
"NOW IT'S BOYS' COOKING TIME!!!" Nikolai said dramatically which made me laugh and shocked at the same time. Are boys going to cook now?? That's what he said right?? Is ALEX going to cook??

"Wait!!Did you just say you guys are going to cook??" Lily asked the same question I wanted to.

"Yeah!!But not everyone of us. Fratello,Nikolai,David and Me are going to cook while others are going to help us" Stephan said.

"Alex can cook??" I am amused knowing that he can cook.

"He is the best one of us.I think you need to show what you can do fratello" Damon said.

Alex smirked at me "I want to make pasta for you.Do you like it??" He asked.

"I love Pasta!!" I exclaimed.

"Then get ready to eat the best pasta you will ever have"

"Don't you think you are being over confident??"

"That I am.Especially when it comes to my pasta!!" He said confidently.

"Let's see" I said and everyone left to the kitchen while Lily and I followed them behind and sat on chairs watching them. They all started doing their work in pairs but Alex is working alone.

"You need a partner to help??" I asked.

"No!! He never allows someone near him while he is cooking'' Steve said who is helping David in making roasted Chicken and mashed potatoes.

Alex is making pasta. Stephan and Damon are making pizza while Sebastian and Nikolai are making French toast and pancakes. It's going to feast tonight. Yummy!!!

They finished cooking and laid them on the counter and we all sat on the chairs near the counter. Everything was delicious so far. All that left for me to taste is pasta. As soon as I tasted pasta I felt heaven.I would be lying if I say this is not the best pasta I ever ate.

"Where did you learn to make it!?" I asked Alex who is sitting beside me.

"Is it good!?" He asked looking curious for my answer.

"It's awesome. Now tell me how did you learn this??" I asked again.

"Well I learned it from my padre who is also the previous leader" He said.

"You mean Andre Russo. From what I heard I never thought he would be the type of man who will be cooking. "

"What did you hear about our padre??" Sebastian asked.


"I heard that he is the most ruthless man ever from which you all have inherited that quality. He never hesitates to snap your neck in seconds. He is the man who you should actually fear. But no one actually knows how he looks like. I think you guys know how he looks like don't you??" I asked no one in specific.

"Whatever you heard is true and fratello is just his image. They might look different but we always cherish padre by looking at fratello. And to your question of course we know how he looks like, but he never shows up unless he wants to" Steve said a bit emotional but soon went back to his cold tone.

And rest of the dinner continued in silence as no one broke the silence. We head back to our rooms later.

"Do you have any pictures with your padre??" I asked Alex as we both are lying on the bed in each others arms.

"Yeah we all had pictures with him but everyone of them are in his room" He said.

"Can I see them?? I just wanted to see how he looks like" I said drawing random patterns on his chest.

"I wish I could show you. But I can't. I can show him only after you become an Elite. And for that you need to sign in our family register in front of him."

"Is that why you said that it takes time for me to be announced as an Elite??" I asked and he nodded.

"And moreover he needs to approve of you for that. Our approval counts but his decision will be final" He said.

"Will this be happening with every decision??"

"No, All the decisions related to mafia and rule will be taken by me. But when it comes to family decisions like this Elite or our partners it needs to be approved by him"

"Are you saying that for us to go ahead, he needs to approve!?" I asked in disbelief.


"What if he doesn't approve of me??" I asked pulling away from him as insecurities started to fill in me.

What if he doesn't approve of me??

What if he doesn't like me??

What if Alex leaves me??

"He will" He said pulling me back into his embrace.

"What if he doesn't!??" I asked again moving away from him.

"You will still be the member of this family."


"Will you leave me and marry someone else whom he approves of!?"

"No!! If he doesn't approve we might not be together but that doesn't mean I will not love you and will be marrying someone else. You are the first one who made me feel the warmth that I have been missing since my mother died. The feeling of being home. I love you and only you!!"

"But you need to get married for having a heir for your family. Don't you!?"

"My child need not be the heir. If I need to marry just to get a heir I would prefer to make child of my brothers the heir. Even I was not the son of padre but still I am the King right??" He tried his best to assure me.

"But-" I was cut off.

"No buts!! I am sure he will approve of you. So don't ruin the time we have now by thinking about the future" He said finally pulling into him. I laid my head on his chest and tried to sleep but of no use because of all the thoughts running in my head.

"Stop thinking and sleep!!" He said sensing my uneasiness. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes trying to enjoy his presence by pushing away the thoughts.

Next day morning everyone decided to spend time in pool so I went along with them. I wore a black bikini while Lily wore a red one. We wore a crop and shots on it and joined boys who are enjoying the sun.

Alex was actually not happy looking me in a bikini. "Go and change!!" He growled at me.

"Listen Alex!! Don't spoil the fun just because of your possessiveness. Everyone here are my brothers except you and they treat me the same way. So you need not worry about that!!" I said and walked past him.

Later we all were in the pool and Alex reluctantly approved after I stayed with him the whole time. And now we started playing truth or dare.And every question started being about relationships and sex. Uffff!!!!

"How old are you when you lost your virginity??" Lily asked Alex as he chose truth.

"16" He said. I was shocked to hear that. 12 years ago!! He has been sleeping around for 12 freaking years.

"And how many women did you sleep with??" I asked him.

"I thought only one question is to be asked??" He asked innocently.

"But you have to answer me soon"

"I don't know. May be 1000+" He said.

"What??" I asked not knowing what he is talking about.

"Answer to your question" I felt like my eyes would pop out of my sockets.

"1000+!? Are you serious??" I asked and he just shrugged.

"Okay okay!! Let's continue!!" Nikolai said turning the bottle.

"So Anna, truth or dare??" Nikolai asked as the bottle is pointing towards me.

"Truth" I said

"Are you a virgin!?" Damon asked.

"How can you waste a question when the answer is clearly NO??" David spoke hitting Damon on the head.

"So what's going to be my question??" I asked .

"Why don't you choose dare??" David whined.

"Fine Dare!! Happy??"

"Very much. So your dare is to kiss one of us" He said playfully to annoy Alex in which he is successful as Alex already looked pissed off. As I understand what he was trying to do, I slowly turned to Sebastian who is on my left.

"Okay!!" And as I was about to kiss Sebastian, Alex turned me around by my waist and kissed me. He kissed me roughly and kissed him back with same roughness. After we pulled away for air, he didn't let go of me and started to suck on my neck to which I moaned.

After giving me a hickey, he looked satisfied with his work on me and now turned around to face others. "MINE!!" He said and held me by my waist. I was quite embarrassed and shy at the same time and I just wanted to disappear. So I just hid my face in Alex's chest.

"This is what you get for trying to play with me!!" He whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but stay silent as that was the truth. And I can't hide anything from him. He can see right through me.

"Okay okay!! She is all yours!!" David said in a teasing tone. Uggghhh!! This is even more embarrassing. I just snuggled more into him trying to avoid this awkward situation.

"I think we should end this here and go back inside" Stephan said and everyone headed back.We went into our rooms to freshen up ourselves.

"Now it's punishment time!!!"

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