《Sealed Hearts》Nine


"I like this on you."

My head lifted from Mr Holdens chart to side glance Amy Hutchings, Attending General Surgeon. She was standing with her hands in the deep pockets of her white coat studying me intently.

Returning my eyes to what was in my hands, I re-read Mr Holden's chart.

"All good Doc?" Mr Holden asked.

I looked up to see a little anxiety on Mr Holden's face. A retired police chief, good man I'd been told by many. "Mr Holden. All your bloods came back normal, so I'm happy to go ahead with the procedure later this afternoon, early evening."

He twisted his head and winked, clicking his tongue. "Great news Doc."

"We'll have you running again in no time, Sir."

Coughing, he rubbed over his chest to catch his breath. "Thanks doc, but I'd be happy with being able to take my Gracie dancing. That woman of mine loves her line-dancing."

I chuckled, "Sure, we can manage that. I'll drop by later and we can talk more. Is Mrs Holden coming in around the same time?"

He nodded. "Yeah, three on the dot."

I scribbled a quick note on his chart before hooking it back to his bed.

Leaving the room with Amy trailing me, humming annoyingly. I glanced over my shoulder. "What are you smiling for?"

She fired back with her own question. "Answer my question first—or are you purposely ignoring me?"

I stopped walking, turning. Amy had been a close friend of Emma's and she and Chris had gone above and beyond to drag me from the dark hole I'd lived in for months. "Fine, I'll bite. You like what on me?"

She smiled coyly. "You were listening."

"Yes Amy, I was listening. I'm all ears."

"This." She drew a finger around my face. "Happy is a good look on you!"

She eyed me carefully.


I wasn't ready for anyone to know what or who my cheerful mood revolved around. Not that I was ashamed of Riley. No, quite the opposite and if my situation was different, then I would happily shout from the rooftops. "You've lost me."

Sadly, Amy didn't suffer fools gladly or was easily swayed from digging deeper. "Is it a... someone?" she asked in a sing-song voice, smiling from ear to ear.

Dammit! Must work on my grouchy face. Admittedly, it was harder to feel anything but a little happier, almost lighter. And it had been a week now since I'd last woken up feeling like an empty shell of a man.

And the black hole of misery that my mind had become, wasn't spending all its time wishing it wasn't here. Instead of a feeling of dread when waking, I had thoughts of Riley. Her face, that sweet smile. It eased my aching heart a little more each day.

But as she eased an ache in one part of my body... a completely different part of anatomy ached for a very different reason. And the reason—the night we'd spent together.

My brain had latched onto the memory of that night and wasn't letting go. And now, with last night, I had a whole new memory to replay on repeat.

Amy's voice became background noise as Riley's blissed out face was up front and centre in my thoughts. I'd never seen anything so hot or sexy as Riley coming apart in my arms... literally coming in my arms. It was fucking beautiful and this morning in the shower I'd done something I'd not done in a long time. I jacked off with that very image driving me over the edge.


Shit! My cock stiffened as I snapped from the daydream and refocused on Amy.

"Hmmm." The smile lines around Amy's eyes deepened. "Soooo?"

I coughed, sticking my hands into my white coat, pulling the seams together to hide my slacks. Because if she saw me standing here sporting an erection, I wouldn't live it down.

Amy huffed, and like most women I knew, she could read my facial expressions with ease. She changed tactics; knowing I wouldn't talk. "You realise I can bribe Chris to spill whatever or whoever had dragged you back to the living."

I made a mental note to threaten Chris. "Nothing to tell, it's just a beautiful day." I shrugged and smiled innocently.

She clearly didn't buy my BS. "Okay, Adam, keep it to yourself. But whatever or whoever is doing it—then I insist you keep doing it." She playfully slapped my arm. "I'm serious. Happy is a good look on you. I want to see you happy." She paused, adding sincerely, "Emma would want you to be happy."

Misery and despair weren't fun, and they'd been sucking me into an abyss that I thought I'd never escape. And for the first time in months, I didn't want to feel shit any longer. Riley had brought light into my life.

