《Sealed Hearts》Four


Leaving Connors, I cycled the eleven miles to my family's home, having always kept one of my bikes for emergencies at his place.

Cycling up our driveway, I diverted from the main house and headed to my nana Em's home. She lived on the plantation but kept her own little house, preferring that to living under the same roof as my mama.

"Nana," I called out, heading inside through the back porch.

"In here Riley Jo," she hollered as I followed the sound of her voice.

Sweet Jesus! "Nana! what in god's name are you doing up them step-ladders?"

"Hush child, I can fix my own damn lights."

My sixty-five-year-old nana perched on the top rung. "Where's Howard, Nana?" Howard was Nana's oldest friend and, much to my mama's horror, moved in to look out for her when my granddaddy passed on.

"He's busy doing sumthin."

"Nana, please come down, let me do that."

"See? All done!" She came down and relief rushed through me.

She turned and looked me up and down. "Child, I swear you get prettier every damn day. Get your behind here and give me a squeeze."

I couldn't help but smile. "Sorry I missed you yesterday. But mama was driving me nuts, and I escaped to Connor's."

"I know, child. Your sweet man messaged me."

"What? Messaged you—you have a phone now?" Well, colour me happy.

"I sure do. Howard got me a fancy one, and young Connor's been givin' me weekly updates of what's going on with you." She pulled back and cupped my cheeks. "It ain't nice being kept in the dark, child."

Guilt twisted my guts. "Sorry Nana." I would make a point of calling her every Sunday from now on. "Right, now you've done giving me a heart attack, I don't suppose you have any of those delicious butter biscuits I've been dreaming about?"

Nana chuckled. "For my favorite granddaughter, you know it."

I raised an eyebrow. "Nana, you don't mean that. I know you love Maddy just as much."

She winked. "It's not up for debate. Just don't tell her I said that." She threw me a cheeky smile.

We sat in nana's kitchen, catching up whilst enjoying the best biscuits in the South. "When I head back to the city Nana, I'm fixin' to take a whole batch of these with me." Nana was watching me with a curious gaze.

"So, you gonna spit it out, child?"

"Spit what out? I'm not hiding anything."

"The date!"

Date? "What date Nana?"

"Don't be shy. Connor told me all about the—'' She paused, reaching for her glasses and her phone. "Ah, here we go." She perched her glasses on the end of her nose and read out the message. "A fine piece of ass."

My jaw dropped as my eyebrows headed north. "He—he said that?"

"He sure did. We're planning that you find yourself a good man right here at home." She eyed my clothes. "And something tells me your still wearing the same clothes from last night!" She gave me a cheeky once over.

Shit, shoot me now. I was going to kill Connor Jackson. "I need to get home and change before mama sees me."

She swished away the mention of my mama. "Your mama needs to drop that holier-than-thou attitude and pull that huge stick from up her ass, child."

"Nana Em, talk like that will get you shot."


She chuckled with mischief in her eyes. "I still have to remind myself that I pushed her out of my hoo-hoo. Takes after your granddaddy that one."

I barked out a laugh. "Nana!" For being mother and daughter, they couldn't be more different.

"So, are you planning to tell me, child?"

My face dropped as she reached across and placed her warm hand on mine. "Nana..." I was about to tell her when the porch door opened and there stood Maddy."

"You're here!" She was giddy as a possum eating fire ants. "I thought for a second you might have skipped out on me!" I stood as she rushed toward me, hugging me. "I've missed you, Riley Jo. Sorry I wasn't here when you got back yesterday. Cooper had me parading around the golf club, like I'm some kind of trophy!"

My sister was marrying Lockwood's finest, as mama would say. They were the wealthiest family other than ourselves in Lockwood Creek and my mother had always promised one of us would marry a Stanton. Thank the lord that wasn't me. Cooper was a fine-looking man, but left little to envy in the personality department.

Maddy pulled back and gave me the once over. "I love your hair, you got yourself some highlights."

I pulled a face. To me, even with the highlights, it still looked drab. They had blessed Maddy with hair the colour of natural sunshine... me, well mine resembled that emoji—the ones that looked like a dollop of crap!

A knock had us both looking toward the door.

"Ah, that will be Maggie. She's been making me some jams, and I invited her today. You, young ones, shoot off and come and see me later."

Saying our goodbyes, we snuck back into the main house. Thankfully, mama wasn't around.

Maddy shut her bedroom door but kept her voice low. "So how did last night go?"

Oh. My. God. "Don't say Connor messaged you, too?"

A huge smile flooded her face. "Sure did. Now give me all those delicious details."

I rolled my eyes, collapsing onto her bed. "You really wanna know?"

