《Sealed Hearts》Ten

"I love this song," smiled Maddy as she turned up the radio in the car. Taylor Swift belted out the sound system of her small car, assaulting my ears.

Sweet Jesus, I loved Taylor, but if it came to choosing between her and my eardrums... "Maddy!" I turned the sound down, releasing a sigh.

"Hey, my car, no touching!" She swatted my hand, but thankfully left it as was.

"I'd like to leave Lockwood with my hearing, Maddy."

She waved away my complaint. "I wanted Taylor to be mine and Cooper's first dance," grumbling, "but mama has other ideas."

Yeah, no surprise there. Anyone would think it was mama getting married.

"Can't you see your way to sticking around, y'know, after the wedding? Or at least till I get back from my honeymoon?" Maddy turned, a small pout sat on her lips.

I loved Lockwood; it was my mama I wasn't sure if I could swallow much more of. She acted like Lockwood was her very own Queendom.

"Isn't your budding friendship with the sexy doctor good enough reason to stick around?"

The doctor made Lockwood more appealing. And I wouldn't deny I missed Connor, Max, Nana, and my daddy. But still... "It's not like you're gonna be around. That man of yours will have you barefoot and pregnant before you know it."

Maddy groaned. "That's not on my to do list for at least another three years."

"Does Cooper know that?"

She groaned for a second time. "I'm fixin' to tell him when we get back from our honeymoon."

I could see how that conversation would pan out. And no doubt mama would have her say on when her first grandchild would arrive.

Maddy's shoulder sagged a little. A change of subject was in order whilst I had her trapped in the car. "It was nice seeing Logan on Sunday. He asked after you."

Maddy's fingers gripped the steering wheel.

"You heard from Jackson at all?" Jackson was currently posted overseas.

"No." she replied abruptly.

No? It seemed answering any sort of question relating to the Reilly brothers resulted in a one-word answer. I knew there was a story there, but neither Maddy nor Logan was willing to spill the beans... yet. "You know about their disagreement?"

"Why would I know anything that goes on between them brothers Riley Jo?" Maddy shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

My sister was good at many things but lying wasn't one of them. "You know you can talk to me. It won't go no further."

Maddy huffed. "Riley, I don't know how many times I have to say it. There is nothing to talk about when it comes to Logan or Jackson Reilly. Now can you please quit asking me!"

Her cheeks reddened as her eyes remained on the road ahead. I held up my hands. "Okay, I surrender. But don't forget my offer."

Her fingers relaxed and happy Maddy was back in the car. "So, how it's goin' with the sexy doctor?"

I'd avoided the conversation all day—thanks to the wedding preparations. Maddy was having every girl's dream and all, but damn, it was sure a lot of work. I was glad they had only dragged me into the whole crazy affair right on the finish line. And even with a wedding planner, Maddy talked non-stop and checked over every detail—I was starting to worry my sister may have OCD.

"Earth to Riley Jo!" She snapped her fingers.

I blinked. "Sorry, my mind went elsewhere." No point in trying to avoid the conversation. "It would go a lot better if we could spend more than a few minutes without interruptions" .... Which reminded me. "Could you cover for me between six and seven tonight?"

She turned, her eyes questioning. "What are you up to, Riley Jo?"

I placed my hand across my chest. "Me?" I mirrored her pout and threw in my sad eyes for good measure.

Maddy's eyes narrowed, but there was humour in them. "I reckon you're up to no good. And don't give me those sad puppy dog eyes."

She wasn't wrong. Mama kept us on a tight leash when we were younger, but it never stopped me sneaking out to meet Connor and getting ourselves into whatever trouble we could find.

"If you must know, I've asked the doctor to come a little earlier. I want to show him the horses." The stables, thankfully, were quite a distance from the main house and I knew it was the last place on earth my mama would be.

"Is that all you're planning on showing him?" She turned with a grin spread wide across her face.

"If he has to sit through dinner and suffer mama all night, then I'm gonna put a smile on his face first."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"You think I'm telling?" I shook my head. "Na-Ah. You will share it with half of Lockwood."

