
"John Vadik is in Italy already" Damon said.

Wait what??

"Isn't he supposed to be here only for the ball which is after 2 weeks??" I asked confused.

"But as we already know he is trying to get us, I don't think he will just be attending the ball!!" Alex said.

"So he will be trying to do something before the ball itself to show his supremacy then" Damon said.

"Which is not at all going to be good for us" I sighed.

"We need to think of another plan immediately as your plan can't help us now." Damon said.

"Yeah.....where are others?? Do they know about this??" I asked.

"No,I came here as soon as I got the information. Shall I call them for the meeting??"Damon asked looking at Alex now.

"What else are we supposed to do?? Get them fast upstairs." He said and started moving out and I couldn't move from my place not knowing what to do.

"Are you going to stay there until Russians are gonna do something??"Alex turned around and said angrily. I shook my head and followed him while Damon went to inform others.

Now we all are in the meeting room except Lily. Everyone stayed silent after knowing the news. They came up with different strategies but none of them seem to be good enough to make John fall in our trap.

"Why don't we stick up to our previous plan itself by making some changes??" Steve suggested.

"What kind of changes??" I asked.

"Like why don't you catch his attention from now when he is in public places"

"But how can we be sure that he will roaming around freely outside??" I asked.

"Well we are not sure about it. But if he appears somewhere then we should definitely take advantage of it. Moreover he is in our territory, so he can't do anything that could harm you as he will be maintaining a low profile."

"Sounds good" I said and everyone agreed except.....

"Don't you have any other plan instead of exposing her to that bastard??" Alex snapped angrily.

"Alex....Calm down.....Nothing is going to happen. Damon has already created all the information about me just like as we wanted. So why not try this??"

"I don't want to do this. Previously I accepted to your plan just because I will be around. But now I just can't leave you alone by yourself." He said as his eyes softened and filled with concern.


"But I make sure that he doesn't touch me or try to harm me. I promise!!!" I said reassuring him.

"But-"I cut him off.

"No more buts!!! Let me give a shot at it. If I fail in this mission at the very first time, we will agree to your plan which is war!!"

"Fine!!!" He said reluctantly.

And soon we left the room and I started packing my stuff and I informed Lily that I will be back soon and need not worry about me.

Next day morning,I reached downstairs with a suitcase and was about to leave the house when Alex came out of no where.Alex hasn't been around the whole time and now he came to me handing me a pair earrings which are more likely to be studs which are really beautiful.

"What's this for??" I asked as I put on them.

"Don't remove them at any cost. It has tracker which shows us where you are and it also enables us to hear all your conversations." He said and I nodded. I hugged him and kissed him before leaving with Damon.

It's nearly 4 in the morning and we chose this time so that no one spots us.

After 30 minutes, we reached to an apartment which is similar to the one I stayed in London. I bid him good bye and walked into my flat which happens to 302. I don't know how long I am going to stay here. I entered the flat and closed the door behind and locked it.

I reached the bedroom and filled the wardrobe with my clothes and arranged everything as if someone is staying here. When I went to kitchen, I found that refrigerator is filled with all types of groceries and food. And the cabinets are filled with necessities. When I looked around I found that it's 9:30 in the morning.

As I laid myself on a couch my burner phone vibrated indicating I got a message. And I know it's important.

"John is in the coffee shop near your apartment."

Ahhh!!! Seriously?? Why should he be here the very moment I came.?? But what is he doing in a normal coffee shop when he could go to expensive ones as I thought??

Is this a coincidence?? Or a trap??

Does he know that we are planning this?? But how??

Number of questions flooded my mind. As I can't get into any of the conclusion, I just checked myself in the mirror and sighed in relief as I looked presentable.


I reached for my purse and went out locking the door behind and headed to the location I has been sent. Soon I reached the coffee shop which is just 2 minute walk away from the apartment. When I was about to enter the shop two men dressed in suit stopped me from letting in.I didn't expect this at all.

"What!?" I asked looking annoyed.

"You are not allowed in." One of them said in a thick Russian accent.

"But why??" I asked back. I saw that John saw me from the corner of my eyes.

But how can I do something to get his attention if they don't let me in??

"Because Our boss said so" the other one spoke.

"Is your boss a king or What!?" I yelled at them.

"You better shut that little mouth of yours and-" he was cut off the other man who is also in suit who came from inside.

"Let her in!!" He said and they let me in. I huffed and went in towards the desk to order a coffee. I can feel a pair of eyes on me throughout but I just ignored them. You need to act tough to get what you want. And I know how good I can fool people with my acting.

"Hey Anna!! What's change today?? You never come in the morning for a coffee??" The man at the desk said as if he knows me for long. I guess this cafe is owned by Alex and this guy whose name is Tom which I read from his tag got instructed about this.

"Yeah Tom!! Last night I got wasted and now I have a hangover, and I am in no mood to make a coffee." I said with an exhausted expression on my face.

"No worries" he said giving me a smile.

"By the way,who is this man??" I asked bending over the desk while whispering to him even if I know who he is. I just need to be seen as a normal girl. Right??

"Umm...He...is...." He started stammering.

"I am John,Цветок" John spoke from behind me.(flower)

"What the hell!?" I asked as I was really shocked by his presence as I haven't expected him to be so silent.

"I just told you my name" he said in a thick Russian accent.

"I don't remember asking you!!'' I said crossing my arms and moving back to create some space between us.

"Isn't that what you are asking him?? My name??" He spoke looking curious.

"Seriously??" I asked in disbelief . "Whatever I ask him is none of your concern, so if you would please excuse me-" I said walking past him to a table beside the window. I was enjoying the fresh air while John came and sat across me.

Now when I observed him clearly, he is looking more handsome than he was in pictures. He has sharp features. Green eyes, thick eyebrows, sharp jaw line and dense hair which looks silky. He has everything a woman drools over. But he is nothing for me.

"Красивый" he spoke.(beautiful)

"What??" I asked looking confused. But what he doesn't know is that I can actually understand and speak Russian.

"I said beautiful!!" He said looking at me.

"I know it is. That's why I come here for a coffee daily!!" I spoke as if I didn't get what he is speaking about. He started laughing at my words.

"I don't think I said a joke, what's so funny for you??" I said looking annoyed.

"Nothing, I just said that you are beautiful not the cafe." He admitted it.

"What do you mean??"

"I mean you look beautiful!!"

"What??" I said still looking confused."Now you trying to flirt with me!?"

"Зачем мне флиртовать с тобой, когда ты моя в тот самый момент, когда я тебя увидел" he paused for a while and spoke again "И я убеждался в том, что ты."

(Why do I need to flirt with you, when you are mine the very moment I saw you/And I make sure you are mine)

"What does that mean and will stop speaking in that whatever language you are speaking??" I scoffed.

I internally smirked with pride of my victory as I understood what he said. After all that is what we wanted.

"My bad, sorry, I just said that I was not flirting with you and asked if you can be my....friend??" He struggled to find the word before he said friend.

Wait!!! Did he just say sorry?? I thought he was egocentric!! I know he was attracted to me but still!!

"Whatever, I can't just be friends with some stranger!!" I said and started walking away from the table and reached to the desk to get my coffee and started walking out of the cafe.

"But I think you can be friends with your neighbors, don't you??"

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