
"I think we got the location of their base. We need to meet, NOW!!"

I immediately reached to the office where we meet. I got into elevator and reached 15th floor. As I went inside the secret room, I saw there was a digital map on the table. As I approached I found it was map of Rome.

"So, where is the location??" I asked.

"This!!" Stephan said pointing the location.

"But it's nothing but deserted area, no one lives there!!" Sebastian spoke.

"That obviously makes a great choice for their hideout, Doesn't it??" I asked.

"The main problem is there in NOTHING there!! I mean not even a building!!" Damon spoke.

"What??" I spoke confused."How is that possible??"

"Are you sure that he trusted you??" Alex spoke.

"Of course he does. Why do you doubt that??" I spoke confidently.

"Unless he suspects you and threw the watch away, there is no other possible way that shows this location" Alex said.

He is right. May be John hasn't trusted me. So is this a failure?? Should I just go back to them or should I make a fool out of myself?? Does John know about me already?? But how?? If he already knows why is he being nice to me??

"What if there is one??" I was brought back from my thoughts by Sebastian.

"What do you mean??" Steve asked.

"What if there a place underground??" Bash said.

"What?? Is that even possible??" I asked confused as how is that even possible.

"It is!!" Alex said now with a serious look on his face.I looked confused as I couldn't contemplate what they are trying to say.

"Well the thing is, there are secret hideouts not just on land but underground too. This could be one of those!!" Nikolai explained to me.

"What if there is nothing like that there??" I asked.

"It could only mean one thing which is what fratello said" Nikolai said.

"Then what should we do now?? It's quite clear that he doesn't trust or like me or whatever it is" I said as I lost all my confidence and settled in a chair with head in my hands not knowing what to do.

"You should come back with us!! NOW!!" David said looking concerned.

"I don't think she failed." Damon said.

"What does that mean??" I asked looking at him.

"It is indeed their secret base. Look here" Damon said pointing at his system. "He is moving from there"

"He might probably be coming back, I think I should go" I said rushing out but to be pulled back into a hard chest which I know very well.


"But only after I say you can" Alex said with a smrik on his face.

I know what he meant and everyone also started moving out of the room making it more easy for him.

"Alex!! Listen, Don't you think you have a lot to do??" I said.

"I think that can wait but not this!!" He said pointing his boner. I blushed at his actions and he took over the lead was dominant throughout. I don't know how long we have been in our world making love until someone knocked on the door to which Alex groaned frustrated.

"What??" Alex shouted.

"I think Anna needs to go back. John seems to be coming here." Stephan said from the other side of the door.

"I think I need to hurry!!" I said wearing my clothes back.

"Remember who you belong to before trying to do something crazy with him." He said holding me possessively.

"The crazy thing I would be doing is this with you infront of him" I said pecking his lips. He kissed me back roughly with both passion and lust.

"Okay I think we need to leave!!" I said breaking the kiss and moving out of the room.

As soon as I left the building, I met John who was about to enter the building.

"Thank God I met you here!! You don't know how worried I was for not finding you at your flat." He said sounding genuinely concerned.

"I just came here to get this." I said showing him a random file I picked up from the table in my office."And I am sorry."

"So how did you come here??" He asked.

"I booked a cab and I am going to get one now too!!"

"I think you can come with me!!" He said opening the passenger door for me.

"Okay!!" I said getting into the seat and he closed the door and reached the other side and got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"So, Can I ask you something??" He asked sounding nervous.

"Yeah!! Sure" I said.

"I know this conversation ended badly last time but I just want to ask you again. Will you be my partner for the ball??" He asked.

"John!! Listen I know you want me to come with you to ball, but as what??" I asked sounding slightly annoyed.

"Ummmm.....you can come as my......friend, Yes,Friend!!" He sluttered which made me control so bad from not laughing.

"So, like friends??"

"Yeah, Will you??"