Maddy huffed. "That's not true, Nana, Connor and myself only share intel on you because you live your life in a vault, and it's locked tight."

It wasn't because I was hiding anything, I just lived a pretty dull life in New York, but it was my own life, so I wasn't complaining.

"I'll do it on one condition," she said.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"You promise to give it some thought—staying in Lockwood."

I could do that, although it wasn't looking very promising. "If the creek don't rise, then I'll give it my best consideration."

Arriving back home, I snuck a muffin from the kitchen headed up to my room. Opening my bedroom door.

Awe, shit.

My mama was in there with a dress draped across her arm. I dropped my hand, shoving it behind my back, hoping she hadn't seen the sugary delight.

Too late, her look said it all. I internally groaned.

"I can see why you're not losing any weight."

"It's just one muffin Mama." I brought my hand in front of me.

"That's all you have to say, child?"

What did she want me to say? No doubt she would have enough to say for both of us.

"Do you want to spend your entire life fat Riley Jo?" She lay the dress on my bed.

We'd been having this conversation since I turned eleven years old. Always the same. You're too fat, Riley Jo. Too stupid and never amount to anything.

"Riley Jo, are you listening to a word I'm saying?"

I gave her a tight smile, but I'd had enough. "I'm listening." I threw up my hand. "But what do you want me to say, Mama. I ain't never gonna be rake thin like you or Maddy, and so what if I'm fat—would it kill you to love all of me?"

Her mouth opened, then shut. Finally, she huffed, her eyes slowly looked me over. "You don't even amount to a hill of beans Riley Jo Lockwood." Lips thinning, she wasn't done yet. "But you listen here, child of mine."

She stalked toward me. "Whether or not you like it. You are a Lockwood." She plucked the muffin from my hand.

"Now tonight, I expect you to wear the dress I've laid out for you. "People may think trailer trash when they see you outside my home. But whilst you're here under my roof, you will be that lady that I know to do so well at hiding." She glanced over her shoulder.

She continued, her tone as cold as her love for me. "I've done my best to find you something that will hide all this." She faced me with her hand making a grand sweeping gesture over my body.

I bit back a fuck you and smiled tightly, even though the knot in my stomach was growing by the second. "What's so special about tonight, Mama?" I feigned ignorance.

"We have guests."

"Anyone I know, Mama?"

She ignored me, walking out of my room. But as always, she had the last word. "And do something with your hair, child."

Closing my eyes, the tightly wound knot untangled. Walking over to the dress, I frowned, holding it up. This was not something I would wear in a month of Sundays. It was grey, for starters. I liked the off the shoulder style, but the rest had no shape to it whatsoever—it resembled a tent.

I sat down on the edge of my bed, utterly deflated. Closing my eyes, a swell of hot tears wet my eyelashes. I'd lived three years away from home and never once had a person said I was fat, or stupid.

Angrily, I swiped my hand across each eye before throwing the dress to the corner of my room.

Standing up, I planted my hands on my hips. Well, she could damn well have me run out of town because there was no way I was wearing that.

"Screw you, Mama and your disgusting dress." Fat or not, I was gonna wear a dress I liked.

I bounced on the spot, waiting nervously by the gate. It was three minutes to six. In the distance, I spotted a swell of dust. A car was coming.


He pulled over, and I hurried to the passenger door, opened it and slid onto the seat as gracefully as I could muster. "Hey, there."

"Hey." He reached his hand behind my neck, pulling me toward him, and planted a kiss on my lip, sucking my bottom lip with a groan before pulling back, eyes wide. "Damn, Sorry. I forgot someone might see us." His eyes dipped. "You look stunning, Riley."

My cheeks flared up a storm. I'd worn a short sleeve pink wrap dress that shaped over my waist and followed the curve of my hips and V neckline, hinting at the fullness of my breasts. It was perfect for my body shape.

"Why, thank you. You look very handsome too, Sir."

A crooked smiled lifted his top lip before turning his head, looking up past the long driveway, where you could barely see the house from where we sat. "I'll say this about your family. They have a beautiful place."