"Riley Jo, I get married in less than four weeks, and then I will have to live my adventures through you." She lay down next to me. "Connor said you went home with him."

I was going to hang, draw and quarter my best friend.

Blowing out a sigh. "I remember little and that's the god's honest truth." I cringed at divulging the next part. "Then this morning I found out he's married." I let out another sigh. "I must be the only person in the world who could mess up on a one-night stand!"

Riley Jo, As god is my witness, you are the biggest disappointment. My Mama's voice taunted me.

Maddy sat up, turning on her side to face me. "Riley, you didn't know. But I heard he was sexy and hot as hell."

She wasn't wrong. "I won't deny that."

Sympathy flickered in her eyes. "Sorry 'bout him being married though."

"Yeah, well, it's his wife I feel sorry for."

She lay flat again, reaching for my hand, as we did when we were kids. I decided it was now or never to ask the question. "Are you happy Maddy?"

Maddy and me used to keep a book of dreams and in that we had written what our prince charming would look like. Cooper couldn't be further from her dream man. "Is Cooper everything you want in a husband?" I wasn't sure if this was mama's dream or hers.


"He's good to me, Riley."

No mention of the word love. "Yeah, but do you love him Maddy?"

She let go of my hand. "What a silly question Riley Jo."

I sat up and turned to face her. "I'm not hearing a yes."

"Yeah, of course. I wouldn't be fixin' to marry him if I didn't." She didn't mask her irritation.

Cooper had been the typical high school jock. Handsome, popular, and was never without female company. He also liked the sound of his own voice too much for my liking.

But maybe I was biased because I loved my sister, and she deserved a man who would worship the ground she walked on... Cooper loved himself first.

"I hear what you're saying, Maddy, but is it the kind of love that feels like you can't breathe without it?"

She chewed the inside of her cheek, a nervous habit we shared. "Mama says that kind of love doesn't exist."

"Mama knows shit, Maddy. And if you don't feel it. Then please don't go through with this just to please her."

Maddy sat up, throwing her legs from the bed. "I don't want to talk about it anymore Riley Jo."

I opened my mouth to say something else when speak of the devil burst through the door, her eyes landing on me.

"Well, look who's graced us with her company." Her icy blues narrowed as her lips puckered. "I've put a dress in your room for tomorrow."


Maddy turned to face me, her eyes raised to heaven. "Lockwood's annual barbeque."

I internally groaned, cursing the fact I should have stayed away just another few days. "And that's tomorrow?" How could I have forgotten?

"Yes. And although you can't shed any excess baggage by then. The dress will do its best to cover your less than desirable attributes."

"Mama!" cried out Maddy. "Riley Jo, looks nothing short of perfect."

It was a waste of breath as I pushed up, leaning against the headboard. "I'll try not to embarrass you, Mama."

"Mama, I think Riley is old enough to dress herself."

Mama ignored Maddy's outburst, but I loved that she jumped in my corner to try to fight for me... although it was pointless.

"Be sure you don't. As a Lockwood, I expect us to carry ourselves with grace and dignity," Mama said. "And I've asked Stella to make sure you eat only fresh greens and fruit until after the wedding. I will not have something resembling a stuffed prized pig walk down the aisle behind your sister."

I closed my eyes.

"That's enough, Mama." Maddy shot up from the bed, lowering her tone. "Was there something else you wanted, Mama?"

"No, but I promised the Stanton's we would head over for late afternoon tea. Freshen up. We head out in fifteen."

"Do you want to come, Riley Jo?" I turned to face Maddy, her eyes pleading.

"I've no doubt Riley Jo can entertain herself." My mama scoffed.

"Mama's right. And I still haven't unpacked." I forced a smile. "You go, I'm sure it will thrill Cooper to spend some more time with you."

"Okay, I'll be sure to come find you when I'm home."

Not long after Mama and Maddy headed out. I made my way downstairs to find something to eat. Already deciding I was going to flat out ignore Mama's instruction and find the sweetest and most calorie filled treat under this roof. And it didn't take me long to sniff out Stella's fresh Apple spiced muffins.

Normally I would restrict myself to one... but as Connor would say, 'fuck her!' sneaking two before heading back up to my room.

The rest of Saturday went by uneventfully. But now... I was surrounded by the lovely townsfolk of Lockwood. This was the only function my mama would allow such a mix of folks that weren't solely based on their standing in the community.

I looked up, shielding my eyes from the bright afternoon sun. I'd prayed it would rain—although this time of year, that was wishful thinking. So here I stood cursing the sunshine rather than the usual blessing... I sighed. Suck it up Riley Jo, do your duty!

Four weeks was looking like a lifetime.

I let the sun warm my face, feeling each freckle spring to life... something else that my mama would complain about.

