《Sealed Hearts》Author Note

👋 Hello to all my current readers and any new ones that have found their way here.

I know, boring Authors Note, but just need to get the important stuff out the way so you know what to expect.

Following Bittersweet, I thought I wouldn't do another romance...but here I am. And this time I'm dipping into the cliche of Older Man - Younger Woman. And note, I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel, it's purely writing for fun and hopefully you will love my characters as much as you have my others!

This book will be written in first person pov alternating between characters. I normally have only one pov per chapter - but sometimes you will see both.

Note: As well as romantic, as per usual there will be scenes of a sexual nature. And it's never my intent to upset or cause distress. Therefore . (Also please, its for 18+ because if you read any of my other works, the sexual scenes can sometimes be descriptive.)

I would also like to point out, the female MC is from the South and her home town is straight out of my imagination. Also I've tried to bring through her accent as I love Texan and Southern accents from the US. So there will be little phrases I've remembered from films etc and added in. If I've totally missed the ball on this, then please let me know.

Note: 👉🏼 I will try to update weekly, but with working on three other stories, it's more likely be every two weeks. 😉

And I would also like throw out a huge thanks to the amazing for the amazing cover. ❤️❤️

🙃 Phew... Now if you're still here then please continue onwards and hopefully enjoy. And lastly this is not only for me but all authors - you enjoy our story is the best motivator. We do this for free so throw a comment or hit that vote button. Sheesh our little hearts lights up when we get a comment or a vote!!

And final note...I know I can hear you, shut the hell up Chrissy! This will become a book series, the next book titled Lockwood. Will be Maddy's story and lastly their will be a third book but not 100% sure of which characters...hmmm decisions...

Anyway enough of me waffling, Love you all and Enjoy ❣️

Chrissy xx

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