《The Undisclosed Union》Part 13


Published: Sept. 28, 2019----Sept. 30, 2020

Katelyn entered the first door that she saw; the room was empty except for the tables and chairs. She took a deep breath and praying that Tess did not saw her with Jared. She leaned her back on the wall and stared at the opposite end.

"Good thing they were not still holding each other's hands." she mused.

She did wonder about Jared's behavior today. After their encounter with Louis, he acted as if she doesn't existent, making her feel so alone and even to the extent that she almost pities herself. But once they arrived here in the hotel, he becomes like a doting husband in front of his friends.

It was okay with them as they will not let out his secret as they were aware of the nature of their union, but her attending the lunch meeting was a different story.

What if a gossipmonger was there looking for a new topic to spread and she became the subject. All her efforts on keeping their marriage a secret will go to waste.

Good for him; either he violated his terms on marrying her or broke it, there will be no repercussions on him. While with her, if it blows out, she will be the one who will face the consequences, and her remaining self-respect will be the one at stake.

It is the first time that they went out together in public, and already she had nerve rocking moments and he never even help, how much more in the next time?

But first, she has to solve her problem; others she can focus later on once she surpasses this one.

She turned around to peek on the door, but the sudden opening of it startled her, which made her jumped back on the wall and leaned on it like a statue as if she would be invisible.

"Tori, are you in here?" His worried voice asked.

She was relieved to see Jared and immediately pulled him inside as the door closed itself while Jared pinned her on the wall.

"Can't wait until we are in our room?" he whispered on her ears in a playful voice, embarrassed of what he meant, she pushed him away from her. "I was just scared you'll blow my cover, so I'd pulled you inside, not because I cannot wait to do that thing."

A chuckled was heard from him while she holds the handle of the door to open it. Suddenly, a hand stopped her, and in a second, they were back in the same position that they were before. This time desire replaced his mischievous looks. His hand then traced her face and stopped on her chin. He just looked in her eyes, and he said in a soft tone. "Let's go out."

His unexpected word left her trance, but she tried to regain her composure immediately and answered. "Okay, you go out first." He looked at her as if he was going to say something but then stopped. He then turned around and held the handle of the door.

"Don't be too long. I will wait for you in the elevator." He told her that without looking back to see what she was doing, she opened the door and then went out.

"Oh, why was her reaction like that? So embarrassing," she murmured out of shame while fanning herself with her hand as she felt the room become so hot.

She walked inside the room for a minute to relax her mind before walking to the door and join the waiting Jared.


She took a deep breath before opening the door slightly to sneak a peek. Though there are people who were walking, Tess was nowhere around.

"Finally, she can go out," she mumbled while straightening herself and walking out of the room towards the elevator where Jared was standing with two women.

Katelyn noticed that the red hair with curves at the right places and wore an off the shoulder, tea-length dress with split at the back in moss green color flirts with him.

She can conclude that she was trying to get his attention as she plays with her hair, twirling it around her fingers while talking to another one, but her eyes never left Jared. And her companion just smiled at her and occasionally took a glimpse at Jared's reaction.

Even his arrogant stance did not discourage them.

The good thing with Jared was his resilience of the women's wiles "well, she knows it firsthand" because he just has this total indifference as if he was alone there, not even a single glimpse of them.

"Oh, don't be arrogant, Katelyn; you know it is not for you; he is faithful. But wait, they had already done more than kissing, so it only means he is just picky."

Disappointed that she was not the reason for his lack of interest for those two, she felt dejected and slowly walked towards him.

"What took you so long?" Jared asked her once she was beside him to the surprise of the two women. His acknowledgment had boosted her ego and made her stand with head high and chest out. She knows it's smaller than the red-haired woman, but who cares.

"He is mine, so stop ogling him" she wanted to tell them, but of course, it was only in her mind; instead, she answered his question. "Nicole called, so I answered."

"Hmm," he said and then bent down to whisper on her ear. "It's a turned-off phone today."

The two women's eyes bulge at her at the intimate gesture of Jared towards her, adding to the already inflated ego that she has.

She then looked up and saw Jared's smiling face, and she lowered her head to smile to herself, suppressing any giggling that would happen inside and outside of her.

She then remembered that they are in public and her she is behaving like a love-struck teen and forgetting their contract. She immediately straightened herself to regain her composure.

"Jared can say anything in public about you but can never lower your defense or pay the consequences. Remember, what you will lose if the terms were violated by yourself. "She scolded herself.

Jared's hands on her back made her aware that the elevator door had opened, and it's time to get in. She looked where the two women are, but it seems that they left without her awareness. "Oh, this poor mind of hers got distracted again."

They entered the elevator without removing his hands on her, and once inside, he then punched on their floor. After a few seconds, the door opened, and she was guided by him, whose hands were still on her waist.

A man in a hotel uniform was waiting already outside their room. He opened the door for them once they are in front of him. It was then she noticed that they would be using the presidential suite of the hotel. "Will, what to expect the accommodation of a man who owns this place?"

Jared was left talking to the butler of their suite while she entered the door and looked around. She immediately saw the opened terrace that seduces her to take a peek on what was in there. Directly her foot brought her out of the door.


To her delight, a private swimming pool was on her right side, overlooking the gentle rise and fall of the sea waves.

She envisioned herself frolicking in the water while wearing her two-piece bathing suit while Jared sat down on the lounge, admiring her sexy figure and be seduced by it. But then visions of Charlize awakened her in her dreamlike state. Surely with her modeling lingerie in her portfolio, he's standard of women in a bathing suit was too high already.

Frustrated again, she walked near the balustrade and looked at the blue waters of the sea. She closed her eyes and tried to listen to the calm waves and feel the light wind that touches her face. She took a deep breath, and a sense of calmness took over her body, but it lasted only for a minute as a hand encircled her waist. "Do you like the place?" Jared whispered on her ear, and shivers run down her spine. Speechless, she just nods her head.