But Emma, what would she think of Riley? Age was never an issue between us. But it's not just Riley's age that gives me pause for doubt—she isn't just somebody. She's the daughter of the woman who could ruin me.

I shook the thought away. None of it should be an issue. Riley was only in town for another three weeks and then she'd leave.

My stomach dropped.

I know it's for the best. Riley has her whole life in front of her. She's young and deserves someone who can love her, offer her the world.

And someone who wasn't broken.

Amy's eyes drifted over my shoulder, emitting a low groan. "Christ, don't look now," she mumbled under her breath as I heard the clicking of heels on the marble floor. It wasn't rocket science figuring out what had ripped the smile from Amy's face.

The devil herself had arrived.

"Doctor Matthews, just the man I was searching for." I scrunched my face before plastering a fake happy one in its place and turning.

"Mrs Lockwood. Nice to see you again so soon. What brings you by?"

She eyed Amy for longer than I would have liked, her brow furrowing slightly.

"Don't let me keep you, Dr Hutchings," she said to Amy, who ignored her, turning to me.

"Are we finished here, Adam?"

I turned to face Amy. "All good. And thanks Amy."

She smiled warmly at me before her smile vanished, her eyes shifting to Mrs Lockwood. "Mrs Lockwood," she quipped.

"Doctor Hutchings. Have a good day." A faint smile touched her lips. There was no love-loss between these two.

Mrs Lockwood returned her attention to me. "Do you have a minute to talk in private?"

Internally I groaned, jealous of all the people that hadn't ever had the pleasure of meeting this woman. "Sure–my office?"

"Yes, that would be more fitting." She turned on heel as I watched her strut ahead, reluctantly following.

Once in my office, she slid her hand across my desk, stopping at Emma's picture, picking it up. "Emma was very beautiful."

Choosing not to respond or snatch Emma's picture from her hands. I sat to feel an odd chill in the room. "What can I help you with today, Mrs Lockwood?" I forced a smile.


Honestly, I couldn't see any family resemblance between Riley and her mother. Riley was soft and beautiful, and had a warmth that drew people in. This woman was so cold, her touch would burn you.

She placed down Emma's picture. "Why, I had an interesting conversation with my daughter, Riley Jo this morning." Her gaze measured mine. "She's informed me she will be helping you whilst she's staying in Lockwood." She tilted her head. "As your housekeeper, no less."

Goddammit. I hoped to Christ I hadn't gotten Riley into any trouble. "Is it a problem?" The wedding. I'd forgotten the reason she was back in Lockwood. "It won't interfere with the wedding."

She pursed her painted lips. "Anything that keeps Riley Jo out of trouble can only be a good thing, doctor." She rested her bag on my desk, knocking over Emma's picture as she looked around my office. I quickly righted the picture frame, but moved it away from the awful woman.

"And keeping her hands busy... would surely do that."

I had plenty of ways to keep Riley's hand busy and none of them involved housekeeping.

Mr Lockwood sighed, and sadly for me, she wasn't done talking. "That girl of mine, from her being waist high has only ever brought me one disappointment after another. Hasn't got an ounce of desire to better herself." She walked toward my window, and I pictured pushing her out the open window. I was sure the mayor or Lockwood would honour me with a medal for ridding their town of its evil.

But honestly, what sort of woman did that, talked down their own flesh and blood and someone as kind-hearted and sweet as Riley? My fists clenched in my lap as my mouth ran away from me. "I've found Riley is extremely articulate, sweet and funny. And I don't doubt she could do anything she wanted in life." And beautiful I added silently.

She turned from the window, flicking her long blonde hair, and laughed. "Why, yes. I guess she can be quite amusing." She walked back toward me.

"But it got me thinking, following my talk with Riley. You could say I had an epiphany." Her eyebrows raised, waiting for me, but I kept my lips sealed. Figuring out the workings of this woman's mind was the last thing I had on my to do list.

"I do believe I didn't thank you, doctor." She placed her hand on her chest. "Where are my manners?"

Thank me... manners? She'd lost me at epiphany.

She continued. "At the barbecue, you went above and beyond to help, my Riley. And I appreciate all that you did."