I nodded. "Oh yeah, we're living in high cotton, alright!"

He grinned and put the car in gear, waiting for my instruction.

"And no, you don't have to worry about mama seeing us. She doesn't even know that I'm aware you're our special guest for tonight."

"Perhaps you're my surprise!" he muttered under his breath.

Surprise? "I'm not following."

He shook his head. "It's probably nothing. Now where to?"

"Head up the drive but take the first left. The road's a little bumpy, but we'll be good."

Adam did as instructed. Only a few shakes of a bunny tail we arrived at our family stables.

"Here good?" he asked.


"Wait!" he said as he got out and dashed around to my door, opening and extending his hand.

My heart shuttered; he was the perfect gentleman. No man I'd known had ever done that. I slipped my hand in his as he helped me out, closing the door. "Where now?" He glanced over his shoulder.

I pulled on his hand. "C'mon, this way." I led us inside the stable. Closing the huge barn door, the surrounding air was a little muggy. But I loved it here.

"It's been years since I've been inside stables," he said, taking in the old stable barn.

"I love it here." The stables had always been a place of calm for me growing up—Maddy, too. "In the summer when we were kids, we'd fetch our sleeping bags and sleep here. It was a kind of camping I guess—well, as close as our mama would let us get to camping." I had some lovely memories. "It was also perfect for hiding from my mama."

He followed me as we passed some empty stalls. "Come and meet, Jasper. He's been mine since I was fourteen."

Jasper came up and nudged my hand for a fuss. "Hey, my sweet boy."

"He's beautiful Riley."

We stayed quiet for a short while whilst I fussed over my boy. Adam looked in on the other two horses that were here.

"Do they stay here all the time?" he asked.

"No, I had Mikey bring him up from the field before he left. I think blossom, that's the horse you're looking at is here because she's due to see the vet tomorrow, and Carlton too." I pointed at the large brown mare.

Retuning my attention to Jasper, I whispered words of affection as a heavy arm tightened around my waist, dragging me flush to his chest. "Should I be jealous?" he teased, as his erection adamantly pressed against my ass. "You've gone quiet," he whispered next to my ear, and I inhaled the smell of soap and him. He had the most heavenly smell.

"Mm-hm." Goosebumps prickled my arm as his knuckles brushed the underside of my breast.

"Was this what you were planning on showing me?" He pushed his nose into my hair. "Or was there something else..." He playfully brushed his lips over my earlobe.

Chills of giddiness chased down my spine as he nipped my ear. I wriggled free and turned to face him. "Something even better."

I took his hand and walked us around back of the stalls where giant bales of hay sat. Spying the perfect one. I twisted him and forced him to sit. He reached up to pull me toward him, but I jumped back.

"Ah, Ah." I wagged my finger. "Patience, doctor."

He did a sexy little grumble at the back of his throat.

"I promised to give you something to think about whilst you suffer my mama's company all evening."

He dropped his hands as his tip lip curled up. "You did."

I reached for my waist and the very reason I'd chosen this dress was it fastened here. Untying the small piece of fabric that held it in place. Adam's eyes widened as I slowly peeled it open to reveal nothing but a pink lacy bra and matching panties.

Adam sucked in a breath as his attention waved between my mouth and my full curves on display. My mama may say I was fat, but the way he looked at me, I felt like a my body was made for sin and if his eyes got any more heated, then my panties would go up in flames.

"Fuck me, Riley. You're a vision."

I tingled from the tip of my ears right down to my toes.

"And if you wanted to give me something to think about all night, then you sure did the job."

"No doctor, what you're going to think about is me returning the favour." I didn't need to elaborate as his eyes darkened.

His face was a picture as I stepped closer. "But first." I climbed onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissed him, softly teasing my tongue into his welcoming mouth.

He groaned as his hands eased up over my bare thighs, stopping on my hips to yank me closer so my breasts mashed against his chest and my pussy now sat directly on top of his hardness.

His kiss, like all the others, was mind meltingly hot and nearly distracted me from my purpose. Whispering against his lips. "Ready doctor?"

"There's more?"