"Ummm..... I think I can!!" I said and he smiled broadly."But....I don't think I have a dress for that"


"Then we can go shopping now!!" He said and took a turn to another road which leads to a botique.

"But you don't have to I-" I was cut off by him.

"No buts!! I am going to buy you a dress and you will not be saying anything more."He said and I nodded."Good!!!" Soon we reached a botique nearby.

"Come on!! Let's go!!" He said extending his hand to me after opening the car door.

"John!! This seems really expensive botique. We can go somewhere else." I said.

"Can I ask you for something??"

"Yeah what is it??"

"Just stop speaking unless I ask you to until we finish shopping."

"But-" He stopped me by placing a finger on my lips.

"Shhh.... come" I silently followed him inside.

After one long hour of changing different dresses I can't even find one. Everything is too revealing which Alex is definitely not going to like.I was about to get out when I found a royal blue gown with off shoulder.I absolutely loved it. Even Alex is going to love this as this is his favourite colour.

"Did you find something??" John asked.

"Yeah I did. We can leave now." I said even before trying that dress after checking if that's my size.

"Pack this!!" John said a helper pointing the dress. We walked out to reach for paying the dress.

"It's $5000 Sir!!" The girl said.

"Here!!" John said giving his black card. The girl was dumbfounded looking at the black card.

"Wait!! That's too much.I will get something else" I said whispering in John's ear as I really don't want him to spend that much on me.

"Did you like that dress!?" He asked.

"I loved it. But-"

"No buts!! I already told you not to speak unless asked" He said and payed for the dress.

"Whatever!! One day I will pay you back." I said as we are walking out to the car.

"Whatever!!" He said mimicking me to which I rolled my eyes.

We drove back and reached apartment. We entered elevator and I was shocked to see Alex. But what was he doing here?? Why is he in some kind of plumber or whatever uniform it is. He smirked looking at my face. I didn't react anything and went inside silently.

Those few seconds to reach 3rd floor were like eternity for me especially when Alex was there. As soon as I reached my flat Alex followed me which panicked me as it could make John suspicious.

"Ms.Smith??" He said.

"Yes??" I asked confused.

"I think you booked an appointment that your shower has some issues??" He said.

"Oh yeah!! Come in!!" I said acting along with him.

I turned around to greet John."So it's been a great day!! Thanks for this" I said pointing the bag.

"No need to thank for anything. Bye!!" He said.

I opened the door and let Alex in and closed the door behind. I dragged Alex to the bedroom and started kissing roughly. I know it's just been an hour or two but he completely occupied my thoughts throughout. He kissed me back with same passion and we made out for a while.

"So, what's this??" Alex asked looking into the bag.

"John asked me if I could be his date for The Ball and as I accepted it he bought me a dress for that."

"You accepted to be his date??" He said tightening his grip on my waist and a cold look on his face. I really don't understand what he is feeling right now!!

"It's just a part of our plan!!" I tried to explain him.

"But if there is someone who can be your partner then it's me, Only ME!!" He said now rage in his eyes.

"You are my ONLY ONE. This is just a part of our plan. It doesn't change anything".I cupped his cheeks and kissed him expressing all my love towards him through the kiss."I love YOU, Only YOU!!"

"Fine!! But if he is going to touch you, I don't think twice to kill him right then and there." He said looking serious. This Alex is not the one whom someone should mess with. This is the man I Love.

"This is the one I love" I said kissing his nose.

"And this one is the love of my life" he said kissing my neck. After that we just stayed there in each other's embrace.

"I think you need to go before John gets suspicious." I said breaking the silence. He just nodded and left.

Next few days went by easily as our men were hearing everything what the Russians have been planning and we were ready with our plan. I need to distract John so we could go on with our plan.

But I haven't been feeling well these days. So I went to a pharmacy to get a pregnancy test as I am having such symptoms lately. I peed on the stick and waited for the result. Its been three minutes so I checked it.

"I am pregnant??"

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