Ah, right. "No need to thank me. It was nothing and Riley already thanked me."

"No, it was not nothing." She paused. "May I call you Adam?"

I smiled, nodding. "The Lockwood family show their gratitude. That's our way."

"Look, I appreciate you stopping by to thank me, but honestly there's no need." I pushed my chair out to stand, hoping this would be the end of our conversation.

The room's temperature was still dropping. Odd?

"And to show my gratitude. You're invited to dinner."

Christ, no. "No, honestly, you don't have to put yourself out." I tried to think of another reason, knowing a simple no wouldn't cut it.

Sam Collier! "And we're really busy here with Dr Collier breaking his leg." Score one for me.

"I've already checked the rotas and you're off Wednesday and neither are you on call. So, we'll see you at seven sharp."

Fuck. My victory was short-lived. I'd wanted to see Riley on Wednesday... alone at my house, hopefully in my bed. "Honestly, Mrs Lockwood, you don't have to—" she cut in.

"Why, I insist, Adam."

Goddammit. "Seven, you said?" My jaw twitched.

"Ah-hu. Sharp." She picked up her bag, making her way to my door before turning. "And Adam, I'll have a surprise waiting for you."

I didn't dare ask. "I look forward to it Mrs Lockwood."

"Mercy Jane... don't need to stand on ceremony now, Adam."

"Mercy Jane, I repeated." Her name burned my tongue.

As she left the room, the temperature seemed to normalise. I groaned, slumping in my chair. And what the hell was her surprise?

Pulling my keyboard toward me, I had patient notes to update and a free half hour before I had to continue my rounds.

Ten minutes later, my phone pinged with a message. Pulling it from my pocket, a full-blown smile took over my mouth. It was from Riley.

Look out your window... doctor. It read.

What? Riley was here. My stomach did a backflip as a flush of heat shot right through me. I pushed my chair back and walked to the window.

My eyes found her within seconds. It was as if the sunshine was only touching her. Her long hair was up, but shifted with the breeze. The dress she wore today revealed her bare shoulders with straps that fixed behind her neck, covering her chest, but nicely outlining their fullness. An image of me untying and setting them free was almost my undoing, and it sent a clear message to him downstairs.

Running my eyes over the rest of her outfit, it dipped in at waist, and flared at the hips. And last, she wore those little cowgirl boots that she'd worn when I'd first seen her in the bar.

Damn, a dangerous thrill ran down my spine. I typed out a message and pressed send asking what she was doing here.

She looked at me before burying her face, replying.

My phone pinged.

Wanted to see you. Do you have 5 minutes for me?

Hell, I had twenty minutes for her. Then I would need to pick up my rounds. I typed my reply.

Her head lifted, smiling, giving me a little wave. Jesus, that smile could stop any man's heart, or in my case—jumpstart it.

Disappearing from my sight, I gave my room the once over. My eyes hesitated on Emma's picture. Should I move it? Guilt twisted my gut. But I didn't want Riley wondering if I was thinking about my dead wife every second of the day. I'm doing a great job of splitting my time between both. And when I'm with Riley, she's the only person on my mind.

Decision made, I opened my drawer and placed inside the picture, hoping Emma would forgive me.

Drawer closed, I sat, running my hand through my hair. Then I stood. Sat down again.

Why was I so nervous? Standing, I dashed to the door, listening for footsteps.

Crazy, I know.

Hearing her approach, I don't give her time to knock as I opened and pulled her inside, closing my door, not even thinking, intent on one thing. My lips slammed into hers, stealing her breath as I pushed her up against my door. All logic flew out the window, sending my libido from zero to a hundred. Her hands wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer as she moaned into our kiss.

In my head I was thinking, could I get away with stripping her naked, here in my office?

Obviously, I wasn't thinking with the head on my shoulders. No, it's the head in my slacks that has control and It's beyond crazy what she does to me, loving the way she melts into my kiss.

My cock nudged the seam of her thighs. Shit, I needed to stop! "Wait," I breathed against her lips.

She swallowed, "What?" she questioned, eyes a little dazed, but I can see lust there.

