
"Babyyyyyy!!!" An unknown female voice came from behind us.

Everyone's faces turned from joyful to disgusting and irritating expression. I turned around to see the owner of the voice who made everyone annoyed in just a second.

A woman with a red hair stood at the entrance. Her face is caked with makeup and she barely wore anything. I even felt disgusted by the look.She slowly approached us especially Alex.

"Seems like you missed me badly" she said blinking her eyes. Ewwwww!!! I don't feel like staying there anymore. Alex even didn't like her presence. It's clear from his looks.

"Can we just move out of here before I throw up by her" I barely whispered so only boys could hear us. They just nodded their heads and we slowly moved out of the house through the entrance leaving Alex with the lady.

After we reached out they started running and I followed them until we reach a beautiful garden. I am mesmerized by the beauty ahead of me. There are different types of flowers arranged in a specific order.

"Earth to Anna!!" Damon spoke. I was completely lost in the beauty.

"It's beautiful." I said still looking at the garden.

"It is" Damon said standing beside me. "Why don't we go and sit there??" he said pointing to the boys who already sat on the grass.

I nodded and moved towards them and sat between Stephan and Nikolai.

"Who is she?? She seems awfully familiar" I asked referring to the red head.

"Seems like you haven't recognized her." Nikolai spoke raising his left eyebrow. I looked at him confused as I try to remember who she is. That's when it clicked me.

"Don't say that she is Caroline Andrews. The most famous actress" I said not believing what I just said.

"Indeed she is."Stephan said.

"But what is she doing here??"I asked confused.

"All she wants is power and fame which is why she constantly hits on fratello even after constant rejections and insults." Damon said.

"Whatever!! she is just annoying." I said.

"Welcome to the club" Damon said and we all burst into laughter. We sat there for a while and I was exhausted for doing nothing and slowly laid my head on Stephan's shoulder.

He tensed at first by my sudden action but relaxed immediately. I closed my eyes enjoying the breeze. I actually didn't fall asleep but just relaxed.

"What do you think they would be doing??" Steve said with a hint of mischief in his voice.


"What else do you think?? He would be fucking her." Nikolai spoke as if it was the common thing Alex ever do.

But that actually hurt I don't know why. I couldn't stand with the fact that he is actually with other woman. Especially a beautiful one.But why am I feeling like this?? I tensed up a bit at this words which Stephan might have felt.

"What fratello does is none of our business. So it would be better not to speak about it." He said. I slowly opened my eyes to see the boys nodding their heads.

"So why don't you guys say about yourselves??I am pretty sure you all know about me but I don't know anything about you" I asked out of blue to change the topic.

They hesitated for a while but started speaking. Everyone said what they do and how this ruling works briefly. Even I didn't go deep into the details as I know it's not my place to do. They even said how Alex's parents died in a car accident.

They also said about the previous leader who also happens to be Alex's God father who is also cold and ruthless just like them, to be precise more than what they are now.

The previous leader whose name I came to know Andre Russo is now no where to be found. He only visits them once or twice in a year unless it's emergency. Strange enough!!!

We sat there like what seems to be hours and spoke about random things like sports,movies,food,music and what not.

"Rolls Royce" me and Sebastian spoke at the same time when asked about the favorite car. And everyone rolled their eyes as this was not the first time we said the same answers.

"You are indeed my bestttt frienddd." I said launching myself on to Sebastian as everyone huffed at us. I hugged him and he hugged me back. I dismissed David who gave me a death glare before sitting in my previous place and I sat beside Sebastian now and with Damon on other side. And we started speaking again like crazy.

I never thought that the Elites whom people think monsters are nonetheless normal brothers when alone. I was more than happy as they made me one of them in such a short period of time and showed me the other side of them which no one knows.

"I never thought I would witness this." I spoke.

"Witness what??" Damon asked.

"This" I said mentioning everyone."that the so called monsters to the world being normal with me."


"Well you are an exception as you are soon going to be an Elite." Stephan said.

"But don't you dare spread this." Nikolai spoke pointing a finger at me with serious face but with a playful look.

"What if I do??" I said crossing my hands against my chest and smirked.

"I need to kill you then!!" he spoke trying to be serious. Key word trying.

Even before I could say something back, my stomach growled for food. Ugh!! This was quite embarrassing.

"Even before you can, this is going to kill me." I said pointing at my stomach. They burst into laughter at my childish behavior.

"Such a drama queen!!!" Nikolai spoke again mocking me.

"Trying to be one since I saw you" I spoke back at him.

"Youuuu-" Nikolai was cut off by steve.

"Why don't you guys shut up and head back for lunch??" Steve spoke already walking back to the house.

Everyone followed him including me and Nikolai. As today we are the only ones in the house the dining hall is empty and we sat down to eat but waited for Alex to come. But Stephan said that he would not be joining us and we had our lunch. Even during the lunch me and Nikolai were constantly hitting on with other either by words or stares.

Once we are finished everyone left for their rooms as they were still in those stinking clothes. As I am alone again I walked towards Alex's office thinking that the actress would be long gone. But just to make sure I tried to hear to what's happening in the office and heard some screams as if someone was getting hurt.

After a lot of debating in my head I slowly opened the door to make sure the sound is minimum and peeked inside only with my head. The scene in front of me made my blood run cold and there is sting in my chest.

Alex is naked with his pants down and is hardly pounding into the woman and the red head is on her fours and a moaning mess. I immediately closed the door behind me and sprinted upstairs until I reached my room and closed the door behind.

Even after being a virgin, I know what happens during sex but this was the first time I ever saw something like that. I know that's weird but I can't help my cheeks burning. I don't know why but tears ran down my cheek.

I really didn't like seeing Alex like that. But why am I crying?? I may have not dated someone before but I am never the one who cry over a man. As much as I try to control I couldn't stop the tears.I still don't what is this strange feeling I have towards him.

After a while I composed myself and wiped the tears away and washed my face. I laid on the bed and reached my phone to see any kind of reply from Lily. I saw there are 36 missed calls from Lily and I instantly dailed her back.

I called her and told her that I was fine and came to know that she is still in Italy searching for me. I didn't tell her anything about Alex and stuff. I thought of bringing her here but I really didn't want her to get involved in this just like me.

But I just can't leave her alone especially when I know that her parents recently died in an accident. I know it would be wrong but I don't want her to be alone. So I went downstairs to Stephan's office instead as I don't want to face Alex again.

I gently knocked on the door to recieve a come in and I entered the room. Stephan was sitting on his chair behind his desk and was reading something. As I cleared my throat to notify my presence he looked up from the file to me.

"To what do I owe this pleasure of having you in my office??" He asked with a soft smile.

"Ummm....I have something to ask...to be precise I need your help." I said nervously as I was not sure if he is going to help or not.

"What's that??"

"As you know I came here with my best friend and she is still here searching for me. And I don't want her to be alone as her parents died recently. So.....I was wondering if you....could help me....by bringing her here??? "

"Like letting her stay here forever??"

"May be or may not be!! She will leave if she doesn't want to stay or find a living for herself." I spoke trying to be as convincing as possible.

"What made you think that you can get whomever you want here??" Alex's voice boomed in the room.

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