《Sealed Hearts》Eleven

Sneaking back into the main house, slipping through the kitchen, I breathed a sigh of relief to find it all quiet. Creeping toward the door, I jumped back. "Sweet Jesus, Stella, you scared the hell outta me." Stella appeared from nowhere with a wooden spoon in hand.

"What you doin', child, creeping on through my kitchen?"

"Why nothin' Stella." I smiled innocently.

Stella wasn't falling for my line. "Don't you be lying to me, child. You've been up to no good." Throwing me a coy smile.

I clasped my hands behind my back, lifting my chin. "Me? Little ole me, up to no good." A smile broke across my lips. "Never in a month of Sundays."

She shook her head, chuckling. "Go on now, you better get your ass upstairs and ready, child. Your mamas in a strange mood tonight." She winked as she waved me away with her spoon.

"Ain't she always?" I shrugged as Stella tsked, cocking her thick eyebrow." I knew she wouldn't go telling tales on me.

Once inside my bedroom, leaning against my door, I composed myself. Not having time to shower, I quickly freshened up and brushed up my makeup. Digging in my drawers, I fished out a clean pair of panties. The ones I had on were in no fit state. Slipping on fresh, I fixed my hair, spying two pieces of hay. Smiling, I plucked them out. "Lucky I found you before my mama did."

How would I explain having hay in my hair? I grinned like a cat who ate all the cream.

Ate the cream... Ha! I'd done exactly that.

A flush of heat flooded my body as I sucked in a breath. That was the hottest thing I'd ever done. Well, the second. A one night stand with the hot doctor had been the first, but alas only flashes of what I was sure had been a great night peeked through my hazy memory.

Glancing around for my phone, it tempted me to call Conner and tell him how awesome I was. No, that was a face-to-face conversation.

Planting myself in front of my full-length mirror, I lifted my dress above the knees. The redness had all but gone. Letting it drop and I shifted from one side to the other, assessing my appearance, smoothing down my dress. Perfect!

I groaned to myself; it was time I showed my face.

Heading downstairs with a bounce in my step, I made my way through into the den, passing open windows breathing in the warm night air. The house was stuffy tonight and the air heavy. But growing up here, I was used to it.

"I was about to send a search party out for you." My father said, passing a glass to Mr Stanton, Maddy's soon to be father-in-law.

"Hey Daddy." Mr Stanton tipped his head as his eyes slid over me, lingering longer than appropriate on my breasts.

Ewe, creepy old dog.

Two of my mama's friends, Prue Colton and Tilly Winkleman waved. Their fake smiles didn't hide their look of disapproval of me. Both were widowers, having married older gentlemen with more money than sense. And like the rest of my mama's friends—pretty on the outside but nasty just beneath the surface.

My stomach dropped when I saw Nana Em wasn't here. I resisted a sigh. I should have known better. She never did like any of my mama's friends... Witches, or was it bitches? She would often say.

I bit back my smile.

Maddy waved, grabbing Cooper's hand, dragging him toward me. "You look beautiful Riley, doesn't she, Cooper?"

He brazenly checked me out. But Cooper eyes had something hidden in them—a challenge?

A shudder run right through me. My skin crawled with the unease of his stare.

"You look finer than this whisky I'm holding Riley Jo," he said, lifting the glass tumbler to his lips but keeping his eyes on my breasts. I'm sure they would have remained there if his father hadn't called out his name.

I shook my head... Like father, like son.

"Good to have you back home, Riley Jo. I hope I'll be seein' more of you." Ewe, I don't so think mister. He kissed Maddy's cheek and returned to his father.

I forced a smile and my attention to my sister. What in the world did she see in him? I couldn't for the life of me think what they had in common.

"Where did you get that dress? It sits on you like a fitted glove." She admiringly ran her hand over the fine material. "Turn around."

I performed a little twirl. "Bought it in one of those fancy boutiques in New York. Cost me an arm and a leg."

"I think I need to visit you in New York, do some shopping of my own."

"You're always welcome." I was glad I'd worn this dress instead of the one my mama had picked out for me.

Maddy leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I'm sure someone won't be able to take his eyes off you all night."

"I don't know what you mean, Maddy." Not hiding my smile.

Cooper called out Maddy's name as she sighed. "Duty calls." I knew she didn't like Cooper's father much. Few people in Lockwood did.

Turning, I caught my daddy's attention as he finished fixin' my mama's favourite cocktail. I strolled toward him. A smile washed across his handsome features. "Maddy's right, you look a picture, Princess."

I planted a kiss on his cheek. 'Thank you, Daddy."

A side glance caught my mama's stare. She'd been distracted in conversation with Cooper's mother. But as she surveyed my dress, her face hardened. I waited for the chastising.

Three... two... one...

"What are you wearing, Riley Jo?" she spat out the words.

My practiced smile hid my true thoughts as my daddy walked toward her, holding out a drink. Mama took it without a glance in his direction, her eyes glued to me. Chest inflating, she sucked in so much air I wasn't sure there would be any left for the rest of us.

"Don't you like my dress, Mama?" I knew it was stupid to poke the bear.

"I already picked out your dress for this evening. Now why don't you be a good girl and go change."

The temperature dropped despite the warm night.