"Ah-hu." I slipped from his lap and pulled him up to glance down to see his erection pressing against his slacks.

I pulled the hem of his white linen shirt from his pants and undid each button to push his shirt open. I had to stop a moan as my hands roamed over his chest. He was breathtakingly sexy as his muscles shifted under my touch.

A girl could get used to this.

Trailing my finger down, I fumbled with his button on his pants, but once opened I had his zip lowered in a flash, slipping my hands inside the hem of his briefs, pushing down his pants and his underwear, before gravity took over for me and they pooled at his feet.

"You're going to be the death of me, Miss Lockwood."

I grinned. "Don't die on me just yet, we have a way to go." I gave him a quick peck on the lips before lowering to my knees. I will admit doing this in the stables wasn't my finest idea—my knees would surely suffer, but it would be worth it and thank the lord my dress stopped just below them so no one would see any trauma they might suffer.

On my knees, I swallowed down my nerves. I wasn't experienced doing this. But he'd blown my mind and any other memory of an orgasm I'd had before Sunday in his kitchen, and I wanted to return the favour.

His cock twitched as my tongue darted out and licked across the very end, where moisture leaked now, sending a thrill right through me.

You can do this Riley Jo Lockwood. Channel that city girl.

He groaned low and deep as I wrapped my small hand around the base and lifted slightly, licking from my hand to the top like a lollipop.

I looked up with a look of promise as I leaned forward and took him into my mouth, now focusing on the job in hand or mouth... or maybe both.

He tensed as I inched down till I could go no further as he nudged the back of my throat. Thank heavens I'd asked Connor for some advice and remembered his words of wisdom.

The groan from my doctor told me I was doing something right. Relaxing, I took a little more and started moving up and down slowly, each time letting him bump my throat.

Adam hissed through his teeth as his hands knotted in my hair, stilling my movement, fastening me to him.

"Fuck Riley."

My scalp tingled and my eyes watered as his grip in my hair tightened. "I've had this very fantasy about your sexy mouth. But Jesus, it's nothing—" he hissed another breath. "Christ, yes..."

I let go of the base and moved my hands to either side of his rigid thighs, digging in my fingernails.

Adam's hands now directed my movement, taking control, leading me up and down his hard shaft.

This was fucking hot! And for the first time—I enjoyed pleasuring a man this way.

"Tighter. Fuck." His hips jerked, pushing deeper as my cheeks hollowed.

My entire body buzzed with excitement at his dominant take charge movements. Gazing up at him through glassy eyes, it flushed his face with pure pleasure. "Yes," he hissed again,"let me see your eyes, Riley."

He rammed his cock deeper, thrusting, using my mouth. It was scary and exciting and absolutely thrilling to see him so controlled and passionate. The heat between my thighs was nearly unbearable and my pussy clenched with the need for a release of it's own as he continued to move at a fast pace.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Riley." His head fell back as he jerked and then stilled, and a shot of warm liquid hit the back of my throat. The banging of my heart matched his breathing.

His grip on my hair loosened, his hands falling away, and I slowly continued to suck till I felt him shudder.

"Jesus, fuck." He sounded just as breathless and surprised by what had just happened. "You're something else Riley Jo Lockwood." He looked at me in awe, like I just brokered a deal for world peace. "Shit, let's get you off your knees." He helped me up.

"I'm good."

He quickly pulled up his pants as I thought I heard the stable door. I stilled and pressed a finger to my lips. Adam nodded.

We stood for a moment, and I relaxed. It must have been the horses. "Sorry, I thought I heard something.

Adam finished fastening his shirt, and I yelped as he pulled in his warm hold, slamming his mouth onto mine.

I kissed him back with just as much eagerness. "Do we have time for anything else?" he breathed against my lips, resting his forehead against mine as his hand traced down my spine.

"Sadly no, I think I may need to reapply my mascara. My eyes watered up a storm." I giggled.

He pulled back. "You look perfect Riley." Stealing another kiss. "We'd better get you back before I remove your dress and lay you on the hay bale and ravage every sexy inch of you."

I shivered wishing we had more time.

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