《The villainess is... Is she?》extra 2


It was a new day and today was the day Kyle will officially served as the personal servant of Duke Lune. Kyle woke up earlier than yesterday and tidied his bed. His body is all sore caused by the extreme and strict training by Snipe yesterday, but his mind is so excited and energetic than he completely ignored his fatigued.

Kyle went to the kitchen and eat his meal, he was the first one in the kitchen so there were fewer hostile eyes than yesterday which he was grateful for. Sharp at 7, Kyle went to the Duke's bedroom. Kyle knocked the door lightly before entering, but what came upon him is not someone sleeping peacefully, but it was someone looking angry and hostile standing by the bed.

"You're late." Duke Lune said with a strict tone. Kyle gulped, 'it was just 7 in the morning.' "I'm sorry, my lord. I didn't receive my lord's day schedule so I didn't know the time." Kyle answered exactly like how he was told yesterday.

Duke Lune had an evil and satisfied smirk, seeing how Kyle act exactly like how a servant should. "From tomorrow onwards, came at 4 in the morning." Duke Lune said before went to the shower, leaving the dazed Kyle in front of the door. '4?! NANI THE HECK?' Explosion was heard in Kyle's mind, making his head hurt.

A knock sounded and Kyle opened the door, it was Snipe, "Kyle, this is the lord's schedule, I purposely forgot to give you yesterday. Goodluck." Snipe do his iconic smirk while adjusting his glasses and left. Kyle had a dark expression but he surpressed his murderous aura for the sake of Alice.

Kyle look into the schedule and felt his legs wobbling, losing their strength. 'Woke up at 4 am? Train swords till 6.30 am? Went to palace? After that, paperworks? Until 11 pm?' Kyle had a second blow in his mind. Because, as the duke's personal servant, he had to woke earlier than the duke to serve him, then retreat later than the duke.


Kyle sniffled, 'Clair, I've gone through these troubles for your sake, please love me forever.' He kept the schedule in his pocket and truthfully waited Duke Lune out from the shower after tidied the bed.

After 10 minutes, Duke Lune went out with a formal suit, "I will go to the palace now, there are things listed there for you to do while I went to the palace. Snipe will guide you for things that you don't know." Duke Lune said coldly and then went out from the room.

Kyle bowed and as the door clicked shut, he sighed as loud as he can, like letting out a burden and pressure from his body.

"This mansion's people are crazy. I might as well go crazy in the future if this continue." Kyle sighed while sat down on the bed.

"I miss her already." Kyle whimper while imagining the fairy-like Clair in front of him. He tried to reach out to her but suddenly blocked by Duke Lune and Snipe.

"WARGH!! EVEN IN MY IMAGINATION, THOSE TWO ARE INTERVENING!" Kyle screamed out, frustrated. He soon calm down when he heard footsteps outside.

"What are you doing? Why have you not do the bed?" Snipe came in and saw the messy bed which was caused by Kyle throwing tantrum just now.

"Uh, I tripped and fell on the bed." Kyle just thought of an excuse and quickly got the bed done.

"Since you're the duke's personal servant and the duke is now absent, you have your free time." Snipe pushed up his glasses and turn around.

Kyle was enlightened as image of Clair started to emerged but all of it were dusted away by Snipe's voice, "Don't even think about it." Snipe said before really walk out of the room.


Kyle whimpered again and sulk like a puppy. Outside the window, a pink haired little girl is peeking into the room and saw the whole thing. She giggled and quickly went back to the beautiful woman basking under the warm sunlight.

"Papa is doing great! Though he sulk like a puppy when Uncle Bear said "Don't even think about it" to Papa." Sakura imitated the action of Snipe pushing up his glasses and his voice, making Clair chuckled.

"Papa is doing his best for all of us. Why don't we help him a bit?" Clair pat Sakura's head while the little girl nodded enthusiastically.

Since then, Kyle always felt a tickle on his cheek at 3.30 a.m. ehich make him woke up and found a tiny basket of cookies with a note with the symbol heart, which become Kyle's greatest motivation of the day, successfully went through all hell and thorns at the Lune's mansion.

~Meanwhile at the palace~

"Can you not be so harsh towards my son?" The emperor said to Duke Lune when it only left the two of them.

Duke Lune glared at the emperor, "Your son is trying to take away my daughter! My one and only precious baby daughter! How could I treate him nicely. For me to assign him as my servant is per Clair's request, if it was not her, I would have assign him as the horse caretaker."

Duke Lune folded his arms and humphed, like a child throwing a fit. The emperor rubbed his face, his heart break when seeing his precious and beloved son being treated like that, but he knew he can't intervene or things would get worse.

"Can't you be nicer to him? It's not just you, okay? I'm sad too because he said they wanted to move to a more countryside land and live there, he even already started to instruct someone to started building the house." The emperor sulked.

"WHAT?" Duke Lune were shocked. If Kyle is going to bring her daughter to a countryside land, that means he would have lesser chances to see her. Atleast when they were living at the third prince's palace, he could visit her everyday after coming back from the main palace.

'Imma torture the shit out of him.' Duke Lune made a new resolution and since then, the rest of Kyle's day at the mansion is like hell.

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