
As I saw the footage again the front gates burst open and SUVs stopped and men started attacking from the front.

Damon and I were sitting in the room not knowing what to do. Then I saw the bag with weapons and opened to find for something that could be useful. I found a sniper among all.

"Damon, do you know how the leader looks like??" I asked.

"Yeah I do but why!?" He asked confused.

"Can you go through all the footages and find from which side is he attacking??"

"Yeah" he nodded and checked various footages. "He is on the front side." He showed me a man with one of his eye covered with some pirate like thing.

"Good. Now get access to all the communication around this area and prevent the Germans for communicating." I instructed him.

"Okay but what are you going to do??"

"Listen!!! When I ask you about the leader's location you tell me okay?? We don't have much time now, the rest can't make it before Germans enter the mansion." I said and he reluctantly nodded.

I reached the elevator with sniper in my hand and reached the terrace and set the sniper.

I spoke through my earpiece, "Damon, now tell me leader's location."

"He is exactly 100 meters from the front gate covered by his men from all sides." He said and I located him.

As soon as I located him my fingers shivered at the thought of shooting him. He is going to be the second man I am going to kill in a week. But I don't think I have another option. I needed to do this for this family.

The family I am willing to have as mine!!

I relocated him again and then I shot right in between his eyes. He fell down. And all his men gathered around him and took his body into one of the cars. I never thought it would be this easy to kill a mafia leader.

"Wooohhhhh, great shot Anna!!" Damon exclaimed.

"Does he have any commanders with him now??" I asked.

"No he never had any commanders." He replied.

"Foolish brainless Coward. How can he just attack us to get himself killed. Don't you think it's a bit suspicious??" I asked walking back to the room.

"I don't think so,The main reason his father wanted to be our ally is due to his foolishness. His father is indeed a great one but he got killed by his own son for power. He is so stupid to attack anyone without any back-up measures." He said and I rolled my eyes and started walking out of the elevator and to the room.


"Did you block the communication between Germans???" I asked as I entered the room.

"Yeah I did" he said with a smile on his face. But it's too soon to celebrate.

"Good,Now turn on the speakers across the estate and speak as I say"I said and told him what to speak.

"Wait, but-"

"Just do as I say, we don't have much time."

"Okay" he turned on the speakers and looked at me again to which I nodded for him to continue.




IF YOU LOVE YOUR LIFE YOU BETTER RETREAT NOW OR YOU WILL BE AS GOOD AS DEAD!!!" he repeated the same in English and German as I said.

As I watched through the computers, all the three groups shattered and retreated back as soon as they heard the news. Fear was clear in their movements.

Our men stood there confused and Elites started returning towards the mansion after instructing something to the men.

Me and Damon started working on the systems to encrypt them strongly this time so that no one could hack into our systems. After few minutes the door flew open and the boys marched in.

"What just happened here?? What was the bullshit you were saying before!?" Alex snapped angrily.

"Whatever we said was not completely true except for the fact that German leader is dead." I said calmly.

"What?? But who killed him?? He didn't attack from North or South!?" Alex asked again.

"He is on the front side and Anna killed him from the terrace." Damon said and I shrugged .

"What??" Everyone looked shocked and are now staring right into my eyes.

"Don't you think staring is rude??" I said as I shifted uncomfortably under their intense gaze.

"Is that true you killed him??" Alex gaze now softened .

"Ummm.....yeah...I did." I said nervously not wanting him to judge me based on this.

"But why??" He asked looking straight into my eyes.

"It's not even been a week since I swore my loyalty to you and your family. And you are asking me why??" I said

"But we didn't ask you to kill someone to prove that,did we??" Alex asked again.

Why does it matter for him if I kill someone??

"I didn't do that to prove anything to anyone. I did that to protect you guys. I just can't lose the new family I got just by sitting here. I started to think of YOU guys as my family which I never had and you are asking me why!? We were trapped over there and should I just sit here and watch a movie!?" I said and bursted into tears which I couldn't hold anymore.


I fell down on my knees and tried to control my tears which I failed miserably. Soon everyone bent down to my level and gave me a group hug.

"We are sorry, fratello didn't mean that." David said. And I tried to calm myself down.

"We always saved ourselves and were never saved by someone.And it's kind of strange to us.So please forgive me."Alex spoke rocking on my back.

I controlled myself and tried to stand and everyone else stood up.

And then Damon explained everything that happened and they listened carefully with Alex glaring at me time to time.

"You just now proved why you deserve to be an Elite member. We are proud of you!!" Nikolai said and I started to cry more.

"Wait!! Did I just say something wrong?? I don't think I did." He asked confused.

"You didn't" Sebastian said trying to control his laughter.

"Then why is she crying again??" Nikolai asked completely bewildered.

"I am not crying. There are happy tears, you idiot!!!" I said flicking his forehead.

Everyone bursted into laughter and Nikolai rubbed his forehead and glared at me giving a death glare to which I poked my tongue out. He did the same to which we laughed even more making him flustered.

And then we left to out rooms after a long day. I was now lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. And then bed dipped on the other side as Alex laid down facing me.

"Are you okay??" He asked breaking the silence.

"No I am not." Now I faced towards him and rested my head on my hand just like Alex.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him and hugged me. It really felt relaxing.

"You wanna speak about it??"

"I never thought in my life that I would kill two persons in a span of two days.Not that I regret it but I don't feel good about that."

He didn't say anything but kept on rocking my back and I slowly fell asleep in his arms.

Next day I woke up with an empty spot beside me and as I saw the clock it showed 8:30A.M. I really slept long and now I didn't even attend the breakfast. I think I need to make my own now. I lazily dragged myself to the bathroom and cleaned myself and went into the closet to change.

I wore a white crop top and blue high waist jeans. I chose white sneakers. I held my hair into a high ponytail and checked one more time into the mirror. As I felt I looked presentable I left the room and reached downstairs.

As I reached the kitchen I found no one there,So I went over to the fridge to find some leftovers. I heated them in the microwave and sat on the counter and started eating.

After I finished I placed the plate in the sink and walked towards living room as I am in no mood to go and learn about my work today. I hope they excuse me for a day after what happened yesterday. I laid on the sofa and started watching a movie on Netflix.

Soon the front door opened and the boys entered and I turned to greet them.

"Hey!! Why is the house empty!??" I asked as I found no one since I woke up and the whole mansion is dreadfully silent.

"Hii. Yeah we sent all the men to clean the whole mess created last night and all those women were sent to other quarters in the estate last night before the attack." Sebastian said falling on to the sofa right beside me.

"So, Am I the only female in this house??" I asked.

"What?? I don't see any female here. Can you guys see someone here??" Steve asked and everyone shook their heads playfully.

"Seriously?? I just can't stand with all the testosterone over here. So why don't you guys leave and get changed as you all are stinking as hell." I said playing along with them and held my nose and made a disgusted face.

Everyone looked among themselves and smiled evilly. Even before I could do something everyone sat on the sofa with me in the middle of David and Sebastian who are crushing me now with their hands on my shoulders.

"Ewwww!!! Just move away from me." I said trying push them off me but they didn't budge at all. I looked at Alex who is sitting opposite to me smirking.


"Babyyyyyy!!!" An unknown female voice came from behind us.

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