I reached around the back of my neck, pulling her hands free, clasping them in mine. "We have to stop before I do something we both might regret."

Her brow pinched, but nodded. She's just as disappointed as me.

I stepped away, putting some breathing space between us. Fuck, what this woman does to me. She can strip away all rational thinking in seconds. I run on pure instinct every time I'm near her.

Dragging myself back to reality. Her mother's visit crash lands, killing my throbbing erection at the same time. "You know your mother was here not fifteen minutes ago?'

Her face dropped. "Yeah, I watched her leave. And I wanted to check she hadn't murdered you... or something worse."

Worse than murder? Yes, she's forcing me to go to dinner.

Riley looked uncomfortable. "Mama grilled me this morning. All thanks to the lovely Mrs Saint-Clare." Riley rolled her eyes. "She lectured me on my lack of ambition in life, but apparently after consideration, she thinks housekeeping is just about all's I'm good for." Her eyes dropped.

Shit. I wanted to kick myself for saying housekeeper. "Riley, I'm sorry—"

Riley waved it away. "Don't be. I'll get over it. You never know, one day I might just surprise my mama and solve world hunger." She sighed, offering me a glimpse of a small smile. "But in the meantime, I told her being around you, you bein' a doctor an all, might give me inspiration to go into the medical profession."

"And that worked, about the medical profession?"

Riley shrugged.

Mercy Jane Lockwood may have no faith in her daughter, but I was sure Riley could do anything she set her mind to. "If you are interested, I could set you up here as a volunteer? See if it's something you might like."

Riley shook her head. "Don't think I'm not grateful, but I think we all know I'm not that bright."

That fucking woman, she'd trampled her own daughter self-esteem. No wonder she couldn't wait to leave this place. A flare of annoyance rattled through me. I stepped up, raising Riley's chin with my finger so she had to look at me. "Never, and I mean never put yourself down and never believe the shit that people say to you—especially anything from your mother's mouth!"

Her cheeks flushed. "You are not stupid, Riley. You could set your mind to anything; of that I know."

My words seemed to have little effect. "Whilst I appreciate my very own cheering squad. I know I'll never be special like you or your wife, Emma. I mean, she and you, well, genius is a better word."

True, Emma was a genius. Her intellect never failed to amaze me. "You are special Riley Jo Lockwood." I shifted my hands to her waist. "You have more kindness and compassion than many people I know working here. You bring a warmth that makes others gravitate toward you. And you brought me back from a dark place." Her eyes glazed slightly as she blinked rapidly.

Shit, I didn't want to make her cry. "Believe me when I say this. I've met very few amazing people, but you are one of them."

I wanted to kiss her again, but I knew exactly where that would lead. Instead, I pulled into my arms and rested my head on top of hers. A delicious peach scent along with Lemon—from her shampoo filled my nose.

Riley wrapped her small arms around me. The urge to shelter her, shield her from the mother's shit was almost overwhelming.

"Thank you," she whispered, and I tightened my hold.

We stood with me just holding her for more minutes than I cared to count. I didn't want to think about how good... or right she felt in my arms. She would leave this town in a few weeks, and it was for the best. Her mother did nothing but bring her down and I had nothing more I could offer, apart from this.

"Are we still on for tomorrow?" she asked.

Shit, dinner. I forced myself to let her go. "The reason for your mother's visit was to invite me to dinner on Wednesday."


Oh, about summed it up.

"Riley pressed her hands into her hips. "I knew she was up to something; she wasn't scheduled to visit here today." She shook her head. "I'm guessing by the look on your face, you couldn't say no."

"Believe me, I tried."

Riley sighed. Raising a hand, she tapped her finger against her lips.

It gave me an idea. "Are you free Wednesday day?" I was free all day.

Her face fell, and disappointment followed. "I promised Maddy we'd spend the day together."


"What time?" she asked. "For dinner on Wednesday."


Her smile returned. "Could you get there around six?"

I didn't like the idea of spending more time with her mother. "Why?"

"There is something I'd like to show you, and my mama won't know you've arrived early as I can meet you at the gate."

I could do that, spend some time alone with Riley. "Six, I can be there."

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