"Leave Riley Jo alone, Mercy. She looks real pretty tonight," said my daddy.

I smiled sweetly, which did nothing but anger her more. She wasn't done with me yet. "Don't argue with me, child. Now go back upstairs and dress with some dignity."

I dug my heels in. "That dress didn't fit Mama." It was a lie.

One hand planted firmly on her waist. I readied myself. "I doubt anybody in this room would need more than a single guess why it didn't fit."

"Mercy!" My daddy's glare hardened.

Her head snapped in his direction. "No, Frank. I will not have my daughter dressing like some two-bit tramp."

Everyone hushed.

"Mama!" said Maddy. "Riley looks beautiful."

My mama's eyes cooled but she held her tongue from further lashing out. Clearly outnumbered tonight, she huffed, but let it drop.

I didn't do well at hiding my smugness. Score one for me! But I spoke too soon.

"Didn't I also say do something with your hair, child?" She flicked her hand. "You wouldn't look so plain if you had it styled with some elegance."

"I like my hair just fine the way it is, Mama."

"That's enough Mercy. Leave it alone." My daddy's voice dropped, a clear warning in his tone.

"You always defend her, Frank." The grip of her glass tightened. "Riley Jo is hardly a raving beauty and if she wants to attract a husband. She'll have to do much better than that?"

Cooper snickered as Maddy elbowed him in his side and I flinched, my entire face flooded with embarrassment.

"Your last two guests have arrived, Mrs Lockwood," announced Stella, standing in the doorway, stepping aside to allow through the two people behind her.

My mama's words vanished into thin air as my heart fluttered up a storm and my thighs clenched as Adam's eyes found mine. "Dr Matthews." I said, a little too excitedly. My face flushed for a different reason as he delivered a devastating smile, setting my insides alight. At this rate, I would need any hourly change of panties.

"Hi Riley, you look beautiful tonight." His deep voice sent a ripple of excitement down my spine and my stomach was crazier than a whole box of frogs.

"Thank you, Dr Matthews," Ha! Suck on those eggs, Mama!

"Finally. Our two last guests have arrived." My mama switched from nasty to nice in the blink of an eye. Thank you both for coming tonight."

Like they had a choice in the matter.

"Thank you for inviting me, Mrs Lockwood," said the woman stood alongside Adam.

I didn't recognise her. But she was beautiful, for sure. Kind of exotic looking with the highest cheekbones I'd ever seen and lips that Angelina Jolie would be jealous of. For real, Miss USA would look plain standing next to this tall and slender woman. And damn, her hairstyle resembled a work of art, Golden streams, twisted effortlessly into thick curls, pinned up high.

Was I jealous—Maybe just a little.

I side glanced at Maddy, who shrugged. She didn't know this woman either.

"I see you have already met your surprise, Adam." My mama gushed.


Adam cleared his throat. "Yes, we arrived at the same time."

"Listen up everyone. Y'all know Dr Matthews. But tonight, I want you to welcome Dr Helen Wiseman to Lockwood Creek." My mama turned and her smile beamed brighter than an entire laser show of lights.

But Who?

My daddy walked toward her and shook her hand. "It's great to have you join Mercy Heights. I've heard good things about you."

"Thank you, Sir," she replied, looking at Adam with more than a passing familiarity. "Adam here was just telling how much he loves working there."

It was quite clear they had some kind of history.

"Helen and Adam go way back, old friends." My mama offered the information freely.

Dr Wiseman clarified. "We graduated together." Her eyes glided around the room. "It will be lovely to have a friendly face on my first day." She placed her hand on Adam's arm, smiling at him.

My insides twisted into knots as my hands became clammy. I didn't like the way she touched or smiled at my doctor.

My doctor? When did he become mine? I would have to think about that one later.

"I'm sure Adam here will happily show you around Mercy Heights and our quaint little town." My mana took a sip of her cocktail. "Oh my, where are my manners? What can we get you both to drink?"

"Soda for me. I won't be drinking. I'm driving," said Adam.

"You're quite welcome to stay overnight, Adam. We have lots of guest rooms, and you too, Dr Wiseman."

Dr Wiseman shook her head. "Thank you, Mrs Lockwood. That's very kind but I won't be drinking either. I need a clear head as the movers will be here at first light."

My mama was about to object when Stella cleared her throat. "Dinner's ready," she announced.

"Let's all make our way through to the dining room," said mama, leading the way.

With a heaviness and a deep-rooted churning of my stomach, I followed everyone out. Adam turned, but Dr Wiseman linked her arm in his, taking his attention.

"You okay Riley Jo?" whispered Maddy.

"Me? Sure, why wouldn't I be?" I wasn't okay. My mama's words never failed to cut deep. I was sure she was trying to kill me slowly...death by a thousand cuts. But over the years I'd managed to build a wall against her cruel comments. Sometimes though, even that wall didn't do enough to shield me.

Maddy squeezed my hand. "Don't let mamma upset you. I think you look really beautiful tonight and I saw how he looked at you."

My cheeks flared. "Sssshh, Maddy. You'll get me shot."

Nudging my shoulder. "You were right about putting a smile on the man's face." She giggled. "Better not let mama catch you staring at him."

I internally groaned. This was gonna be a long night.

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