
As I woke up I felt a strong pair of hands around me. I looked up to see whose hands they are.Alex is sleeping peacefully with one of his hands wrapped around my waist and out legs tangled with each other. I could feel his breath fanning across my face. His hair was messy and he looked cute!!

I gently stroked his hair away from his face. His hair is really smooth and silky. Then I stroked his cheek. It's somewhat rough with his beard which is trimmed perfectly. I just stared at him and take in his features. I just can't get enough of him. The more I stare, the more I wanted him close to me.

That's when I noticed how close we were. His chest is moving up and down slowly against my breasts. This small movement was enough for my nipples to get erected. And our private parts are almost touching each other. Almost. And then I stated back at his face.

"Don't you think it's rude to stare like that??" He asked in a sleepy tone with his eyes still closed.

"Umm....you are too heavy to move you...So I just laid..." I said not knowing what to say.

"Are you feeling okay??" He asked looking at me concerned.

What happened to me?? I was about to ask him but then I remembered everything happened. I almost forgot everything and drowned in his charm.

"I think I am okay." I said.

"Good" He said and removed his hand so I can move.I got up from the bed and went into the bathroom and cleaned myself. I looked myself in to the mirror.

Why am I doing this??

Why am I staying here??

But I don't think I have answer for these questions.

When I returned I saw him doing something on his phone. As I approached him he looked up at me.

"Maid will get you food. After eating you need to have your medicines" He said and looked into his phone again.

Is it because of him I am staying here??

Is it really worth him??

"Alex...." I paused trying to frame the next sentences I wanted to say. He looked up at me and hummed asking me to continue.

"Thanks...for food and everything...."

"You need not thank me. I am the one who needs to apologize" he said with guilt in his eyes.

"For what??"

"For everything that you have been through in the past few days. I know it's not easy for someone to take all this in a short amount of time. You need not be a member of Elite unless you don't want to. No one is going to force you. You can just be an accountant as I said before." He said with all his honesty.


"I don't blame you for this-" I slowly reached him and placed a hand on his shoulder and stood in front of him as he sat on the corner of the bed.-"And I know why you wanted me not to leave this place as I know a lot because of this stupid Brain of mine" I said to which he chuckled.

"But that's not the actual reason I wanted to stay here." He is staring into my eyes waiting for me to continue.-" There is something in you guys that I can't pin point but you guys actually brought me out of my comfort zone. I never thought I would speak in front of many people but I did, I never thought I could swear for someone but I did, I never thought I would kill someone but I did and I don't regret it because he deserved death for betraying for the people who trusted him and never cared for his family.And about the Elite thing, I don't think it's that bad to be an Elite. Is it??" I said everything that I felt right.

"You really wanted to be a part of us??"

"Yes"I said and he hugged me and I was shocked for a moment and I hugged him back. This is the first time I am hugging someone other than my Dad and Lily. Uggghhhh!! I miss them both.

But he is definitely worth all I am facing now!!

"But I don't accept your apology" I said with a straight face to make me look serious.

"Why??" He asked sounding sad looking up at my face and still holding on to me.

"Unless....I get to call my dad and my best friend and tell them about my whereabouts." I said

"Fine!! You can do that but don't let them all this elite stuff until it's official" He said taking my phone out of one of the cabinets of the nightstand and started typing something.

How come I didn't see this!!

"You can have your phone and it also has my number along with others. If you need anything you can contact us" He said handing over me the phone.

"Thank you!!!" I squealed and hugged him tightly. He tensed up at first because of my sudden action and then hugged back. After that he left the room saying that I might needed privacy.

Awww!!!How sweet of him!!!

I sat on the bed with my legs crossed and called my Dad first. We usually talk atleast once in a week and it's been more than a week and he would be worried.

When I dailed him it straight went to the voicemail. Strange!!! He might be busy. So I left a message to my Dad.


"Hey Dad!! I am fine. How are you doing?? You might be busy but its okay.All I wanted to say is I love you And I miss you so much."

I couldn't stop but teared ran down my face. I really miss him so much. Especially now!!!

I then called Lily but her phone was out of coverage area. So I texted her saying I was sorry for leaving her and I was fine and doing. I also asked her to call me back when she gets the message.

I didn't say anything about all this to both my Dad and Lily. They would be worried for no reason. I stayed there for a while until I fell asleep again.

After sleeping for a while I went into bathroom to bath. When I reached the closet to find something to wear I was shocked to see women wear too. Now it's half filled with Alex's clothes and half filled with women's wear. It's strange that everything is of exactly my size. But how does he know my size??

I explored the closet to find all kinds of clothes to wear. Casual wear, night wear, sports wear and even fancy dresses are hanged in their sections. And there are inner wear too. Weird!! I just changed into something comfortable and went back.

It's almost 2 days since I am just lying on the bed doing nothing. Everyone is really caring which they don't show it directly.They come in with some excuse like for getting a file or something else and stay for a while before leaving with empty hands.LOL!!

As I looked at the clock it's almost 9P.M.I chose a crop top and PJs to wear and went back to the room to see a food tray on the night stand.I finished it completely as I was hungry and the food was absolutely delicious. I took my medicine and placed the tray on the nightstand and went downstairs towards Alex's office not knowing what to do.

I gently knocked on the door and a faint 'come in' is heard. I opened door only for my head to fit and peeked into the room.

"Is it okay for you if I come and stay here in your room??" I asked.

"Yeah come in.-" I went in and closed the door behind me.-"and you need not knock door when you come. "

"Why so??"

"Elites don't knock. They just barge inside." He said with a small smile on his face.

Even before I could say something, David barged in.

"See, I told ya!!" Alex said to which I shaked my head smiling.

"I think we have a problem." David said .

Alex face changes from calm to a serious one.

"I think I need to go" I turned to leave.

"No!!I think we need you this time"David said turning towards me.


"Yes, YOU!! You learnt hacking and coding as a hobby right??" He asked and I nodded. -"Then I think Damon needs your assistance now" And then he turned to Alex.

"I think Germans came to know that their spy is killed by us. So they decided to attack us by hacking into our systems. They can be here any minute now. "

Alex rushed from his room and called for all his men in the mansion. I went into Damon's office where he is struggling to decode everything. I immediately took over along with him and we started working together. We were about to finish and all the other boys barged in.

"Did you find anything??" Alex asked.

"We are about to finish." Damon replied.

It took almost half an hour for us to completely decode and encrypt our systems as fast as we can so that we could buy time before they can back again.

"One batch is heading towards the North gate and the other one towards south gate." I said looking into the CCTV footage from various areas outside the estate.-"It may take at least 15 min for them to reach there."

"You guys stay here and inform us about them and here are the weapons you can use to defend them if necessary." David threw a bag of weapons infront of us.

"Let's go!!" Stephan said and they left in two groups.

Stephan,David and Sebastian lead towards north Gate and Alex, Steve and Nikolai lead towards south with men behind them.

As soon as a number of SUVs approached to both the gates our men started firing and gunshots were heard faintly. As we looked through the CCTVs Our men will soon outnumber the Germans. Well that's a happy sign.

That's when I saw tens of SUVs approching front gate. What the hell??

"Oh, NO!!!" I screamed.

Damon looked at the footage I was watching and looked shocked too.

"FUCK!!" He cursed.

"Trap, IT'S A TRAP!!! GUYS RETREAT!!!!" I screamed into my speaker.

"What!?" Alex and Stephan asked at a same time.

"They trapped us!!! They are going to attack from the front. They distracted us. They will be any time here" I said trying to calm down which I couldn't.

"FUCK!!!" Alex cursed under his breath and more gunshots went off.

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