
"But I think you can be friends with your neighbors, don't you??" He spoke from behind.

"What??" I asked looking shocked. This time I need not fake it as I was really shocked.

"I think 301 is obviously a neighbor of 302"

"Wh-what, h-how, I mean when??"

"Since yesterday and I didn't get to meet you as our timings didn't match I guess" He shrugged.

"So you know me already but h-how??" I asked bewildered.

"I saw your details from the register and I know about you more than you think I know" He said stuffing his hands in pockets.

"W-what?? What do you know??" I asked.

"I know that you are an accountant in Logistics.Pvt.Ltd. You have been staying here only from 3 weeks as you came here for a trip from London but end up working here as you got a job. And you are living in the same apartment as I do" He said as if he enquired everything about me.

Well all this information is what me and Damon made up about me. As he got the information what we wanted him to know, I am more than happy. But I can't show it right away. I just looked shocked.

"H-how, how do you know all these!?" I asked.

"I have my ways" he said.

"But how?? Who are you??" I asked still acting confused.

"I don't think it will be difficult for you to understand what I was about to say. I am John, John Vadik, leader of Russian Mafia." He confessed. I haven't expected him to reveal his real identity to some random girl.

"What??" I asked looking frightened and he stepped forward to approach me. "Please don't harm me, I will not say about this to any one. I promise!!" I said as my fake tears rolled down my eyes. I just wanted to react as everyone reacts when they confront him.

Everyone knows what kind of a man he is. He is just like Alex ruthless and cold hearted.

"Eбать" he cursed under his breath. "Listen, I don't do anything that will hurt you. So you need not fear about me" he said slowly approaching me.(Fuck)

"No!! You are a murderer, you kill people. Please leave me!!" I said trembling and moving back.

"Shhhh...shhhh...listen!! I promise you that I won't hurt you" He said as he approached me and hugged me.

Uggghhhh!! He hugged me?? Seriously??


"Get away from me!!" I said started to pull myself away from me. But he tightened his grip around me.I felt his touch not so uncomfortable as I thought and I can't help but to act as if I was affected by his touch.

"It's okay..it's okay...I said I promise I won't hurt you!!" He repeated again.

Argghhh!! Get away from me you idiot!!

"Really??" I asked in between my sobs.

"Yes" He said and I slightly snuggled myself into him.I could sense him smiling above me. Finally something is going to work.

I realised as I was hugging him back so I just pulled away from him. He looked disappointed from this.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled and looked down in embarrassment.

"You need not be sorry!! I shouldn't have frightened you" He said with a guilt in his eyes.

"Ummm...I need to go!!" I said and rushed to the door but it didn't open.I turned back to see him smirking.


"Let me walk you home!!" He said while giving me his hand.

"I think I can go by myself" I said sweetly rejecting his offer. He looked at me with sad expression on his face.

"It would be better with a company" he said.

"Whatever" I huffed. "As long as I reach home safe, I don't care" I said and crossed my arms across my chest.

He smirked and signalled his guards and they opened the doors for us and we started walking in silence until we reached our flats.

"Don't you need to get to work!?" He said standing across his door.

"I do but I took a half day off and I need to go from afternoon"

"Oh!! Have a nice day then!!"

"Thanks..you too!!" I said and slowly went inside the house and locked the door behind. I walked towards the bedroom and threw myself on the bed. And I sighed in relief. But questions started filling my mind.

Does he already know who I am and is acting along??

Or is he unaware of all this!? What if he knows??

Am I doing right thing by coming here??

I just pushed all thoughts away and reached for my bag which I was supposed to take to my workplace which is also one of Alex's companies. And I walked outside and took a cab to the office which also happens to be the place where we decided to discuss our further steps.


John Vadik's POV

As I stepped out of my private jet, I was met with the warm breeze. Every place is warm compared to Russia. I am right now in Italy. I actually came here for a ball which will be 2 weeks later but I actually have other plans for ball.

I will soon be taking over the power from Alexander. We already made Germans our ally and bought the weapons we needed to fight the LIONS. But what no one knows is Antonio who happens to be the real leader of German mafia is a member of LIONS and he is the one who informs us about Alexander's plans.

But from last few days he is unable to reach which is quite suspicious. He has never been like this.I felt like something is wrong which is why I have to come myself into my enemy's territory.

I soon reached the apartment where I will be staying for the next few days.I checked in with my fake identity and soon entered the apartment. When I checked the details of my neighbour to make sure my identity is hidden, I saw a beautiful girl.

She might not be the most beautiful one but there is something in her that's attractive. Her natural beauty, her long hair, her eyes and most importantly her smile. It is so addictive. The more I look at her the more I feel attracted to her. I have never felt this before. And soon I will take her and make her MINE!!!

And I learnt about her details which seems like she is just a normal one. So I need not kill anyone soon.As it's already late I went into the bedroom and slept. Next day I woke up and did my morning routine.

In the morning I left for my secret base where our weapons are hidden and our members are staying. It's actually an underground one which no one knows. Not even LIONS. So this is going to be a huge advantage for us.

It's also my kind of secret locker where all the information about my mafia is present. That's the main reason why Alexander failed in taking over Russia. Who thinks that the secrets of their enemy is right under their nose. No one. Right??

After a long meeting with my members about the plan we are going to implement, I left the place and went to the coffee shop near my apartment. As I went in, my men vacated the place and secluded it. As I was about to finish my coffee, I heard someone yelling from outside. When I turned to see who it is, it was none other than the girl who is my neighbour.

She is even more beautiful in real.I immediately signalled my second in command Anthony to let her inside. The way she smiles the way she enjoys small moments the way she looks at me makes me want her more.

When I told her who I am she is terrified. It's no wonder she is frightened of me. Because there are lots of rumours about me which definitely makes someone to not even think about me. But I don't want her to be scared of me.

When I saw her crying and pleading me not to hurt her I couldn't help but feel guilty for scaring her. I immediately reached and hugged trying to calm her down. She soon relaxed herself but immediately she pulled away from me realising our closeness.

I never felt this good when I hugged someone. Her tiny body was perfectly fit in my huge arms. Her smell is intoxicating. It's a mixture of strawberry and chocolate. I have never felt this affected by someone before that I said sorry to her. This could be the first time I have said that.

No one has affected me the way she did in just few moments. I walked her back to apartment and bidded her goodbye and I really wanted to spend more time with her.She is going to be a death of me!!!

But before that I have a mission to complete. Once I take over that bastard, then I am going to get her. But can I stay away from her?? Especially when she is staying right in front of my eyes?? It takes every ounce of control in me to not to take her then and there.

I slept with many women before but I just don't want to take her against her will. If I ever want to take her that will only be when she wants to. But for that I need to win her. As she is single and never had a boyfriend before, it's going to more easy for me.

But why am I thinking about a woman when I had the most important mission ahead?? She is really distracting me!!!

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