With his arms encircling her, Katelyn felt secure and wished that they are genuinely in love and on their honeymoon. But as he never told her that his feelings towards her had changed from being tolerant of her presence in his life into a more meaningful one, she could not assume anything.

But how she wished even for a few moments, it will be so. But then she felt Jared moved and then put his chin on her shoulder.

"Blimey! This man tortured her again," her mind shouted out as she felt him kiss her shoulder, switched between light ones and a bit of a tongue.

But instead of putting a distance between them, she lengthened her neck, thus exposing the side of it as if inviting him to give attention to it.

He blew under her ear and whispered. "I love to feel your soft skin; it entices me to pay homage to it." He then kissed her neck, and pleasure enveloped her.

He turned her around, and they looked in each other eyes, full of desires.

He lowered his head to capture her lower lip, nibbling.

He kissed her nose, eyes and then trailed soft kisses from her side of cheek down to her neck, weakening her knees. As if he knows she needed his support, he encircled his arms around her waist, sealing any spaces between their bodies.

Warmth spread all over her body, even her wearing an off the shoulder dress did not help, all she fell is the terrace getting hotter. Instead of wanting air to sip between them, she longed to be closer to Jared, like a joey inside a marsupium.

She wanted to touch his skin under his shirt, and as if her hand has its mind, it fumbled on his shirt to open it and feel his hard muscles. Not even caring that they were on a terrace or that the sun was their witness.

Golden brown hair glistened on his chest as the sunlight shone unto it, enticing her to taste it and kiss she did. Alas, she forgot her demureness; it's like someone possessed her, making her subservient to the will of desire.

As if encouraged by her wantonness, Jared raised her chin and captured her lips before he asked. "Tori, are you ready?"

With only a nod for an answer, he immediately swept her off her feet and carried her bridal style to their room. Giving no room for Katelyn to neither even think nor change her mind.

The next thing she knew, they were both in bed naked.

She doesn't know who removed the clothes of each other, but she was sure that lying like a corpse was the last thing she had been.

A sensation she had never encountered before overwhelmed her as Jared explored her body with kisses and touch; it was only the sharp pain that awakens her from what she had done.

She wanted to push him away not only as the pain felt like something ripped but because of the suddenness of the events. Jared's handsome face etched with worry as if he too felt what she's going through stopped her.

As if he noticed her staring at him, he looked in her eyes. "I am sorry, but in a little while, it will be okay."

He told her while his hands do wonder to her breast, fueling the fire within her and made her craved to have it extinguished. It made her under the spell of passion that only him can soothe.

He kissed her neck while he drove into her with all the force of his need. She gasped, more of the incredible sensation than pain as he filled her with a powerful thrust.

Burning sensation as wave after wave of ecstasy enveloped her. She grasps unto his back as if holding into her dear life as she succumbed to the shudder of delicious pleasure.

Spent and satisfied, Jared removed his weight from her and lay on his back while she clutched the sheet over her naked body.

"You had exhausted me so much, Tori, that all I want is to sleep," he told her with merriment in his voice that made her look at his face, full of satisfaction.

Embarrassment made her cover her face with the blanket, and her action made him laugh.

"She felt like crying at her stupidity of being seduced; now she doesn't have a face to look at him. She should have control of herself."

"Hey, I am only teasing you," she heard Jared told her while he gathered her in his arms and held her tightly on his chest. "Come on, let me see my Tori," he coaxed.

She removed the blanket that covered her face and looked at the still flushed face of Jared. He tried to capture her lips and was already aware that if she let him, she would melt like sherbet in summer days on his hands.

So she averted her face.

"Don't worry, Tori; I will only kiss you. Even if I wanted more, but I know you are still sore." He told her and then kissed her forehead.

Still lying on his chest, she felt him raked his hands on her hair until she knows that he had slept already, and exhaustion also let her succumb to a dreamless world.

The gentle tapping on her shoulder, and the voice of Jared calling her name, awakens Katelyn.

"Hmm, I still want to sleep," body aching and still groggy she protested.

She felt his weight on the bed as he sat down, and in a hushed tone, he told her. "I prepared a warm bath for you already, and it's going to be cold if you don't get up."

She felt the room's coldness as her only barrier from the air-conditioned was removed and made her fully awakened. "Jared, I'm naked," she complained while wriggling to cover her body as he removed her from the bed. He then stands up with her on his arms, bridal style.

The shower gel that he used was the aroma that she sniffed on him, an invigorating spicy blend of sophistication and masculinity, like sand warmed by the sun.

"You have a beautiful body. You don't have to be ashamed of it, and besides, it's mine to worship." His words made her look at his prideful face as he looked at her body, leaving her dumbfounded as he carried her to the bath with her hands still covering her most private parts.

Jared left her inside a tub of warm water with the distinct scent of roses. The lit candles atop a stool like a stone on each corner of it added to the soothing effects of the bubble bath, relaxing her sore body and tired mind.

She was on the verge of losing her consciousness, but suddenly she remembered something vital that made her jolt from her sleepiness.

"She is not using any contraceptives and Jared didn't use a condom, " she immediately get up from the tub and went to the adjacent shower to rinse herself from any oil and soap left and once clean, took the big towel that hanged to dry herself.

She walked to a closet, took a bathrobe, and then covered herself. Without even combing her hair or put on toiletries, she immediately went to the drawers inside the bathroom. But luck was not on her side as after she had done checking; not a thing can help in her present predicament.

Frustration was etched on her face as she faced the mirror. "What will she do now?" She asked herself.

She sighs after a few minutes of her remembering the date of her last monthly period.

End of Part 13

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