Freckles are for trailer trash Riley Jo, smooth flawless complexions is what a Lockwood woman aims for.

If I hadn't had left home, I would never have realised how dumb my mama's words of wisdom actually were.

Sniffing, I took in the delicious smells wafting from the barbeque. The main one being my nana Em's famous Bourbon smoked chicken. My mouth practically watered. Still hungry from breakfast, my mama had watched me like a hawk at the table. Despite that, I sneaked into the kitchen and Stella flipped me a blueberry pancake whilst something distracted mama.

Taking a sip of homemade lemonade, I watched folks helping themselves. My eyes caught sight of the salad bar. Wrinkling my nose, I felt nothing but disdain. Only if I was about to faint from starvation, would I be helping myself to what was at that table.

I turned away from the food and made my way toward where the band, who was getting ready to play their set. My daddy was standing with them. They were his favorite band and he had them play every year.

Daddy waved when he saw me. My daddy was one of the sweetest men on the planet and I never understood what drew him to Mercy Jane Lockwood. She wouldn't even take his family name when they got married, and then insisted that me and Maddy carried the family name Lockwood.

But I loved him and missed him as much as my nana. I made a mental note to spend some quality time with him whilst I was here.

I was sad that Connor and Max hadn't come. But I couldn't blame them. Mama had a way of making the best people feel dirty about themselves.

"Your Mama told me you were coming back." I turned to see a familiar face.

"Logan Reilly." Mama used to laugh and say I should marry him and then I'd be known as Riley Reilly because that's what a stupid person would do and according to her...I was nothing but stupid. I liked Logan. Secretly, though, I always felt he and his brother, Jackson, pined for my sister.

Logan was a twin too... but unlike me and Maddy, he and Jackson were identical. And growing up, they were never without a train of women vying for the affections. Jackson was currently serving in the military and since losing their dad a little over two years ago, Logan was taking care of the family farm.

"Your lookin' mighty fine, Logan Reilly. How's life treating you?"

"Better, now I get to see one of Lockwood's very own princesses." He threw me a wink. "So how about you let me take you out this week?"

I could think of worse things to do whilst I was home and at the very least, it would keep me out of Mama's way. "Sure, why not."

His grin widened. "Damn, if you haven't gone and got my heart all excited."

"Don't go getting any ideas, Logan Reilly. I'm not planning on staying. Only here for the wedding."

"Well, I have myself four weeks to change your mind." He stepped up, closer, his enormous frame towered above mine, forcing me to tilt my head up. "And I like a challenge, darlin'"

"Haven't you found someone special by now? Surely you can't have been waiting on me all this time." He and I loved to tease, but we both knew it was never anything more than harmless flirting.

"You are your sister are the only good things Lockwood Creek offers."

Mama would never have allowed Maddy within twenty feet of him or his brother. Although there was a time, I thought she pined for them too. "Lucky for you I'm here to bring some light into your dull life."

He leant down and brushed his lips against my ear. "Riley Jo, you would bring light to any man's life."

He pulled back and I patted him on the chest. "Charmin' as ever. But you will have to excuse me, Logan. I'd better find my Nana, before she gets herself into any trouble." I stepped back. "I'll find you later and we can arrange that date."

Shit, why did I say date?

I heard him chuckle as I made my escape. I winced, looking down. My poor feet. Mama had put shoes out for me to wear along with this pretty dress. Wasn't exactly my style, but at least Mama had good taste—although it was more to do with me not embarrassing her, rather than what I liked. And I was sure she picked shoes a size too small just to entertain herself. I slipped them off, lifting them from the floor. Shoes in one hand and a glass of lemonade in the other. I drifted toward the house.

Opening the screen door, I sang to myself, stepping inside. My eyes surveyed the kitchen, buzzing with people.

Holy shitballs!

The glass slipped from my fingers, shattering on the floor. The room hushed as everyone's attention fell on me.

But my attention was only on one person... him.

My heart stopped as a scarlet flush rode across my cheeks.

Mama's voice cut through the silence. "Stupid girl!" Mama huffed. "Riley Jo Lockwood. Can you not go five minutes without creating a mess?" She turned to face him, placing her hand on his arm, smiling in her sweet, insincere manner. "Please excuse my clumsy daughter, Dr Matthews. Sometimes I swear they swapped her at birth."

Oh. My. God. I slapped my hand over my mouth, not sure if it was to stop a whimper or throw up this morning's secret binge of Stella's blueberry pancake.

Instead, I did the next stupid thing and stepped backwards, only to feel a sharp pain slice through my foot.

Sweet fucking Jesus. My eyes shot down to see a trickle of red and I felt lightheaded... before blackness and warm hands caught me.

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