
"I just asked if you want to come with me as my date to the ball??" He asked looking at me hopefully.

"How did you think that I will be coming with you to a ball where all the dangerous men in the world were gathered?? Will I not be putting my life in danger!?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I will never let something happen to you!! I promise that no one is ever going to lay a finger on you" He said with a stern look on his face.

"But still I don't think it's a good idea for me to come with you."

"Why do you think so!?" He asked confused.

"Just by what you said, men bring either girlfriends,wives or whores along with them. As I am clearly not the first type, I just don't want to be your whore" I said.

"What made you think that you are my whore??" He asked looking furious.

"Then what I am to you that you are taking me as your partner??" I asked. He stayed silent. "See!!You know what I said is true, don't you??"

"No!! You are anything but whore"

"Can you just give one name for that anything that could convince me to be your date!?" I asked pressing his buttons further.

"I love you!!" He said and immediately looked shocked with what he just said.

"What!?" I asked even though I heard what he said clearly.

"I know I haven't said this to anyone before and I haven't felt this way before towards any other woman but you. You make me feel things I thought that never existed. I really want you in my life and I make sure you get all that you deserve. I love you Anna!!" He said slowly moving towards me.

I backed away from him. I immediately rushed to the door and ran outside ignoring John calling out for me. As soon as I spotted an empty cab at the entrance I hopped into it and gave him my address of the apartment.

John's POV

I fucked up!! I fucked up so bad. I shouldn't have scared her. The way she looked at me when I confessed my feelings and ran away it broke my heart which I never thought has existed. But she made me feel that.

The moment I saw her picture, My cold heart started to melt. Her every movement makes me crazy. I don't know how and when I fell for her but everytime I saw her I fall deeper.


When I saw her with the LIONS, I was scared that they may hurt her if they knew that she is being my weak spot. I hate to admit that but it's true. But it seems they didn't recognise me, which is good for her.

Later when I asked her about that during dinner she said that they were her clients who asked her to check their accounts.I also found that the company she work for is one of the many companies Alex owned which are soon going to be under my control.

I was really happy that she is slowly opening up to me. I know it's hard for a normal girl like her to cope up with mafia men which is why I wanted to take things slow. But I just couldn't help but say what I feel when she said she would be my whore if she come along with me.

How can she think of her like that?? May be she is right in her own way. I just don't know what to do as I saw her running away from me. May be I should give her some time and space. But I can't help but be scared that the only woman whom I just started love leave me!!

And it's been a week since that night and I know she is trying to ignore me. But all I know is I can't force her. Especially into My world where her life will constantly be in danger the moment when someone knows that I love her. I can't be selfish but I just can't stay away from her. She is being a drug for me to which I was addicted since the very moment I saw her.

All these days I can't concentrate on anything except her. Even though when I am here for the mission of my life, I can't take in any of that. She is making me vulnerable. I should stop this. I need to make sure that my plan goes well just as we thought.

I came out of the apartment to go meet my men at our secret base, but I met with the eyes that I let myself drowned in. I don't know for how long I have benn staring as I came out of the trance when she cleared her throat nervously.

"I am actually sorry for acting like that the other day. But I really didn't know what to say then as it's a lot for me to take in. I know I ignored you last few days and I am sorry for that too. I didn't mean to do that but I just can't help. I just needed time for me" She said in her angelic voice.


I couldn't say anything back. I was just staring at her. She looked so beautiful as ever. The more I look at me the more attractive I find her.

"So??" She spoke again."We are good now??"

"Well, as long as you are okay" I said not knowing what else to say.

This girl made me speechless. If my men are going to see me weak and soft for a girl like this, they are never going to respect and fear me like before. But I really don't care of my reputation when I am with her and I don't want her to see my other side which people are terrified of.

"So......I can't say what you want to hear, but I can surely say that we can take this slow. We can be friends for now and see how it turns out to be" she said shyly.

Friends my ass!! But I can't say that to her. At least she is trying to give a chance for us. So I am happy for that even if I don't like being her friend.

"Yeah, that's fine!!" I said and looked at her and found that she has been hiding something back in her hands. "What are you hiding from me??" I asked.

"Uh..this is just a watch I wanted to give you as a token of apology and for the start of our friendship. I am really sorry for being a freak that day" She said giving me a box wrapped up in a cover and looking down.

I slowly lifted her chin with my finger and she flinched at my sudden action and looked into my eyes.Her eyes!!! This woman is going to be the death of me.

"You need not be sorry for that" I said and she nodded with a weak smile.

"So do you like that??" She asked looking hopefully.

"To be honest I am never a person who puts on watches" Her face fell immediately. "But....-" Now she looked at me with hope in her eyes. "I think I can make an exception for this" I said as I put the watch on and she looked happy and smiled widely.

I can do anything just to see her smile like this. If she is going to be happy if I just put this watch on I would happily put this on for the rest of my life. All that matters for me is her smile.

"Thank you!!" She said."And I am happy that you liked it"

"I will definitely like anything if you selected it for me" I said and she blushed at my words.

"Don't you have to go to work??"

"No!! It's my day off today. And I am going to spend the rest of the day cleaning my house." She said.

"Well, I need to go now!! I will meet you later then" I said to which she nodded and went inside and closed the door after waving me a goodbye.

And I left to our base with a stupid smile never leaving my face.

Anna POV

I closed the door behind me and sighed in relief as our plan was success so far. As planned I gave him a watch which has a tracker in it just like the one in my earnings. I avoided him the last week to make it seem real. But I need to hurry up everything as ball is in less than a week.

Even if I don't want to, but deep down I feel all this to be wrong. I just can't let this man be killed when all he did was to like me or may be love me. I just need to think of an alternative where Alex's is not going lose his power and John is not going to die.

I texted Damon that he has the tracker now and started cleaning the house. As I finished it fast as there is nothing much to clean, I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling.

I just can't help but think about the betrayal John is going to face because of me.I don't want to betray Alex as well.He is my LOVE. I just need to think for an intermediate way.ASAP!!!

I don't know how long I have been staring but soon I fell asleep. After a short nap for about an hour I went to the coffee shop near by to get a coffee. As I ordered my coffee and sat at the corner by the side of window, My phone buzzed indicating I got a message. It's from Damon.

"I think we got the location of their base. We need to meet, NOW!!"

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