
"What made you think that you can get whomever you want here??" Alex's voice boomed in the room.I turned back to see Alex leaning at the door with his arms crossed.

"First she is not someone but my best friend. Second I just can't leave her in a foreign country and let it be and third I never said she is going to stay here forever but I wanted her here until she finds a living for her own." I said making my point clear.

"But you don't have a power or right to bring her here!!" He spoke with power in his words.

"I know I don't have power to bring her here but I think I have a right to ask this help after what I did yesterday." I spoke with a stern look on my face.

He remained silent. May be contemplating about what I said.

"Get the complete information of that girl and made sure there is nothing suspicious." He said

"There will be nothing suspicious like you think." I said

"Let's see" with that he left the room.

I turned to Stephan who is typing something on his phone.

"So when do you think you are going to get her??" He asked.

"Now!!" I said beaming happily.


"Yeah. I can't wait" he shaked his head smiling.

"Wait I will be accompanying you as we can't just let you go." he said smirking.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and walked outside. He joined me and ordered someone to get a car. Soon after a BMW car halted in front of us as I remember him saying it's his favorite. He took the keys and opened the door to me like a gentleman. Aww!! Sweet.

I slided into the passenger seat and walked to the other side and sat in the driver's seat. We left the estate and I gave him the address of the motel Lily is living in and we are at our destination in 30 minutes.

As I already know the room numbers Stephan and I reached the elevator and reached 15th floor. I stood outside the room and knocked on it. As I wanted to surprise her I made sure that she can't see me or Stephan through peep hole by putting a finger on it. She opened the finally after knocking for 2 minutes straight.

As soon as she opened her eyes first halted on Stephan and she is quite out of the world. I can definitely say that she already has a crush on him. But what shocked me the most is Stephan looks the same as her. Both are lost in each other.


I awkwardly cleared the throat."Lily, go pack your bags, we are leaving."

"Finally!! We are going back." She said but her voice is a mixture of happiness and disappointment. But why??

"No Ms.Davies ,you are not going back. But you are going to stay with us from now along with Anna." Stephan spoke as I don't know what to say her.

She looked confused and turned to me. I nodded assuring that I will explain everything later and she agreed and packed her bags and we checked out of the room and left for mansion.

Me and Lily sat in the back seat while Stephan was driving. Lily didn't speak throughout the ride but when I observed that both of them were sharing glances through the front mirror and I felt like I am third wheeling them.

But I already started to ship them. I don't think nothing can be better than my best friend with someone whom I started feel as a brother. I just can't be sure about HIS feelings as he is always cold and heartless except for me I know that.

But can be open his heart for someone else??

I don't know what happens in future but as long as Lily is going to be on my side, I don't care at all. After all she is my best friend and I make sure that nothing happens to her.

We reached the mansion and walked inside while a maid took all our suitcases and walked in behind us. I took Lily to Alex's office as he is the one who allowed to bring her in even if I didn't like this.

To avoid another awkward instances like before I knocked on the door. When I heard a faint come in I opened and entered the room.

He looked at me and then at Lily. His gaze turned from soft one to cold one When he saw Lily. Bipolar is he??

"So she is who I assume Ms.Davies??" He asked looking at her. She was quite nervous under his state and shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah Alex this is Lily,and Lily this is Alex." I said introducing each other.

"King!!'' He said.

"What??" I asked confused.

"Everyone calls me king, so it would be the same"

"But you let me -" I was cut off by him.

"She will address as everyone else address me other than Elites. Is that clear??" He said looking at her.

"Yes, King!!" Lily said nervously.


"Seriously?? You need not terrify her the very moment she came here!!" I said annoyed of his behaviour.

"If she is going to stay here, she better learn the rules from the very beginning." He said looking into his files now.

"Whatever" I huffed and turned back to leave.

"Where do you think you are going??" Alex asked from behind.

"I don't think it's your concern,is it??" I asked still not facing him.

"Of course it is, I am the one who hired you, I am the one who made you an el....my accountant." He said. May be elite thing is discrete.

"But I want her to show where her room is."

He remained silent for a few seconds and the door opened and revealed Stephan.

"You called me fratello??" He asked.

"I want you to show Ms.Davies around the house and her room. Also inform her all the rules she need to follow while staying here."

Stephan nodded and looked at Lily as if asking her to come. She looked at me frightened but as I nodded reassuringly she left the room with Stephan. I just hope they get along well.

"So?!" I asked crossing my hands.

"What??" He asked.

"You are the one who didn't allow me to show my friend around. I thought there must be something I need to do, isn't it??" I asked.

"This is why we selected you as an Elite. Your Attitude!! As you know, the German leader is killed last night, Damon has already hacked into their accounts and I want you to analyse all their transactions." He said giving me a file.

I looked around the room and found a new table along with a chair. "Is that for me??" I asked just to make sure.

"Do you see someone else sitting there??" He said.

I sighed and sat on the chair and started looking into the files. As I have been checking them everything seemed fine. When I was about to finish them, I found one account suspicious.

"I think I need to go to Damon to check on something!!" I said to Alex.

"Go ahead!!" He said and I left the room.

I barged into his room without knocking and soon I regretted the decision I made. He was exactly in the same position as Alex before. And this time the woman is one of the whores.

Even before they could react I spoke,"Call me when you are done!! I need your help with this" I said tapping on the file which is covering my face. And then I immediately rushed to the living room and settled in the couch.

After few minutes Damon came to me with a smirk on his face."What is that you want with me baby??"

"Nothing like you think!!" I said hitting his chest with the file." I want you to trace an account from this."

"Fine then!! Let's go!!" He said and I followed behind.

As we reached inside and closed the door behind."I think there is a thing called bedroom for all these. Don't you think so??" I asked looking at the place I saw them before.

"Yeah I know!! But do you really think we will let a whore in our bed just to fuck her??" He asked and I shrugged.

"What do you mean??"

"We never let someone in our bedrooms as we consider that to be our personal space. If we do so, it will be only the woman with whom we want to start our family with" He said.

"Does Alex think the same??" I asked.

"Not just me or him, everyone of us think the same!!"

"What if one of you let's someone in his room??"

"That means she is special for him. Why are you asking me all this?" He asked looking confused.

Am I really special for him??

What am I to him??

"Ummmm...Nothing." I said."So why don't you see whose this account belongs to??" I asked him changing this awkward conversation.

"Why do you want to check on this one in particular??" He asked still not clear with the past discussion.

"Because Germans have been receiving huge amounts of money from this particular account every month. So I wanted to know who is donating them money??" I said.

"Okay!! Let me see" he said and I handed him the file and he started his work.

"Why do you think Alex is letting me stay in his room??" I asked after a long time of dreadful silence.

"Those fucking bastards!!" He roared ignoring my questions.

"Who??" I asked confused.

"Russians" he said with rage in his eyes.

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