out a bitter laugh. "You ain't telling no one nothin, Riley Jo."

What? "Just you watch me, you arrogant son-of-a-bitch!" I raised my arm, pointing in the general direction of my home. "I'm marching right back to that house and telling everyone what you just did. You're nothing but a no-good two-timing jelly bellied snake." I planted my hands on my hips. "My sister deserves so much better than you!" It surprised me with the strength of my own voice.

"Go right ahead, Princess." He flicked up his chin, daring me, and I froze at the lack of effect my words had on him.

What game was he playing?

He shrugged. "Do you think they will believe you when I tell them what you were up to with that doctor friend of yours?"

My mouth dropped. It hadn't been my imagination. "You were here—watching me?"

I felt sick.

"You bet I saw the whole thing, Princess." He ran his thumb across his mouth. "Quite the little cocksucker." He laughed again. "You could teach your sister a thing or two." He scoffed.

The colour drained from my face.

"So go right ahead, Princess, run inside and tell them." His eyes darkened. "And I'll simply tell them how I confronted you about your doctor friend. And say you're lying about me to cover that fine ass of yours."

My anger erupted, burning a hole right through my stomach. "You wouldn't dare!"

He cocked a brow, and I wanted to punch that smug smile right off his face. "Try me Princess."

"Stop calling me that." I raged.

He stepped closer, forcing me back against the rough stable door again and tilt my head up. My breath stopped as he reached up and pushed a stray hair behind my ear, leaning closer. "Perhaps if you get on your knees and suck my cock, it might persuade me to forget what I saw."

Sweet Mary, mother of Jesus. My anger was replaced by dread seeping into my bones. And I felt sicker than a dog on deaths door.

I wanted to think he wasn't serious, but my heart raced faster than my mind could keep up. But I knew for a fact if my mama found out about Adam, she would have him fired.

But Maddy—hells-fire. I couldn't let her marry this man. There had to be something I could do?

"Clock's ticking, Princess." He hooked his finger under the tie that kept my dress together, yanking me closer so I could practically taste cigarettes and the faint hint of whisky. "Do you honestly think your sister would believe anything you say? She has her heart set on marrying me, so eager to become Mrs Cooper Stanton," he said mockingly.

He sucked in a satisfied breath as he stepped back, putting some much-needed space between us. "And your mama." He paused. "Well, she may cut you out of the family altogether."

That was the least of my worries. Breaking my sister's heart or ruining Adam's career I couldn't handle. He'd lost his wife; I wouldn't allow him to lose his job. I was left with little choice to let him think he'd won... for now.

The smug bastard stood waiting, with that challenge I'd seen in his eyes earlier. My body rigid I glared hard, hoping I could some way melt his sorry ass.

He tksed, rubbing his hand across his square jaw. "You know as soon as you left, your doctor friend took off with that fine piece of ass...Helen, was she called?" He sneered. "You can bet he's getting himself real comfortable right about now."

My heart stopped, but he didn't stop there.

"A woman like her, smart and sexy as hell. Before you know it, they'll be taking their own trip down that aisle."

What? I tried to keep my face straight. I knew he was baiting me.

"Awe, you thought you were special?" He shook his head. "Women like you Riley Jo, are only good for one thing and I'm sure you don't need me to spell it out of for you." He lifted his wrist and glanced at his watch. "I would love to stand here all night, but I'm gonna need to find your mama."

The words burned my tongue. "I won't say anything," I muttered.

Cooper held his hand up to his ear. "What was that Princess? I didn't quite catch it."

I gritted my teeth. "I said fine! I won't tell."

He sneered. "That's a good little girl." He winked.

I turned and flung open the door, leaving him standing there. "I'll be seeing you, Princess," he hollered after me.

Over my dead body, or better yet... his, I mumbled under my breath, clenching my fists, trying hard to control my anger and tears. But he was right. Men like Adam would only ever think of me as a bit of fun, someone to pass the time with until something better came along.

I wouldn't lie and say that didn't hurt. It did—a whole lot. Because deep down, my stupid heart had hoped that he might like me, as much as I already liked him.

A/N: Sorry, there won't be an update next week, not unless a miracle happens. I'm on the last few chapters of Pearl Rising and its kicking my arse, so need to focus and get that finished! See you again on the 8th December.

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